Look Ups

LookUp Request
LookUp Items
- General
- Barnes County Marriage records for
1880-1890 compiled by the DAR in 1955: It is only 5
pages and probably not complete. It is alphabetical by
surname of groom. I would be glad to do lookups in it
if that would be helpful to anyone. Barbara
- Cemeteries of North Dakota, Barnes
Co. vol.4- Karen
Larson Clemente
- Good Things To Eat-edited and compiled by The Tuesday Club of Valley City, ND. Published ca 1900. Grace-Marie

Includes wonderful recipes with name of contributor. There are also a dozen or so pages of advertising for Doctors, Dentist, Attorneys, etc.
- 1900, 1920 & 1930 Barnes County, ND
Census: Any township. Must provide first and last name
of individual. Please include any identifying
information (birthplace or approximate age). LIMIT:
One name/household per request. Michelle
- Litchville History 1900-2000 lists
a lot of graduating classes, has many pictures of
businesses and of families, along with family
information. Kathy