Barnes County Queries
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Submitter:S. Anson
Email: ansonsr@juno.com
Date: 23 Dec 2004
Does anyone have information on Old Sivertsen Skjegstad and his wife Anna
Christophersdatter Salthammer Skjegtad. They were from Vestnes Norway
(the Skjegstad and Salthammer farms)and immigrated to ND in 1879. They
purchased a homestead of 160 acres in Oakhill in 1880 and lived there the
rest of their lives. They helped found the Waldheim church and are
buried there. Ole's nephew Johan Sivertsen Skjegstad (Shegstad) moved
there as well as a number of Anna's relative (with the last names of
Salthammer and Remmen.)Any additional information and/or photos would be
Submitter:Delayne A Duhaime ddsloan@boreal.org
Date: 6 Nov 2004
I am looking for any information on my great grandparents, Harry and Myrl
(Young) SANDERS but my focus is on their marriage and the birth of their
son (my great uncle). I don't know when or exactly where they were
married except that it was in North Dakota. They lived in Sandborn.
Their son, Charles SANDERS was born February 28, 1910 and I believe it
was in Sandborn.
Thank You
name: Jill Goodman
Email: cally_pa@yahoo.com
Date: 23 July 2004
Looking for descendents of James and Leo Brady. Don't know their parents
name, but they were married in 1896. Doing this search for a elderly
friend who is desperately looking for any information he can find. Knows
there were relatives in Valley City, ND, at one time.
Submitter:Deby Zimmeramn
Date: 24 June 2004
Am looking to find anyone with information about the Messner or Starkey
families in the Barnes Co. region. My grandfather was a Messner and I
have cousins in the Starkey family. Thank you very much for your time.
Surname: BARNES
Submitter:paul Esnard
Date:8 June 2004
Looking for info on Alanson H. Barnes, first judge of the Dakota
Submitter: Jeri Carlson
Date:7 June 2004
I am looking for information on the family of John E. Fearing. He died
in 1938 and is buried in Woodbine Cemetery in Valley City. Would you
have the names of his children on file?
Date: 2 June 2004
Nils Stephenson aquired land from US governement Land patent in Barnes
County ND Jun 1890.Can anyone tell me about him and his family?
Owned 160 acres Section 24 Twp 138north range 57west
Would appreciate any info.Trying to see if he is same person as Thos N.
Thanks for any clues or help
Submitter:name: Paul Koehn
Email: Koehn_p@msn.com
Date: 10 May 2004
My Grandfather Anton(Tony) Adolph Koehn.Was a WW1 vet born in Valley city
N.D around 1900.He married Claire French from Missoula Mt.
His Father was "John Koehn" an imigrant from Enfield Germany in ? yr. His
wifes maiden name was Kowalski.
John Koehn was A long time rural Mail carrier in barnes county/valley
city. Used a horse and buggy and a sled in winter.
John Koehn had a brother Named Paul who did not marry. Paul had a
nursery/flowershop in Valley City.
My father Bruce, and his brother Frank both fought in WWII. Frank Died in
the war, south pacific about 1944.
All I have are these anicdotes. Any info would be appreciated.
Submitter: Charla Hardesty
Date:22 Apr 2004
I'm trying to determine if Joseph Fremont Adams died in Valley City,
Marsh Twp, Barnes Co., ND. I have learned he died 4 July 1945 in North
Dakota. I found him in the 1930 census in Valley City and wonder if he
might have died there. I would like to contact a person in that area who
I can hire to check the courthouse records. Any help would be
Submitter:Joy Wertich
Date:31 March 2004
Any information gathered concerning John Jay and Anna (Jberke?)Anundson.
They may have been married in Valley City around 1900. They raised a
large famiy of 16 (some of the sibling's names are Walter, Victor,
Eunice, Lillian, Ruth, Debra). They lived in a pink house in Valley City
between 1900 - 1960?
Submitter:Kandi Stark Reeder
Date:18 Mar 2004
I would like to find an obituary for
Charles Thompson who died January 21, 1913 in Marion, Barnes Co., North
Dakota. Thank you. surname 1: Thompson
Submitter:Leslie Green
Date:3 Mar 2004
Looking for any information on Peter Hanson (also known as Peder Rustin)
and his family. Peter married Clara Nilson in Jackson co, Wisc in 1890.
They eventually moved to Valley City between 1910 and 1920. Children are
Ingvald Hanson m Mathide Ulness
Anna Hanson
Mabel Josephine Hanson m Ole Nelson
Pauline Selma Hanson m Ralph Heckman
Helen Hanson m Victor Davidson
Would love to hear from anyone on this family and share info. Thanks!
Submitter:debra brown
Date:21 Feb 2004
I am looking for any information on John and Mary Kyseth, or their
children, and also, Mary's sisters, Petra Norgaard, and Emma Hanson? I
believe they lived in Valley City. They are related (the sisters) to me.
Surnames:LEE OLSEN
Submitter:Joan Lee
Date:3 Feb 2004
Barnes County, Nome, North Dakota
I have been researching John and Mary "Olsen" Lee of Nome arrived from
Norway to Fillmore County, Mn in 1873-4, and became NA in 1876 and moved
to Nome in 1882. From there on we have family information and have
visited Nome in Fall of 2002. Any questions on this family, please
contact me at this address. J L
Surnames: MYHRE
Submitter:Ann Rousseau
Date: 12 Jan 2004 (Revised)
MYHRE,Anne homesteaded in Barnes, County in 1898. She died in 1901 and I
believe her grave is in the Myhre Family plot in Woodbine Cemetery,
Valley City, Barnes,North Dakota possibly with other family members.
Ellef Myhre a son and others. I need information about Anne Myhre who is
my Great-Grandmother born in Buskerud,Norway and possibly came to US as a
widow. Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated.
This page last updated 6 Nov 2004
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