Arthur Anglings 1912 Hunter Herald

April 11, 1912

Ed Real visited at his home over Sunday.

James Jenkins of Erie visited in town Saturday.

J. K. Tuller arrived Monday morning from Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sievert were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

Don Newton of Hunter attended the play here Friday evening.

Irwin Arnold has a homemade automobile, Irwin being the inventor.

Mrs. W. C. Gamble visited with friends at Fargo a few days last week.

Reuben Phillips spent Easter with his wife who is visiting at Fargo.

Editor Eberhardt and G. Hogeson of Hunter were Arthur visitors last Tuesday.

Misses Alice Wagner and Margaret Rehburg visited at Casselton over Sunday.

T. O. Burgum motored Wednesday to Fargo attending the assessors meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum are getting settled on the farm for the summer.

Miss Myrtle Farnham reopened school Monday morning after a two week's vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen entertained a company of relatives at dinner Sunday.

J. A. Burgum, W. C. Gamble and James Williams were Fargo visitors last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Chester Barnett visited at the home of A. J. Schur Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel arrived Monday morning and are visiting old friends again.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur and family were dinner guests Sunday at the Albert Viestenz home.

Mr. Wilhelm purchased Dr. Campbell's auto last week. The Dr. expects a new auto soon.

Messrs Bietler and Nelson of Hunter attended the school entertainment here Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bahl attended church at Casselton Easter Sunday.

Annie Sommerfeld returned Friday from Fargo having completed the apprenticeship as a first class dress maker.

Dr. Miller of Casselton has removed quarantine from the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Green. Their family are all well again.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and little son returned Tuesday from Fargo where she has been visiting her parents for the last two weeks.

T. O. Burgum has purchased the black Percheron stallion ÒCayler.Ó He is a very fine animal and was formerly owned by George Drake.

Theodore Sell died last Thursday at his home in Empire Township and was buried Easter Sunday at 2:30 from the Catholic church at Casselton.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon.

Mr. Fyde arrived Tuesday with his car of stock and household goods from Paxton, Ill., and will farm Mr. Fuller's farm formerly farmed by T. A. Green & Sons.

Johnnie Wagner had the misfortune to fall from a load of straw last Friday breaking his left arm just above the wrist, but Johnnie took his part in the play just the same regardless of the painful fracture.

April 25, 1912 T. J. Ross, E. E. Webb, Will Stewart and Misses Jossie Landon and Elsie Wagner autoed to Fargo Sunday to hear Rev. Billie Sunday.

Mr. Hull, Supt. of Elevators for the North Western, was in town Tuesday.

News reached Arthur of the arrival of a baby girl at Davenport the proud parents being Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amel. Also a baby boy at Merricourt, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Clark being the happy parents.

The Old New Hampshire home will be staged at the opera house at Erie Saturday evening.

Several of the young people spent some days in Casselton.

Ass't. Supt. of schools Ottenburn visited at the Arthur School Wednesday.

W. G. Collins has purchased the W. C. Gamble auto. ÒWho nextÓ? The baseball boys will have a dance here May 3rd. Music by the Hunter Orchestra.

Fred Williams is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his new car ÒThe MitchellÓ for which Mr. Williams is now agent in Cass County.

Miss Beatrice Lundwall visited with Freda Viestenz last week.

Born last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kentgeld a baby boy.

Alice Burke left Saturday morning for Portal to visit her sister, Mrs. Jack Cameron.

Frank Wagner left week to spend the summer in the west.

N. A. Mott shipped 3 cars of cattle and hogs Monday, J. A. Burgum going down with them to the Saint Paul Market.

Mrs. Martin Bower and little Margaret visited Saturday and Sunday with Hunter friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bettschen, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Schur.

Miss Wentz of Fargo is caring for A. T. Burgum whom we are pleased to note is improving.

Julius Elliott returned Monday morning from St. Paul having spent some time assisting the post office department.

A force of carpenters is repairing the St. Anthony and Dakota line of elevators. May 2, 1912 W. C. Landon and Johnnie Schur have rented the Gust Schur confectionary store and will conduct the same in a first class manner. They expect to have everything in their line of goods in season.

Julius Sommerfeld went to Fargo on business Friday.

Dr. Fisher of Grandin was in Arthur Monday.

Master Ralph is the name of the little son who arrived a week ago at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell.

Mrs. Emilie Bettschen and daughter Ida were Hunter visitors last Saturday.

T. R. Campbell went to Minneapolis last Monday to select a new auto, returning Wednesday morning.

The Yeomen initiated 3 members into their lodge Saturday evening.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughter Ollie were Hunter visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Opfeir & daughter of Fargo were calling on Arthur friends last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum, Miss Mamie Schur and Chester Barnett motored to Ayr Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends.

Louie and John Bettschen were Hunter visitors last week and called on Mrs. W. C. Muir whom all Arthur friends are glad to know is improving slowly but surely from her long illness.

Walter Phillip commenced work Saturday on the residence of G. B. Farnham. An extensive porch is being made and screened for sleeping accommodations. Mr. Farnham is improving in health which is encouraging news to his many friends and family.

May 9, 1912 Supt. Riley of Fargo was calling on the Arthur school Tuesday.

Mrs. T. J. Ross, Mrs. Emma Williams and Mrs. H. J. Wagner were Fargo visitors last week.

Arthur Wagner of Wahpeton was an Arthur visitor on Friday.

Chas. Adams of Hunter is papering and painting the interior of the A. T. Burgum home which is being occupied by T. O. Burgum and family for the summer.

Prof. Record and Miss Buckley have been hired as teachers for the next year. Miss Rehberg will teach the 5th and 6th grades at Page and Miss Bernice Vosburg will have the primary grades in Arthur.

John Elwood of Buffalo Center is here looking after his farming interests.

Mrs. Eliza Chandler left Monday for Spencer, Iowa. Her father Mr. Atwood, who is 85 years old is very poorly. She will probably visit friends at Algona before returning to North Dakota.

Gordon Stumpf visited over Sunday with his parents.

T. R. Campbell expects to erect a new house as soon as possible.

Mr. and Mrs. Parkhouse and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were guests Sunday at the Wallace Hackett home.

Henry Sommerfeld had a birthday party last Sunday about 40 relatives being present at the happy occasion.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughter were dinner guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McLachlin at Hunter.

Dr. W. F. Baillie has the sympathy of all Arthur people in the loss of his most estimable wife.

ÒMothers DayÓ Service at M. E. church in Arthur next Sunday at usual hour. Everyone is specially invited and each should wear a white flower, preferably a white carnation, in honor of our mothers. Louis W. Scott, Pastor.

Dentist Dahl of Hunter was an Arthur visitor the first of the week.

The baseball dance of last Friday was a success financially which leaves the team for this year in fine standing.

May 16, 1912 Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum went down to Fargo Saturday evening to hear Rev. Sunday.

Misses Elsie and Emily Viestenz were Fargo visitors the first of the week.

Misses Fern Gamble and Maeta Iwen visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tucker of Fargo a few days last week.

Johnny Schur was a Fargo visitor last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Vosburg and daughters Maude and Bernice were Fargo visitors Saturday.

Dr. Campbell and R. F. Viestenz went to Fargo one day last week to hear Rev. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble and son Bertin, Mrs. J. L. Iwen, Louie and John Betttschen, Fred and Jim Williams, Reuben Phillips and Ed Real were visitors to Fargo Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Brewer and family of Hunter visited in Arthur Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Burke, Mrs. L. D. Roberts and Miss Alice Wagner were Fargo visitors Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. R. F. Viestenz and daughter Edna visited with Mrs. Viestenz's sister Mrs. Elder at Fargo.

Jerry Jenkins of Erie was an Arthur visitor Monday.

The Epworth League will give a social Saturday evening May 18 at the M. E. church. A program will be given by Miss Boe of Fargo and Miss Edna Jones of Hillsboro, which will be followed by refreshments and a social time.

May 23, 1912 Miss Elsie Wagner is visiting relatives at Wahpeton.

Automobiles are becoming very common property. A new machine was purchased by Will Iwen last Thursday also a new Mitchell by Herman Wilhelm.

T. J. Ross and family moved to Casselton Sunday.

Christ Geopper lost a two year old steer last Friday by the electric storm.

A large gathering of young people attended the dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn.

W. A. Arnold and T. O. Burgum are busy assessing.

Last Friday Mrs. L. O. Bower welcomed a baby girl at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Farnham. The mother and baby Edith are doing nicely.

W. C. Muir and family were down from Hunter Tuesday spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bettschen.

Mr. and Mrs. John See were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham.

Mrs. John Fulton's little daughter had the misfortune to fall from the buggy while playing last Friday, breaking the left arm above the elbow.

Anna Sommerfeld left Tuesday evening for Casselton to assist in sewing for Miss Roth a bride of next month.

$19 was realized by the entertainment given at the church last Saturday evening by the Bee of Fargo and Mrs. Jones of Hilsobem. The ladies were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble during the stay in the city.

May 30, 1912 Albert Farnham and Wash Collins autoed to Fargo Friday to attend the field day, returning home Sunday.

T. O. Burgum, T. J. Ross, and J. A. Burgum autoed to Casselton with G. B. Farnham who is receiving medical treatment at that place.

Attorney Bartlett and his wife were Arthur visitors last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg and Miss Bernice, Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughter and daughter Ollie were Hunter visitors Saturday being in attendance at the recital given by Carl D. Cook's pupils.

Miss Fern Gamble spent Saturday in Hunter with relatives.

Mrs. Gebeke and daughter Delia went to Fargo where Miss Delia submitted to an operation for appendicitis at St. Luke hospital.

The Misses Bernice and Maud Vosburg closed their schools last Friday with a picnic at the Vosburg home. The little children had a delightful time with good things to eat and an auto ride to their homes.

Misses See and Farnham went to Ayr Saturday and Sunday for a visit with their aunt Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Mr. and Mrs. August Feltz and daughter Inez were Fargo visitors over Sunday.

Messrs Wilhelm and sister, the Misses Ida and Ella Boettcher were a party of young people who autoed to Jamestown for several days visit with friends.

F. J. Stumpf was a guest of his son Gordon at Fargo last week.

June 6, 1912 Mrs. G. N. Farnham and children drove to Casselton last Thursday to see her husband who is rapidly gaining strength.

Misses Minnie and Gladys See spent Sunday with their cousins at Ayr.

Dr. T. R. Campbell and Mrs. G. B. Burgum autoed to Casselton on Monday.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Miss Elizabeth Burgum attended the Baccalaureate Sermon for the High School pupils at Hunter last Sunday.

Miss Elsie Wagner left last Thursday evening to spend the summer with friends in Valier, Mont., Mrs. Wagner accompanied her as far as Casselton.

Mr. and Mrs. August Feltz, W. C. Gamble and son Bertin enjoyed a few days outing at Perham, Minnesota.

Leslie Green is up from Dilworth for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained the Misses Buckley and Rehberg at dinner last Thursday. Miss Rehberg left last Friday evening for her home at Ellendale and Buckley expects to teach a three months term at Tower before returning to Arthur in September.

Miss Bella Dundas arrived Monday morning from Fargo where she graduated from the Normal at Moorhead.

Mrs. Walter McGee and daughter Jeanette and Mrs. J. W. Brenner of Hunter visited with Mrs. W. C. Gamble Saturday.

Quite a number of Arthur people attended Memorial services at Hunter Decoration Day.

Miss Blanche Dundas visited with her sister at Fargo a few days last week.

Mrs. Walter Phillips visited with Mrs. H. P. Moore at Hunter last Thursday.

W. C. Gamble and son Bertin, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Faltz and daughter Pearl returned Monday from Perham where they went fishing the latter part of last week.

Miss Alma Buckley is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lambert.

Miss Fern Gamble visited with friends at Hunter Saturday.

Clarence Record left for Grand Forks Saturday.

Quite a number from here attended the ball game at Hunter Saturday between Hunter and Gardner.

The ball boys will give a dance in the hall tomorrow evening, June 7. Music by 4 piece orchestra.

Bob Feltz returned from Minneapolis last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips and son Lyle visited with relatives at Fargo over Sunday.

Commencement exercises of the 8th grade graduates were given at the hall last Thursday evening. A large concourse of relatives and friends of the graduates filling the hall to its seating capacity. The orations were all well composed and splendidly rendered. Supt. Riley was present addressing the six girls and one boy with some practical advices. They had now reached the great round in the ladder and to keep climbing till they reached to top. With the presentation of Diplomas Mr. Riley gave special credit to two of the graduates, Miss Bertha Siewerts and her fine oration ÒHome DecorationsÓ and Miss Ollie Burgum the youngest of the class for having reached the milestone at the age of 12 years. The musical numbers given by the lower grades were well received as was the solo ÒFarewellÓ by Miss Fern Gamble. Miss Rehberg gave several piano solos which were appreciated by the large audience.

June 20, 1912 John Iwen is in St. Lukes hospital at Fargo. He underwent an operation last Thursday. He is reported to be doing well considering the serious operation.

George Wagner arrived home from Wahpeton for a two weeks vacation.

Mrs. L. O. Bower and children and Miss Myrtle Farnham left last Saturday for their home in Montana. Miss Myrtle will visit for three weeks before returning.

A. T. Burgum returned home from the Casselton hospital after a ten days treatment. T. O. Burgum accompanied his father home.

Mrs. T. R. Campbell and little son are enjoying a two month visit at her home in Iowa City, Iowa, the Dr. going as far as Minneapolis with them.

Arthur will celebrate the Fourth.

Mr. and Mrs. John See were weekend visitors at Ayr.

John Wagner is enjoying life in the country for a month.

Herman Wilhelm is erecting a fine house on his farm known as ÒCloverdale.Ó Several families are planning on taking in the circus at Casselton.

J. A. Burgum is in St. Paul going down with a car of stock from Amenia and Casselton.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum accompanied Miss Elizabeth Burgum to Fargo last week where Miss Burgum is attending summer school.

Rev. Freytag is attending Lutheran conference in Minnesota.

The Arthur ball team is doing good work since the opening of the season.

Gordon Burgum came home Thursday morning from Minneapolis, while in the city he was a guest of Phillip Skogmo.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum will leave this week for Washburn for a visit with his brother and grandmother.

June 27, 1912 Julius Sommerfeld has purchased a fine ÒMitchellÓ touring car.

John Schur is erecting a new granary.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner entertained her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Krause of Grand Meadow.

Mrs. R. H. Vosburg entertained the Ladies Aid Tuesday and the ladies enjoyed a treat of fine strawberries.

An auto load of politicians were in town Tuesday.

G. B. Farnham returned home Thursday morning from Casselton much improved in health.

Walter Fink was in town Saturday.

Mrs. T. J. Robb and Mrs. James Williams will entertain the Ladies Aid Thursday afternoon in the church basement.

Mrs. Louis Bettschen and children left Thursday evening for a visit with her parents at Castle Rock, Minnesota.

Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained the Ladies Aid last Thursday the large gathering of guests 41 in number being treated to a delicious lunch.

Mrs. John Iwen went to Fargo Thursday to visit with Mr. Iwen at St. Lukes hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham.

Mrs. Duefey was up from Fargo and accompanied Mrs. Walter Phillips to Fargo Friday evening.

The Arthur Ball team played the Casselton nine at Casselton Tuesday, winning the game 14 to 7.

Dr. Baldwin was up from Casselton to see A. T. Burgum Tuesday evening.

The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers Elevator Co. was held Saturday afternoon. The following officers were elected: Pres. R. H. Vosburg, Vice President Julius Sommerfeld, Sec'y and Treas. J. A. Burgum.

October 31, 1912

P Ed. Hudson dead
Just as we were ready to go to press news reached us that Mr. Hudson had died at 11 o'clock Wednesday forenoon. The cause of his death being due to pleura-pneumonia. The entire community was shocked to hear of his death as he had been sick but a week, and seemed to be on the road to recovery.
Full particulars next week.

November 7, 1912 Obituary The subject of this sketch, Edmund Hudson, was born near Hanover, Ont., May 1854 and came to Cass county, N. D. in 1878 and took up farm life and pursued that calling until his demise. Mr. Hudson's married life of twenty-eight years duration was a happy one and he is survived by a wife and two sons who have reached the manhood estate.

The deceased learned the trade of cabinet making in his native town and being too confining emigrated to Cass county and became a successful tiller of the soil. His illness was of very short duration and the report of his death came as a surprise to all who knew him. Services were held at the country home and interment in the Hunter cemetery on Friday, Nov. 1st.

November 14, 1912

A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 30 at 3 o'clock at the bride's home, when Miss Olga Marie Korshus became the bride of Mr. John O. Satrom. Rev. O. Turmo read the service in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends.
The parlor was beautifully decorated for the occasion. An arch in green and white formed the setting for the servie. Miss Mina Groven played the wedding music to announce the bridal party. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Minnie Korshus. Mr. Peter Satrom, a cousin of the groom, was best man. The bride was gowned in white messaline trimmed in heavy lace. She wore a veil and carried a shower of bridal roses. The bridesmaid wore a dainty blue dress.
A dinner and reception followed the ceremony.
The bride and groom were the recipients of numerous beautiful and valuable wedding presents.
The bridal couple left immediately afterwards on their honeymoon trip to the Pacific coast, where they will travel and visit for a couple of months before returning to their home here.
Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known in this community. The groom is the son of O. P. Satrom, prominent farmer and banker, while the bride is a daughter of Ole Korshus, a prominent farmer, contractor and builder, both families being pioneer residents of this community. The many friends of the contracting parties join in wishing them a long and happy married life.

November 21, 1912

A thrill of deep sympathy was felt through all the community when it was known that Mrs. A. D. Atherton was critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Levi Thompson, for in the early years there was not a man, woman or child within a radius of ten miles who had not received some signal kindness from her generous heart and willing hands. And when the skilled physician and tender nurses had done their best and failed, a sense of personal loss came to each of us old timers, together with a sharp realization of how few there are left of us here, and how many are peacefully sleeping up yonder on the hill.
When most of us were so busy with the manifold duties and responsibilities of early pioneer days on our wide, bare prairies, that we were apt to forget or slight the social amenities of life. The Atherton home was always a warm glowing social center where young and old were always cordially welcomed and royally entertained.
Ellen Morse was born in Vermont in 1840, but removed to Clinton, N. Y. while young, and was married there in 1858 to John Armstrong and six children were born to them two of whom died in infancy.
Her husband died in 1870 when she brought her four children to the new town of Glencoe, Minn. the youngest of whom was only nine months old.
She afterwards moved to Minneapolis where she was married to Mr. A. D. Atherton in 1882 and they came to Casselton the same year, coming to Hunter in 1886 where they resided until they moved to the vicinity of Minot in 1901, and for the last four years they have lived in the city where they had a large circle of warm friends who will greatly miss that genial home.
It is seldom, even when they were mated early in life, that such lover-like devotion is seen that Mr. and Mrs. Atherton always maintained for each other, and a dear little Katie (Mrs. A. B. Crandall who went on before her to the heavenly land) she was a true and devoted mother.
Of her children, three survive her, Annie, Mrs. Levi Thompson of Hunter, Ida, Mrs. Churchill of Minot and Ashton Armstrong of Buffalo Lake, Minn. Carlton her first born, in his young manhood, came to his mother's home here, nineteen years ago, to be most tenderly nursed through his last long and most painful illness by his mother, and sister Annie and as we laid his mother's worn out body beside him on the hillside we thought of the glad reunion Òover there.Ó Though her illness was long and painful it was borne with true Christian fortitude and in her last hours she had strength given her to exhort those about her to higher and more exalted lives and greatly enjoyed the ministrations of her friend Rev. Mr. Old pastor of her church (the M. E.) here, especially the singing of the grand old consolation hymns, which those near and dear to her sang through their tears, to the last, her request always being, Òsing me to sleep.Ó She met death calmly and her end was certainly peace. The church beautifully decorated and filled with friends and neighbors and the service was beautiful and impressive.
Great sympathy is expressed everywhere for the family especially for the bereaved husband, who is suffering a double bereavement, having during the week lost an only surviving daughter.
Those from a distance in attendance were: Mrs. Churchill of Minot, A. B. Crandall of Minot, Mrs. McMullen, truest of friends of Carrington, W. E. Churchill of Glencoe, Minn., and Mrs. William Fralish of Fargo.

December 5, 1912

Buys Auto
R. A. Miller has purchased the auto formerly owned by H. M. Weiser and last Saturday made a trip to Fargo with his family. He had Stanton Muir run the machine for him. Never mind you will learn Mr. Miller.

Potatoes for pigs Potatoes should be cooked if they are to be fed to hogs. It increases their food value. It has been found that 400 lbs. of potatoes cooked are equal to 100 lbs. of grain feed. Some grain should be fed with the potatoes. It does not pay to cook the grain as this decreases its digestibility.

December 26, 1912 Golden Wedding Wednesday, December 25 was the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bruton. The occasion was quietly celebrated by members of the family, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bruton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Palmer and family, Miss Mable Bruton and Archie A. Bruton, the latter of Kingston, Ont., being present. The other three members of the family were unable to be here. Mr. and Mrs. Bruton were presented with eleven five dollar gold pieces, two of them from the school children-a gold clock and numerous other presents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruton have a host of friends here who will join the Herald in wishing them many more wedding anniversaries.