1924 Arthur

Arthur Anglings
1905 Hunter Herald

July 13, 1905

It is with deep regret that we chronicle the sad and sudden death of our beloved depot agent, John Vassey. The deceased was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis on the afternoon of July 4th and was confined to his bed. Medical aid was summoned and it was considered best to have an operation at once. He was taken to a hospital in Fargo and operated on, but the disease was so far that little hopes were entertained for his recovery and he died last Monday. He leaves his mother, who was keeping house for him and a brother, who assisted him in his duties at the depot. Deceased was twenty-one years old. The remains were shipped to Hamilton, N. D. accompanied by a few of his friends here.

July 20, 1905

Work has started on the new bank building.
Ole Ramstead visited friends in Hunter, Sunday.
Contractor Allen was in the village Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld was a Casselton visitor Saturday.
Mrs. M. E. Schafer has relatives from Minneapolis visiting here.
W. G. Clark, formerly of Kindred, is the new depot agent in this place.
Mrs. Gus. Schur returned Saturday from an extended visit in Wis. and Minn.
John Bettschen is doing the tin work on the new German church at Mat Mugness corner.
Mr. M. L. Plumley and family have moved to Casselton where they will reside in the future.
Mr. Fitzsimmons is preparing to build a new house on his farm recently purchased from Chas. Gunkel.
John Schur, Sr. returned from Grand Forks, Tuesday, where he has been spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives.
Fred Vassie is going with D. P. Miller, doing elevator carpenter work. Mr. Miller just finished a new engine house for the Great Western Elevator Co., here.

July 27, 1905

Miss Loucile Hackett is visiting in Fargo.
Ole Ramstead visited in Clifford Saturday.
Fred Vassie was down from Blanchard Sunday.
G. Lee Clark of Casselton was in the village Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bettschen visited friends in Hunter Sunday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher on the twentieth.
Mrs. J. R. Mutchler returned Friday morning from summer school.
James Brutton and Louie Ramstead were Hunter visitors Sunday.
Mrs. F. J. Stumpf returned Tuesday morning from a visit at Hope.
Mr. Craig of the Northwestern Elevator company was in town Saturday.
A new bank will be one of the latest additions for our thriving little burg.
J. R. Mutchler drove his automobile to Fargo Saturday returning Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandenburg left Tuesday for Casselton where they will reside.
Miss Mary Dunlavy went to Fargo Friday to visit her sister Nellie, who is attending summer school.
Mrs. R. C. Elliott left Monday for Stanley, N. D. where she has a claim. She expects to be gone six months.
Chas. Gunkel is at his ranch at Belfield, N. D. His daughter Iza and Miss Lizzie Vassie expect to join him the latter part of the week.
State Bank of Arthur
Building operations have begun on a bank building at Arthur, to be known as the First State Bank of Arthur. Prominent Hunter parties are at the head of the enterprise. The bank will be capitalized for $10,000. The building will be 25x50 feet, one story and a basement, built of brick. The vault, safe, lock boxes and fixtures have been ordered and when completed will make a very substantial and added feature to Arthur. Clyde Gamble has been selected as cashier for the above institution.

August 3, 1905

Otto Frsonka is entertaining his father this week.
Nels Rosvall of Hunter was in the village Sunday.
Mr. Ryan of Floyd, Iowa is visiting at John Ellwood's.
Mrs. O. R. Tucker of Fargo is visiting relatives here.
Mr. Hanke of Wis. is visiting with his sister, Mrs. T. J. Stumpf.
Mrs. W. Phillips and Mrs. J. Williams were Fargo visitors last week.
Mr. Riggs of Bertha, Minn., is visiting with his daughter Mrs. C. E. Ocker.
W. H. Flynn of Fargo was shaking hands with old friends in town last week.
The Misses Edna, Ella and Leda Wilke are visiting relatives at Blanchard.
Mrs. Ida Dunning and father Mr. E. Collins left Friday for their home at Mandan.
Miss Ada Hays of Leeds is visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Dunlava.
Miss Gusta Eberhart, who has been the guest of Miss Olga Schur, left for her home at Aneta Friday.
Chas. Gunkel returned from his Belfield ranch Saturday. He reports everything looking well including his herd of 600 cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett attended the races in Casselton Saturday.
D. Webster and Bob Stuart returned from a trip to the west, visiting Kalispell, Seattle, North Yakima and the exposition at Portland.

August 10, 1905

J. A. Burgum is in Fargo on business.
Miss Lizzie Iwen has a new Cornish piano.
Fred Vassie is doing carpenter work at Ulen, Minn.
Walter Fink has been in Minneapolis the past week.
James Brutton and Ole Ramstead were in Hunter Sunday.
Miss Edwards, of Casselton, is visiting Miss Ola Schur.
James Christenson is entertaining relatives from Galchutt, N. D.
Work has begun on the new railroad passing track at this place.
Jerome Shea, of Sidney, Ill., is looking after his farm interests here.
Charles Gunkel will have a carload of western horses here Saturday.
Leo Boettcher and family of Blanchard spent Sunday in the village.
T. O. Burgum has sold his fine team of grays for the consideration of $400.
Mrs. Aleith and daughter, of Casselton, are at the home of August Sommerfeld.
Mr. Victor Vosburg, of Kalamazoo, Mich., is visiting with his brother R. H. Vosburg.
J. A. Burgum and family spent Sunday at Ayr, making the trip in the automobile.
Mrs. J. L. Gunkel and daughter Mabel, of Casselton, visited at Charles Gunkel's last week.
Rudolph Viestenz and family of Bismarck are guests at the home of their parents, Chas. Viestenz.
W. C. Morrison and family drove up from Casselton Sunday. Will returned the same day, and Mrs. Morrison and children are making a few days' visit with friends.
I shall be in Arthur next Monday afternoon and shall be there to receive orders for cleaning and pressing clothes, you can find me at the Arthur Mercantile Co's. Bring your clothes for me to renovate and the prices will be right. J. H. Stafford, Hunter Pantorium.

August 17, 1905

J. A. Burgum is building a new granary.
Mr. Burleigh of Casselton was in town Sunday.
Rudolph Viestenz is working for Phillips and Ross.
M. N. Young of Casselton was in the village Friday.
J. R. Mutchler was in Wahpeton Tuesday on business.
The seats were placed in the new school house last week.
Miss Clara Boettcher spent a few days in Casselton this week.
The Misses Iza Gunkel and Lizzie Vassie returned from Belfield Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Canby, Minn. are visiting at the home of D. S. Kentfield.
Mr. Geo. Stumpf left Tuesday for his home in Mass., after a six weeks visit with his brother F. J.
Miss Nettie Hall, who has been visiting Mrs. W. Phillips, left for her home in Fargo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williams arrived Saturday from Genova, Ohio. Mrs. Calista Coffin accompanied them.
R. C. Elliott left Monday morning to spend a week at Stanley, N. D. Mr. I. McAdams is running his place of business while the tonsorial artist is enjoying himself on the claim.

August 24, 1905

Mr. Jones, of Fargo, was in town last week.
Alice McConnehey spent last week at Wagner's.
Fred Vassie was here for a few days last week.
Miss Linwall returned from Mayville Saturday.
Mrs. B. Bergner and Miss Mattie Iwen are on the sick list.
John Yankee of Ludlow, Ill., is looking after his farm interests here.
Miss Etta Ming returned Friday from an extended visit to St. Paul.
J. M. DeLance is repairing the engine at the St. Anthony and Dakota elevator.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brandenburg came up from Casselton Tuesday morning for a few days to visit old friends.
R. C. Elliott who has been spending a week at Stanley, N. D. was taken with an attack of appendicitis and will be operated on before his return.
J. R. Mutcher and family left Tuesday morning for Larimore, where they will reside, making the trip in their automobile. Mr. Mutchler will work for the G. N. as fireman.

August 31, 1905

Supt. Lighthall was in town Monday.
J. K. Fuller and son were in town last Sunday.
E. T. Moore arrived here last Friday from Erie, Pa.
Miss Alma Boettcher went to Fargo Monday.
Geo. Dunlava returned Sunday from Blanchard.
Frank Wagner is working at the Northwestern Elevator.
Miss Loucile Hackett spent Friday and Saturday in Casselton.
About twenty land seekers from Ill. were in this vicinity last week.
A little daughter arrived at the house of August Faltz last Friday.
O. R. Scofield is quite ill with typhoid. Dr. Baillie is attending.
Misses Trossa and Mary Block are visiting their sister, Mrs. Arnold.
Dr. Carl Landquist of Minot is a guest of Wilbur Hackett and family this week.
John Yankee is running R. C. Elliott's place of business during the latter's absence.
Miss Mildred Collins left Saturday of last week for Mandan where she will attend school this winter.
Harry and Grace Kane who spent the summer with their aunt, Mrs. T. J. Ross, returned Friday to their Minneapolis home.
Mr. Judisch and family of Iowa arrived Tuesday morning. They will make their home on the south half of Sec. 9, recently purchased of Chas. Gunkel.

September 7, 1905

Anton Ramstead is on the sick list.
F. L. Williams is at his farm near this place.
Miss Linwell left Saturday for Minneapolis.
Miss Exine Bayard is teaching the Farnum school.
Mr. Schofield who is ill with typhoid is improving.
John Brandenburg came up from Casselton Tuesday morning and drove over to Erie.
George Wagner came home Tuesday morning after a visit of a week at Wahpeton.
Mrs. Elwood left Saturday for her home in Iowa after a month's visit with her son at this place.
Mr. Jashnings of Streeter, Ill., recently purchased the Dudman farm in Webster Township.
Mrs. Walter Fink and Master Archie Fink departed Tuesday for a brief visit in Minneapolis.
School began Tuesday in the new school house. Misses Kelly and McClellan are the new teachers.
R. E. Elliott returned from Minot Monday, where he underwent a successful operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webster, accompanied by Misses Agness and Vera, left Saturday for a visit in Stillwater and the Minnesota State Fair.
The Arthur State Bank opened its doors to the public Tuesday in a temporary frame building north of the brick structure which will not be ready for occupancy for a few weeks.

September 14, 1905
Unkle J. K. Fuller is in town.
Miss Belle Schafer is quite sick.
E. T. Moore was in Casselton Saturday.
Miss Christine Kelly was a Fargo visitor Sunday.
Mr. Mauer has relatives from Ill. visiting at his home.
Mrs. W. Phillips returned Saturday from Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Muir of Hunter were in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Gunkel and Miss Lizzie Vassie were Casselton visitors last Friday.
Miss Katherine McClellan arrived Sunday to teach the Stewart school east of town.
Vie Landquist, formerly of Casselton, is a visitor at the Wilbur Hackett farm.
Simon Rasler threshed 40 acres of macaroni wheat which yielded 27 1-2 bushels per.
Carl Gunkel is visiting his people here, on his return from Chicago, where he went to deliver three carloads of fat cattle.
A team of horses that A. M. Crawford of Casselton was driving ran away. His buggy received several kinks and the sewing machine which he was using as a sample was badly disjointed.
T. O. Burgum's barn was destroyed by fire last Friday afternoon. The fire is supposed to have been started by children playing with matches. A valuable horse was taken out after the fire had made considerable headway. Insurance $300. Prompt work by neighbors prevented the fire from spreading to other buildings.

Progressive Arthur
The writer had occasion to visit Arthur last Saturday afternoon and while there noted the many improvements to the village that have been completed during the past year and others that are underway at the present time. Arthur is a busy little hamlet and a large volume of trade is transacted there by the many thrifty and prosperous farmers tributary to the village. Fred Williams has a residence and for its size and finish would be a credit to any town many times the size of Arthur which was completed less than a year ago. The large new school house is another mark of educational progress of which that district may well feel proud. We called on Mr. Phillips of the firm of Phillips & Ross, dealers to general merchandise, who, a short time ago purchased the business of John Brandenburg, and during a few minutes lull in business were shown through the store and wareroom of this firm which contained an endless variety of everything kept in a first class general store. The stock is new and up to date. R. C. Elliott deals in soft drinks and confectionary and is also the tonsorial artist and helps to make one of the many good citizens of the village. Herman Wagner's place is one of the old landmarks and is well patronized by the many friends of the obliging proprietor-fruits, cigars, soft drinks and billiards are dispensed here. Ryan Wilkie was busy in his blacksmith shop attending to the wants of his many customers. Mr. Wilkie is an old resident and has a good business established. The Arthur Mercantile Company handles a large quantity of goods each year and the head of the firm, Mr. Williams, is kept very busy looking after the details of their large and increasing business. Fred can sell you anything from a hair pin to a section of land. The First State Bank is the latest addition to the village and will be a very imposing brick edifice when completed, which will be in about three weeks and cashier Gamble will have one of the most modern banking houses to do business in for its size that there is in the county. The genial landlord, John. L. Iwen of Hotel Arthur, runs a meat market in connection with his hotel business and is also proprietor of the livery barn. The elevators were all busy, each one taking in its share of this season's crop.

September 21, 1905

T. O. Burgum is building a new barn.
Miss Hackett was a Casselton visitor Tuesday.
Wm. Flynn of Fargo was seen on our streets last Monday.
A baby girl arrived at the home of John See last Thursday.
F. Bayard of Ayr was visiting relatives in town last Saturday.
Mr. Chas. Viestenz and daughter were Casselton visitors last Thursday.
Walter Fink received a valuable bird dog from Minneapolis last week.
W. S. Hooper and J. Lowell of Fargo are looking after their farm interests here.
John Brandenburg, formerly of this place, is now connected with a new bank in Lucca.
Mrs. M. J. Linwell will have her fall millinery opening about the 25th and invites the ladies of Arthur and vicinity to call and examine her stock of fall goods.
Married-Tuesday September 19, at the home of the groom's parents in Gunkel township-Mr. Carl Gunkel and Miss Lizzie Vassie. Rev. Lyons of Casselton officiating. They left on the evening train for their home in Belfield, N. D. where Mr. Gunkel owns a ranch. The best wishes of their many friends go with them.

September 28, 1905

Miss Amanda Gunkel is on the sick list.
Paul Liedeman left for Washington last Tuesday.
Mrs. F. J. Stumpf was a Casselton visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. W. S. Hooper of Fargo was in the village Sunday.
Miss Stokie left for her home in Minnesota Tuesday.
Miss Tillie Bettschen is home from her three months' visit in Wis.
Mr. Judisch is building a new house on the farm recently purchased.
The misses Christopherson of Clifford are guests at the home of Ole Ramstead.
Frank Milcher and wife returned from an extended trip in Cuba and the southern states last week.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke

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