Hunter Herald
Fred Williams returned Tuesday from a business trip to Minneapolis.
Mrs. T. E. Myers is improving fast and is able to be around again.
The M. W. A. gave another of the pleasant dances here New Year's Eve.
Rev. L. D. Cook will hold services at the school house a week from Sunday.
John See returned from Iowa in time to spend Christmas day with his family.
Miss Gertie Lambert is spending the holidays with relatives at Lidgerwood.
Mr. Cederberg had the misfortune to lose one of his big black horses from colic.
Gordon Stumpf leaves Monday evening for Fargo where he will attend the A. C.
Chas. Viestenz who has been visiting relatives in Minnesota has returned home.
Miss Chrissie McLellan arrived Monday to visit at the home of Wilbur Hackett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morrison and children are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips.
Wm. Sommerfeld is home from Aaker's Business College at Fargo to spend the holidays.
There are a number of applications in for the position of agent in the Farmer's Elevator.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum and their family Xmas day.
Miss Mamie Schur left Friday morning for Grand Forks to spend the holidays with relatives there.
Mrs. Chas. Campbell of portal is spending a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Burke.
G. B. Farnham went to Page Friday to attend a family reunion at the home of his niece Mrs. C. O. Steen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke who have been visiting at the home of their parents have returned to Montana.
W. A. Fridley has sent his teams to the woods near Bemidji. Grover Fridley took them down and will return in a few days.
George Wagner and Arthur Burgum left Saturday morning for a few days visit in Grand Forks with Archie and Dewey Fink.
Mrs. Frank Smith and Miss Marie Myrah of Niagara are spending the holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen entertained at Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur and Mr. and Mrs. John Schur and their families.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Tonn, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Holle, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunkel, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Iwen, a girl.
There will be a business meeting of the Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Roberts next Friday. All the committees in charge of the bazaar will make their reports.
E. H. Page has received the appointment of deputy grain inspector on the Wisconsin Inspection Board and will leave here for Superior in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bowers entertained on Xmas day, Wm. Boettcher and family, M. L. Bowers and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ellwood and L. D. Bowers.
The marriage of Louis Schur and Miss Freda Willert was solemnized last Sunday at Erie where they will make their future home. Their friends extend congratulations and good wishes.
Mrs. John Bettschen and Mrs. I. S. Roberts, the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Schur, celebrated their 23rd birthday anniversary last Sunday at the home of the former with a family party.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum entertained at New Years dinner with guests being Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. John See, Mrs. G. B. Farnham and Albert T. Farnham.
Arthur School Notes
Miss Ella Wilkie has prepared some booklets illustrating "The First Snowfall" and ÒIndian Corn,Ó which show her ability as an artist.
School opened Monday with three new pupils, Miss Maure in the high school, Masters Erwin and Ray Arnold in the seventh and eighth grades.
Miss Kane returned from Minneapolis Sunday morning to resume her duties in the primary department. Miss Rudd the intermediate teacher returned from her home in Fargo Monday.
The following pupils who took the final examination in some studies received certificates of completion in those taken: Arthur Burgum, Ida Boettcher, Anna Boettcher, Francis Burgum, Mattie Iwen, Johanne Cristenson and Gertrude Grieger.
To our sister schools we extend the best wishes of the season and may the New Year bring such a happiness and peace as only comes to those who have the consciousness of duty well performed and all the life nobly lived.
Miss Alma Boettcher left Monday evening for Rochester, Minn.
The storekeepers are busy now-a-days taking an inventory of stock.
Mrs. Selsor left Tuesday evening for Fargo to take the civil service examination.
W. C. Clark went to Breckenridge Saturday to attend the depot agents meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld and family have returned from their visit at Granville.
Mr. and Mrs. Moody and baby of Hunter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble.
The concert at the hall Thursday evening was well attended and those who were present say it was very good.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cooney are now nicely located on their farm near Erie where they are making a success of diversified farming.
Mrs. John Bettschen and Mrs. Ike Roberts are spending a few days in Casselton with their grandmother Mrs. Flengel who is quite ill.
Messrs. John Iwen, Emil Boettcher, John Schur, Aug. Sommerfeld were some of the farmers who attended the tri-state convention in Fargo.
Dr. Baillie of Hunter was a professional caller here Monday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Judisch, Monday Jan. 1, a baby boy.
Mrs. Wilcox is spending a couple of weeks at the home of August Faltz.
Dr. Rowe of Casselton was here Tuesday in the interests of the board of health.
Mrs. Critchfield, the Misses Lamb and Conneaughty of Hunter were the guests of Mrs. J. A. Burgum.
The Bower brothers received word Saturday that their brother Bert had his hand shot off by a companion while they were hunting.
Mrs. R. H. Vosburg received the sad news of the death of her cousin Miss Florence Munger at Seattle, who visited with her a year ago.
Traveling Supt. Walter Fink and Miss Hazel Fink have been visiting friends here for the past few days returning to Grand Forks Monday.
Dr. DuPuis, the Mayville dentist, will be in Arthur 21 and 22nd. If your teeth need fixing, this will be your opportunity to have the work done.
Rev. Cook will hold regular Sunday services here beginning next Sunday at eleven o'clock in the school house, Sunday school will be held after the services.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross entertained at dinner Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams, Mrs. Selsor and the Misses Rudd and Kane.
Presiding Elder J. G. Moore, of Grand Forks, accompanied by Mr. Brockway of Hunter drove from Erie to hold services here and from here to Hunter after the services.
Rev. J. G. Moore of Grand Forks, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts, Messrs. Walter Fink and Reuben Phillips, Mrs. L. D. Roberts, and the Misses Rudd and Fink were the guests at dinner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum.
Church services were held at the hall Sunday evening by Rev. J. G. Moore presiding Elder of the Grand Forks district to a large and attentive audience. Rev. Moore has the record of organizing forty-five live churches in the western part of the state during the past five years. He is a forcible and at the same time pleasing speaker and some of his illustrations will not be forgotten soon.
The social event of the week was the eat fest given by Captain Iwen and his band of hunters to Captain Collins and his warriors and all their families. The supper was held at the hall and to say that everyone enjoyed themselves is expressing it mildly. After the supper music, singing and dancing pleasantly whiled away the hours. Covers were laid for one hundred and fifty, and the following menu was served to the winners by the faithful losers: Oyster stew, oyster cocktails, celery, lettuce rolls, dill pickles, lutefisk, baked beans, potato salad, roast turkey, sliced ham, coffee, fruit salad with cream dressing, apples and oranges. Walter Fink came down from Grand Forks especially to prepare the oyster stew and Wilbur Hackett mixed the cocktails. As both these gentlemen have been on the losing side for the past five or seven years it is needless to add that they are both experts in those particular lines. Here's hoping they may never get out of practice. These cocktails be it understood are not the kind that vice-president Fairbanks has made famous, but are compounded of quantities of lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, oysters and so forth and Brother Hackett holds the recipe.
Now don't forget girls-it will be four long years before leap year comes again.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Moore were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah Wednesday evening.
Miss Mamie Schur returned Saturday evening from her visit with her relatives in Grand Forks.
Ray and Irwin Arnold and Miss Anna Maurer are staying in town now to attend the High School.
A new assistant weighing 8 pounds arrived at the depot Sunday and agent Clark is passing the cigars around.
Presiding Elder J. G. Moore, of Grand Forks, held services at the hall last Sunday evening. Rev. Cook will preach here the following Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained at dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts, Mrs. L. D. Roberts, Mrs. Jim Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross entertained at dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, the Misses Vosburg, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley, Miss Fridley, Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz, Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Miss Wagner.
Arthur Burgum and George Wagner have returned from their visit with the family of Walter Fink at Grand Forks and report the best kind of a time. George stopped off at Northwood to spend a couple of days with the Nelson family returning home Monday evening.
The following officers were installed Saturday evening in the B. A. Y. Luncheon was served and a pleasant social time enjoyed by all. F. M., R. E. Wilkie, M. of C., F. W. Maurer, Cor. and M. of A., W. G. Clark, O. S., L. Bettschen, L. Row, Mrs. Roberts, L. Rab., Mrs. J. A. Burgum, Chaplain, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, Watchman, W. C. Gamble, Sentinel, Chas. Maurer, Guard, R. H. Vosburg.
Fudge parties are all the rage.
T. O. Burgum has built an addition to his barn.
The doctor is doing a land-office business nowadays.
L. O. Bower went to Casselton last Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
Miss Mabel Farnham returned Friday from her visit with Mrs. W. C. Muir.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur returned from their visit to Casselton last Friday.
School has begun again after a two weeks' vacation with a good attendance.
Mrs. R. H. Vosburg was visiting in Hunter Friday, the guest of Mrs. Richardson.
Mr. Shafer and family are able to be around again after a serious time with the grippe.
Mrs. H. P. Moore left Friday evening for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cook at Nome.
Miss Carrie Faltz was the guest of Mrs. Lason in Casselton last week returning home Friday.
Louis Bettschen was on the sick list a few days last week, his cold having settled in his eyes.
Religious services will be held at the school house next Sunday by Rev. Cook at eleven a. m.
Julius Rusnick has been appointed janitor at the school house and assumed his duties Monday.
Basketball is a recent innovation here and judging by the enthusiasm displayed, it is a leading favorite.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams and Master Lloyd were the guests of their relatives at Wheatland last week.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Master Alton spent Friday in Hunter the guest of Mrs. Walter Muir and Mrs. Simmons.
There was plenty of sunshine on Ground Hog's Day so we may as well prepare for six weeks more of cold weather.
Mrs. Chas. Campbell who has been visiting here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Burke left for her home at Portal last Monday.
The young people are hard at work with their play, ÒLady DarredÓ which they expect to put on the boards in about three weeks.
Mrs. Eliza Chandler returned home Friday by way of Argusville, after a two months visit with her son Ira and family, to Bismarck.
Arthur School Notes
Miss Mayme Schur has returned after an absence of several days.
We are glad to welcome Cora and Cummings Waxler as pupils of this school.
Miss Rudd is again able to resume her duties in the intermediate department.
School has again opened after an enforced vacation of two weeks, caused by an epidemic of smallpox.
The eighth year arithmetic class has finished evolution. The 7th year are studying practical measurements.
The primary pupils under the direction of Miss Kane are doing excellent work in clay modeling.
Some of the work in English composition done by the third grade pupils of this department is worthy of the highest approbation.
The class in bookkeeping, after three days earnest application, has located all the mistakes and conquered the April and May transactions.
Henry Sommerfeld treated teachers and pupils to a dashing sleigh ride Friday night. As a driver, Mr. Sommerfeld holds the palm for swiftness and skillfulness.
The pupils of the English class have been writing original compositions to illustrate the different kinds of description. Miss Anna Maurer gave a very vivid pen picture of the fire in a hotel as an illustration of the imaginative kind, while Edmund Iwen described a railroad so plainly that even a blind man could see it.
All three teachers are taking a course in domestic science, Mrs. H. P. Moore, with whom; Mrs. Selsor and Miss Rudd board, being away on a visit the two ladies assisted by Miss Kane are keeping house. An elaborate dinner was prepared by them and served at five o'clock Sunday. Mr. Moore, the victim of all the above effort, still survives.
The Woodmen will give a masquerade ball at the hall next Friday week, the 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schlate who have been having a siege of the grippe are able to be out again.
Miss Kane will entertain the teachers and the high school pupils at a fudge party Wednesday eve.
The Yeomen will entertain themselves and their families at a Valentine party at the hall Saturday eve.
Miss Elma Boettcher, who underwent an operation at the Rochester hospital, is expected home next week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Schur have rented rooms in the residence of John Bettschen where they expect to go to housekeeping.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sommerfeld and family and Miss Wellman were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg last Sunday.
There will be a public meeting at the town hall Saturday afternoon in the interests of the American Society of Equity.
The wedding of Miss Myrtle Bower and Mr. M. LeCour will occur March 8th at the home of the bride's mother at Forest city, Ia.
Wilbur Hackett is able to be out again after a three week's siege of the grippe. Mrs. Hackett is improving and her friends hope to see her out again son.
The sleighing party planned for the last of the week has been indefinitely postponed or until it snows again, and suggestions for heat rides are now in order.
W. G. Clarke, and the families of R. E. Wilkie and J. M. Bowers are out this week greeting their friends after their enforced seclusion, none of them any the worse for their experience.
Regular services will be held at the school house every Sunday at eleven a. m. Sunday school will be held immediately after the services. A committee for church music was appointed the members being Mrs. L. Bettschen, R. H. Vosburg, and Miss Rudd.
His friends were pleased to recognize the picture of Albert Farnham in the Grand Forks Times of last Tuesday as one of the newly elected members of the Athletic Board of Control. Albert received the big vote in the most hotly contested election ever held at the ÒU.Ó
Ask a woman what cooking means! It means the patience of Job and the persistence of the Pilgrim Fathers. It means the endurance, the long suffering and the martyrdom of Joan of Arc. It means steaming and stewing, boiling and baking, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It means perspiration, desperation and resignation. For further information, explanation and declamation on the subject of cooking you are respectfully referred to the three school teachers who kept house last week.
Arthur School Notes
Only three absent marks in the upper department during the fifth month.
Miss Rudd's pupils show great advancement in both oral and written reproduction work.
One by one our little ones who were ill are coming back and now we have almost our usual number.
Since the installation of Mr. Kushneck as janitor, there has been quite a transformation. The basement has been scrupulously cleaned, the furnace renovated and the temperature properly regulated. The physical comforts are thoroughly appreciated by pupils and teachers.
Drawing has been given more than usual attention this month and some of the work of the pupils received credit.
A new set of song books has been ordered, and singing will be given more attention during the remainder of the term.
On Lincoln's birthday the high school pupils, Miss Rudd and Mrs. Selsor, were very pleasantly entertained by Miss Kane, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross.
In the work of the elementary agriculture for January, Cummings Waxler had an excellent paper on the different scales of breeding, while Ray Arnold gave a good lecture on the different breeds of cattle. Only one fourth day per month is given for discussion of this subject but subjects are given in advance for preparation. Through the kindness of T. O. Burgum the school is supplied with a set of good reference books.
Mrs. Selsor spent last Saturday and Sunday in Fargo.
The home talent play will be rendered here on Friday, Feb. 28th.
Fred Williams has returned from a business trip to the twin cities.
Mrs. R. E. Wilkie is spending a few days with her sister at Blanchard.
Rev. and Mrs. Cook, of Hunter, were visitors in Arthur last Wednesday.
The meeting of the A. S. of E. last Saturday was largely attended about seventy men being present.
Rev. T. O. Skaar of Fargo was in Arthur last Tuesday in the interests of the Lutheran Hospital of Fargo.
Mrs. Hjelle former principal of the Hickson schools and now connected with the bank at Mercer, N. D., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah and Miss Rudd.
The Yeomen entertained themselves last Saturday evening at the hall in honor of St. Valentine. A number of hearts were suspended from the chandelier and the gentlemen chose their partners by using their bow and arrows to bring down their hearts. The gentlemen were all skilled marksmen and each one succeeded in bringing down a heart although some of them had to be blindfolded. Eight tables of progressive games were played. The head prizes were handsome valentines and were won by J. A. Burgum and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg. The font prizes were won by R. F. Viestenz and Mrs. Bruno Mergner. The decorations were hearts, large, small and Òcomic.Ó
The Ministerial Association of Fargo is sending out an open letter to the men of North Dakota. It appeals to the men of our state in the name of the home, the church, and the commonwealth, but most of all for the sake of their own children who are the future citizens, to carefully consider the inevitable result of a widespread disregard of Sunday. It urges the men of every community to build up a better public sentiment toward the observance of Sunday as a day of rest and worship and it presents its appeal on grounds of sound reason and experience from the highest patriotic as well as religious motives. We should be glad if the letter to which we have eluded could be read by every man in the state for thoughtful consideration. It is not a fanatical oratory but a timely warning and appeal.
W. H. Comrie of Fargo was doing business in town last Tuesday.
Don't forget the play, ÒLady DarrelÓ at the opera house next Friday night.
Albert Yonkey and Miss Annie Mundt were married yesterday morning in Fargo.
Mrs. Gus Grieger and little daughter returned home Saturday evening from their visit at Blanchard.
Mrs. R. H. Vosburg spent Saturday and Sunday at the Mayville Normal visiting her daughters.
Miss Gertie Lambert went to Portland Saturday morning for a week's visit with the Roundle family.
The engine in the Farmers Elevator broke in two last week and a new 15 h. p. engine has been ordered.
The prize winners in the Masquerade here Friday evening were the Misses Wagner, Schur and Sommerfeld; Messrs. Viestenz, Iwen and Wagner.
Frank Wagner and Wm. Sommerfeld spent a couple of days at their respective homes this week when they will return to the duties in Fargo.
In justice parlors in the pretty city of Aberdeen, S. D., on Feb. 21 occurred the marriage of Miss Mabel R. Farnham to Leonard E. Bower in the presence of Mr. Farnham and friends of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Bower will make their home for the present in Aberdeen where he is in the employ of the City Telephone Co.
The gentlemen of the Yeomen lodge will entertain the ladies next week and they are planning a grand affair. Brothers Gamble and Bettschen are each to compound an angel food cake all by themselves without any outside assistance and the result is anxiously looked forward to. Brothers Vosburg, Burgum and Phillips will do vocal ÒstuntsÓ that will surprise their friends.
In response to the invitations expended by the teachers a large number of visitors went to the school Friday afternoon to view the written work and drawings and listen to the literary program given by the grades and High School. The pleasant school rooms present a very homelike appearance with the dainty white curtains at the windows and the artistic arrangement of the numerous pictures that adorn the walls.
W. C. Muir was doing business in Arthur last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn of Amenia were visitors in Arthur Friday evening.
Mr. Kellogg of Cleveland was the guest of Mrs. Selsor Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. T. J. Ross was visiting Miss McGrath at her school near Amenia last Monday.
Miss Isa Gunkel left Wednesday evening for a month's visit with her sister at Oakes.
A number of Hunter young people were down Friday evening to attend the play.
Miss Eaman was the guest of Mrs. Moore Friday who accompanied her home Saturday for a short visit.
Master Bertin Gamble celebrated his tenth birthday by giving a party to his young friends who all report an enjoyable time.
Dr. DuPuis, the Mayville dentist, will be in Arthur the 18, 19, and 20th of this month. If your teeth need fixing don't fail to consult with him.
A. T. Burgum went to Hunter on Saturday to transact some business and in the afternoon walked back and made good time notwithstanding the fact that he recently passed his 74th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum, the three Misses Burgum, Mrs. McCann and Dr. McCann, the occasion being Mr. Burgum's birthday.
Supt. Mattie M. Davis gave an interesting and instructive lecture to the school children during her visit here on Sakakawea, the Bird Woman and the sculptor who is at work on the statue to be erected at Bismarck.
Harry P. Burgum who spent several summers with relatives here when a boy was married last Tuesday at Lawrence, Kansas, to Miss Marion Huhner. They will make their home at Pawnee, Okl., where he has a large contract. Harry stands high in his profession of civil engineering.
To a delighted audience which taxed the seating capacity of the large hall Friday evening, the teachers assisted by the young people rendered the play ÒMy Lady Darrel.Ó To attempt to pick out the best actors would be unfair to the others for each one performed his or her part to the best of their ability and the whole performance reflects great credit on the participants. Miss Ella Wilkie presided at the piano during the evening and dispensed sweet music which was well appreciated while the vocal solo by Miss Hazelle Eaman and the vocal duet en costume by the Misses Bessie Burgum and Ella Wilkie made a decided hit. The evening's receipts were about $50.
Prof. Beitler of Hunter visited the schools here last Thursday.
Miss Molly Mergner returned from her visit to Fargo Tuesday.
Misses Rudd and Kane were visitors in Hunter last Saturday.
W. C. Muir and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bettschen Sunday.
Miss Elma Boettcher has returned from Rochester, Minn., greatly improved in health.
Archie Schur has returned from Fargo where he was in the detention hospital for two weeks.
F. J. Stumpf and Jim Christiansen are spending a few days in Fargo. Mr. Stumpf is visiting his son who is attending the A. C.
A whist tournament will be played at the hall Thursday evening by ten of the Hunter and ten of Arthur players for the whist championship.
Universal regret is expressed over Rev. Cook's failing eyesight and his resignation from his charge. He is a popular and practical speaker and we trust his successor will be able to fill his place.
The color line is to be drawn here sharply the coming season. The farmers will pledge themselves not to hire the Negroes or the merchants to sell goods to them, and if any of these Òundesirable citizensÓ make their appearance they will be promptly requested to Òmove on.Ó The matter has been agitated considerably of late and the unanimous opinion is that now is the time to act.
Mrs. Selsor, the principal of the schools, has resigned her position here to accept one in the government Indian schools at Red lake, Minn. She recently took the civil service examination and passed in the eighteen branches with very high markings, and this appointment is the result. Mrs. Selsor is a talented woman and a practical teacher with the rare faculty of making her pupils think for themselves.
The entertainment given by the gentlemen of the Yeomen lodge to ladies was postponed until next meeting on account of the storm Saturday night. The gentlemen had a fine program prepared and had been practicing assiduously for the past week, they also had their cakes made and affidavits to prove that the hand that rocked the cradle was not the hand that stirred the cake in other words their wives didn't make their particular cakes.
Reuben Phillips left Friday evening for a few days' visit in Fargo.
Miss Zana Burgum and Mrs. Burgum were visitors in Hunter last Friday.
Miss Rudd returned Monday morning from her visit at her home in Fargo.
Mrs. Wilcox has been spending a few days at the home of Mrs. T. J. Rosss.
Washington Stumbough arrived here Friday morning for a visit with his relatives.
Mesdames Richardson, Wm. Mitchell, Powlison, were visitors in Arthur last Thursday.
H. P. Moore left Tuesday evening for a week's vacation and will visit his relatives.
The stork left a baby daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Akersen, Tuesday night.
Presiding Elder J. G. Moore, of Grand Forks, will hold services in Arthur next Sunday, at 11 a. m.
A gramophone concert was given at the Arthur Mercantile Co's. store and those who attended say it was fully up to expectations.
Miss Alma Boettcher celebrated her nineteenth birthday anniversary last Thursday by a dinner party to invited relatives and friends.
Mr. Roberts, junior, arrived in town last Friday-weight, 7 pounds-and found a warm welcome at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.
St. Patrick's day, or rather night, was observed here by the young people by a social hop at the hall and the green shamrock was much in evidence.
Miss Gertie Lambert entertained a number of young people last Friday evening. Cards, music and refreshments were the evening's program.
Messrs. Hugo Viestenz, Gordon Stumpf, Robert and Alva Pierson who have been attending the A. C. this winter are expected home this week.
Hunter whist players won the first game in the series of games being played between the Arthur and Hunter boys. The return game will be played at Hunter this week.
At the township election here the Sunday closing ordinance was lost. The old officers were reelected with the exception of treasurer W. C. Gamble succeeding Ed. Sommerfeld.
The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. J. A. Burgum Thursday March 28th. All members are requested to be present as important business will be transacted besides election of officers.
A happy group of little tots assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Monday, to celebrate the fifth and fourth birthday anniversaries of Master Amber Wagner and Miss Ruth Wilkie, respectively, and needless to say the little one enjoyed themselves as only children can.
Hugo Viestenz's friends were pleased in the third annual essay contest, at the A. C. in Fargo, his essay on "Drainage in the Red River Valley," was awarded third prize. The markings being so close that there were only two points between the first and third contestants.
Weland Bros. will sell their entire farming outfit by auction on Friday, March 26. There is 17 head of horses, 6 milch cows and other livestock and poultry, besides their implements which are all new or nearly so, and everything is in first-class condition. This will be a good opportunity. Ross Bros., auct's.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum entertained Rev. Moore and Rev. Cook last Sunday.
Miss Mary Mergner returned Tuesday from her visit to her aunt Mrs. Hohucke at Fargo.
Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and Mrs. W. C. C.ark visited Miss Wellman of Mayville last Saturday.
Wm. Wagner arrived from Wahpeton Tuesday morning and will visit his relatives here for a few days.
Prof. Albert Sundquist of Fargo arrived here Saturday and assumed his duties as principal of the Arthur school last Monday.
The delegates to the conventions in Fargo this week are R. A. Sievert for Bryan and Fred Williams and Tom Burgum for Roosevelt and Taft.
Saturday was the 72nd birthday of John Schlate and following custom of years, the men of Arthur repaired there to extend their birthday greeting, and to spend a jolly evening. They left a handsome rug as a reminder of their visit.
Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan arrived Friday from their trip to Missouri. After closing up their affairs here and visiting friends they will return to Missouri where they will make their home for a while at least. Mr. Duncan has been manager on the Williams farm for the past 17 years.
A delightful surprise party was given at the hall Thursday night by the Misses Rudd and Kane, members of the High School and Dramatic Club in honor of Mrs. Selsor. The tables were beautifully decorated with red and white carnations, colored candles and ferns. After the supper was served the young folks spent a happy hour playing different games.
An organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church was effected here last Sunday forenoon with forty-one charter members, thirty-one adults and ten young people. The services which were held at the school house to a large and attentive congregation were conducted by Presiding Elder J. G. Moore, of Grand Forks and Rev. Cook of Hunter. Rev. Moore's text was from the book of Matthew the words of our Lord, ÒFor My Sake,Ó and he brought out the fact eloquently that what one does for love's sake is always well done. Rev. Cook will preach here next Sunday and possibly the Sunday after. It is deeply regretted that he must give up his ministry here just when the prospects are brightest for establishing the church on a permanent basis. We trust his successor will take up the work so auspiciously begun and carry it on until the vision of a church with its spire pointing heavenward will become a reality.
The gentlemen of the Yeoman lodge did themselves proud in their entertainment for the ladies at their last meeting Friday evening. The evening was full of surprises from the beginning of the program until they were seated at the supper tables. This was a remarkable supper, if the gentlemen really did make the angel foods, fruit salads, etc., as they had threatened to do. One thing is certain, they are surely experts in the culinary line, and they should never be allowed to get out of practice. The tables were arranged under the supervision of the men and the 72 persons who partook of the bountiful spread thoroughly enjoyed it. The literary program revealed hitherto unsuspected talent and the ten numbers on it reflected credit on the participants, Male quartette, Messrs. L. Bettschen, Vosburg, Wilke, Viestenz; recitation, J. A. Burgum; solo R. E. Wilkie; reading, W. C. Gamble; German song, Chas. Gunkel; trombone solo, John Bettschen; recitation, R. F. Viestenz; trombone and cornet duet, Bettschen bros.; recitation, Walter Phillips; song, male quartette.
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