Arthur Anglings
1909 Hunter Herald

January 7, 1909

Our merchants are busy taking inventory.

Master Arthur Burgum will act as janitor of the new M. E. church.

All our school teachers returned from their homes and school is again in full swing.

T. O. Burgum and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

H. J. Wagner left Sunday night to visit a sister at Appleton, Wis., who is in poor health.

Jim Montieth and wife are located near North Yakima. Mr. Montieth having bought a fruit farm.

Owing to the illness of Rev. Tourtellotte, Mrs. Tourtellotte occupied the pulpit in the M. E. church Sunday.

Mrs. Chas. Gunkel was called to Oakes to help care for her granddaughter who is threatened with scarlatina.

Henry S. Sommerfeld is in charge of the Farmers Elevator while Manager Smith spends a few days in the Twin Cities.

Walter Phillips' many friends will be sorry to hear that he is confined to his room with a bad attack of rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rundel, of Portland, Ore., are visiting relatives at Arthur. We hope they will decide to locate here.

Mr. and Ms. J. E. Sommerfeld entertained a large company of friends at dinner Sunday at their pleasant farm home west of town.

Masque Ball by the M. W. A. camp Friday night, Jan. 8. Everybody cordially invited, plenty of barn room. Popular prices, three prizes.

Capt. John McFall and his jolly hunters will entertain Capt. Collins and his merry crowd Friday evening, Jan. 15, with an oyster supper and a dance.

W. J. Taylor and a Mr. Shiels and son have been buying horses in the neighborhood of Arthur and will load a car in Casselton tomorrow for Seattle.

Albert Farnham and some of our young men will organize a basketball team and after a few practice games will furnish good sport for all who enjoy basketball. The writer wonders if the Fargo Forum could not send a correspondent to the Capital City who could and would report the legislative news in a fair and impartial manner.

January 14, 1909
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Knute Collins, a baby girl, Jan 8th.

Mrs. Will Iwen has returned from her trip down to Wisconsin.

Gordon Stumpf left for Fargo to resume his studies at the A. C.

Little Lillie Wagner has recovered nicely from a severe attack of lung fever.

English services are to be held in the German Lutheran church beginning a week from Sunday.

Fred Iwen of Fessenden is visiting his old time friends and relatives, arriving Tuesday morning.

Miss Ella Myrah arrived home Friday morning from a visit with friends in Mercer, Oliver county.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld are in Fargo. Mr. Sommerfeld was called there to serve on the jury.

W. G. Clark returned Sunday evening from Breckenridge where he attended the meeting of the O. R. T.

After a two week's visit in Chicago, Miss Powlison has again taken up her class in music and her pupils are making advancements.

Mr. and Mrs. Freytoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld were guests Sunday at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz.

The teachers and their pupils are planning on giving an exhibit in the near future which is not only encouraging to the pupils but is very gratifying to their parents and friends.

Julius Kushnick was busy Saturday afternoon arranging the fixtures for the basketball team. The young men have rented the hall which affords them ample room for the winter evening's recreations.

The old English custom of celebrating the 12th night or old Christmas was observed in the families of A. T. and T. O. Burgum last Wednesday evening at the former's home by a sumptuous dinner and a social time and good cheer intermingled with the recall of bygone days of their old English homes.

Owing to the storm of Friday last the Mask Ball was not largely attended, but nevertheless those present report a good time. Prizes were awarded: Best dressed gent, Rudolph Viestenz; most comical dressed gents, Gordon Burgum and Irwin Arnold; best dressed lady, Mrs. I. S. Roberts; most original dressed lady, Miss Olga Schur, most comical dressed lady, Mrs. Ryan Siewerts. The judges were Misses Wellman, Lambert and Ida Kentfield and Messrs. Thompson and Dudas of Hunter and Ryan Siewerts.

January 21, 1909

John Schur was a Casselton visitor the first of the week.

The Radiant Home furnace is installed in the M. E. church.

Paul Sommerfeld is in Fargo attending the grain growers' convention.

Miss Gerty Lambert was hostess at a dinner party for a number of young people Sunday.

English services at the German Lutheran church will commence Sunday evening at 7:30.

M. J. Lighthall, superintendent of the N. W. elevators was in town looking after the company's interest.

C. F. Bayard spent a few days here visiting relatives returning to his home at Ayr Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stjmpf and daughter Verna left Monday evening for a week's visit with relatives at Hope.

Miss Zana Burgum left Saturday evening for a two weeks' stay in Fargo and will study the science and art of dressmaking.

Fred Stanfield of Superior, Wisconsin, arrived Thursday for a week's visit with friends and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

H. J. Wagner has returned from a week's visit in Appleton, Wisconsin and reports leaving his sister in very poor health with little hopes of recovery.

Miss Chadwick of Spencer, Ill., who has spent some time visiting at the home of J. B. Hockridge left Friday eve for a visit with relatives in Massachusetts.

Mrs. Walter McGee and little daughter Jeanett of St. John, N. D. and Miss Emma Osborn of Hunter were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schur arrived Saturday morning from Rolette and are visiting relatives for a few days before going to Casselton where they expect to spend the balance of the winter.

One of the pleasant social functions of the season was the oyster supper and dance given Friday evening by John McFall and his able aid de camp. At 6:30 the hungry ones began to assemble at the hall and soon the order was given to fall in and get busy and not one refused to obey. The best of everything was spread before the guests and to which all did ample justice. Following the supper and dance began and all had a merry time. The music was furnished by Miss Delia Viestenz at the piano and Hugo Viestenz with his violin which was a credit to the young musicians. The dance was one of the best of the season and not until the strains of Home Sweet Home were played did the crowd commence to disperse.

January 28, 1909

Mrs. John Iwen is spending a few days in Fargo.

J. K. Fuller left Monday evening for home at Ludlow, Ill.

Miss Olga Schur is spending a week with relatives in Casselton.

Miss Wellman visited over Sunday with Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld.

Mrs. T. C. Hockridge has been quite poorly the past week with la grippe.

R. E. Wilkie spent a few days last week with Otto Luther and family in Fargo.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross is very sick with a severe attack of pneumonia.

The German Lutherans held their first evening services last Sunday evening which was attended by a large congregation.

Mrs. John Bettschen entertained a company of ladies Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock tea in honor of her sister, Mrs. Louis Schur.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett entertained a few friends last Friday at dinner, the guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

February 11, 1909

Born Sunday, a little daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuhan.

Albert Bagameil loaded a car of stock here last week for the St. Paul market.

Mrs. John Iwen has been under the doctor's care since her return from Fargo.

Gordon B. Burgum left Friday evening for Fargo to attend the N. D. business college.

Grandma Wagner has been quite poorly the past week and has been confined to her room mostly to her bed.

R. E. Wilkie spent last Wednesday and Thursday in Grand Forks attending the blacksmiths'convention.

Born, Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collins, twin boys, one of which, we are sorry to say, has since died.

Mrs. Walter Phillips, Mrs. Gunkel and Miss Iza were entertained at dinner last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. T. C. Hockridge.

F. W. Sommerfeld arrived home from Emerado, Saturday morning. Will reports banking business very good. He is taking a well earned vacation.

Dr. Baillie was called last week to attend Master Hiram who has suffering from an attack of bronchial pneumonia, we are glad to say our little friend is on the mend.

Mrs. F. Smith and little son of Niagara, who are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Myrah, expects to return home Saturday accompanied by her husband, Prof. Smith of the Niagara schools.

Thursday, Feb. 18th. The Arthur Homestead B. A. Y., will give a Mask Ball at the hall and everyone who attends will certainly have a good time. Music by Malchow's Orchestra. Plenty of barn room. Everybody cordially invited.

By invitation the Woodman had bidden their friends to meet with them at their Hall Friday evening at six o'clock dinner. At the hour named fully 100 guests partook of the splendid meal to which all did justice. After supper the ball was made ready for a dance and young folks and many that were not so old tipped the light fantastic to till midnight. Miss Delia Viestenz and brothers furnished excellent music. Much credit is due the Mesdames Roberts, Landon, and Gunkel for making the supper a success.

Monday evening the Hunter home talent came down to Arthur and gave their entertainment ÒThe Parson's Perversity.Ó Owing to it being such a bad night the attendance was small and is much to be regretted. The entertainment was very good each of the young ladies and gentlemen doing their parts in fine style. The duet by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powlison and the solo by Mr. Powlison were rendered in a very pleasing manner. The solos sang by Miss Hazelle Eaman added much to the pleasure of the evening. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church entertained the visitors to a luncheon after the concert was over.

February 18, 1909

Miss Edith Bayard visited over Sunday with friends in Fargo.

Nat Sell and Julius Grieger spent Monday and Tuesday in Fargo.

Little Hiram Farnham has fully recovered from his recent sickness.

Mrs. Simon Rassler has been very ill the past week but is improving.

August Mondt expects to move to the W. H. Flynn farm which he will work the coming season.

Miss Carrie Feltz devoted much of her time last week at the bedside of the sick child of A. Madson.

Albert T. Farnham will leave Friday morning for Grand Forks to be present at the Annual Junior Ball.

H. J. Wagner and R. A. Siewert returned Thursday from Almenia, Wis. where they were seeking medical aid.

W. Landon and Mrs. Whitmore have shipped to Arthur a fine pair of registered percheron mares which they recently purchased at Ludlow, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham entertained a company of friends last Wednesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Elwood and his nieces from Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bower and family.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg entertained a company of friends at dinner Lincoln's birthday. The guests were Wilbert and Mrs. Hackett, Wallace and Mrs. Hackett, and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum. The hostess was ably assisted by her two daughters, the Misses Mildred and Bernice.

February 25, 1909

Roy Amel is visiting friends in town.

Charlie Gunkel and Walter Phillips were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

Invitations are out for the Viestenz and Otto nuptials occurring March 4th.

Etta Mink of Hettinger spent several days here the guest of Mrs. Walter Phillips.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz have returned from their visit at Winona, Minn.

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. T. C. Hockridge the first Thursday in March.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained a few friends Tuesday evening at cards.

The B. A. Y. Masque Ball was a success socially and financially. Sixty-four tickets were sold.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Landon entertained a company of friends last Tuesday evening at cards.

Mrs. James Williams and children are spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Meyers of Erie.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg entertained Mr. and Mrs. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Frickey and Mr. and Mrs. Tourtellote Wednesday at dinner.

The many friends of Ira Chandler will be pleased to know that he has rented a farm in Rush River township, known as the L. D. Roberts farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained a company of friends at dinner Friday. Following the dinner an enjoyable time was spent in playing 500.

Simon Rassler drove to Casselton Sunday morning to meet his mother from Washington and who will assist in caring for Mrs. Rassler who is quite sick.

A petition addressed to the state legislature asking that body to make a law of Senate Bill 63 proposes to give the rural schools $50,000 instead of to the high schools of the state which are already far in advance of the lower grade schools. Should this bill become a law we trust the Arthur school will come in for a share of the appropriation.

March 4, 1909 John See's children are poorly with lagrippe.

Mrs. John Iwen is under the physician's care.

Mrs. Will Muir visited last Wednesday with Mrs. Louis Bettschen.

Born, Wednesday of last week, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gould, a boy.

W. H. Flynn, of Fargo, was here Friday looking after his farm interests.

Mr. and Mrs. Tourtellotte of Hunter were down last week calling on friends.

Fred Williams remembered his friends with souvenir postal cards relating his travels through the east.

The Arthur M. W. A. Camp has accepted an invitation to meet with the Woodmen in Fargo next week.

W. L. Bower and family and Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Boettcher left Monday morning for their new home near New England.

Fred Standfield left Friday evening for a ten days visit with his mother at Villard, Minn. He will also visit relatives in Duluth.

T. O. Burgum and Chas. Gunkel are spending a few days in Bismarck. Mr. Burgum will also visit Washburn returning to Bismarck Friday to be present at the last meeting of the session.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett entertained a company of friends at cards Friday evening. At the close of the evening's amusements an elaborate luncheon was served by the hostess.

Walter Phillips has sold his interest in the Phillips & Ross store to his partner T. J. Ross who is now sole owner of the store and will conduct the business in the future. Mr. Phillips has not decided yet what he will do but may take a well earned vacation.

Last Friday afternoon a goodly number of the patrons of our school assembled in the grammar room to witness a well rendered program and view the work of the pupils, which had been arranged very artistically by the pupils and teachers. The program consisting of vocal and instrumental music, original essays and recitations, was exceptionally interesting as well as entertaining. Deputy county Supt. Hasselquist's few words of encouragement and congratulations to teachers and pupils closed the exercises. On the walls of each room were pleasing and creditable examples of the work being pursued by the pupils in the different grades. Many were the compliments paid our efficient teachers, Misses Kane and Wellman, for their efforts not only for Friday afternoon but for their terms work.

March 11, 1909

Mrs. John Brenner of Hunter visited over Monday with Mrs. W. C. Gamble.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld entertained a company of friends last Thursday evening.

Miss Hulda Backlund, of Alice, arrived Friday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. R. F. Viestenz.

District 63 schools No. 1 and 2 will hold a basket social in the Friday school house March 20th.

Mr. and Mrs. Cook and two children, of Nome, arrived Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. H. P. Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rundle came down last week from Portland, and are visiting their many relatives and friends.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Miss Edith Bayard were Fargo visitors last Thursday and took in the play ÒBen Hur.Ó Rev. and Mrs. Tourtellotte met here with the church trustees Monday evening in regard to Sunday school matters.

Misses Wellman and Kane returned home Monday from Fargo. The young ladies had the pleasure of attending Ben Hur.

Mrs. Fred Bettschen of Litchville stopped over Friday for a visit with the Bettschen's, leaving Saturday morning for her claim at Culbertson, Mont.

Albert Yonkey returned from Minnesota after a few days stay at the home of his father whom we understand is seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia.

Fred and James Williams returned Sunday from their month's vacation enjoying the sights of several eastern cities besides a visit to their old home in York State.

Rev. Howard, pastor of the Negro church at Grand Forks, delivered a lecture on temperance Sunday morning. Mr. Howard is a commercial traveler and his lecture was pertaining to his past life Òand the curse of drink.Ó The Ladies Aid met at the farm home of Mrs. T. C. Hockridge. About 20 ladies were present, and after the afternoon's meeting delicious refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. J. Wagner today.

March 18, 1909

Archie Schur will farm the old Harris farm the coming season.

Julius Elliott of Steele is visiting his brother B. B. Elliott and family.

Miss Wellman visited over Sunday with her sister Mrs. Rossen at Casselton.

T. O. Burgum purchased 3 fine brood mares at the W. H. Wallace public sale.

Mrs. G. B. Franham entertained Rev. and Mrs. Tourtellotte at dinner last Friday.

T. O. Burgum and Julius Kushnick were visitors to Detroit, Minn. last Wednesday.

Mrs. Wallace Hackett spent several days last week with her sister Mrs. A. M. Smith at Casselton.

Fred Standfield arrived home from his old home in Villard, Minn. He also visited his brother in Superior, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hockridge were guests Sunday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hockridge.

Miss Alma Buckley, who is teaching west of Amenia, took the teacher's examination in Fargo last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Landon were guests last Thursday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.

W. H. Comrie of Fargo was in town Saturday looking after his land. Paul Kuehn will farm Mr. Comrie's land in section 22.

Leon Collins, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins had a birthday party. About 25 school mates enjoyed the hospitality of the young host.

Miss Edith Bayard concluded her visit here returning Friday to her home at Ayr where she is engaged to teach a four months' term of school.

E. H. Page of Superior, Wis., former manager of the farmers' elevator here is confined in a sanitarium in Michigan with rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner entertained a company of friends at dinner Wednesday in honor of their visiting guest Mrs. William Wagner of Wahpeton.

The town will lay about 500 yds. of concrete sidewalk which will give our little town a nice line of concrete walk equal to any town of the size in the state.

G. B. Farnham visited a few days last week in Fargo calling at St. John's hospital to see his brother from Milbank, S. D. who is confined there for medical treatment.

Fred Williams, August Faltz, W. G. Clark, W. C. Gamble, Walter Phillips, attended the banquet tendered by the Casselton lodge A. F. and A. M. at their hall Friday evening.

The ladies aid met with Mrs. H. J. Wagner Tuesday the present officers were elected followed by an elaborate lunch served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. Wagner and Mrs. Jim Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith are the proud parents of a baby boy born last Wednesday. Grandma Green arrived from Page to care for her first grandchild and is highly elated over the occasion.

Miss Leda Wilkie has been out of school for two weeks with a felon on her thumb. Dr. Baillie has operated on the member and her schoolmates trust Miss Leda will soon return to her studies.

At the township election Tuesday the following officers were elected; supervisor, T. C. Hockridge; clerk, Walter Phillips; treasurer, W. C. Gamble; assessor, T. O. Burgum; justice, Donald Kentfield; constables, Ed. Kentfield, Henry Sommerfeld; road overseers, Louie Frickle, Gus Sommerfeld.

March 25, 1909 R. E. Wilkie left Tuesday eve on a business trip to the Twin Cities.

Miss Gertrude Lambert spent several days visiting friends in Casselton.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum will entertain the Ladies Aid at a quilting bee April 1st.

Miss Florence Kane visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Flynn in Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained several friends Thursday evening at cards.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morrison of Casselton were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.

H. E. Stone of Ludlow, Ill., arrived with two cars of stock and machinery for his farm east of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Tourtellotte were guests at dinner Friday eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett.

Messers. Williams, Gamble, Clark and Burgum drove to Hunter Sunday to attend the funeral of the late Mr. Lane.

J. H. Nesbitt of Hunter is working in Arthur this week hanging paper and decorating. J. H. is a past master of this line of work.

Miss Sadie Plumley attended the basket social held in district 63 and was the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fridley over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart, Sr. returned Saturday morning from the long visit in Canada and Michigan and report a delightful trip.

John Elwood was doing a stunt at moving Tuesday having purchased the hennery erected by Martin Bowers on J. A. Burgum's farm. John skidded the building to his farm.

Monday, March 22nd, 1909, our old friend John Schlate was 72 years old and during the day Uncle John invited his friends to come and spend the evening with him. About 40 gladly accepted his genial hospitality and everybody had a jolly good time. Cards and music and a real good old fashioned visit caused the time to pass very quickly and at 10:30 o'clock a bountiful lunch was served. It was near one o'clock when the guests departed wishing the host and hostess many returns of the happy occasion.