Arthur Anglings
1909 Hunter Herald

October 7, 1909

Will Claviter is quarantined with diphtheria.

Mrs. Bernice Henry left Monday eve. for Casselton for medical treatment.

The Ladies Aid will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wilke are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby son last Sunday.

Miss Mary Frank, of Hunter, spent Saturday here the guest of Miss Elsie Wagner.

There will be a pie social Wed. eve. The evening's proceeds will be used for the foreign mission.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips returned home Monday after several days' visit with her parents in Fargo.

Mrs. B. B. Elliott was in town Sat., the first time since the illness of her daughter and reports Miss Edra improving nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Tourtellotte visited friends in town Saturday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilke and Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

Dr. Campbell is very busy looking after his many fever patients. Mrs. Tom Collins and Miss Josie Landon are confined to their room with typhoid fever.

A mission festival was held Sun. in the German Lutheran church. The morning and evening services were well attended and a generous contribution for the good missionaries.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur entertained a large number of relatives Sunday at dinner, including Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen, Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Schur, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner, in honor of the Harvest Festival.

Chas. Gunkle has made some extensive improvements on his farm. The old residence has been moved back and made into commodious quarters for the employees. The other buildings have undergone a general overhauling and things in general tend to make the appearance of the farm quite attractive.

October 14, 1909

T. O. Burgum spent Tuesday in Casselton.

Mrs. M. Kane visited friends in Arthur last Thursday.

T. J. Ross received a carload of Gold Medal flour last Saturday.

C. F. Bayard of Ayr spent Tuesday in Arthur the guest of relatives.

J. A. Burgum has been quite poorly this week but is now convalescent.

Mrs. Gust Schroeder is slowly improving after a two weeks siege of pneumonia.

Joe Eckelberger is building his new house. It will be 20x28 ft. and 1_ story.

Rev. Tourtellotte preached his farewell sermon to a crowded house Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah are enjoying a visit from their daughter Mrs. Knute Berg, of Spring Grove, Minn.

Bernace Henry went to Casselton Thursday to see his wife who is ill with typhoid fever at the home of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld left Tuesday for Mandan, for a few days visit with their son, F. W. Sommerfeld.

Mrs. Charles Gunkel left Wednesday evening for Belfield to care for another new grandchild which arrived recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunkel.

Mr. Wilke has sold his blacksmith shop together with his town residence to Edmund Viestenz and Louis Heyden, to go into effect March 1st. Mr. Wilke has not decided as to what he will do in the future.

October 21, 1909

Miss Gertrude Lambert visited at home Sunday.

Gordon Burgum is doing an extensive coal business these cold days.

Miss Minnie Davis expects to attend the Fargo Business College this fall.

Work on the church basement has commenced with A. T. Burgum in charge.

Miss Cora Waxler left Saturday for the winter term at Sacred Heart Academy, Fargo.

Mrs. T. J. Ross and Miss Howe went to Hunter Sat. to attend services in the Catholic church.

Chas. Gunkel and nephew, Geo., of Casselton, came up Sun. from the latter place in his automobile.

John Elwood has rented his farm to his nephew, Frank Elwood. John expects to have a sale in the spring.

Mrs. Carugue and children arrived Sat. morning from Aberdeen, S. D. and are getting settled in the rooms at the depot.

The lathers arrived the first of the week and the Dr's. new office and Eickelbergers residence will soon be ready for the plasters.

The many friends of Miss Josie Landon will be glad to know she is improving nicely from her recent attack of typhoid fever.

Bertrum, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen, has been poorly the past week which has caused his parents much anxiety.

Henry Sommerfeld left Sunday eve. on No. 4 for Bismarck to register for a quarter section of land in the Standing Rock Indian reservation.

Mr. and Mrs. Krueger entertained Sunday, a company of relatives. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Myers and children of Erie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krueger of Wheatland.

Miss Edson of St. Luke's hospital of Fargo arrived Mon. morning to nurse Will Clivator who is seriously ill with complications following diphtheria. Dr. Baldwin of Casselton was called Sunday in consultation with Dr. Campbell. His many friends are anxious to hear of an early improvement.

October 28, 1909

J. A. Burgum was a Hunter visitor Saturday.

Mrs. W. C. Gamble is spending a few days in Fargo.

Rev. Cook preached in the M. E. church Sunday a. m.

Miss Mable Chapman has bought out the Arthur Free Press.

Miss Elsie Wagner visited last week with friends in Hunter.

J. R. Mollins of Erie transacted business in Arthur Tuesday.

John Schur and daughters were Casselton visitors Thurs. and Fri.

Mrs. Will Wagner of Wahpeton is visiting at the home of Frank Meyers.

Walter and Mattie Iwen visited relatives and friends over Sunday in Fargo.

Theodore Priewe took his little son to Fargo last Friday for medical treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips entertained Mr. and Mrs. Tourtellotte last Thursday.

Miss Mable Rasmussen visited from Friday until Monday with Johanna Christenson.

Rev. Freytag conducted English services in the German Lutheran church last Sunday evening.

Rev. Tourtellotte baptized the three small children of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham last Tuesday.

Miss Buchholz left for her home in Eau Claire, Wis., after a summer's visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilke attended the funeral of the late Mrs Annie L. Meyers at Fargo last Sat. afternoon.

November 4, 1909

Mrs. August Tonn is under the Dr's. care.

Mrs. Paul Kuehn visited Hunter friends Sat.

Grove Fridley spent Sun. with Arthur friends.

T. J. Ross has installed a new safe in his store.

Mrs. Gunkel returned Friday from her visit at Belfield, N. D.

Mrs. F. J. Stumpf is entertaining her two nieces from Hope.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and children spent Monday in Casselton.

Mrs. Rob Morrow of Erie was shopping in Arthur Tuesday.

Johnnie Brennan left yesterday morning for Churches Ferry.

Mrs. Thoemke of Hunter visited with Mrs. A. T. Burgum, Sat.

Julius Sommerfeld re-shingled the annex to the Farmers Elevator.

Ollie Burgum has been absent from school this week with tonsillitis.

Miss Mable Chapman spent Sat. in Hunter in the interests of her paper.

Mrs. H. P. Moore and Miss Elsie Wagner visited friends in Hunter Monday.

J. A. Burgum had a three acre field of potatoes which netted 100 bu. per acre.

Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Gardner visited over Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

Walter Phillips left Sunday eve. for Fargo to resume his duties in the auditors office.

The Farnham children entertained 25 school friends Sat. evening at a Halloween party.

The Yeoman will give a dance this evening and a good time is assured to all who attend.

Rev. Kahl delivered his first sermon Sun. morning in the M. E. church to a large congregation.

Walter Fink spent Tues. in town looking after the St. Anthony and Northwestern elevator Co. interests.

Elmer Schur was the only one from here to draw a lucky number for land at the recent Aberdeen drawing.

Charlie Gunkel is finishing threshing flax. Charlie says flax threshing is pretty slow work these frosty mornings.

November 11, 1909

Miss Chapman's pupils had a holiday last Friday.

Miss Agness Ackesson spent Sunday with her parents.

George Lee Clark, of Casselton, spent Tuesday in town.

Miss Iza Gunkel and Mrs. T. J. Ross were Hunter visitors Saturday.

Mrs. W. C. Gamble and children visited friends in Hunter Saturday.

The farmer's favorite occupation this time of the year is stacking corn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Siewert visited at the home of John Brazel last Sunday.

Miss Minnie Green is visiting at the home of Miss Annie Winnestoffer at Hunter.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld entertained about fifty friends at dinner last Sunday.

R. E. Wilkie and R. H. Vosburg are planning a trip through the different parts of Canada.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and children are back to town after spending the summer on the farm.

J. A. Burgum has been confined to his room several days with a bad attack of rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur entertained a company of friends and relatives Sunday at dinner.

Elmer Schur and Miss Freda Viestenz left Thursday for Binford to be present at the marriage of a friend.

John Wagner returned Tuesday from Wahpeton where he spent a few days with his son George and relatives.

B. B. Elliott had to kill a fine work horse last week by reason of its stepping into a badger hole and breaking its leg.

Mrs. Bernice Henry is rapidly improving after her recent attack of typhoid. Mrs. T. A. Green is caring for Mrs. Henry's little son the past week.

Several friends received souvenir post cards from Mrs. Tourtellotte at Hansboro. Mr. Tourtellotte preached last Sunday evening to a large congregation, about 150 people being present.

LuElla, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schaffer, received a severe shaking up last Friday while riding with her father in a grain tank. The team became unmanageable running some distance through the plowed field.

November 18, 1909

W. H. Hudson was an Erie visitor on Monday.

Mrs. John Iwen visited friends in Fargo, Friday.

Miss Mamie Schur was a Casselton visitor over Sunday.

The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Reuben Phillips.

G. B. Farnham left Tuesday eve. for Fargo to serve on the jury.

Mrs. R. E. Wilkie and children were Blanchard visitors last Thurs.

There were no services in the M. E. church Sunday owing to the storm.

Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld is contemplating a visit with relatives in Wisconsin.

Mrs. Charles Meyers, of Erie, visited here with relatives the first of the week.

A number of young men drove to Hunter Saturday eve. to witness the wrestling match.

Mrs. Geo. Diefenbacher of Casselton visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum.

H. P. Moore left Monday morning for Hunter where he has accepted a position with Gale, Carr & Co.

Emil Boettcher contemplates taking a trip to Washington to visit his brother Gust and will also visit a brother at New England, this state.

Carl Mondt had the misfortune to fall and sprain his ankle which is causing him considerable pain and inconvenience.

G. B. Burgum and Miss Olga Schur drove to Ayr Thursday to attend the dance and visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Mr. and Mrs. Siewert purchased a fine Stetson piano from Fred Williams and it is a beautiful and useful gift for their children.

The storm of Saturday night and Sunday was the worst storm to come so early in the season in the last 27 years. Nov. 12, 1882 a blizzard swept over North Dakota as will be remembered by all old timers. The winter of '82 and '83 was noted for its extreme cold and great depth of snow.

November 25, 1909

Mrs. I. S. Roberts spent Friday in Casselton.

A social dance will be held in the hall Friday evening.

Rudolf Kuhl of Wimbledon is visiting the Wilke brothers.

Leo. Boettscher of Blanchard is visiting relatives in town.

Rev. J. A. Kahl was calling on Arthur people last Friday.

Mrs. Calvin Acker is visiting her old home at Bertha, Minn.

Dr. Campbell spent a few days last week with his people at Devils Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Brasel, of Casselton, spent Saturday here, the guests of their son.

J. A. Burgum is still confined to his room with a bad attack of rheumatism.

Assistant Sup't of Schools Hazelquist, was visiting the school here last Thursday and -Friday.

Crist Gropper left for Mankato Monday evening accompanied by his little son who will receive treatment for deafness.

Mrs. Browning of Fargo was an Arthur visitor Friday in the interest of the Phoenix Engraving Co., and met with much success.

About twenty young people attended the surprise party at the home of Archie Schur. The occasion being Archie's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham will entertain Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum at dinner Thanksgiving.

J. B. and W. P. Hockridge have returned from their Canadian trip much impressed with the country. Both gentlemen purchased some Canadian soil.

Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Hamilton, sister and niece of Mrs. W. A. Fridley arrived Tuesday from Pecatonia, Ill., to visit over Thanksgiving at the farm home.

December 2, 1909

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett are visiting friends in Fargo this week.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Tuesday in Fargo the guest of Mrs. W. E. Hunt.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts attended the Gifford-Shafer wedding Thursday evening.

The Ladies' Aid will hold a bazaar and chicken pie supper in the hall Thurs. eve.

The M. W. A. Camp of Arthur will give a dance in the near future. Keep your eye out for the date.

The many friends of J. A. Burgum will be glad to hear that he is some better at the present time.

Roy Amel of Davenport was a week's guest at the pleasant farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel.

G. B. Farnham spent Thanksgiving at home, returning to the county seat Monday to resume jury duty.

Gordon Stumpf returned to Fargo Monday night to resume his work in the mechanical department of the A. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Bordie Crandell and children came down from Minot last week to visit with relatives and friends for a while.

Mr. and Ms. H. J. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilkie spent Sunday in Casselton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Echternach.

Mrs. Fred Bettschen was visiting relatives in Arthur last week. Mrs. Bettschen was enroute from Montana to her home in Litchville, N. Dak.

December 9, 1909

Rev. Freytag is preparing a large class for confirmation.

Born, Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Viestenz a fine baby boy.

Miss Susie Adams visited over Sunday with relatives in Hunter.

Mrs. Charles Gunkel and daughter Iza were Casselton visitors Fri.

Mrs. Christenson visited last Wednesday with friends in Hunter.

Our village blacksmith is the busiest man in town shoeing horses.

George Gebeke of Detroit, Minn. is visiting his parents here for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were Casselton visitors last Thursday and Friday.

Annie Sommerfeld spent a week with her sister, Mrs. August Tonn, near Amenia.

Miss Ida Kentfield left Tuesday to spend the winter with relatives at Beloit, Wis.

Mrs. Schumert arrived home Friday having been visiting relatives in the Twin Cities.

Johnnie Siewert won 2nd prize in Junior class contest and therefore has $3 to the good.

A. T. Burgum has been under the weather for the past week but is able to be out again.

Mrs. F. J. Stumpf and daughter accompanied her niece Miss Saunders to her home at Hope for a short visit.

Julius Sommerfeld has finished the interior of the Eckelberger house. Now Joe and his family are getting settled.

Mr. Hare arrived from Humboldt, Minnesota last week and has accepted the position as clerk with T. J. Ross. Mr. Hare will not move his family here until spring.

R. H. Vosburg arrived home Sat. morning from his trip to Pacific coast. Richard also visited with his old friends and neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell, in Idaho.

The Ladies' Aid supper and bazaar was a success both socially and financially. The ladies served a splendid supper and had many fancy and useful articles for sale. The receipts for the evening being $78.00.

December 16, 1909

Miss Susie Adams visited over Sunday with the misses Vosburg.

Albert Farnham is expected home from the University for the holidays.

Mrs. Charles Lambert and daughter, Gerty, were Fargo visitors Wed.

Walter Phillips has accepted a position with Perry-Tyner & Co. at Fargo.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips is entertaining her sister, Mrs. H. Rudd, of Fargo.

The Dixie Family played here three successive nights to a well filled house.

The usual Christmas tree exercises will be held in the M. E. and German Lutheran churches.

John Rhebuck is the new teacher for the south school in District 46, Julius Elliott, the former teacher, having resigned.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy, born Sunday. Mother and babe are doing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Echternach drove up from Casselton Saturday and visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

R. E. Wilkie, Julius Sommerfeld, Theodore Priewe attended the Cass County School Association meeting which was held in Fargo last Fri.

Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips, Fred Williams and W. C. Gamble attended Masonic doings in Fargo last Friday evening.

The many friends of R. C. Elliott were surprised and delighted to see him alight from the train Saturday morning from Chicago. R. C. will be here for a short time visiting friends before his departure to California where he and his family expect to reside permanently.

The Arthur Camp, M. W. A. 8879, had a splendid meeting Saturday night last, initiating four candidates Dr. Campbell, John Bettschen, Joe Eckelberger, Thomas See. The following members were elected to office: I. S. Roberts, V. C.; Chas. Gunkel, W. A.; R. A. Siewert, Banker; Wm. Stewart, Clerk. A social time and oyster supper was indulged in after lodge.

December 23, 1909

G. B. Farnham returned Saturday morning from Fargo.

Watch for the Woodman dance. Malchow's orchestra will furnish the music.

Twelve children were confirmed last Sunday in the Lutheran church by Rev. Freytag.

Mrs. R. C. Elliott is expected to arrive in Arthur from Stanley for a visit with friends.

H. E. Stone left Sunday for a month's visit with relatives in Paxton and Ludlow, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Collins at Gardner, Wednesday.

Miss Marie Howe left Friday eve. to spend the holidays with her parents at Kellogg, Minn.

A. T. Burgum spent Monday and Tuesday at Ayr, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Rev. Moore, the district superintendent, will occupy the pulpit in the M. E. church Sunday morning.

The Arthur Mercantile store presented each of their customers with a beautiful piece of silverware as a Christmas gift.

Miss Florence Kane arrived Sat. morning from Dawson and will spend her Christmas vacation with her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Ross.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Tuesday in Fargo visiting Mrs. W. H. Fridley at St. John's hospital. Mrs. Fridley is recovering nicely from her recent operation and will be home after Christmas.

Fifteen young people surprised Fred Stanfield last Friday evening at the A. T. Burgum farm. Dancing and 500 was the evening's amusement. At midnight an elaborate supper was served which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. W. Landon chaperoned the party.

December 30, 1909

G. B. Burgum is confined to his bed with a severe cold.

Miss Chapman is spending her vacation at Tower City.

H. F. Strehlow of Casselton was an Arthur visitor Monday.

Miss Florence Kane was a guest over Sunday of Miss Ella Myrah.

Mrs. Tucker of Fargo arrived Tuesday for the visit with relatives.

John Ross of Casselton was in town Tuesday on official business.

Rev. Moore, District Supt., held memorial services here Sunday a. m.

Geo. Wagner is home from Wahpeton to spend the holidays with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur entertained Rev. Freytag and family Sunday at dinner.

A. T. Farnham is home for the holidays and enjoying a well earned vacation.

Several farmers are taking advantage of the good sleighing and drawing grain to market.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts had Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen as their guests Christmas day.

Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz entertained Mr. and Mrs. Landon and Fred Standfield Sunday eve.

The B. A. Y. Homestead of Arthur are contemplating a social entertainment in the near future.

Miss Cora Waxler came home from the Sacred Heart Academy to spend Christmas with her parents on the farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webster of North Yakima, Wash. remembered many of their old friends with boxes of nice apples over Xmas.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen are busy preparing a move into the J. A. Burgum cottage which they will occupy after New Years.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips were guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Moore of Hunter.

Miss Edna Wilkie is home for the holiday vacation. Miss Edna bids fair to become one of the noted musicians of the northwest.

2008 Contributed and copyrighted by Steven Pueppke
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