Arthur Anglings
1909 Hunter Herald

April 1, 1909

Miss Carrie Faltz is visiting friends in Casselton this week.

Louie Bettschen is instructing the M. E. choir in special music for Easter services.

H. C. Hockridge and Fred Williams have both been on the sick the past wek.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner are enjoying a visit from his brother Herman, of Staples, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Romain Farnham, of Menominee, Wis., are visiting G. B. Farnham and family.

No M. E. church service next Sunday morning. District Supt. Moore will preach in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham and son Burke spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum.

Mr. and Mrs. John Folkman moved on the J. A. Burgum farm Monday and will assist J. A. during the summer.

Mrs. E. M. Green left for her home at Page after spending about two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. L. Smith.

Mrs. E. Chandler has been confined to her room and under the Dr's. care for several days owing to a bad attack of bronchitis.

Jerome Shea, of Champaign, Ill., came Tuesday morning and will oversee the seeding of his half section farm in Gunkel township.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur and family at six o'clock dinner Tuesday evening.

Mrs. August Sommerfeld is in St. John's hospital at Fargo, having undergone a critical operation last Thursday and we are glad to say that she is rapidly recovering.

Gordon Stumpf returned from Fargo Saturday morning having completed his course in Mechanical Engineering. The writer believes Gordon to be the youngest engineer in the N. W.

Roy Schaffer met with a sad accident Saturday morning, falling from a grain tank and breaking one of his legs. Dr. Baillie was called and reduced the fractured member and Roy's many friends hope he will soon be o. k. again.

April 8, 1909

Spring is here and the farmers are getting busy.

Gordon Burgum is home from the Business College at Fargo.

Mrs. Cook and children return to their home at Nome, Monday evening.

Mrs. Tucker and two sons arrived Thursday for a short visit with their relatives.

Edna Wilke and George Wagner are home from school during the Easter vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld and Paul Sommerfeld were Fargo visitors last Wednesday.

Dist. Supt. Moore preached Sunday evening to a large congregation an eloquent and inspiring sermon.

H. J. Wagner was called to Oshkosh, Wis., last Wednesday evening on account of the death of his sister.

The Ladies Aid served an Easter supper last Wednesday evening. The evening's proceeds amounting to $17.20.

Misses Florence Kane and Iza Gunkel drove to Hunter last Saturday to attend services in the Catholic church.

Miss Buchholtz, of Fall Creek, Wis., arrived last week and expects to spend the summer here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld.

T. O. Burgum has purchased a 3 h. p. gasoline engine to furnish motive power in elevating grain, cleaning and treating seed wheat and grinding feed.

W. F. Standfield arrived Tuesday morning from Superior, Wis., to be at the bedside of his brother Fred, who has been seriously sick with pneumonia, but a present writing is improving.

Arthur citizens, one and all, are justly proud of the splendid success of Miss Ella Wilke and Miss Elizabeth Burgum in the declamatory contest held in Hunter last Friday evening. To be awarded the first and second prizes is certainly a great honor to the young ladies and their many friends congratulate them. Mrs. T. J. Ross assisted the young ladies in preparing for the contest and the achievement of the Misses Ella and Elizabeth clearly demonstrates the Mrs. Ross ranks first in that line of work.

April 15, 1909

Miss McGrath spent Easter with relatives.

Mrs. C. Gunkel is visiting in Fargo this week.

Misses Ella and Bertha Myrah spent Sunday in Arthur.

T. J. Ross attended Easter services at Casselton last Sunday.

Gordon Stumpf returned last week to resume his studies at the A. C.

Gust Sommerfeld is slowly recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia.

Miss Elsie Wagner entertained the Misses Wellman and Kane last Tuesday evening.

Several of our young people are planning on attending the A. Y. P. exposition at Seattle in June.

Misses Wellman and Kane were guests to Mr. and Mrs. Rosseau at Casselton from Thursday until Monday.

Fred Standfield is now convalescent. Nurse Larson returned Saturday evening to he home in Valley City.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Freytag who has been ill the past week with la grippe, is now convalescent.

Mrs. Stumpf's many friends will be glad to learn that she is recovering from her severe attack of la grippe.

Little Lloyd Morrison visited his little friends here for a few days returning Saturday evening to his home in Casselton.

Walter Phillips and Charles Gunkel were delegates to the conclave of the B. A. Y., which convened in Grand Forks last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur will move from Casselton to the Whelon farm one mile west of town where they will reside during the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landon enjoyed a short visit from Mrs. Landon's brother and wife who stopped off Tuesday on their way home from Idaho to Ludlow, Ill.

Miss Elsie Wagner is home from the Sacred Heart Academy at Fargo. Miss Elsie rendered the beautiful solo ÒFace to FaceÓ at the morning services Easter Sunday.

April 22, 1909

Reuben Phillips visited over Sunday with friends in Fargo.

I. S. Roberts is soon to erect a new residence north of town.

Misses Wellman and Kane visited Saturday with Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld.

W. H. Flynn of Fargo was here Monday looking after his farming interests.

Miss Ella Myrah visited over Sunday with Mrs. Claude Lasson at Casselton.

Miss Ella Echternach of Casselton visited over Sunday with the Wilke children.

Miss Erdman, of Mayville, is displaying a nice stock of millinery at the T. J. Ross store.

Miss Pauline Mitchell, of Hunter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble.

Julius Kushnick is erecting a large barn for Fred Williams on school section No. 16.

Miss Elsie Wagner returned to Fargo to resume her studies t the Sacred Heart Academy.

Miss Alice Wagner, of Staples, will spend the summer here with her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Little Lillie Burgum, Amber Wagner, Helen Viestenz and Leland Burgum entered school Monday.

Mrs. Smith, of Fargo, spent several days here visiting at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel.

Dave Whitmore arrived Tuesday morning with a car of machinery and percheron stock from Ludlow, Ill.

T. J. Ross was in the country Monday erecting one of his famous self oiling wind mills for Andrew Pearson.

John Elwood's father and mother arrived Thursday from Charles City, Iowa, and will spend a short time here visiting their son.

John Westbrook was taken suddenly ill Monday with pneumonia and is at the home of Adam Green. Dr. Baillie of Hunter is attending him.

Mrs. Joseph Stay, nee May Wallace, formerly of Rush River, died recently at the home of her parents at Northfield, Minn., leaving two small children. She formerly taught school near Amenia in the Priewe district.

April 29, 1909

Little Elsie Kuehn is quite ill with pneumonia.

The Ladies Aid will not hold their regular meeting this week.

John See has had a bad attack of quinsy but is again at work.

Miss Wellman visited over Sunday with relatives in Casselton.

T. O. Burgum has separated the west quarter of section 25 to J. A. Burgum.

A baby boy weighing four pounds was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder.

A large delegation is planning a drive to Casselton to attend the declamation contest.

Mr. and Mrs. Tucker of Fargo spent Friday here visiting their parents and relatives.

Louis Smith the wheat buyer for the farmers elevator is the proud owner of an Oldsmobile.

Miss Tracy Mackiner, of Detroit, is spending her second summer on the T. O. Burgum farm.

Rev. and Mrs. Mathews of Casselton were guests Thursday of Rev. and Mrs. Freytag.

Arthur Burgum who hs been absent from the Hunter shool for several weeks is assisting at home.

Miss Gertrude Lambert will spend the summer with her aunt on the G. N. Smith farm near Amenia.

Mrs. Shumert and Miss Freytag, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Freytag, arrived Friday from Minneapolis for a visit.

Special services were held in the Lutheran church last Sunday, Rev. Freytag confirming a large number of children.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley near Argusville.

Rev. and Mrs. Tourtellotte were calling on their friends in the country last week and Friday were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stumpf.

Judging from the volumes of smoke that are gushing from the front and back yards of our neighbors one is inclined to believe that the improvement league has taken possession of our town.

G. B. Farnham had a pleasant week's visit from his brother, E. L. Farnham of Milbank, S. D. Mr. Farnham is much improved in health and left Monday evening for Fargo accompanied by G. B. for a visit with their sister.

May 6, 1909

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Tuesday in Fargo.

Miss Elizabeth Burgum is quite ill with la grippe.

April came in like a lamb and went out like a lion.

Will Swarth left for Fargo Monday to have an operation.

Mrs. Williams nee Millie Dutton was a caller in town Thursday.

Miss Indra of Page will not teach the Arthur school as previously reported.

Mrs. Robert Stewart and daughter Sarah are reported sick with la grippe.

A baby boy was born last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Will Arnold, mother and little one are doing nicely.

The Misses Wellman and Kane were pleasantly entertained last week at the home of Miss Ella Myrah.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith returned to Fargo after a pleasant visit at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel.

John and Gust Schur were Lidgerwood and Jamestown visitors last week and they are also at Lisbon on business today.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schroeder who died last Tuesday was buried Saturday afternoon in the Arthur cemetery, Rev. Tourtellotte conducting the funeral services.

Owing to the bad roads Rev. Buckwalter, of Page, did not preach here Sunday. Mrs. Tourtellotte occupied the pulpit and preached to a large congregation. Rev. Tourtellotte was assigned for the day at Grandin and Centerville.

A. C. Campbell who has been very ill at the home of H. E. Stone with typhoid pneumonia is showing signs of improvement. Mr. Campbell came from Ludlow, Ill. two months ago and has been confined to his bed for the past month.

The Arthur Mercantile Co. will mail circulars to prospective purchasers of rugs which they will have on display for three days only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. The rugs will be of all sizes, makes and prices that you cannot duplicate. Go and see them.

May 13, 1909

Miss Bertha Ellingson is spending the week with Mrs. Louie Bettschen.

Miss Emily Viestenz is finishing the term of school in Dist. 88 for Albert Farnham.

Miss Bucholtz and Miss Annie Sommerfeld were visiting relatives and friends in Fargo last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Iwen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld and family at dinner Sunday.

Mrs. T. J. Ross, Miss Marie McGrath and Miss Iza Gunkel attended church in Hunter Saturday.

Geo. Wagner spent Saturday and Sunday at home returning to Casselton on delayed No. 4 Monday morning.

Albert Farnham departed for Grand Forks Monday having accepted a position as assistant to Prof. Babcock.

The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Wallace Hackett Saturday and a most delightful afternoon was enjoyed. Social chat and fancy sewing with a delicious afternoon luncheon was the program of the occasion.

C. W. Gamble left town Monday morning bright and early on No. 4-that is, it was early for Clyde, and he was bound for the Twin Cities to see what the latest thing in automobiles are and when he gets his eye on the best up-to-date 40 h. p. car he will buy and when he comes to town all other smoke wagons will have to take a back street.

May 20, 1909

The Ladies Aid will meet next Thursday with Mrs. B. B. Elliott.

A baby girl arrived last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark.

Grover Fridley and Carrie Plumley visited Arthur friends last Sunday.

T. O. Burgum, the popular assessor, is making himself unpopular with the tax payers.

J. W. Elwood has painted his house an attractive shade of green with dark trimmings.

Mrs. John Russell, of Hunter, spent a few days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel.

Walter Fink is visiting I. S. Roberts and friends in town. Everybody is glad to see Walt.

Dave Whitmore left last Thursday evening for Kansas to see his mother who is seriously ill.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and children are spending a month on the farm while their town residence on High View is being renovated, both the interior and exterior, and other improvements made.

Mrs. Wilbur Hackett received a telegram Saturday announcing the death of her mother at Schoolcraft, Mich. Mrs. Fellows was 86 years old and Arthur friends sympathize with Mrs. Hackett in this her great bereavement.

June 3, 1909

John Schur left Monday evening for Lidgerwood.

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. F. W. Fridley.

Simon Rasler accompanied his mother to Indiana for a visit with relatives.

Mrs. Charles Gunkel and Miss Iza were Casselton visitors last Wednesday.

Frank Wagner arrived Monday morning spending the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bower at the W. C. Muir farm west of Hunter.

Misses Olive and Lillie Burgum entertained their teachers, Misses Wellman and Kane Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock tea.

Lost - near Arthur, a heavyweight dark grey shawl. Finder please leave at Arthur Mercantile Co's. store for reward. T. O. Burgum.

August E. Sommerfeld is busy enlarging his pasture for his large herd of shorthorns. Mr. Sommerfeld is a strong believer in combining stock and grain raising and is making good. A few days ago he sold two head to the local butcher for the neat sum of $110.00 and one was only three years old.

A spirited game of ball was played Friday afternoon on the new diamond between Erie and Arthur, the score being 10 to 12 in favor of Arthur. A big dance and supper was held in the hall, which was well attended and netted the boys a tidy sum and somewhat compensated them for the loss of the game last week.

The Arthur school closed Thursday and a grand picnic was held in the fine grove at the home of O. G. Myrah. The pupils of the three schools gathered at the pleasure grounds. The J. B. Hockridge school presided over by Miss Ella Myrah, the G. B. Farnham school taught by Prof. Bucholtz and the Arthur school, Misses Wellman and Kane, teachers and young folks to the number of 75 enjoyed the sports. Picnic lunch was served at noon to the many adults present.

June 10, 1909

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Monday in Fargo.

Mrs. W. A. Fridley will entertain the ladies aid Thursday afternoon.

Miss Delia Viestenz will spend her vacation among the pines of Minnesota.

Mrs. J. W. Bettschen and little son Bertom L. were Casselton visitors last week.

Mrs. Florence D. Richards will lecture in the M. E. church Sunday morning at 11 a.m.

The Arthur Mercantile Co. store is undergoing some extensive remodeling and building.

Mrs. G. B. Farnham and son spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John See.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanders of Hope arrived last Thursday for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Stumpf.

Fred Wolff has purchased five acres of land from Ed. Sommerfeld and will build in the near future.

Seeding is all finished and the farmers are hauling in the balance of their seed wheat and taking advantage of the high price.

Miss McGrath accompanied the teachers on their trip west. Miss McGrath has accepted a position as teacher in the schools at Taylor, N. Dak.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith and son of Niagara arrived Wednesday eve for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah. They expect to spend the summer visiting relatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

He Got His
A story comes from Arthur of an affair that put one man out of commission for several days, and it is the opinion of the community that the punishment inflicted was none too severe. It seems that Olaf Madsen, who is working a farm east of Arthur, while milking a cow Wednesday of last week, became infuriated at the cow and began to abuse the animal when Mrs. Madsen opened the barn door and let the ovine out, and for this act Madsen threw the milking stool and a feed box at his wife. Mrs. Madsen ran to her neighbor's place, H. E. Stone's, and going into the house Madsen could not get her but made the hired man do a hot foot in which he was outdistanced. Mr. Stone was the next victim.

June 10, 1909

Born Sunday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz, a boy.

Grover Fridley and Carrie Plumley were Arthur visitors Sunday.

Pres. N. M. Young of the John Miller Grain Co. visited at Arthur Saturday.

The fields of corn and barley are beginning to show the effects of too much rain.

Mrs. R. H. Vosburg will entertain the Hunter W. C. T. U. at her farm home tomorrow.

Mrs. H. P. Moore left Sun. evening for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cook, at Nome, N. D.

W. J. Stone of Ludlow, Ill., arrived Sat. morning and will be at the farm for some time.

Gordon Burgum will open the Northwestern elevator at Arthur about the 1st of August.

Misses Josie and Mable Landon left Wed. evening for a short visit with relatives at Campbell, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Henry arrived Mon. from Casselton and are nicely settled on th H. E. Stone farm.

Word reached Arthur that Mrs. Walter Bower of New England, N. D., is improving nicely after her recent operation for appendicitis.

Miss Alma Buckley closed a nine months term of school in Amenia districts last Fri. and is spending a few days visiting Arthur friends.

Mrs. J. C. Kelly, of East Liverpool, Ohio, arrived Sat. morning and will spend two months at home, much to the joy of her many friends.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts have moved into their new house and will soon be comfortably settled. Ikey says building a new house is no snap.

Miss Florence Kane is remembering her pupils with official souvenir post cards of the buildings at the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition at Seattle.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips arrived Thurs. from Fargo. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will take possession of their new home and will be at home to their many friends after July 15th.

Misses Mildred and Bernice Vosburg will leave this week for a long visit with relatives in Michigan.

Fred Williams is erecting a new garage.

Rev. Tourtellotte will deliver a patriotic sermon next Sun. morning.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Elwood.

Charlie Gunkel left Mon. evening for a week's visit with his son Carl at Belfield.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Sun. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

J. H. Nesbitt and his force of men are doing fine work in the interior of the A. M. store.

Mrs. John Elwood and niece arrived home Sat. morning from Charles City, Iowa.

Louis Schur has accepted the position of wheat buyer for the Farmers Elevator Co.

Miss Katie Bower of Page spent a week here visiting her school friend Miss Carrie Faltz.

Mrs. R. F. Viestenz and children left last Thurs. for a visit with her parents at Verndale, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Burley and daughter Elsie are spending the summer at their old home in Canada.

2009 Copyrighted and Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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