Arthur Anglings
1911 Hunter Herald

April 13, 1911

Ed. Real was a Wahpeton visitor last week.

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Saturday.

R. I. Parsons was a visitor to Grand Forks Sunday.

Eugene Adams of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Saturday.

Get your Easter bonnet at the Arthur Mercantile store.

Miss Flora Shaffer is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Elwood.

Miss Amy Curtis left last week for her home at Hawley, Minn.

John Wagner left Saturday for Wahpeton to clerk in the uncle's store.

Dr. Glasgow of Casselton was in Arthur Monday looking after his farming interest.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur.

Mrs. R. F. Viestenz and little daughters were Fargo visitors the middle of the week.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Iwen Tuesday, a baby girl. Mother and daughter doing nicely.

Will Stewart and Charles Gunkel were delegates to the County Camp M. W. A. at Leonard.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard and Mrs. W. Burgum were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Miss Josie Landon returned home Friday from a two months visit with relatives in Ludlow, Ill.

J. H. Gale and son Harry and H. T. Brewer of Hunter were Arthur business visitors Monday.

Mrs. North arrived from Ludlow last Thursday and will stay with her brother, Hugh, during the summer months.

Misses Fern Gable and Meta Iwen and Messrs. Ed. Reel and Fred Standfield were Sunday guests at the Mauer farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel have returned to Arthur after several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amel of Davenport.

The farmers are rejoicing over the moisture which fell during the week and seedling will be in full blast the end of the week.

F. J. Stumpf received the sad news last week of the death of his mother who resides in Connecticut. She had lived to the ripe age of 82.

The many friends of Mr. Clague are sorry that his health is such that he had to take a rest for a week or 10 days. J. H. Lewis is now on duty at the G. N. station.

April 20, 1911

J. H. Lewis was a Hunter visitor Saturday.

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. August Tonn were Fargo visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips spent Easter in Fargo.

Miss Ida Boettcher returned from Fargo Saturday morning.

Miss Myrtle Ames spent Easter at her home in Casselton.

Miss Selma Ringen visited her home at Kindred over Easter.

Miss Christene Maurer arrived Saturday morning and spent Easter at home.

Mrs. John See is in town assisting in caring for her father, A. T. Burgum.

Misses Agatha and Matilda Freytag were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden.

Miss Helen Viestenz and Ed. Buchholz were dinner guests of Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld Easter.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard and Mrs. W. H. Burgum were callers at the G. B. Farnham home last week.

We are pleased to note that A. T. Burgum, who has been quite ill during the past few weeks, is improving.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard returned in her home in Ayr Sunday after several days at the A. T. Burgum residence.

W. C. Gamble received a telegram of the death of his aunt, Ms. Francis Gamble. He left Tuesday for Milbank, S. Dak.

Albert T. Farnham and sister Myrtle attended Easter services in Hunter Sunday and were guests of Miss Bertha Myrah.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Iwen, and Mr. and Mrs. Slate were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Siewert Sunday.

W. H. Burgum and wife returned to Sumner, Iowa, Monday night. W. H. was called to the bedside of his father some four weeks ago.

Tom Burgum, who is slowly recovering from an operation performed in Fargo some weeks ago, moved last week to his farm two miles southeast of town.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum were a company who enjoyed Easter dinner at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schur.

April 27, 1911

T. O. Burgum is in town this week assessing.

W. C. Gamble returned Sunday from Milbank, S. Dak.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart were Fargo visitors last week.

Fred Williams leaves the middle of the week for eastern points.

Mrs. W. C. Landon and daughter were Hunter visitors Saturday.

Miss Bertha Myrah was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen entertained I. S. Roberts and family Sunday.

Miss Mable Garman of Fargo spent Saturday with Mrs. Reuben Phillips.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Tucker of Fargo were visiting relatives here last Thursday.

Dr. and Mrs. Campbell were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Viestenz.

Miss Christine Maurer returned to the Sacred Heart Academy at Fargo last Thursday.

Ideal weather and the farmers are improving their time in the seeding of small grains.

Miss Myrtle Ames returned to her home in Casselton last week. She as given up her school.

Messrs. Whitmore and Fuller arrived Saturday from Ludlow, Ill., to look after their farming interests.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum at the farm.

George Green and Roddie Morrison of Ayr drove over last Tuesday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum.

Miss Florence Kane arrived Monday evening from Devils Lake where she ahs been teaching and is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Ross.

A. T. Burgum is improving and can now sit up a short time each day. Miss Kelly, the trained nurse, expects to return to Fargo Thursday.

May 4, 1911

Ed. Real was a Wahpeton visitor Sunday.

R. I. Parsons was a Grand Forks visitor Sunday.

Mrs. Walter Phillips was a Fargo visitor Monday.

Miss Selma Ringen spent Sunday at her home in Kindred.

W. C. Gamble was a business visitor to Fargo Monday.

Miss Florence Kane left for her home at Minneapolis Wednesday.

Miss Mable Landon was the guest of Miss Fern Gamble Thursday.

Harry Gale and Melvin Nelson of Hunter were Arthur visitors Wednesday.

Mrs. Louie Bettschen will entertain the Ladies' Aid at the church Thursday.

Barna Siminage and W. H. Hooper of Fargo were Arthur visitors Monday.

George Kaufman, who has been working at the drug store, left for his home at McHenry, Friday.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard and little daughter Annie drove over from Ayr Saturday for a visit over Sunday with her father.

May 11, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon were guests Sunday of Mrs. North.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur were Casselton visitors last Wednesday.

The stockholders of the Farmers Elevator Co., held a meeting Saturday.

Mrs. John Bettschen will entertain the Ladies' Aid next Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld.

Tom See and sisters Minnie and Gladys were dinner guests Sunday of Miss Alice Lambert.

The Ladies' Aid have received their shipment of monogram dishes which are very beautiful.

Miss Bella Dundas is finishing the term of school in district 46 and stopping with her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Hockridge.

Gordon Stumpf spent Sunday at home visiting his mother and sister who have just recovered from a severe attack of tonsillitis.

The many friends of A. T. Burgum are delighted to know that he is now on the road to "wellville" and every day sees improvements.

May 25, 1911

Mr. Webb visited friends at Page Sunday.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum drove to Casselton Friday.

Mrs. O. E. Tourtellotte visited Arthur friends a few days last week.

T. J. Ross with several Arthurites autoed to Erie to see the ball game.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum entertained a company of relatives Sunday.

The Ladies Aid will serve supper Saturday evening in the church basement.

Wedding bells will soon be ringing for some of Arthur's prominent young people.

Gust Iwen and T. J. Ross are the proud owners of Ford and Case automobiles.

Miss Myrtle Farnham will leave Friday to take teachers examinations in Casselton.

The Page and Arthur ball teams played ball here Sunday, score 1 to 8 in favor of Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sieverts were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher.

Miss Elsie Wagner and Mrs. T. R. Campbell were Fargo visitors the latter part of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson welcomed a baby girl Monday the 22. All concerned are doing nicely.

Walter Fink of Grand Forks was in town Saturday and boosting for the Old Line Elevator companies.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner and little daughter Lillie returned Thursday from a week's visit with relatives at Wahpeton.

Mrs. A. A. Walker and sister Jennie Rudd of Washburn visited several days with their sister Mrs. Reuben Phillips.

The stockholders of the Farmers Elevator Co., held a meeting Saturday afternoon. The business of the company has been conducted in a very satisfactory manner the past year.

The baseball team opened the season at home Sunday by defeating Page by a score of 8 to 1. The pitching of Ramstad was too much for the visitors and the boys won easily.
For the locals a home run by W. Collins and the fielding of J. Collins at third were the bright spots in the game. Batteries, Page L. Haskins and Still, Arthur Ramstad and Farnham.
The ground was in good shape and there was a large crowd in attendance.

June 1, 1911 Julius Koesnack was a Fargo visitor last week.

W. C. Gamble was a Hunter visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Hunter visitors Saturday.

Rev. Moore preached the memorial services here Sunday.

Ed. Peal and Ike Burke were Casselton visitors Monday.

Misses Bernice and Maude Vosburg were school visitors Monday.

T. J. Ross and family and E. E. Webb were Page visitors Sunday.

Harry Gale and H. Brewer of Hunter were Arthur visitors Monday.

Joe Burgum has purchased a new Ford automobile from Frank Lonch & Co.

The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. T. R. Campbell.

Bertin Gamble and Sag Ramstead were Hunter visitors last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frickey and son Earl of Hunter attended church here last Sunday.

Miss Ida Gulickson visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Amel of Davenport over Sunday.

Miss Frances Buckley arrived Monday morning and is visiting Miss Alma Buckley.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham spent Sunday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Mrs. Ewalt Rossler arrived Monday morning and is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mergner.

F. J. Stumpf of Arthur and I. S. Smith of Buffalo are the champion baseball rooters of Cass county.

L. H. Burke has invested in an E. M. F. auto. We understand that Mr. Burke intends running an auto livery.

The Arthur school will close Friday and a picnic will be held in the grove at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Elliott.

Messrs Lee and Waxler gave a large dancing party last Friday eve at the farm home, a large company of young people attended.

The Ladies Aid supper and sale of garden bonnets and souvenir cups was well patronized considering the threatening weather. About $27.00 being realized.

Road overseer Henry Sommerfeld is having considerable work done on the roads this week which is a good thing for the road but a little detrimental to the motorists.

Miss Buckley's pupils in West Arthur gave a basket social and play Monday night. A large crowd witnessed the performance and report a pleasant evening with teacher and pupils.

The Arthur baseball team will give a dance Friday evening in the hall. The ladies will furnish the supper. The receipts to defray expenses of the ball boys. Everybody come and have a good social time.

The storm of last week did considerable damage to property, the large barn of Gust Sommerfeld was struck by lightning and a valuable work horse killed.
Lightning also struck the barn owned by Mrs. T. M. Davis.

The ball game Friday on the local diamond was a good snappy game from start to finish, Arthur winning, score 7 to 4. The Blanchard boys are all nice, clever gentlemen and a bunch of good losers.
We are all proud of the team and think we have as good a bunch of ball players as any team out of Fargo and they are rightly entitled to the support of the Arthur fans. The sensational event of the game
was Tony's action with the willow, he is certainly strong with fans.

June 8, 1911

R. I. Parsons was a Grand Forks visitor Tuesday.

Herbert Lee spent Sunday evening at the Faltz farm.

Martin Bowers of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Monday.

Mrs. Ringen of Kindred visited with her daughter, Miss Selma, a few days last week.

Misses Fern Gamble and Meta Iwen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins over Sunday.

Mrs. W. G. Clark and children arrived last week and are visiting relatives and friends here.

Miss Katie Twitchler of Casselton spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum.

Misses Elsie Wagner and Alice Skogmo and Ed. Real attended the ball game at Casselton Sunday.

The ball boys went to Casselton Sunday and were defeated by the Casselton boys, the score being 5 to 6.

Our ball boys played the Page team at the place last Thursday and came home victorious; score 4 to 17.

Mrs. Chas. Kelly arrived Saturday evening and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett.

Miss Selma Ringen left Friday evening for her home at Kindred after teaching a nine months term of school here.

Those who attended the dance from out of town last Friday were: Misses Zavitz, Weissert, Henry, Mitchell and McMullen and Messers. Collins, Young, Brewer and Johnson of Hunter,
Ing Messelt of Blanchard and Miss Mary Bousley and Carl Springin of Erie.

June 15, 1911

John Schur autoed to Casselton Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Iwen autoed to Cummings for a few days visit.

Emil Boettscher is in Fargo at a sanitarium receiving treatment for rheumatism.

Miss Bertha Myrah and Myrtle Farnham are attending summer school in Fargo.

Miss Elsie Wagner spent several days in Davenport visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amel.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner spent Tuesday in Fargo attending the wedding of Miss Alice Comrie.

Miss Olive Burgum is able to walk again after being laid up with a very painful poisoned leg.

Theodore Sell is quite poorly in Fargo, where he will undergo an operation at one of the hospitals.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott are rejoicing over the arrival of another girl who was born last Wednesday.

Dr. Campbell, R. F. Viestenz and W. C. Gamble autoed to Fargo to witness the ascension of the air ship.

Ed Viestenz and sister Emile returned Wednesday from Menominee, Wis., where they attended the marriage of a cousin.

J. A. Burgum took a party of friends to Chaffee to witness the ball game Sunday between the Arthur Tigers and Chaffee Millers.

Mrs. John Schur, Mrs. Will Schur, Mrs Gust Schur and Aug. Tonn will leave Friday evening for a visit of several weeks with friends in Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sprague, parents of Mrs. R. C. Elliott, arrived last week and spent a few days here before returning to their California home, accompanied by Mrs. Elliott and little daughter,
Dorothy, where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. Elliott will attend the University of California and expects to follow her vocation as teacher, R. C. will join them late in the fall.

Thursday afternoon at three o'clock in St. Martins Lutheran church occurred the marriage of Henry A. Sommerfeld and Miss Helen M. Viestenz, Rev. Freytag performed the marriage in the Lutheran service.
The bride and groom's attendants were Bennie Buevmater, W. F. Sommerfeld, Miss Annie Sommerfeld and Miss Emily Viestenz with Miss Martha Viestenz at the organ.
The church was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants, after the ceremony the guests, which numbered 200, repaired to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz,
where an elaborate wedding dinner was served. The wedding gifts were many and costly and their friends bestowed on them everything that a couple would require in the furnishing of a home.
Mr. Sommerfeld has rented his mother's farm in Arthur and they will go to housekeeping at once.

June 22, 1911

Mrs. Chas. Kelly was a Fargo visitor last week.

Walter Fink was in town a few days last week.

They have begun the building of the school house.

E. Burke and sister Alice were Fargo visitors Monday.

There will be childrens' day exercises in the church Sunday.

Wm. Stewart and Elmer Elwood were Blanchard visitors Friday.

Quite a few from here attended the ball game at Erie Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel visited with friends in town Saturday.

Clifford Rogers of Blanchard visited a few days with Bertin Gamble.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Ayr.

Miss Smith of Casselton was visiting her aunt Mrs. Hackett a few days last week.

Ole Ramstead of Hettinger, N. D. was shaking hands with old friends last week.

Mrs. Viestenz and little daughters left last Friday for a visit with Mrs. Viestenz' parents.

Ralph Lose arrived last Saturday from Iowa City, Iowa and is visiting his sister, Mrs. T. R. Campbell.

Miss Alice Burke and brother Arthur arrived last week from Columbus, N. D., for a visit with their parents.

June 29, 1911

The Childrens Day exercises in the M. E. Church was not well attended.

C. F. Bayard and daughter and little son are guests of Arthur friends for a few days.

Miss Ella Wilke of Valley City is visiting the Misses Francis and Elizabeth Burgum.

Harry Kane of Minneapolis is visiting his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross.

Little Emma and Margaret Thornton of Fargo spent the weeks end with Mrs. J. C. Kelly.

Arthur expects to celebrate a safe and sane Fourth with different kinds of amusements. Baseball games and a big dance in the hall in the evening.

Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld is spending a week at Mandan visiting her son W. F. She expects to return Friday and together with her daughter thy will spend a couple of months visiting relatives in
Minneapolis and Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

The strawberry social which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg was a success financially, neighbors and Epworth League members attending. Something over $7.00 was
realized for the benefit of the Epworth Society.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained a company of friends at Sunday dinner in honor of Mrs. J. C. Kelly. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur and Mrs. Wallace Hackett
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kelles of East Liverpool, Ohio who is spending a couple of months with her parents.

Who said the Arthur ball team isn't all to the good? Sunday's game was a good one-one of the cleanest played on the local diamond. Of course the Arthur boys were too strong for Chaffee.
Ramstad and Farnham were the batteries for Arthur. The long throw of W. Collins from deep center was the feature and this saved the Arthur team from being scored on.
Ramstad pitched a good game allowing but two scratch hits. Score 8 to 0 in favor of Arthur.
The game Tuesday afternoon between Arthur and Gardner was a dandy, Arthur winning by a score of 5 to 3. It was one of the fastest and best played games on the local diamond, both pitchers doing good work.
Arthur was one of the best all home teams in this part of the state, outside of Fargo, and we are proud of them.

Transcribed by Steven Pueppke

Copyright 2008 Steven Pueppke
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