Arthur Anglings
1911 Hunter Herald

January 5, 1911

Walter Phillips spent a few days in Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

Irvin and Ray Arnold were Arthur visitors Wednesday.

Carl Gunkel is visiting his sister Mrs. Kartes, at Oakes.

Mrs. John Iwen spent several days in Fargo the guest of relatives.

The little daughter of Simon Rassler is suffering with pneumonia.

Mrs. Fairbanks, nee Vassie, is spending the week with Arthur friends.

Miss Mattie Sanders of Hope is visiting her aunt Mrs. F. J. Stumpf.

Miss Myrtle Ames is enjoying the holiday vacation at her home in Casselton.

A number of young people from here took in the dance at Hunter last Wednesday.

Miss Elsie Wagner spent the New Year with Miss Ella Echternach at Casselton.

A family reunion was held New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld.

Mrs. William Elder, sister of Mrs.Rudolf Viestenz, is visiting our popular druggist and family.

Mrs. Theodore Wilke and two children visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Leo Boettcher, at Blanchard.

Eddie Iwen, Gordon Stumpf and George Wagner left Wednesday for their respective schools to resume their studies.

Mrs. I. S. Roberts and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen had a surprise birthday party last Thursday evening at the home of the latter. All Present report an enjoyable evening. Louis Bettschen received a telegram announcing the death of his father-in-law Mr. Boyne of Castle Rock. The gentleman had reached the ripe old age of 76, he was buried Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Boettcher of New England are visiting Arthur friends Tuesday and Wednesday. They were dinner guests of their aunts, Mrs. G. B. Farnham and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained the 500 club Thursday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett.

New Year day Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Schur.

January 12, 1911

Our merchants are busy invoicing.

Our nice weather took a change for the worse.

B. B. Elliott went to Fargo Monday night to serve on the jury.

Miss Ida Boettcher is spending some months in Fargo.

Arthur Burgum has enrolled with the Hunter High school.

The M. W. A. will give their annual masked ball Jan. 18.

Master Elmer Iwen spent his vacation with the Siewert children.

J. H. Gale and W. H. Simmons were business visitors in town last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Mrs. Louis Bettschen returned home Saturday morning from Castle Rock, Minn.

Miss Fern Gamble was a dinner guest last Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips.

Miss Jennie B. Wellman of Dickinson, a former teacher here, is visiting Arthur friends.

The Epworth League will give a dime social at the church Friday evening, January 13th.

The directors of the Farmers Elevator Co. held their annual business meeting Monday.

A. T. Burgum has been confined to his bed 3 days this week but at present is improving.

Miss Alice Skogmo returned Saturday morning from a two weeks visit with relatives in Minneapolis.

Mrs. George Morrison returned to her home at Westhope after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.

The high school is closed for this year. Plans and preparations are being made towards the erection of a high school next year.

Through the intercession of Mrs. E. L. Chandler, president of the M. E. Ladies Aid, $5.00 was contributed towards the Childrens Home at Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon entertained a company of friends at dinner last Thursday. After the bountiful repast Ò500Ó was the afternoon diversion.

Agent Clague and little son, Alfred, left Sunday evening for Breckenridge. From there they will journey to Idaho for a month's visit with his son and daughter who live there.

John Schur had the misfortune of falling through a hole in the hay barn last Saturday morning, fracturing three of his ribs.

January 19, 1911

Charles Gunkel spent a few days last week in Fargo.

Dave Hains of Fargo was a caller in town Tuesday.

Mrs. T. J. Ross returned home Friday from Montrose.

Epworth League met Sunday evening with Elsie Wagner.

Miss Maud Vosburg is teaching the home school west of Arthur.

Miss Elizabeth Burgum visited Monday evening with Miss Bertha Myrah.

Louis Heiden is moving into the house recently vacated by Ed Viestenz.

Mr. and Mrs. John See spent Sunday with Mrs. Kentfield and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz entertained Rev. Freytag at dinner last Sunday.

H. E. Stone returned home from Illinois after a three weeks' visit with relatives.

Rev. F. Frizelle was calling on his town and country friends Saturday of last week.

Frank Waxler is assisting on the Elliott farm during B. B.'s absence on the jury at Fargo.

Walter Phillips left Monday for Bismarck to remain during the season with the legislature.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Schur.

The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. J. A. Burgum last Thursday with six ladies present.

W. C. Gamble and son Bertin left Saturday evening for Minneapolis on business. They expect to be gone several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Viestenz have moved their household goods to the farm in sec. 21 where Mr. Viestenz will crop the south half the coming season.

Walter Fink was a pleasant caller into town Tuesday. Our old townsman makes frequent calls here and all old friends are glad of the meetings.

Miss Ella Myrah spent Friday with Mrs. Reuben Phillips. Miss Myrah was returning to her school at Bismarck but was detained by delayed No. 4.

Friday the 13th proved an unlucky day for the Epworth League social. The night was cold and dreary and only about 25 ventured out. Only $3 was realized.

Messers. Boettcher, Sommerfeld and Burgum drove to Erie Saturday to look over the high school building.

January 26, 1911

R. I. Parsons spent Sunday with friends in Grand Forks.

Paul Sommerfeld spent a few days in Fargo last week.

Mrs. Walter Phillips was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel.

Mrs. Nels Hanson of Amenia is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lambert.

Elmer Schur returned Wednesday from a month visit with relatives in Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham entertained a company of relatives at dinner Sunday.

A large delegation of Athurites attended the Grain Growers convention at Fargo last week.

Misses Sadie and Rachel Plumly of Page were visiting last week with Misses Mattie Iwen and Fern Gamble.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gebeke left Friday for Detroit where they expect to spend the balance of this winter.

W. C. Gamble and son Bertin returned Monday from Minneapolis where they spent a week of business and pleasure.

Henry Sommerfeld had the misfortune to hurt two fingers of his right hand quite badly while unloading ice for John Iwen.

Miss Elsie Grimes who has spent the summer here with her aunt Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld returned to her home in Wisconsin last Friday.

W. C. Landon is the champion whist player of Arthur having won 13 successive games and wants to take on I. Moen and Dr. Baillie of Hunter.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum had as guests Friday Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

E. H. Page of Superior dropped into Arthur last week for a visit with old friends. Mr. Page was a former manager for the Farmers Elevator Co.

Messers Wm. Young, Stoel Collins of Hunter and Andrew Melting and Ing Messelt of Blanchard attended the masquerade here last Wednesday evening.

T. J. Ross is improving the interior of his store, laying in a new floor, putting in additional shelving which will enable him to rearrange his stock thereby adding much to the appearance of his store.

February 2, 1911

Ida Boettcher was home from Fargo for a visit with her parents.

Dr. T. R. Campbell has been appointed county physician for Dist. No. 5.

John Martin, County Commissioner, was in town Saturday on business.

Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld was visiting several days with friends in west Arthur.

P. H. Clague and son returned home Saturday from his month's visit to Idaho.

John Schur was seen on our streets Monday, the first time in three weeks.

A number of small children are having a strenuous time with the whooping cough.

Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld has been confined to her bed with a severe attack of lung fever.

Miss Kate Eyers of Casselton was a caller in town Saturday and was a guest of Mrs. Walter Phillips.

A number of married people surprised Paul Kuehn last Friday night, it being Mr. Kuehn's birthday anniversary.

A party of young folks went out to John Schur's farm residence last Wednesday evening and spent a pleasant evening.

Miss Lillie Burgum entertained her teacher, Miss Ringen, at tea Monday afternoon, it being Miss Lillie's birthday anniversary.

Miss Clark of St. John's hospital came Monday to nurse little Lucille Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott, who is quite poorly from the effects of whooping cough.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained at dinner last Thursday, the "500" club.
The guests were D. W. Harris of Fargo, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Owing to so much sickness in town and country our hall was not crowded to witness the three act comedy play, ÒDiamonds and HeartsÓ presented here last Thursday evening by the Hunter Epworth League.
Nevertheless about sixty people were present and enjoyed the evening's entertainment which was very good, each one doing his or her part in an able manner.
The musical numbers being especially fine and was received with much enthusiasm. The door receipts netted them a tidy sum for their evening's efforts.
After the play the Arthur League served the players a nice lunch which was greatly appreciated.

February 9, 1911

The B. A. Y. are to give a dance at the hall Jan. 17.

A number of young people attended the dance at Erie Tuesday evening.

Paul Kuehn sold a fine pair of colts which brought him $350 a nice little sum.

Mrs. W. C. Landon and daughter Mabel were Fargo visitors several days last week.

Our elevator agents are disposing of a number of cars of corn, which is excellent feed.

Miss Freda Viestenz came up from Amenia Saturday morning for a visit over Sunday.

The directors of the Farmers Elevator Co. held a business meeting Monday afternoon.

Mrs. T. R. Campbell was operated on last Monday at Iowa City hospital for appendicitis.

Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld and Annie and Henry were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Viestenz.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Schur, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen and Elmer Schur were entertained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schur.

February 16, 1911

Don't forget the B. A. Y. dance in the hall tomorrow night.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips left Tuesday evening for Fargo.

Miss Selma Ringen enjoyed a few days vacation at home in Kindred.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Myers.

Wilbur Hackett has sold his farm east of town to a gentleman from Paxton. Ill.

R. A. Siewert was confined to his home several days last week with rheumatism.

Mrs. Gust Iwen is spending a few days in Fargo receiving treatment for catarrah.

Albert Farnham is teaching the higher grades this week while Mrs. Elliott takes a rest.

Miss Fern Gamble was absent from school several days last week on account of sickness.

Mrs. Charles Gunkel was called Friday to the bedside of her dying father, at Northwood, Minn.

Mrs. Bell Shaffer was in Fargo several days last week receiving treatment at a local sanitarium for inflammatory rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hockridge expect to leave the 20th of the month for York State where they will make their future home.

Nels Hansen of Amenia was an Arthur visitor last Friday. Mr. Hansen has rented a farm northeast of Amenia known as the Russell farm.

Miss Ella Wilkie of Valley City has had a severe tussel with typhoid fever since the holidays but has now fully recovered but is minus her beautiful head of hair.

Mr. Williams, our genial merchant will take a trip to Illinois in the interest of the Farmers Land & Loan Co., of which he is president. He expects to be gone some time.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson of Welcome Valley and Grover Fridley attended the lecture here Wednesday night and enjoyed the same as did all Arthur people. Mr. Burgderfer was indeed an artist
in his various lines of amusement.

A son was born last week to Mrs. Joseph Murch at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart. All Arthur people are interested in this joyful event as the little one
will prove a blessing and comfort to its mother who lost her husband last fall.

Another interesting event occurred in Minneapolis Jan. 31st. Mrs. Jonn Boehrer, nee Katherine Kane, is the proud mother of a little son.
Mrs. Boehrer taught our primary department some years ago and all Arthur friends are pleased to know that mother and babe are progressing nicely.

Lucille Emma, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Elliott, passed away Saturday at midnight after a two weeks illness with pneumonia.
Services for the dead were held at the home Monday afternoon at 1:30 and at the church at 2:00 o'clock. Rev. Frizzelle, pastor of the M. E. church preached a touching sermon to the living.
His text was taken from the 12th chapter and 2nd verse of Samuel and the 12th chapter of Mark, "Suffer the little children to come unto me." The Arthur choir by request of the sorrowing parents
rendered the beautiful hymn, "When he Cometh, When He cometh, Make up His Jewels" and other appropriate hymns. The white baby casket was conveyed to and from the church by four young men
pallbearers. It was covered with beautiful floral offerings, white hyacinths and lilies in profusion. Little Lucille was born in Arthur on April 14th, 1906 and died Feb. 11, 1911.
She was a most amiable little child and was exceptionally bright and had a beautiful character so seldom prevalent in so young a child. She was passionately fond of flowers and
they with the birds were her friends and her delight. She was quietly laid to rest in the Arthur cemetery. A long procession of sorrowing friends accompanied the remains to their last resting place.
Besides the parents a dear little sister is left to mourn her loss. Their many friends extend sympathy to the family in their sad bereavement.

February 23, 1911

Walter Fink was an Arthur visitor Friday.

T. O. Burgum spent Monday in Casselton on business.

Supt. of Public Instruction Riley was an Arthur visitor Friday.

Born, last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Newton Collins, a baby boy.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were Fargo visitors Monday and Tuesday.

Charles Gunkel spent a few days in Casselton and Fargo the past week.

Ed Bucholtz returned from a two months visit with his parents in Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum went to Casselton Tuesday night to attend a club dance.

Annie Sommerfeld and Annie Boettcher were Fargo visitors the first of the week.

Miss Hazel Rush returned last Thursday from a three month's visit with relatives in Hastings, Minn.

S. H. Bayard of Fargo, Wm. C. Farnham of Milbank, S. D., were guests a few days last week of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham.

P. H. Clague has been quite ill the past week and unable to attend to his duties. Relief Agent Forgerty of Hatton is here and looking after Jim Hill's interests.

Ed Real met with a bad accident Monday while hurrying down the stairs at the Mercantile store, he missed his footing and fell striking his head on the staircase, cutting it quite severely.
Dr. Campbell was called and several stitches were taken but Ed is attending to his daily work.

Joe C. Burgum, the popular traveling representative of Warfield, Pratt & Howell, of Sioux City, met with a serious accident last Saturday morning while alighting from a passenger train at McLaughlin, S. D.
In some way he missed his footing and fell, striking his head on the platform, receiving a concussion of the brain. The injured man was taken to his home at Lemmon, S. D., on the same train.
For several days he was in a serious condition failing to regain consciousness. However, after 62 hours he regained consciousness and is now improving rapidly.
Mr. Burgum is a nephew of the Burgum bros. here and a grandson of A. T. Burgum.

March 2, 1911

Mrs. W. C. Landon and daughter were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

Julius Sommerfeld and his brother August were Fargo visitors Tuesday.

W. H. Comrie of Fargo was calling on Arthur friends Saturday. Mr. Comrie reports his wife as being very poorly the past few months with heart trouble but is now slowly improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Drake have both been confined to the house the past week with the la grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Gebeke are the proud parents of a baby boy born Friday of last week.

Mrs. T. R. Campbell arrived home Tuesday morning from Iowa City where she has spent the past two months visiting.

T. O. Burgum left Tuesday evening for Fargo accompanied by Mr. Baldwin of Casselton. Mr. Burgum will enter St. John's hospital and submit to an operation.

News reached Arthur that little George Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark, formerly of Arthur but now of Merricourt, N. D., was painfully burned about the head and face. The little fellow was alone in an adjoining room when the mother discovered the room full of smoke and little George unconscious. Late reports are that the child is recovering nicely from the burns.

Theodore Kartes of Oakes has been promoted to traveling freight agent with headquarters at St. Paul and all Arthur friends are delighted with such good news as Mr. Kartes married one of Arthur's popular young ladies some four years ago in the person of Miss Amanda Gunkel, and their many friends here wish them every success in their new home and field of labor.

March 9, 1911

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Monday.

J H. Gale was an Arthur visitor last Wednesday.

J. A. Burgum spent Tuesday on business in Fargo.

W. A. Arnold spent a few days in Fargo last week.

Sagna Ramstead arrived Tuesday morning from Montana.

Born, last Sunday, a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Clague.

R. I. Parson, our Farmers Elevator manager, spent Sunday in Fargo.

Andrew Melting and Ing Messelt of Blanchard attended the dance here last Friday evening.

Mrs. Theodore Kartes and little daughter are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel.

Mrs. Joe Winnestofer of Hunter came down Thursday for a visit with her father, T. A. Green.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum spent Sunday in Fargo at the St. Johns hospital with his father, T. O. Burgum.

We are pleased to hear that Agent Clague is fast recovering from his recent illness-a hemorrhage of the brain.

W. C. Landon was called to Campbell Monday on receipt of a telegram announcing the death of his niece.

Messers Cederburg and Brewer brothers arrived Saturday with three purebred Percheron stock from Illinois.

Little Dorothy Elliott is now improving after a month's illness and Arthur friends are pleased to hear of such good news.

Reports from St. Johns hospital that T. O. Burgum is recovering nicely from the operation and expects to be home in a horts time.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen are entertaining their brother, Herschel, and wife, who are returning to their home in Spokane after several months visit in Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Siewert entertained a company of friends Tuesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. John Schlate and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf.

The Epworth League will give a social Friday evening at the church basement. A fine program is being prepared and a good time assured to all. Come early and bring your little sox. Elsie Wagner and Miss Ringen have charge of the social.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel returned home Monday from Northwood.

March 16, 1911

Fred Standfield was a Fargo visitor Friday.

Agent Foggerty spent Sunday with friends at Hatton.

Miss Carrie Faltz was a Casselton visitor over Sunday.

The social which was held last Friday evening was a success.

Rev. Frizzelle of Hunter Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham.

R. I. Parsons spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Grand Forks.

A. T. Burgum is confined to his bed this week with a severe attack of bronchitis.

Misses Bernice and Maud Vosburg were Fargo visitors from Friday till Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Ayr were Arthur visitors from Sunday till Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Hunter attended the reception Wednesday evening.

W. H. Flynn came up Monday morning from Fargo and is looking after his farming interests.

Misses Matie Iwen and Mable Landon were dinner guests Friday evening of Miss Fern Gamble.

Clara Bucholtz arrived Tuesday from Wisconsin and will keep house for her brother Ed this summer.

Miss Ollie Burgum and Fern Gamble spent Saturday in Hunter the latter being the guest of Mrs. J. W. Brenner.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amel of Davenport arrived Saturday and are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum of Arthur who has been in the city for a few days looking after Mr. Burgum who is under treatment at St. John's hospital is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Hunt during her husband's convalescence. Mr. Burgum expects to return home next Saturday. Fargo Forum.

The reception which was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel Wednesday evening was a social success. Music, both vocal and instrumental, and readings were part of the evening's entertainment. An elaborate banquet was served from six long tables. Three hundred invitations had been issued and hundreds of friends assembled at the Woodman hall to spend the evening with our oldest pioneers. After the banquet Mr. and Mrs. Gunkel were each presented with a beautiful gift-a cut glass dish and a cigar stand with fifty cigars-as a token of friendship. Mr. and Mrs. Gunkel have resided in Arthur for over 30 years and have done much in the upbuilding of the town. He has been one of the greatest resident farmers Cass county ever had. He has furnished employment all these years for the laboring man and was truly their friend. His good wife has been a good Samaritan to the women and children of Arthur and she will be greatly missed but our best wishes to with them to their new home in the west.

March 23, 1911

A number from here visited Fargo Friday.

The Ladies Aid met at the church Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amel returned to Davenport Friday.

Louie Lundblad has purchased the Gunkel threshing machine.

Fred Williams is erecting a new barn on his farm in section 4, Gunkel Township.

Miss Ella Echternach of Casselton was a weekend guest of Miss Elsie Wagner.

Hugo, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Siewerts had been quite poorly the last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble attended the Masonic reception Tuesday evening at Hunter tendered Mr. and Mrs. Rogers.

Frank and Elmer Elwood arrived Friday from a two months visit with relatives in Buffalo Center, Iowa, Mrs. Elwood is expected home in a short time.

Mrs. Eliza Chandler is visiting her old home in Spencer, Iowa, being called there on account of the sudden illness of her father, Mr. Atwater, who is 82 years old.

Mrs. W. H. Comrie and daughter Alice of Fargo came up Wednesday to attend the reception and were guests of Mrs. J. Wagner and Mrs. T. O. Burgum. They returned home Tuesday evening.

Dr. Baldwin was called Saturday in consultation, as the condition of A. T. Burgum is causing the family much anxiety and his legion of friends are hoping for an early improvement.
A trained nurse from Fargo arrived Wednesday and will care for Mr. Burgum during his illness.

The township election came off smoothly Tuesday with the following officers being elected: Supervisor, J. E. Sommerfeld; clerk, I. S. Roberts; treasurer, W. C. Gamble; assessor, T. O. Burgum;
justice of the peace, R. F. Viestenz; city marshal, Gust Shur; road overseers, Simon Rassler, Louie Frickey, Will Schur, H. S. Sommerfeld.

March 30, 1911

Miss Selma Ringen spent Sunday with her mother at Kindred.

Fred Williams and W. C. Landon were visitors to Campbell, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. McAdams arrived Saturday morning from St. Paul.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burke have located in Arthur for the summer.

Miss Myrtle Ames is again back in the school room after a week's illness at her home in Casselton.

Miss Taubert who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Gunkel, has returned to her home at Northwood.

Mrs. Carl Gunkel and children accompanied by Charles Gunkel left Wednesday for their home at Belfield.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Campbell.

Irvin Arnold, Eddie Iwen, Gordon Stumpf and Walter Bucholtz have returned home from the A. C. at Fargo and will assist on the farm.

Roach Bros., from Wheatland, have rented the Gunkel farm and are getting their household goods, machinery and stock in order for spring's work.

A baby boy was a welcome arrival Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckelburger. Four girls and one boy now make the happy little group.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burgum of Sumner, Iowa, arrived Friday and will remain here during the illness of their father, A. T. Burgum, who is still seriously ill.

A. J. Fogerty left Monday for Breckenridge. Agent Clague is again attending his duties at the G. N. and friends are glad to see him around again after a month's illness.

Newspaper Extractions submitted by Steven Pueppke. Back to Cass County, NDGenWeb