Arthur Anglings
1913 Hunter Herald

January 2, 1913

Miss Freda Viestenz will leave Monday for Hunter where she has accepted a position with the Telephone Co. Miss Alice Burke will fill the vacancy here.

Harry Gale, A. H. Backer and Don Newton all of Hunter were Arthur visitors Saturday.

Miss Fern Gamble spent a few days last week with Hunter friends.

Fred Tucker of Fargo came up Saturday for a visit with his aunt, Mrs. John Iwen.

F. W. Sommerfeld stopped off at Mandan and has accepted a position with his old firm in the real estate business. Fred likes the west but says that North Dakota is good enough for him.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld had a large gathering Thursday at their farm home. A big dance for the young people was quite an attraction. Over a hundred guests enjoyed the hospitality of the host and hostess.

Misses Clara Dorthy of Pillsbury, Fern Gamble, Matie Iwen and Mrs. O. E. Tourtelotte were dinner guests Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stewart gave a dinner Xmas for relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Dorothy of Pillsbury, Miss Rachel Plumley, sister of Miss Carrie Plumley are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley.

A sleigh load of Arthurites attended the dances at Erie and Hunter Monday and Tuesday nights and all report a fine time.

Mr. and Mrs. Willert of Galesburg were visiting their daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur.

Mr. and Mrs. Parkhouse were guests at dinner Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Roach.

Fred Standfeld, E. E. Webb, Miss Josie Landon were dinner guests last Wednesday evening of Ann and Chas. Maurer.

Mrs. Tourtelotte and Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Friday visiting at the homes of Mrs. Tom Hockridge and Mrs. Farnham.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Myers of Erie were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. John See were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kentfield.

Albert Farnham and his sister Myrtle were guests Sunday of Miss Bertha Myrah.

Grover Fridley and Miss Carrie Plumley are visiting friends at Fergus Falls, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum entertained at dinner New Years day. The guests were Grandpa Burgum and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts will entertain the Bible Study class Saturday evening Jan. 4th.

Dr. W. P. Baldwin and F. W. McRoberts of Casselton were calling on A. T. Burgum Sunday.

The directors of the Farmer's Elevator held their quarterly meeting Saturday and declared a seven per cent dividend on their preferred stock. This divides $800 among stockholders.

Miss Matie Iwen is receiving the congratulations of her friends for winning the silver water set and gold watch in the Herald's contest.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur held open house Sunday to a goodly number of their friends and relatives the occasion being the birthday anniversary of their twin daughters, Mrs. John Bettschen and Mrs. I S. Roberts. The occasion was a most unique and pleasant affair.

Miss Cooney of Arvilla, N. D. arrived Tuesday on the flyer and is visitng the Burke family.

January 9, 1913

The new scholars that entered the eighth grade and high school Monday are, Fred and Paul Grieger, Matt Bahl, Elenore Boettcher, Walt Iwen.

Dr. Campbell is looking after Dr. Baillie's practice and will spend three days of each week at Hunter.

Misses Elizabeth Iwen and Verna Stumpf returned to their duties at the Hunter High School, Monday.

Miss Bertha Myrah left Monday for Valley City, after spending her vacation at home.

Miss Lilly Myers of Erie visited Monday with friends and relatives here, she was on her way to Mayville Normal to resume her studies.

Jim Jenkins of Erie was an Arthur visitor Monday.

Miss Dorothy returned to Pillsbury after a two weeks visit with the Misses Iwen and Gamble.

Lost-On December 25, between the Arthur depot and the Faltz farm, a ladies gold watch and fob, initials H. K. engraved on the back of case, any one finding same will please leave it at First State bank and received reward.

A large family dinner party was given New Year by Mr. and Mrs. John Buck in honor of her brothers Herman and Will Kuckerburg of Williston, N. D., and Baker, Mont. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buck and Misses Edith and Emile Buck. The reunion was a most pleasant one.

Mrs. F. J. Stumpf left Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives in Wisconsin.

Julius Kushniek left Monday with a car of stock for St. Paul markets.

L. D. Wagner of Finley is visiting his sister Alice at the home of his aunt, Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sieger of Columbus, N. Dak., are visiting at the homes of L. H. Burke and M. E. Shaffer.

Rev. Old and Mrs. Tourtellotte were dinner guests Sunday of the Roberts family.

Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Mamie Schur left Wednesday for a ten days visit with their aunt at Cummings, N. Dak.

Mrs. Robert Campbell and children left Friday evening for Portal after a pleasant two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burke.

Miss Myrtle Farnham left Friday evening for Ayr to visit with her cousins. Miss Farnham will reopen her school Tuesday at Hope.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen and family New Years day at dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham and family ate New Years dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Professor Record returned to his school duties, having spent a two weeks vacation with friends and relatives at Grand Forks.

The Yeomen held their annual election of officers last Saturday night followed by an oyster supper.

Mrs. William Murch has been quite poorly the past week.

Eddie Iwen and Gordon Stumpf left last Saturday for the A. C. to resume their studies.

Saturday evening, Jan. 11th, Mrs. James Williams will entertain the Bible Study Class. The subject for the evening will be ÒBalkan War.Ó Rev. Old will lead.

A company of eight young folks were guests at the W. C. Landon home Sunday.

January 16, 1913

Mrs. R. F. Viestenz and daughter Edna spent a few days last week with Mrs. Wm. Elder of Fargo, who had the misfortune to fall down and break her wrist.

Emil Melting of Blanchard spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Paulson.

Frank Meyers returned Saturday from a three weeks visit with friends in Washington. He expected to go to California and spend the winter, but North Dakota is good enough for him.

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Tuesday.

W. C. Gamble was a Fargo visitor the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained at dinner Sunday, Rev. Old and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Atchenson and children.

The Bible Study Class will meet at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell Saturday evening.

The high school boys have organized a basketball team.

T. J. Ross was a Fargo visitor the first of the week.

About 25 from here attended the Convention at Fargo the first of the week.

The Woodmen held their annual election of officers last Saturday evening. After the business session a fine supper was enjoyed by the gentlemen.

Miss Bertha Siewert and Gerty Grieger were Blanchard visitors Friday.

The B. A. Y. will give a social dance at the hall Friday evening January 17. Every one come and have a good time. Good music guaranteed.

The Messers Smith of Granville are making a long visit with their sister, Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld.

Rev. Freytag was called to Minot to preach the funeral sermon of an old friend who passed away last week.

Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Miss Mamie Schur are enjoying a few days visit with their aunt Mrs. W. D. Russell at Grand Forks.

January 23, 1913

The first game of basketball between Arthur and Hunter was played before a crowded house Friday evening at the Woodman hall, Hunter being victorious.

T. O. Burgum has been confined to the house with lumbago the past week.

Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld gave a large party Tuesday at her farm home. Needless to say the evening was a most pleasant one.

Dr. Baldwin of Casselton made a professional call Friday at the A. T. Burgum home.

Miss Elsie Wagner arrived Tuesday on the flyer from Valier, Montana for a visit with her parents.

Mrs. Emil Boettcher and little son Ceil of New England came Friday for a visit with relatives. She expects to return to Ayr for a week's visit with her parents before leaving for her home.

Will Farnham came up from Fargo for a visit with his brother G. B. Farnham.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Ayr came Saturday for a visit with relatives. She has made her stopping place with her father, A. T. Burgum, who has been quite poorly of late.

Fred Stanfield has rented Dr. Baldwin's half section east of Amenia.

Father Quillian of Casselton was up Thursday and christened Robert Harrold, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross.

Miss Fern Gamble has been on the sick list for the past week.

Rev. Old was entertained Sunday by Dr. and Mrs. Campbell.

Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Miss Mayme Schur returned Monday evening after a two weeks' visit with relatives at Cummings and Grand Forks.

Quite a few from Hunter, Erie and Argusville attended the dance here last Friday.

Last Saturday evening the Sunday School held a business meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and the following were elected: Superintendent, B. B. Elliott; Asst-Supt., Rev. Old; Secy., Elizabeth Burgum; Asst-Secy., Marjorie Burgum; Treas., Frances Burgum; Librarian, G. B. Burgum; Chorister, Fern Gamble; Organist, Marjorie Burgum.

Miss Elfreda Viestenz came down from Hunter Friday evening and attended the dance here.

Miss Ollie Burgum was a Hunter visitor Saturday.

Last Monday about 25 of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambert's friends gave them a little surprise. Dancing was the enjoyment of the evening.

The Bible Study Class will meet with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Atchinson Saturday evening.

January 30, 1913 W. C. Gamble was a Hunter visitor Tuesday.

The M. W. A. will give a masquerade in the hall Monday, Feb. 3. Music by Van's three piece orchestra. Everyone is welcome. The suits will be for sale by Mrs. Malchow.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and son Lyle left Sat. night for a visit with relatives in Fargo.

Miss Lillian Myers came down from Mayville Friday evening and visited with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of Grand Meadow, Minn., came Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner. The ladies will spend a few days visiting in Fargo.

The basketball team went to Hunter last Saturday evening and was again defeated.

Misses Maeta Iwen and Fern Gamble were entertained Sunday by the Misses Margaret and Linda Viestenz.

Andrew Ross of Casselton was an Arthur visitor one day last week.

Misses Fern Gamble, Margaret Viestenz and Maeta Iwen visited with friends at Hunter last Saturday.

Mrs. Schumurt and son James arrived from Minneapolis Saturday to visit with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Freytag.

Fred Williams left Monday for a month's visit in Illinois, Texas and Florida.

Quite a few from here attended the dance at Erie last Friday and all reported a fine time.

The Bible Study Class will meet with Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott Saturday evening.

J. W. Lee was an Arthur visitor Monday.

Miss Maud Vosburg has been absent from her duties in the school room the past week with a severe cold.

A. N. Mitchell of Hunter will open a harness shop in the near future in Arthur. This is encouraging news to the farmer as Arthur has needed this new enterprise for some time.

About thirty men enjoyed the evening Tuesday at the home of John McFall. A social time was the opinion of all.

Arthur and Robert Miller of Buffalo were guests Saturday and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Roach.

Mrs. Nels Hanson is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lambert, who Sunday entertained in honor of their daughter and grandchild.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, Miss Bernice and Miss Buckley were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Viestenz.

Mrs. E. L. Chandlier arrived home after several months' visit with relatives in Iowa, Crookston and Fargo.

About twenty young people enjoyed a sleigh ride into the country to attend the Bible Study Class at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Atcheson last Saturday evening.

Fred Stanfield and W. C. Landon went to Fargo Tuesday evening. Mr. Stanfield expects to spend a week visiting relatives in West Superior, Wis.

The Misses Jenkins of Erie visited at the J. H. Atchison home last Thursday.

February 13, 1913 Big Forced Creditors Sale at Hunter Cash Store every day to March 1st. Best goods go first, come early.

Mrs. T. A. Green is expected home from a visit in Indiana.

The little child of Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton is recovering from an attack of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Mrs. James Williams and children left Sunday for Erie where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Meyers.

Charlton Dows of Erie was an Arthur visitor Thursday.

Quite a few from here attended the dance at Erie last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanfield arrived home Monday.

Quite a few of the school children are absent on account of sickness.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur entertained a few of their friends and relatives Sunday.

Clarence Murray of Randolph, Minn., arrived Saturday and visited with his sister, Miss Emma Murray.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Schur, a baby boy, last Thursday.

There was no Bible Study Saturday evening or church Sunday morning as Rev. Old visited at Valley City.

Albert Farnham was a Mayville visitor Saturday.

O. A. Paulson left Monday for the Northwood hospital where he will submit to an operation for appendicitis.

W. H. Comrie was up from Fargo calling on old time friends, A. T. Burgum and John Schlect.

Miss Alma Boettcher of the Northwestern hospital at Moorhead is caring for A. T. Burgum who is quite feeble.

Miss Carrie Faltz was a Fargo visitor the end of last week.

Mrs. Louis Bettschen and Mrs. Jim Williams entertained at cards in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner of Grand Meadow.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent last week visiting with friends at Fargo.

On Jan. 29th occurred the marriage of Mr. Fred Standfield and Miss Josephine May Landon at the M. E. Parsonage in Fargo, Rev. John M. Walters officiating. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon and is prominent in social circles having spent her girlhood days among us while the groom is a young man of sterling qualities. He has lived in the vicinity of Arthur for the past fifteen years having made his home with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum. The happy couple spent their honeymoon at Superior and Duluth. They will be home to their many friends after March 15th in Amenia township where the groom will settle on a farm in that vicinity. The happy couple have the heartiest congratulations of many admiring friends.

February 20, 1913

A number of pupils are out of school with the measles.

Ms. Ed. Sommerfeld was a weekend guest of her son Paul.

Dr. Miller of Casselton made a professional call in town Monday.

The Bible Study class will meet Saturday with Mrs. Fletcher Roach.

Rev. Old was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum.

A number of ladies were calling on Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Schur and their new baby son Sunday.

The Misses Freytag left Wednesday evening for a week's visit with friends at Tower City.

John McFall, Albert Yonkey, M. E. Schaffer and Albert Viestenz were Fargo visitors last week.

Tom See returned Saturday morning from Kansas City and Iowa, having visited relatives at Grinnell.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lambert, Matt Bahl and Miss Alice Lambert drove to Amenia Monday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sommerfeld and Miss Martha Viestenz drove to Greenfield Sunday and were guests of their sister, Miss Emily Viestenz at the home of Mr. Edwards. Miss Viestenz is a most successful teacher in the Greenfield school.

February 27, 1913

Miss Elsie Wagner is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner of Wahpeton.

W. H. Hooper of Fargo was an Arthur visitor last Wednesday.

Louis Bettschen and Bernard Burmeister were Hunter visitors Sunday.

Arthur Wagner of Wahpeton was an Arthur visitor last week.

Miss Alma Buckley visited over Sunday with her sister at Fargo.

Word has been received from Mr. Paulson that he is recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. Parkhouse are joyful over the arrival of the third son last Wednesday.

Misses Elizabeth Iwen and Verna Stumpf returned to their school duties at Hunter Monday.

School closed Monday for a week on account of sickness.

Fred and Jim Williams returned from Ill. and Texas the first of the week.

Louie Schur spent the week in Fargo attending the rural carriers convention.

Fred Williams and August Faltz were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

Clarence Record left last Wednesday for Minneapolis where he is visiting his brother.

Mrs. T. A. Green returned Thursday from Indiana, where she has been visiting her sister.

The Argusville basketball team came over to Arthur last Wednesday and defeated the Arthur team by a score of 17 to 19.

Quite a few from here went up to Hunter last Friday to see the basketball game between Portland and Hunter.

Alma Boettscher is caring for the sick family of John L. Iwen.

R. F. Viestenz and Dr. Campbell attended the Chess tournament at Fargo Saturday.

Wm. Whitmore of Valier, Mont. was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner last week.

Miss Elsie Wagner returned from a visit with relatives at Wahpeton.

Louie Heiden visited over Sunday with relatives at Casselton.

March 6, 1913

Owing to the storm and the sickness here the services at the M. E. church was dispensed with for Sunday. Services as usual on Sunday next subject, ÒLove.Ó School opened Monday.

C. E. Whitmore returned to his home in Illinois Saturday after attending the Landon and Whitmore sale.

Edna Boettcher returned to her home at Fargo Tuesday after visiting friends here for a month.

Edward Wilhelm left Monday for South St. Paul with a car of ---.

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Monday.

Clarence Record returned to his school duties Monday.

Quite a few from Hunter and Arthur attended the dance here Tuesday.

Herbert Lee came up from -th last Tuesday and is visiting at his home.

Mrs. H. A. Sommerfeld and Martha Viestenz visited Tuesday with friends in Casselton.

Arthur Burgum returned home Sunday afternoon attending a winter course at the D. B.

Mrs. T. A. Green left Tuesday evening for her home at Dilworth.

March 13, 1913 C. F. Bayard of Ayr visited with relatives the past week.

Miss Maeta Iwen visited with relatives in Fargo Tuesday.

T. R. Campbell left for McHenry, where he went to visit his father who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Willard of Galesburg are visiting at the home of Louis Schur.

L. H. Burke and family left Thursday for their new home at New Rockford, this state.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz and daughter went to Fargo on Monday to consult a specialist.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunkel visited with friends the past week. The Arthur people are always glad to see their old friends.

Many friends are glad to see O. A. Paulson on duty again at the G. N. depot. Mr. Paulson reports he is feeling fine.

The ladies of Arthur and vicinity are invited to attend Bruton Ellingson's millinery opening on March 21st and 22nd. Railroad fare and lunch given to those buying a hat.

The Arthur basketball team endured through mud, snow, ice and slush to Hunter last Monday evening where they met those gallant boys who make up the Hunter basketball team and vanquished the same-score 14 to 16. Our boys speak very highly of the Hunter boys and say they are a nice bunch to play with.

March 27, 1913

Anthony Thomas Burgum passed away at his home in Arthur, Monday morning at 4:15, death being due to apoplexy. Funeral services will be held in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon.

A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard last Saturday evening at their home in Ayr. After a social time and a fine spread Mr. and Mrs. Bayard were presented with a handsome rocking chair. The Bayards have lived in Ayr for the past 17 years and have endeared themselves to the people of that town. Many were the regrets expressed by the guests present-who numbered 40-at losing their good neighbors, but better schools and farming advantages hold sway.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett have moved into town and are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard and family of Ayr are expected to arrive here the end of this week. They will make their home on the Houston farm which they will farm with their brother, T. O. Burgum.

Easter services at the M. E. church were well attended and Rev. Old preached a splendid sermon. The Arthur choir rendered special music, a solo by Miss Elsie Wagner was especially pleasing.

G. B. Farnham and C. F. Bayard were Casselton visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg and daughter Bernice and Frank Vosburg, of Michigan, who is visiting here, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen Easter Sunday.

Clarence Record spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Fargo.

Bennie Burmeister was a Hunter visitor one day last week.

Elmer Schur was a Fargo visitor Thursday.

Mr. A. N. Mitchell and baby of Hunter visited with her husband here Saturday.

Don Newton of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Monday.

Fred and John Tucker of Fargo spent their Easter vacation with their aunt, Mrs. J. L. Iwen.

Mrs. S. J. Rassler and daughter Carrie left last week for Detroit, where they will make their future home.

Mrs. Walter Phillips visited last Saturday with friends at Hunter.

Miss Elfreda Viestenz came down from Hunter Friday and visited at home.

Mrs. J. L. Iwen visited at Hunter Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts entertained a few of their relatives at dinner Sunday.

Mrs. Chas. Lambert, who has been in the hospital for the past two weeks, is progressing nicely after her operation. Her son Will visited her over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner left Saturday evening for Rock Lake to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wagner's sister.

Bertin Gamble and Robert Lee attended the basketball games at Hunter Saturday.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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