Arthur Anglings
1914 Hunter Herald

April 2, 1914

Mrs. W. C. Gamble was a Mayville visitor Wednesday.

Arthur Viestenz returned from Big Sandy, Mont., Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eichelberger will go farming this spring on the south half of section 21, owned by Fred Williams.

R. F. Butterfield was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Jarett.

Mrs. H. A. Sommerfeld and Mrs. Ed. Bucholtz left Wednesday to join their husbands on their farms at Big Sandy, Mont.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Enright and Mr. and Mrs. John Hynes were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Stack.

Chas. Parkhouse returned from Rochester Sunday after receiving medical aid at the hospital.

Celestine H. Lincoln will be at the Arthur Mercantile Co. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, with a full line of Spring Millinery.

Frank Vosburg arrived Tuesday morning from Michigan and will visit his brother, R. H. Vosburg.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and son Lyle returned from a visit at Fargo last week.

There will be an Easter program at the church Easter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuller and J. K. Fuller arrived from Ludlow, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will reside on their farm half a mile south of town.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Schur have moved to the Kentfield farm. J. O. will operate the farm for Mr. Fuller. Mrs. Wallace Hackett spent several days in Casselton last week as the guest of her sister Mrs. A. M. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum entertained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kentfield will leave this week for New Rockford where they will make their future home.

Miss Ethel Bayard was the guest of her cousin, Miss Annie See over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elder arrived from Casselton and will occupy the Mrs. Elizabeth Burgum home. Mr. Elder has rented the confectionary store.

April 9, 1914

Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained a large company of friends Tuesday evening. The evening was pleasantly passed in social chat and Ò500Ó. At 11 o'clock a delicious lunch was served for which Mrs. Hackett is famous.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

T. O. Bururum was in Fargo Wednesday attending the assessors meeting.

Ollie Burgum was been on the sick list the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur were visitors Saturday at Northwood.

Johnnie see, son of Mr. and Mrs. John See, is confined to his bed with a severe attack of rheumatism.

An Easter program will be given in the M. E. church Sunday. The children have been practicing under Misses Vosburg and Gamble. A short address will be given by Rev. Old.

W. C. elder has had his confectionary store renovated throughout and it now looks like a new house.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen.

Mrs. Edith Farnham and son Albert were dinner guests Saturday at the Bayard home near Hunter.

U. L. Burdick, candidate for governor, was the Sunday guest at the T. O. Burgum home.

Miss Matie Iwen was home from her school at Galesburg over Sunday.

Messers James and Fred Williams received Saturday the sad news of the death of their sister who resides at York State New York.

Messers I. S. Roberts, Wm. Gebeke and T. R. Campbell represented the Arthur M. W. A. camp at Fargo, April 1. They say that they had a fine time.

The Arthur band entertained a large crowd Saturday evening and welcomed Mr. Burdick to our city. Expert critics say the band plays good. Arthur is fortunate in having such a nice band and the boys are lucky in having Jollie Billie Elder for a leader. May they never grow less.

Hon. Usher L. Burdick, Progressive Republican candidate for Governor of North Dakota, addressed a large audience at Arthur last Saturday eve. Mr. Burdick clearly demonstrated that he is an orator of fine ability stating his platform so that everyone knows just the new laws that should be enacted and placed on our statutes, and those that he thinks should be repealed. He believes in a single tax on agricultural land, this is something that should meet with the approval of every resident farmer of our state. At the primary election in June 1910 he received 29422 votes for Lieut. Governor. J. B. Sharp 22766. Burdick's majority 6676. Mr. Burdick presided over the senate during the impeachment trial of Judge J. F. Cowan and received much merited praise for the able and just manner in which he conducted the trial. The writer has known Mr. Burdick for the past ten years and knows him to be a man of splendid character and of exceptional good morals and beyond a doubt a leader in the upbuilding of our great commonwealth. I sincerely hope the republican voters of this state will, on the 24th day of June, nominate him for their governor, for I am sure he will prove worthy of the office.

April 16, 1914

Miss Buckley is visiting friends in Fargo.

The children of the lower rooms are enjoying a vacation.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and son Lyle are visiting in Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross were Casselton church goers last Sunday.

Fred Williams and Reuben Phillips spent Easter visiting in Fargo.

Miss Fern Gamble is quite ill this week, being confined to her room.

Mrs. J. H. Stephenson, Danvers, Ill., is visiting her son and will remain for some time.

The band boys will give a play Friday evening. A big dance will follow. Everybody come.

Little Francis Ross returned to the Sacred Heart Academy at Fargo after a few days visit at her home.

Mrs. James Williams and little Grace visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Tucker, in Fargo.

Rev. Old, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett and Miss Hanson were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

The Easter services and program at the M. E. church last Sunday was well attended. The children doing their part splendidly.

The home talent play presented by the West Arthur school district, under Miss Wilson, was a decided success. The proceeds from the play will go towards the purchase of an organ for the school.

April 30, 1914

Mr. Fred Wolff is again attending to his duties at the school house after a week's confinement to the house with erysipelas.

Mrs. Walter Philips came home Monday from Fargo being a Sunday guest of Mrs. Durfey. She also attended the lecture of Miss Helen Keller the blind evangelist.

Mothers' day will be observed in the M. E. Church the 2nd Sunday in May.

Mrs. Edith Farnham will entertain the M. E. Ladies Aid Saturday afternoon May 2nd.

Wilbur Parkhouse was at home Saturday afternoon to a number of his little friends the occasion being his 5th birthday anniversary.

W. C. Gamble was absent from his duties at the Bank for several days his trouble being a general break down.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and Lyle are in Fargo with her mother Ms. Rude who is seriously ill.

Mrs. James Williams returned home from a few days visit with friends in Fargo.

Mrs. John Schur and Mrs. Gust Schur had a joint birthday party last Wednesday evening at the home of the latter a large company of friends and relatives were present and the ladies received numerous remembrances.

Mrs. Tucker of Fargo visited here Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stephenson left Wednesday for their home at Danvers, Ill., after an 8 weeks' visit with his wife and baby daughter the latter receiving medical treatment.

Fred Williams returned home from a several days' business transaction in Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family were Sunday visitors at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Bayard.

May 14, 1914

Miss Fern Gamble was the guest of Mrs. John Jarrett on Wednesday.

Mrs. Fred Stanfield and baby are in Fargo, where the baby is receiving medical treatment.

Mrs. G. B. Burgum was a Fargo visitor the first of the week.

O. A. Paulson is expected back soon to take charge of the depot.

Mrs. W. W. McDermit and son of Fargo are visiting at the Aug. Faltz home.

Miss Frieda Viestenz of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Tuesday.

Fern and Bertin Gamble were Casselton visitors Monday.

Wallace Hackett has built a fine screen porch which is a great attraction to the new home.

The school board met Monday evening and engaged the teachers for the next year.

R. F. Butterfield spent last Wednesday in Casselton.

Bruno Zimmerman of Casselton, the popular druggist, is again in Arthur.

Miss Fern Bayard arrived home Saturday from Buxton, having closed a very successful term of school.

W. C. Gamble and Dr. Campbell left Monday for Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Gamble will take medical treatment with the Mayo Bros.

Mrs. T. R. Campbell and son Ralph left Monday for Iowa for a visit with her parents and to attend the marriage of her eldest brother.

Miss Bertha Myrah came up from Durbin Saturday and spent the day at home.

Maeta Iwen visited Saturday and Sunday at her home.

Russell Gowland of Amenia and Miss Carrie Smith of Casselton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hackett.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross and children and Mrs. John Hynes attended services at St. Leo's church in Casselton Sunday.

Mrs. Wrenn, mother of W. C. Landon, arrived Friday, Ludlow, Ill, and will spend the summer here.

Mrs. Wagner was an over Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Echternach at Casselton.

T. O. Burgum is assessing the township.

Eli McIntyre of Gardner was in town Monday.

Miss Carey Smith of Casselton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hackett Friday.

Miss Mayme Schur returned home from Buffalo last Saturday.

Martha Sell is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Wagner visited with friends in Casselton a few days last week.

Mr. Flynn came here last week from Fargo for a few days visit.

There will be a dance by the baseball boys Friday night May 15, Music by Malchow orchestra.

Miss Marjory Burgum, who is attending school at Fargo, was home over Sunday visiting.

Mr. Wagner is fixing up his confectionary store these days.

Mrs. Schunert left for her home in Minneapolis, after spending three weeks with her parents here.

The conference of the German Lutheran Church for the Dakota district was held at the church with a number of ministers present.

Mrs. I. S. Roberts and son Walter and Louis Schur were Casselton visitors last Friday.

Geo. Wagner spent Sunday with his parents here.

Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Hackett and Mrs. Louis Bettschen will entertain the Ladies Aid at the church basement Thursday.

The Misses Elsie Kuehn and Alice Wagner visited at the Viestenz home Sunday.

May 28, 1914

Miss Edna Sommerfeld accompanied Miss Wilson to her home at Fergus Falls for a short vacation.

Louie Heiden was a Casselton visitor Tuesday.

Arthur Burgum and E. E. Webb autoed over to Page Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stangler of Alice autoed up to Arthur Sunday and spent the day with Mesdames Bertha Viestenz and W. C. Elder.

Arthur will celebrate the 4th, street parade in the morning, ball games and a big dance in the evening music by Malchow's orchestra.

Miss Wilson of West Arthur closed school last Friday. The children enjoyed a big picnic dinner at Julius Sommerfelds's grove the day being an ideal one for the children.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained several gentlemen at dinner Sunday.

Miss Buckley was a dinner guest of Mesdames Roberts and Freytag.

Robert Faltz arrived from Montana Monday for a visit at his home.

E. E. Webb visited with friends at Page last Sunday.

John Wagner, Walter Shur, Bertin Gamble, Wm. Wise, John Sheehan, Frances Roberts autoed to Fargo last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Fred Williams and Mrs. J. Kruger autoed to Fargo one day last week.

The Misses Bayards and Sell were Sunday guests of their cousins the See children.

Mesdames Wagner and Sommerfeld will entertain the M. E. Ladies Aid Thursday.

Thomas Stewart is the proud owner of a fine rubber-tired buggy.

A Maxwell auto is now owned by T. Zimmerman and B. B. Elliott owns a new Ford.

Delegates to Casselton from here to the S. S. convention are Mrs. Walter Phillips, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, and J. K. Fuller and Mrs. Eliza Chandler are to represent Arthur at the convention at Jamestown on June 2.

Misses Lena and Emma Mundt were Fargo visitors a few days last week.

Earl Carley of Amenia was an Arthur visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kruger of Wheatland visited with relatives here Saturday.

O. A. Paulson returned from Minnesota last week and has charge of the depot again.

Quite a few from here attended the dance at Casselton last Fri.

Miss Fern Gamble and Mrs. J. I. Jarrett were Fargo visitors Tuesday.

Miss Gertie Grieger visited Saturday and Sunday with friends at Casselton.

Wm. Wagner and son Arthur of Wahpeton were Arthur visitors Sunday.

Don't forget the play and dance June 1, given by the Erie high school. Music for the dance by Malchow orchestra.

J. H. Gale and son Harry of Hunter were Arthur visitors on Monday.

W. H. Simmons arrived last week and has charge of the bank while Mr. Gamble is away.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained Rev. Old and Miss Fern Gamble at dinner Sunday.

Misses Maeta Iwen, Fern Gamble and Joe Krafthefer of Amenia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett Sunday.

June 4, 1914

John Schur was a Fargo visitor Tuesday and while in the city purchased a fine Overland car, fully equipped.

Albert Farnham won the box of cigars given by W. C. Elder and the bat given by the Arthur Mercantile Co., for the first home run on the local grounds, Hynes and Farnham are hard to beat, Hynes struck out 14 men at Erie Saturday and 15 at Arthur. Sounds like nice work. Bennie Burmeister played league ball in both games.

John Bettschen was a Fargo visitor Monday returning in a Maxwell car for the Arthur Mercantile Co.

Hillsboro and Arthur played ball on the local grounds Sunday, Arthur winning 6 to 2. The home team has won all 8 games played this season.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott, Ira Chandler and Lillie Burgum autoed to Casselton last Wednesday to attend the S. S. convention.

Miss Mildred Potter closed her school with a big picnic in the Hynes grove Saturday, over 70 children with their parents sat down to a fine dinner.

Louie Bettschen is visiting relatives and friends in Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Sommerfeld, Mr. and Mrs. John Schur autoed to Fargo Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble returned home from Rochester Monday, and friends are pleased to see W. C. looking so well.

Mrs. Nels Hanson and little daughter of Kelso are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Bahl.

W. A. Fridley has purchased a Ford auto and Aug. E. Sommerfeld a Maxwell. Mesadames John Bettschen and Gordon Burgum will entertain the Ladies aid June 11th.

June 11, 1914

For Sale-nearly new wagon and grain tank, one McCormick hay rake; pure bred yearling, shorthorn bull color Red at 750 lbs, T. O. Burgum.

Arthur will Celebrate July 4th and everybody is cordially invited to come and enjoy the city of Arthur.

Amusement for young and old, see large Bills next week.

Come and bring your family.

The Lutheran church is undergoing repairs and a general overhauling.

There will be a big ball ame Friday afternoon and dance Friday evening, for the benefit of the Bat Boys. Everybody come.

Mrs. Edith Farnham was an Amenia guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Miss Alma Boettcher of Fargo is visiting at the home of August Faltz and G. B. Burgum.

A woman with 2 small children would like to work on a farm for the summer as housekeeper; address Mrs. M. A. Johnson, Arthur or call Farmers elevator.

Louie Bettschen arrived home Monday after spending a week with relatives in Minneapolis.

Dr. Campbell and Fred Williams were Mchenry visitors Tuesday.

School will close Friday afternoon with a nice program prepared by the teachers Misses Buckley and Vosburg of the lower grades. Three diplomas will be awarded to the eight grade graduates. They are Willie Boettcher, Amanda and Alice Iwen. The exercises will be held at the school house at 2 o'clock, parents and friends are cordially invited.

School Election passed off quietly, Walter Phillips and Mrs. W. C. Gamble being elected as director and treasurer.

Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Williams, Geneva, Ohio, arrived Sunday and will spend some time visiting at the Vosburg home.

Mrs. Farnham and family are enjoying life in a new Ford auto; purchased through C. J. Ross.

Rev. Mr. and Mrs. T. Old's friends were pleased to kow they arrived safe at home in Hunter and their many friends at Arthur wish them much joy and happiness in their future life.

Arthur friends presented the happy couple with a nice golden oak bedroom set consisting of 5 pieces.

June 18, 1914

Mrs. Wallace Hackett was a Casselton visitor Friday, attending the graduating exercises.

Mrs. W. C. Elder was a Fargo visitor Wednesday.

Children's Day will be observed in the M. E. church Sunday, June 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips spent Friday in Fargo the guests of Mrs. Phillips' parents.

Misses Hanson and Buckley left for their homes Monday, Miss Hanson will return to take charge of the high school and Miss Buckley will teach at Balfour.

Mr. and Mrs. John See returned home Monday from New Rockford, where they visited with the Kentfield family.

Annie See, Matie Iwen and Lena Mundt left Monday for Fargo to attend summer school.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison at Westhope.

John Schlact is having the cemetery made attractive with new fences and iron posts. Gust and Herman Iwen are doing the work.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts attended the funeral of the late Edmund Roberts which was held at Casselton, Sunday.

Walter Fink is down from Grand Forks.

W. A. Fridley and Grover Riggs were in town Friday with their new Ford.

Don't forget to attend the 4th of July celebration.

Mrs. B. Zimmerman and her children will move to Arthur, as Mr. Zimmerman has charge of the Arthur Drug store.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz are the happy parents of a baby boy.

H. J. Wagner is having his house made attractive with a new coat of paint.

2009 Copyrighted and Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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