Arthur Anglings
1914 Hunter Herald

July 2, 1914

Julius Sommerfeld is spending a few days at Duluth at the Grain Growers convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg and Bernice autoed to Fargo Thursday, where the former took the train for their home in Ohio.

Fern Gamble spent a week with friends in Fargo.

Mrs. W. G. Clark and children arrived Thursday from Merricourt for a visit with her sister Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld.

Miss Myrtle Farnham came home Saturday from Wing where she has been teaching the past school year.

Julius Koehnich left Saturday for a week's outing at Detroit Lake.

Miss Fuller arrived last week from Ludlow, Ill., for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuller.

W. F. Sommerfeld visited at the home of his mother last week he left Thursday for Minneapolis on business before returning to his home at Mandan.

The Ladies Aid will meet at the church basement Thursday July 9, the hostesses will be Mesdames Arthur Miller, Horace Fuller, John Jarret and Nickles.

Rev. and Mrs. Old were Arthur visitors the first of the week.

Don't forget to come to Arthur the 4th.

Dr. Campbell and John Hynes were Page visitors Thursday.

Mrs. A. A. Walker and 2 children of Washburn who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips left Friday for Fargo.

An excellent program was given a week ago Sunday in the M. E. church by the Sunday School children.

The church was prettily decorated for the occasion with potted plants and a large collection of beautiful roses and ferns. The recitations, songs and drills by the little one were a pleasing feature, much praise is due the ladies Mrs. R. Phillips and Miss Gamble for the time and interest they gave to the training of the children.

July 9, 1914

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Roach entertained a large crowd of Illinois friends at their home the Fourth.

Mrs. Campbell and Ralph returned home from Iowa Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Plantz of Wisconsin are visiting at the H. J. Wagner home.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained at dinner Sunday, Rev. and Ms. Old, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Misses Fuller and VanSchoft.

Mrs. James Williams and little Grace left Wednesday evening for a month's visit with relatives in Milwaukee and New York state.

Irven Arnold was surprised last Thursday evening by a large crowd of young people. The occasion being his 21st birthday. A fine lunch was served and enjoyed by the young people on the lawn.

Mr. and Mrs. John See, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family and Albert Farnham and mother were guests at tea Tuesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Fred Williams left Tuesday evening for Minot and Ward county on business.

Mrs. R. W. Pollock the very able Editor of the ÒWhite Ribbon Bulletin,Ó will speak on equal Suffrage at the M. E. church in Arthur Thursday afternoon. All are cordially invited.

For Sale-nearly new wagon and grain tank, one McCormick hay rake; purebred yearling, short horn bull color Red at 750 lbs. T. O. Burgum.

The celebration at Arthur has come and is all over the like was never surpassed in a town of our size. Even many days before every citizen was preparing rest rooms, eating places, and places of amusement for the crowd that we always have the pleasure of entertaining. There was some disappointment when the committee was informed that the merry-go-round man? I should not say man, as no man would do such a trick, he went to some other town instead of doing as he agreed to. However we had a fine celebration. The entertainment was opened with the salute of 80 guns and the anvil at sunrise and the next hour or two was spent in decorating of the streets and rest places. The ladies rest room being the best room that could be made. When all was ready the citizens were all aroused by the cheerful music that came from somewhere but most of us knew not the source, but on inquiry we found that it came from the Hunter band who were on their way to Casselton, where they were engaged for the day. We could not help but feel grateful for such a good and kind spirit shown. The brotherly feeling that prompts such actions is as good as any community could with for. At 9 a. m. the big event was on in full force and continued till the day was all over. The crowd was large and as orderly as any one could hope to see. The Arthur band furnished plenty of lively music all day. The street sports were well carried out all through the day. The two big ball games were well patronized, and the big dance was a good one and those who are troubled with corns were the greatest sufferers as the space on the big hall floor was all taken up with feet, both large and small, you could easy stand up, for you could not fall. The final supper furnished by the wives and sisters of the band bays was one of the greatest ever given, and represented hours of hard toil and worry, but these ladies do not know the word fail in anything. And all we can say of that great day, when all was quieted down, is how could it be that one feels so free in this little inland town.

July 16, 1914

Mr. and Mrs. Will Zimmerman entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kuehn, and Mrs. Gust Zimmerman and their families.

Mr. and Mrs. Timmerman drove to Grandin last Friday and spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. T's sister Mrs. Grosman.

Mrs. O. E. Lien of Fargo is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Gust Iwen.

A large company of friends and relatives surprised Emil Boettcher last Wednesday, the time was spent dancing in the spacious barn a fine supper was served, and those who attended reported Mr. and Mrs. Boettcher royal entertainers.

Gordon Burgum is visiting in the twin cities for a few days.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips was calling to Fargo, her mother being seriously ill.

Mrs. Farnham left last Thursday for a month's visit with her daughter Mable in Montana.

Ceil Bayard was pleasantly surprised last Wednesday by a dozen school mates, the occasion being Cell's 14th birthday. Ice cream and cake were served on the lawn.

Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner of Hunter were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Zimmerman autoed to Fargo Thursday.

Victoria Headland returned to her home in Fargo after spending some time visiting Elsie Kuehn.

The Mesdames Ross, Vosburg, Reuben Phillips and Gamble entertained the M. E. Ladies Aid this afternoon at the church.

T. O. Burgum and family are spending a month at the Houston farm.

Mrs. Bruno Zimmerman spent Sunday with her mother at Casselton.

Francis Ross is entertaining her cousin Miss McGrath of Watertown, Minn.

Little Mable Elder entertained 20 little girls Saturday afternoon at a lawn party. The little Miss being three years old received many handsome gifts. Mrs. Deering of Fargo assisted Mrs. Elder in serving the little folks.

A reception was tended Rev. and Mrs. Old at the church last Friday evening, 100 guests were present and enjoyed an excellent musical program. Mrs. Roach favored us with an organ solo, Misses Fern Gamble and Matie Iwen a duet and Miss Fuller a solo. The evening was most pleasantly spent with our popular pastor and his wife. Light refreshments were served.

July 23, 1914

Mr. and Mrs. Fuller and Nan Fuller were Hunter visitors last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz and Mrs. Bertha Viestenz had their infants christened last Sunday by Rev. Freytag at the Arthur church.

Bertha Ellingson and little nephew of Hunter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bettschen.

Wallace Hackett is renovating the building at the Houston farm.

The home of Louis Bettschen is being painted, which is an improvement and a great attraction for our little town.

Albert Farnham and his sisters Myrtle and Edith motored to Chaffee last Sunday.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard and Mrs. T. O. Burgum will entertain the Arthur M. E. Ladies Aid August 30th, at the Houston farm. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and spend the afternoon with them and enjoy the spacious grounds.

August 20, 1914

Peaches for canning at W. C. Elders.

W. C. Gamble is expected home this week from the hospital.

Silas Phelps and Mrs. Flower of St. Louis were guests at the B. B. Elliott farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crotless are now nicely located in the rooms at the W. C. Elder home.

Mrs. Farnham is home from her Montana visit.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher, a baby girl.

Oscar Paulson, former depot agent here, is now with the N. P. and Regan. Mr. Anderson takes his place here.

V. Sundvold is the new agent at the St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator, coming from Minneapolis.

M. Rasmussen and family are now located near Hannaford, where he has charge of an elevator.

Mesdames R. H. Vosburg, J. A. Burgum, B. Zimmerman, Louis Bettschen, T. R. Campbell and their families autoed to Hunter last Saturday to attend the W. C. T. U. picnic.

Mrs. Henry Muhs died at her home last Sunday and a young infant is left motherless. The family has the sympathy of the community.

Ray Arnold, who preached here several times, and is now attending Drake Theological University at Des Moines, Iowa, was married recently to a young lady who is attending school there.

Mrs. Freytag and daughters Agatha and Matilda returned this week from a visit with her son and their brother, H. Freytag, the banker at Elgin, N. D.

John Iwen returned this week from his Montana claim and will remain for a month.

Miss Winnifred Brown of Wild Rice, who was the guest of Miss Marjorie Burgum, returned last week.

Miss Annie See spent a day at Blanchard the guest of Miss Margaret Cormack.

September 3, 1914

Mrs. Edith Farnham, Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Misses Myrtle Farnham and Beatrice Lumvall were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley.

Mrs. B. H. Zimmerman and son visited a few days last week with Mrs. M. Norton.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and son Lyle visited a few days last week with her parents in Fargo.

Dr. Campbell was a McHenry visitor one day last week.

John Iwen returned last week to his claim in Montana.

J. E. Fitzsimmons arrived last week to look after his farm.

Bob Lee was a Fargo visitor one day last week.

Artie Bowler arrived last week from Indiana to look after his farm.

Walter Jackson arrived last week and is looking after his farm.

H. F. Backer returned to Minneapolis last week after looking after his farm.

Dr. Campbell was a Fargo visitor last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble arrived last week from Fargo, where Mr. Gamble was in St. John's Hospital.

Bertin Gamble and Louie Bettschen were Fargo visitors last week.

W. J. Stone arrived last week and is looking after his farm.

Willard Rudd returned to Fargo last Monday after a week's visit with his aunt, Mrs. R. Phillips.

Fern Gamble visited a few days the last of the week at the Faltz farm.

Fern Gamble visited a few days the last of the week at the Faltz farm.

Walter Fink was a business visitor in town Tuesday.

Rev. McNamara of Fargo held services here last Sunday.

Mrs. G. B. Burgum visited at the Bayard farm last Sunday.

Mrs. H. Sommerfeld returned last Monday from her trip to Wisconsin.

Thomas Enright was taken to the hospital at Fargo last Saturday where he was operated on for appendicitis.

Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett of Fargo autoed up Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum.

Gilbert McGrath, who is engaged in the banking business at Waverly, Minn., spent Saturday with his aunt Mrs. T. J. Ross.

Arthur Burgum, Ned Hynes, Elmer Schur, Wm. Wise and Ben Burmeister autoed to Fargo last Sunday.

Agent Anderson has gone to housekeeping, his wife arriving from Casselton Sunday.

November 5, 1914

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained Mr. and Mrs. Herman Iwen and family at dinner Sunday.

Mrs. John Iwen left Wednesday for Montana, her husband being ill.

There will be a reception and pound social Thursday evening for Rev. Stinson and family at the M. E. church.

John Wagner is quite ill with pneumonia, a trained nurse, Miss Alma Boettcher of Fargo is attending him. Mrs. A. M. Smith and daughter Carrie of Casselton were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

Mrs. John See will entertain the M. E. Aid Saturday, Nov. 7th.

The annual M. E. Ladies bazaar will be held Nov. 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Hackett entertained Dr. and Mrs. Campbell at dinner Sunday.

Ceil Bayard and sister Annie and Addie, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

The home talent play has been postponed for an indefinite time owing to the illness of one of the characters.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld were Northwood visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld, Mrs. H. Sommerfeld and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Fargo visitors Wednesday.

November 12, 1914

Mrs. Walter Phillips visited a few days last week with friends at Fargo.

Mrs. Mable Norton was a Fargo visitor last week.

Miss Hazel Fenk of Grand Forks visited last week with Miss Fern Gamble.

Mr. Gamble was a McHenry visitor the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Crotvs spent last Sunday with relatives in Fargo.

Mrs. B. A. Zimmerman and two children spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother at Casselton.

John Iwen arrived last Saturday from Montana to spend the winter here.

L. H. Burke of New Rockford is visiting in town this week.

Miss Myrtle Farnham visited at home over Sunday.

News reached Arthur last week that a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bower at Montana. Mrs. Bower was formerly Mable Farnham.

Miss Elsie Kuehn was home over Sunday.

The band boys will give a dance Thanksgiving night. Good music. Everybody come and have a good time.

W. J. Hawke spent a few days here visiting his daughter Mrs. Grothers.

The Misses Stavely and Cruden spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes in Mapleton and Casselton.

The reception and social for Rev. and Mrs. Stinson last Thursday was a pleasant one. The musical numbers being especially pleasing. Our new pastor and family were remembered most liberally.

Mrs. John See entertained over 60 guests last Saturday. The afternoon devoted to the making of aprons for the bazaar.

The teachers and pupils are practicing for a Thanksgiving program given in the school room.

G. B. Burgum, E. W. Schur and S. A. Anderson have been in the twin cities for several days as guests of the manager for the N. W. elevator.

Temperance Sunday will be observed Sunday by a program given by the children.

John Wagner is improving quite nicely from his sickness, which is good news to his many friends.

R. H. Vosburg and brother Frank were Casselton visitors last Wednesday, the latter leaving for his home in Michigan.

The M. E. Ladies will hold their annual bazaar and supper Saturday evening, prices 25 cents and 15 cents, come and spend the evening, a good time is assured.

T. O. Burgum and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hackett.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher were visiting friends Sunday at Clifford.

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Roach have been in Superior, Wis., for several days looking over a dairy farm with a view of purchasing the same.

November 19, 1914

The M. E. Ladies bazaar and supper will be held at the Woodman hall Saturday eve, Nov. 21. The ladies have a fine line of fancy work and aprons for sale. The large candy booth will be in charge of Bernice Vosburg and Mrs. Fuller. The chocolate booth will be presided over by Mrs. Gordon Burgum, and dainty cups will be filled with hot chocolate and sold through the evening.

Miss Bernice Vosburg returned Monday from a short visit with friends at Mayville.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and Mrs. Gordon Burgum had charge of the temperance program Sunday. The children rendered their pieces very nicely.

W. C. Gamble is seen occasionally at his desk in the bank and is greeted warmly by old friends.

Letter received from Rev. Old tells us they are nicely located at Henshaw, 25 miles out of Chicago. They have a cozy parsonage, are well pleased with their new location and wish to be remembered to friends at Hunter and Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Hackett entertained a company of friends at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hynes and Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg.

November 26, 1914

Miss Martha Willert of Galesburg and Mrs. Dennison of Hensler, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur for several days.

The Methodist ladies were highly pleased with the proceeds from the supper and sale of fancy articles. Over $155 was realized. The ladies are indebted to the band boys who so generously contributed the splendid music towards making the evening an enjoyable one.

Miss Fern Gamble was a Hunter visitor Monday.

Mrs. F. J. Stumpf and Mrs. T. A. Green were guests of Arthur friends Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson and little daughter of Kelso came to Arthur the first of the week remaining over to take in the M. E. bazaar.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and Mrs. L. W. Roberts were guests Sunday at the J. W. Bettschen home.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgum, the event being the 18th and 4th wedding anniversaries.

Rev. Stinson delivered a splendid Thanksgiving sermon Sunday to an attentive audience. Miss Stinson very ably rendered the beautiful solo: ÒThe Golden Gate.Ó J. H. Nesbitt is decorating the interior of the Iwen bungalow, which when finished will be the finest home in Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller are packing their household goods, stock and machinery and are moving back to Buffalo. All Arthur people are sorry to lose these good neighbors and friends.

About 80 young people completely surprised John Wagner last Thursday. It being John's 19th birthday. It is needless to say that the evening was an enjoyable one, but John received numerous gifts and Mrs. Wagner is a noted hostess in the art of culinary.

Basketball, Erie high school vs. the Arthur Juniors, Saturday at 8:15 in the hall. Come and see the fun.

The pupils of Misses Stanly and Cruden gave an excellent program in their school room last Friday afternoon the day being childrens' day. Arthur children contributed largely towards the home in Fargo. The recitations, dialogues and singing were very appropriate and exceptionally pleasing the children displaying the splendid training they have received from the teachers. The walls of the school room were a scene of fine exhibits where the parents could see the pupils' handiwork which reminded one of the quaint little art gallery with its scenes of black and white drawings. The Pilgrim's scenes of Holland little Dutch soldiers with their bright red coats, papers of well trained hand writings in fact work of every description from the smallest pupil up to the 7 grades. The afternoon was a most pleasing and gratifying one not only to the parents but an encouraging one to pupils and teachers.

December 3, 1914

The Ladies of the M. E. Aid met Monday at the home of Mrs. Wallace Hackett to settle the year's work for 1914.

Mr. and Mrs. McGrath and family of Fargo came up Thanksgiving morning to spend the day with T. J. Ross and family.

Mrs. Gordon Burgum and Mrs. I. S. Roberts are visiting in Fargo.

The band boys' supper and dance seemed to be a big event $55 was the profit which the boys are duly thankful for.

Mrs. John See entertained the C. F. Bayard family, Mrs. Edith Farnham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgum at Thanksgiving dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz were dinner guests Sunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips will have charge of the Christmas program.

Rev. Stinson was down Monday night and organized a teachers' training class. The first lessons to be studied Sunday. Several young people entering the class.

The Arthur Mercantile Co. placed in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Baillie a fine Lyon and Healy piano.

2009 Copyrighted and Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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