Arthur Anglings
1915 Hunter Herald

January 7, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher and little son Cecil of New England are spending several weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard, and were guests of Arthur relatives the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart returned to their home at Dogden after a pleasant visit with their parents M. and Mrs. Robert Stewart.

Miss Elsie Wagner of Valier, Montana, will spend five or six months with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Mrs. T. J. Myers returned home from Fargo where she has been taking medical treatment.

Dave Collins, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Collins died last Thursday, and was buried in the Arthur cemetery Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Carthers entertained new year's day at dinner, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hawk and Mr. and Mrs. Carthers of Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained Wednesday Mrs. and Misses Smith of Casselton the guests being sister and nieces of the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams have placed in their home a fine Lyon and Healy piano.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hotvedt of Bottineau arrived before the holiday Mr. Hotvedt being the grain buyer for the St. Anthony elevator company.

Mesdames John See and Gordon Burgum have been confined to their home the past week on account of illness.

Ned Hynes is visiting his parents at El Paso, Ill., for a month.

W. C. Elder is entertaining his brother George, who came from Canada for the holidays.

School opened Monday with a good attendance.

January 14, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz arrived home Wednesday from Winona being called there by the death of Mr. Viestenz' mother.

R. F. Butterfield is again in his shop after a two weeks' vacation spent with relatives in Minneapolis.

Miss Alice Wilson of West Arthur spent Sunday with the Misses Hanson, Cruden, and Stavely.

There will be a Sunday School meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bettschen.

The Arthur Boys played basketball at Chaffee Saturday night and were defeated by a score of 12 to 18.

The Yeoman entertained their families and town friends Friday evening with cards, music, and dancing followed by a fine supper. R. J. Vosburg and Miss Bernice Vosburg received the head prize while Miss Cruden and Ed Mergner the Consolidated.

Mr. E. E. Webb and Miss Annie Maurer were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross.

Our new and very capable post mistress Mrs. T. J. Ross is nicely located in the east end of the store and seems to be quite familiar with the new line of work.

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Tuesday.

Mrs. T. J. Myers was a Fargo visitor last Thursday.

The Farmers' Elev. Co. shipped a car of hogs from ÒMasonÓ Saturday to the South St. Paul markets.

January 21, 1915

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and son Lyle are visiting in Fargo. Mr. Phillips has been on the jury.

H. R. Stephenson of Danvers, Ill., who came up for a day or two, returned home Tuesday.

Mr. Henning of El Paso, Ill. came Tuesday and is looking after his farm interest.

H. T. Brewer of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Tuesday.

Dave Harris of Fargo was here last week and was a guest at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Hackett and R. H. Vosburg.

Mrs. Louie Bettschen left last week for a visit at her home in Northfield her brother Herschel being home on visit from the west. Mrs. Bettschen expects to be gone two weeks.

Mrs. Zimmerman entertained last Wednesday at dinner. The teachers the Misses Stanley, Cruden, Hanson, and Elsie Wagner.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgum had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard, Mr. and Mrs. E. Boettcher and son of New England, Mr. Boettcher left Monday for his home and Mrs. Boettcher will remain yet several weeks with friends.

Alma Boettcher came up from Fargo for a visit with relatives and friends.

Little George Roach has recovered sufficiently from an attack of pneumonia as to let the nurse return to her home at Grand Forks.

January 28, 1915

Mrs. Ruben is entertaining her sister Miss Jennie Rudd of Washburn.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained at dinner Sunday the Wagner family, the teachers Misses Hanson and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips.

Fred Williams and brother James left Monday night for a Western pleasure trip which includes the exposition in California.

Miss Elsie Wagner sang at the Sunday morning services the beautiful solo ÒFace to Face.Ó

Mrs. Kemp and two children arrived Tuesday from Iowa for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bahl.

John Wagner is in Fargo consulting an eye specialist and may remain in Fargo for some time for treatment.

Last Friday Eve, 25 of Mr. and Mrs. John See's friends gathered at their farm home and spent the evening playing progressive 500, Mrs. C. F. Bayard and G. B. Burgum winning the head prizes, C. F. Bayard and Mrs. G. B. Burgum and boobys. At midnight a delicious lunch was much enjoyed by the guests, Mr. and Mrs. See are nice host and hostess and the lucky ones all say they had a jolly good time.

February 4, 1915

Louie Heiden was a Fargo visitor Wednesday attending the convention of the mechanic.

Inez Faltz who is attending the Casselton High School was home over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld entertained a company of friends Friday evening.

Mrs. Denmmond and son Scott of Fargo spent Wednesday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Chothers.

Fern Gamble is visiting friends in Fargo.

Mrs. Bierbauer is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Zimmerman.

Lillie Burgum had a birthday anniversary Saturday and 14 girls helped her celebrate her 12th year with games, music, and a nice tea at 5 o'clock. Miss Lillie was handsomely remembered by her little friends.

It is currently rumored that an electric light plant will be installed in the very near future.

Misses Stavely and Cruden spent the weekend at their homes in Mapleton and Casselton.

Lillie Wagner entertained Tuesday evening, 8 little girls in honor of her 8th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Wagner was assisted in serving a dainty lunch by her daughter Miss Elsie.

Mrs. Zimmerman and children have been confined to the home with an attack of tonsillitis.

Miss Myrtle Farnham who teaches school in Empire township was home for Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were at home to their friends Friday evening ÒCardsÓ were the evening's amusement. Mrs. H. J. Wagner won the ladies head prize and C. F. Bayard the "gents," Annie Sommerfeld and Tom See the Òconsolation.Ó At midnight a splendid luncheon was served. It was a merry crowd and the 30 guests present thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

February 11, 1915

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz, Saturday evening about 30 young people were entertained at cards. Miss Linda Viestenz being hostess. A delicious luncheon was served at 11 o'clock. The head prize was won by Miss Stanley, Wm. Wise won the gents, Clark Jarrett and Emma Moseredt received the Òconsolation.Ó From all reports the young people had a delightful time.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts had a company of friends at dinner Sunday evening.

Miss Anna Boettcher and Edward Wilhelm will be married next Tuesday afternoon from the Lutheran church with a reception at the home of the pride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher.

Born, Sunday to Dr. and Mrs. Campbell a nine pound baby girl.

Miss Linda Viestenz spent Monday in Hunter the guest of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bettschen entertained at dinner Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hackett and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clunis of Blanchard were Arthur visitors this week.

Theo. Wilke, who returned last week from Montana and had a visit with his sister Mrs. Luther, was notified by telegram that his sister had died very suddenly, being sick only two hours.

February 18, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuller returned home Friday after several weeks visit at their old home in Ludlow, Ill.

Mr. Walter Phillips and T. O. Burgum and 18 members of the Hunter Lodge A. F. and A. M. were guests of the Casselton Lodge last Friday night and report a very enjoyable time.

Dr. W. P. Baldwin of Casselton was called here Tuesday to see W. C. Gamble who has been quite poorly the past week also Hugo Viestenz who has been confined to his room for several days.

Read the auction ad of Mrs. Chas. Viestenz.

The babies ÒDonald Farnham, Ernest Notvedt and Palmer AndersonÓ who have been quite sick with pneumonia have fully recovered.

Mr. and Mrs. John Jarett have returned from a 2 months' visit with parents in Danvers, Ill.

Miss Fern Crothers and Mr. Olson of Fargo spent Friday and Saturday here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson and daughter came down Friday night from Kelso for a few days visit with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz were Fargo visitors last week.

Mrs. L. E. Chandlier is visiting her son Ira west of Hunter.

W. H. Flynn of Fargo was in town Monday looking after his farm interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz were Casselton visitors Saturday.

John Wagner returned home from Fargo and Miss Alice Wagner from Buffalo Friday.

Miss Hanson spent the weekend with Miss Cruden at Casselton.

Matie Iwen and Lena Mundt attended the teachers' examination at Fargo last Friday.

February 25, 1915

Miss Myrtle Farnham was home for the week's holiday.

Dr. Campbell went to Fargo Thursday with Mr. Martin of Amenia who is seriously ill.

Mrs. Murch was a Hunter visitor Friday.

Miss Edyth Loucile Campbell and Mrs. H. J. Wagner were calling Thursday on Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

Harry Farnham, John Wagner, Bertin Gamble, Albert Farnham and Robert Lee were Mayville visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman are entertaining their brother Emil Zimmerman of Ada, Minnesota, for several days.

Fern Gamble is home for a short visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur were Fargo visitors over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained Mr. and Mrs. Roach at dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers spent the week with their parents at Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Elder entertained several gentlemen friends at dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett were at home Friday evening with their many married friends. The evening was a delightful one spent with cards "500" being the chosen amusement after hours of the social game, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. The guests were Messrs and Mesdames B. H. Zimmerman, S. L. Crothers, I. T. Roberts, J. W. Bettschen, L. Bettschen, G. B. Burgum and T. O. Burgum.

K. Dickenson of Galesburg was an Arthur visitor last Tues.

Don't forget to attend the Big School entertainment Friday evening. Music by the Arthur Band. Recitations, songs, dialogues, tableaux drills and farce given by the children. The entertainment will commence sharp at 8 o'clock everybody come. Proceeds go toward paying for the piano and suitable pictures for the rooms.

March 25, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden spent Tuesday in Fargo.

Mr. Elder and children were Fargo and Alice visitors last week.

W. C. Elder has rented the Hotel Iwen and takes possession April 1st.

Miss Alice Wagner is visiting with Mrs. Roy Amel at Davenport.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner spent a week visiting relatives and friends in Wahpeton and Davenport.

14 new members were initiated Saturday evening into the order of the Modern Woodmen a reception and banquet were tendered the members about 35 being present.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen entertained a company of friends at cards Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Fargo visitors Tuesday.

Dist. Supt. Rev. C. A. McNamara was here Sunday and assisted in the services in the M. E. Church.

Miss Carrie Faltz and Herbert Lee were married Saturday afternoon in Moorhead. The happy couple have gone to housekeeping on the Groom's farm near Gardner.

Mr. and Mrs. August Sommerfeld are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy which came to gladden "their home Friday."

Dr. and Mrs. Campbell entertained a company of friends Monday evening at "cards."

A farewell reception was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Arnold last Thursday afternoon at their farm home in Gunkel township, about 50 guests assembled to pay their respects to the old neighbors who have lived here over 20 years and are soon to leave for Casselton, their future home, a dainty luncheon was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold were presented with a handsome 9 by 12 dining room rug, best wishes are extended Mrs. Arnold and Family.

John L. Iwen expects to leave the first of April for Montana.

Roy Stephenson was called to Danvers, Ill. last Saturday on account of the serious illness of his father.

Dr. Campbell and Gust Sommerfeld were Casselton visitors Sunday.

Mrs. L. S. Crothers taught the primary room Tuesday, Miss Stavley being unable to leave her mother who is quite poorly with neuritis.

The Arthur Band will give a concert in the near future at the Woodman Hall. The boys are working on the latest and most up to date pieces and will sure give the people an evening of pleasing enjoyment and during the summer months they will give an open air concert, these will sure be a fine treat. Boost for the band-don't knock.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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