Arthur Anglings 1915 Hunter Herald

April 8, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and mother spent Monday in Fargo on business.

B. H. Zimmerman has got settled and is doing business in his new Confectionery Store.

Mrs. John Iwen and children are nicely settled in the bungalow. Mr. Iwen having left for his claim in Montana.

Richard Grieger has rented the Arthur Livery barn.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner entertained thirty of their friends Monday evening cards and music was the evening enjoyment seven tables of progressive 500, Mrs. G. B. Burgum and T. O. Burgum winning first favors.
Mrs. Bruno Zimmerman and Gust Schur booby, at 11 o'clock a delicious lunch was served, while the gentlemen were enjoying their cigars, and the ladies the candy, Miss Elsie Wagner favored the guests with a piano and vocal solo, at 12:30 we bid the host and hostess good night.

E. E. Webb was a Casselton visitor Monday.

R. F. Butterfield is back in the drug store.

The new building is rapidly going up for the electric light power house.

Many of our friends are busy preparing the ground for spring seeding.

Wilfred Grant of Erie is the new proprietor of the Arthur meat market.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross were Casselton visitors Sunday.

The M. E. Aid will meet this week Thursday with Mrs. James Williams.

Ned Hines retruned Saturday from El Paso, Ill., after a three month visit.

W. H. Flynn and Will Connie of Fargo were here on business last week.

Mrs. Bierbaner of Casselton mother of Mrs. Zimmerman spent Monday here and was accompanied home by her two grandchildren Margaret and Clarence Zimmerman.

Mrs. Wagner entertained a dozen ladies at a tumble bee Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 5 a dainty luncheon was served the ladies.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner entertained a company of guests Easter Sunday at dinner. The guests were Mrs. Gamble, Fern and Bertin, J. H. Krafthiefer of Amenia and Oscar Belsley.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum gave a dinner party Easter Sunday covers being laid for 12 guests the table decorations were yellow and purple and the place cards were hand painted English violets.

Rev. Stinson preached a splendid Easter message to a large congregation and the sacred music was rendered by the Hunter choir.

April 29, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunkel came up from Davenport spending the day with friends.

Miss Cruden is unable to teach this week owing to an attack of pneumonia, Mrs. Crothers acting as substitute.

Miss Elsie Wagner is visiting in Wahpeton.

Mrs. Echternach and Mrs. Stump of Casselton spent Thursday with Mrs. Wagner and other friends.

Little Maggie See, who has been confined to her bed with pneumonia, is recovering nicely.

Ida Kentfield has returned home to New Rockford after several days visit at the home of John See.

Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran of York, Nebraska, are nicely settled on their farm the Shafer place.

Mrs. F. Roach has a baby girl born a week ago.

Aunty Mullins of Hunter spent Sunday here the guest of Mrs. Gamble and family.

The Y. P. B. was held at the home of Miss Anna See last Saturday, the officers elected as follows President Myrtle Farnham, V. P. Allie Burgum, Treas. and Sec. Marjorie Burgum and Edith Farnham. The next meeting will be held Saturday at the home of Alice Burgum.

The Ladies Aid meetings are meeting with much success. At the home of Mrs. James Williams $17.00 was taken in and at the home of Mrs. Joe Burgum 12.40.
The Officers for the year 1915 are President Mrs. B. B. Elliott, Vic. P. Mrs. Vosburg, Treas. Mrs. Callie Roberts, Sect. Mrs. Horace Fuller.

Mr. Fred Williams was a Fargo visitor last week going there to meet his nephew from New York state.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Fargo visitors last Wednesday.

Walker Thompson of Erie, Mrs. Drake and Roy Shephenson are all owners of the 1915 Overland car.

Mrs. Gordon Burgum is expected home from the hospital at Fargo. She being there for treatment for the past two weeks.

Mesdames Wagner and Sommerfeld will entertain the M. E. Aid May 6th.

Mrs. Ross and little boys spent Sunday in Fargo the guest of her sister Mrs. McGrath.

May 6, 1915

Mr. Will Wagner and little niece of Wahpeton were guests of several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers went to Fargo Saturday in their new Ford car and were Sunday guests of relatives.

Mrs. Louie Heiden entertained a number of ladies Saturday, the occasion being the hostess's birthday anniversary. A very pleasant afternoon was spent followed by a dainty luncheon. Mrs. Heiden was the recipient of numerous gifts.

T. J. Ross is erecting a commodious machinery hall.

T. O. Burgum is assessor and numerator, filling this office for the past 12 years.

Sunday evening the band boys gave the first of their open air concerts owing to the bad weather the program was short.

Misses Elizabeth and Francis Burgum, who are attending the Moorhead Normal taking the advance course, were Arthur visitors Sunday and Monday, their many friends being delighted to see them. They returned Monday eve to the Normal.

Edward Theodore is the name of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. August E. Sommerfeld who was christened Sunday. After the ceremony an elaborate dinner was served, over 90 guests were present.

Mr. E. E. Webb and Miss Anna Wagner are to be married this week and will go to housekeeping in Mrs. Elizabeth Burgum's home which has been nicely furnished for the new bride. Mrs. Webb has lived near Arthur for the past 13 years and numerous friends wish the happy couple untold happiness.

Julius Kushnick has returned to Arthur from a visit in Montana.

May 20, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Crothers autoed to Buffalo Tuesday to attend the wedding of Miss Edith Moore of Buffalo and Mr. Peterson of Fargo.

W. H. Flynn of Fargo was here last week looking after his farming interests.

Mesdames Hackett, Roberts and Louis Bettschen will entertain the M. E. Ladies Aid Thursday of this week.

Miss Bernice Vosburg is attending the M. E. Sunday School Convention which is being held at Tower City.

Miss Elsie Wagner and her friend Miss Helen Berger left Tuesday for their claim in Valier, Montana.

Mr. and Mrs. Mohr of buffalo were here last week calling on Mr. and Mrs. Crothers.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden are visiting friends at Red Wing and Winona and expect to be gone a week.

$15.65 was the total receipts received by Mesdames Wagner and Sommerfeld at their Aid last week.

Misses Annie See, Myrtle Farnham and Matie Iwen attended the teachers' examinations in Fargo last Thursday and Friday.

Miss Mamie Schur is improving rapidly after her recent illness.

R. F. Butterfield was a Fargo visitor last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and John Schur were Fargo visitors several days last week.

Born-to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips last Wednesday morning a fine 10 pound baby girl mother and little one are doing fine.

Mr. and Mrs. John See were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Miss Fern Bayard is home from Buxton having closed her school.

June 3, 1915

The Hunter Methodist choir concert given in Arthur Saturday night was well attended and the numbers were greatly enjoyed.

The solos rendered by the different members was especially pleasing. H. J. Nesbitt bringing down the house and Miss McVeety gave clever recitations between the different acts. The orchestra was cordially received and frequently applauded. There were auto parties coming from Erie and Hunter to attend the evening's amusement which was a credit to the Hunter M. E. choir.

School election was a lively one. 56 votes were cast over last year's 16. J. A. Burgum was elected as director for 3 year's term.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, and Mr. and Fred Williams motored to Hunter Sunday attending the Decoration Day exercises.

Mr. and Mrs. Stangler and family of Alice were visiting the Mesdames Elder and Viestenz Sunday.

The teachers are preparing a closing day program.

Miss Fern Gamble and Bertin are expected home from the twin cities.

J. A. Burgum was elected as director and T. J. Ross as of Arthur school district, at the election Tuesday.

Miss Annie See closed her school last Friday with a big picnic dinner at the Ben Bahl grove.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hawk of Fargo were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz have returned to Mason having purchased a number of acres of land and will erect a new home at once.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and children are enjoying an outing at Detroit Lake and are expected home in a week. Charles Logan a Graduate of Dickinson College, Penn., has been accepted as Supt. of the Arthur high school.

On June 18th Arthur will celebrate the opening of the electric light plant. T. O. Burgum, Wallace Hackett, and J. E. Sommerfeld are a committee.

A number of Arthurites visited in Fargo Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Crothers motored to Fargo Sunday attending the decoration day exercises.

Mrs. Vosburg will entertain the M. E. aid this Thursday.

Mrs. Bruno Mergner expects to leave for St. Paul to visit her mother who is poorly.

Born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. John Hynes a fine baby boy.

Miss Bernice Vosburg and Mrs. Horace Fuller, Marjory Burgum have charge of the Children's Day program.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Standfield of Superior, Wisconsin, have returned from a visit in Canada and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Standfield.

June 10, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Elliott and baby of St. Paul are visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Elliott.

The School Entertainment and 8th grade exercises will be held in the hall this Thursday evening Supt. J. W. Riley will be present and give an address and an oration by Mr. Pollock of Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. Bowlin are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby girl.

Don't forget the big ball game Sunday afternoon between Arthur and Fargo.

Miss Myrtle Farnham is in Fargo attending the D. B. College.

Misses Lillie Burgum and Francis Ross were guests Saturday of Miss Bernice Bayard.

Mrs. R. H. Vosburg entertained the M. E. Aid last Thursday at her farm home, a large attendance. Seven auto loads from town. The hostess was assisted by her daughters Mrs. Hugo Viestenz, Mrs. James Jenkins of Erie and Miss Bernice the next meeting will be held Thursday June 17th at the home of the President Mrs. B. B. Elliott.

June 17, 1915

Mrs. H. Sommerfeld's home is being made very attractive with a new coat of white paint.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz visited Casselton friends over Sunday.

Dr. Campbell, Fern and Bertin Gamble were Fargo visitors. Dr. going east for a few days on professional business.

Mr. Charles McKinnon is somewhat improved and is now able to be up and out of doors for a few hours each day.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughter Allie were Fargo visitors Friday.

Miss Lydia Sommerfeld entertained a company of 17 girls last Tuesday, it being the little lady's birthday anniversary.

The teachers and children gave a very good program last Thursday in the hall.

The local team played a snappy game Sunday afternoon 2 to 4 in favor of the cubs.

Moniham and Co., have arrived with the Merry-go-around to help swell the Celebration June 18th.

Don't forget to come to Arthur Friday.

Miss Matie Iwen is improving after a serious operation which was performed two weeks ago at St. John's hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bettschen, returned home Tuesday after several days fishing at Detroit Lake. They made the trip in R. H.'s Buick, all report a fine outing.

Mrs. John Jarrett who has been confined to her home the past week is now improving and expects to be out in a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Burnsdorf and daughter of Georgetown spent several days here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld and other friends.

T. J. Ross, G. B. Burgum and Louie Schur autoed to Casselton Tuesday.

Clark Jarrett is visiting in Fargo.

Mrs. John Iwen's bungalow has had a new coat of paint, screened porches and now completed with electric lights.

Mr. and Mrs. Webb are entertaining company from Iowa.

Practically all the homes in town are wired for electric lights. Mr. Smith the electric man is the busiest man in town.

School closed Friday with a big picnic dinner in Albert Viestenz' grove.

The Page band boys were here Tuesday advertising the Page races.

Miss Libby Buckley a former teacher here was married last month in the Catholic Church at Jamestown. The happy couple will make their home in Jamestown.

June 24, 1915
Picnic June 22nd 1915 is a day long to be remembered by the El Paso, Illinois, colony who are living in the vicinity of Arthur and Hunter. Fifty strong gathered for the first picnic two and one half miles west of Arthur in Dohman's grove. A dinner that certainly shows prosperity was served to the hungry bunch and all did ample justice. Thanks to the good cooks from El Paso. After dinner a ball game between the single and married men was had-and a good one too. The score? After the game ice cream and cake was served and a little business transacted. The Hunter band favored us with a few choice selections and after being treated to ice cream and cake, went on their way.
It was unanimously voted to make the picnic an annual affair, and El Paso people have a permanent invitation to attend these annual picnics. Thanks to the originators for their idea and to Mr. and Mrs. Dohman for their hospitality. BOOST FOR HUNTER AND ARTHUR, and watch us grow.

Arthur Celebrates Installation of its Electric Lighting System
June 18th the date for the "Big Day" at Arthur has come and gone and with it one of the largest and best celebrations ever held here.
Several hundred neighbors joined the town in celebrating, all the surrounding towns being well represented, including a string of thirty autos from Casselton all nicely decorated and accompanied by the Casselton Band dressed in costume, represented "the Little German Band."
The Arthur Band led by W. C. Elder of 20 pieces in their new and trimmed dark blue uniforms rendered excellent music throughout the day.
The town was nicely decorated with bunting and flags and street lights strings of electric lights across the streets. There were amusements galore with the merry-go-round, moving pictures and all kinds of street sports kept the large crowd well entertained. The Arthur ball team played with Erie in the forenoon. Batteries, Erie, Newcomer and Hill.
Arthur, Walker and Farnham, score, Arthur 4 Erie 0. Umpires, Grant and Landon. In the afternoon the Arthur team played with Casselton. Score 14 to 1 in favor of Arthur.
Of course there was some great rejoicings and cheering "when the home team won."
Cliffs Orchestra from Fargo furnished the music for the Grand Ball in the evening and there were 150 couples present.
The speaker of the day was Dr. L. T. Guild of the Fargo Courier News. He began his speech by alluding to the date of June 18th as being a historic one.
100 years ago today one of the greatest battles was fought that changed the history of Europe the Battle of Waterloo. Today on the same battlegrounds the best blood of Europe is being poured out in a still more terrific struggle.
The speaker contrasted those conditions with the conditions in this country where all nationalities are mingled together and cooperating to make this world a better place to live in for those who come after them.
Not many years ago these prairies were crossed with Buffalo paths and Indians held sway. He paid a tribute to those pioneers who had left home and fatherland and all they held dear across the seas to make a home on these western lands. The speaker held his large audience in complete sympathy and was frequently interrupted by applause.
The Farmers Elevator Co., having gone through various vicissitudes and been rescued by the devotion of its earnest band of directors and manager, J. A. Burgum who felt the community needed the organization, have become not only a business success but a community power. The company has prospered and with the other business men of Arthur decided to have a "get together" day and rejoice. The direct cause of the celebration was the opening of the new electric light plant recently installed by the Farmers Elevator.
The entire equipment of the electric light plant is modern and satisfactory. The storage batteries are charged while the engine is running at other work during the day and the result is a 24 hour service furnishing the town with light as cheaply as towns two or three times the size of Arthur.
Miss Marjorie Burgum pressed the button that turned the electricity into the wires officially.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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