Arthur Anglings 1915 Hunter Herald

July 1, 1915

Miss Pattie Grieger eldest daughter of Gust Grieger was taken to St. John Hospital Monday for an operation for appendicitis.

John Schur and Julius Sommerfeld were Fargo visitors Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard and Mr. and Mrs. Tobeoman of New England at dinner Sunday.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner and Mrs. Will Wagner of Wahpeton were Hunter guests last week.

Mrs. J. W. Lee formerly of Arthur died last Wednesday in Indiana where she has been for some months in hopes of regaining her health.

Mr. Zimmerman of Ada, Minn., is visiting H. H. Zimmerman.

Mr. and Mrs. Tobeoman of New England leave this Wednesday for their home after 8 weeks visit with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Mrs. John See is improving nicely at the hospital at Underwood.

Mrs. Burgum, Louis Bettschen, Walter Phillips, R. H. Vosburg, T. R. Campbell and C. F. Bayard will entertain in the Hunter W. C. T. U. Friday, July 9th, at the home of the former.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boettcher of Blanchard were here last Friday to attend the funeral of their niece.

Mrs. Ross accompanied little Francis Ross as far as Fargo where she will visit friends in Minneapolis.

Little Clara Edna Boettcher, the 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher, was buried last Friday afternoon from the German Lutheran church. Rev. Groth, of Casselton, delivered the funeral services. The floral tributes were very beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Boettcher have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their first born.

July 15, 1915

Mrs. Emil Boettcher and Annie Sommerfeld left Wednesday for a visit with their brother at Big Sandy, Mont.

Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Zimmerman and Mrs. Crothers autoed to Casselton Thursday.

The Fargo Athletics and Arthur All Stars played ball here Sunday afternoon, Arthur won, by the score of 2 to 4.

The Arthur people were deeply grieved to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. O. C. Robinson Saturday morning and our sympathy goes out to the bereaved family.

Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Arthur Burgum autoed to Fargo Friday to meet Miss Marjorie Burgum who has been the guest of Miss Winnie Browne of Wild Rice for the past two weeks and the two young ladies accompanied them home.

July 22, 1915

The Ladies Aid will give a supper Friday evening at the church basement. Supper will be served at 5:30 to 7:30, proceeds to help defray expenses for wiring and lighting the church.

Mrs. Nels Hanson and little daughter of Kelso are visiting her sister and father Mr. Lambert.

Miss Alice Wilson has returned to her home at St. Cloud, after attending the summer at Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and little son Foster are spending a few days at the Grand Forks fair.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard and daughter motored up from Minneapolis last week and are guests of their daughter Mrs. Peter Holmquist.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers autoed to Fargo Sunday to spend the day with their parents the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Crothers' first wedding anniversary.

The bank directors held their meeting last Monday, W. H. Simmons of Minneapolis being here.

Bertin Gamble is again enjoying his freedom.

R. F. Butterfield and Dr. Campbell were Fargo visitors Monday. Mr. Butterfield entered St. Johns Hospital for treatment.

Miss Emma Mundt was taken to Fargo Tuesday morning where she will submit to an operation of appendicitis.

Newton Collins' little daughter is recovering nicely from her recent sickness.

Friday was another big day in Arthur, the day's amusement began at 9 o'clock the band playing several selections that were very pleasing to the large crowd present at 10:00 o'clock the folks gathered at the ball park and soon a fast game was on between Galesburg and Arthur both teams put up a fine clean ball. Arthur winning 4 to 0. Batteries Hennery and Haskins, Hynes and Farnham. 1:30 more good music by the band and at 3:00 o'clock the game between Hunter and Arthur was going and Arthur played to victory, winning by a score of 2 to 1.

August 5, 1915

Mrs. John Iwen returned Friday from a month's visit in Montana.

Mrs. Florence Gamble has sold her Auto and Garage to Mr. Cederberg.

Wilbur Hackett arrived last Thursday from Michigan and will visit here for some time.

Mrs. Emil Boettcher arrived home from Big Sandy, Montana, after a short visit with relatives and reports crops are good in that vicinity.

Mrs. Walter Phillips visited in Fargo a number of days last week.

Mrs. Edith Farnham returned home from Chaffee and Casselton after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends.

R. F. Butterfield is improving sufficiently from his recent operation to be able to return home.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson and family, Miss Alice Wagner returned home Saturday from Hickson, Minn. having visited with relatives there for a week, they made the trip in their new Overland and report roads good.

Our ball team ÒThe Arthur All StarsÓ are playing with Wahpeton and other towns this week.

Miss Myrtle Farnham left Sunday to resume her studies at the Business College, Fargo.

Mesdames Louie Heiden, Gordon Burgum, S. L. Crothers, were hostesses last Thursday at the basement, for the M. E. Supper, net proceeds were $17.50 the ladies received many compliments on the meal served.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard has kindly consented to the use of the lawn at the Houston farm for the children's W. C. T. U. picnic which will be held this week Friday.

Mrs. Florence Gamble has entertained several friends the past week at dinner Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner were their guests.

Miss Vulcam of Winona is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz.

Wilbur Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross were Casselton and Fargo visitors Sunday.

Lee Doman had his left arm broken last week by a kick from a horse.

August 12, 1915

Miss Annie See is visiting the Kentfields at New Rockford and expects to remain a week.

Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and children returned Saturday from their two weeks visit with her parents at Verndale.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Keonse of Argusville at dinner Sunday.

Ella Boettcher daughter of Emil Boettcher was taken sick suddenly Sunday, and was taken to Fargo the same day where an operation was performed for appendicitis. Her father reports Miss Ella is doing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

Mrs. Ira Chandler was here a day or two as guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott.

Mr. and Mrs. August Sommerfeld and daughter Elizabeth were Fargo visitors Tuesday.

Mrs. Hackett enjoyed a short visit from her niece Miss Clark of Schoolcraft, Michigan, who has been touring the Yellow Stone Park and to expositions. Miss Clark left Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gowland.

Mrs. Fuller entertained 12 young ladies last Tuesday afternoon in honor of her sister who is spending the summer here.

The election of Officers for the school took place Sunday. Louie Bettschen is Supt. in place of B. B. Elliott. Treas. Horace Fuller, Sec. Ollie Burgum, Librarian Lillie Burgum.

Leslie Crothers is having erected a comfortable little home with modern conveniences. Nels Rosvald of Hunter has the contract.

Walter Phillips has finished painting the school house, a very durable shade and it is very attractive.

August 19, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milker of Los Angeles, California are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner. They expect to visit relatives at Bisbee for some time.

Miss Annie Sommerfeld returned home from a month's visit with her brother in Big Sandy, Montana.

The farmers are busy harvesting.

Charlie Gunkel of Belfield was an Arthur visitor last week.

Mrs. Gamble and Bertin have moved to Minneapolis.

James Williams has made extensive improvements on his farm west of Arthur formerly the Lambert farm.

W. J. Stone of Ludlow, Ill. is here looking after his farming interests.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur and Mrs. Gordon Burgum autoed to Fargo last Tuesday.

A number of children and their parents attended the W. C. T. U. Picnic at the Houston farm last Friday.

September 2, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stephenson and Lee McClure arrived Thursday in their car from Illinois for a visit with their sons the Jarrett Bros. They intend on leaving the car here for the boys.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Stephenson were called Saturday to Standford, Ill., on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Stephenson's aged father.

Mrs. S. H. Crothers and daughter Ruby of Fargo is spending the week here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers.

Miss Eleanor Roberts had a birthday party Saturday, 10 little girls were delightfully entertained.

Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and children returned home Saturday from Alice where they visited relatives.

Mrs. Frank Grimsley and two sons of Winnipeg are visiting at the home of Mrs. Farnham.

Thomas See left Monday for Belfield to operate a gasoline engine for Charles Gunkel.

Mrs. Hotvedt arrived home from a 3 months visit at Alexandria and Foster, Minn.

Marion Stephenson is in Casselton looking after his father's farming interests.

Mrs. Kentfield of New Rockford is visiting at the John See home and other friends and relatives.

September 9, 1915

Rob and Ruby Crothers are here for the hunting season visiting their brother Leslie.

Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson returned from Nelson county where they have farming interests.

Mrs. Stokke and daughter Mrs. W. H. Baker of Minneapolis are here looking after their farm interest on Sec. 24.

Misses Annie See and Myrtle Farnham left Friday for their schools at Alice, N. D. and Wing, McLean Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowers and three children arrived Thursday morning from Souris, Montana and will spend some time visiting her mother Mrs. Farnham.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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