Arthur Anglings

1916 Hunter Herald

May 11, 1916

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum and family autoed to Fargo Saturday to attend the Shakespeare pageant.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner returned this week from Grand Meadow, Minn., where they attended the funeral of a relative.

There was a large crowd out to see the play "The Little Politician" by the Hunter Epworth League and it was greatly enjoyed.

Cards were received here announcing the wedding of Miss Ella Wilkie and Harry Harrington at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilkie of Valier, Mont.

The M. E. Ladies Aid elected their officers as follows, Mrs. Vosburg, President; Mrs. Elliott, Vice-President; Mrs. H. F. Fuller, Mrs. J. A. Burgum, Secretaries; Mrs. L. Roberts, Treasurer.

Delegates were elected from the M. E. Sunday School for the convention at Hunter as follows, Mrs. Vosburg, Mrs. Elliott, Arthur Burgum, J. K. Fuller and it is expected a large representation besides will be present from Arthur.

June 15, 1916

Mrs. Charles Gunkel of Belfield was an Arthur visitor Tuesday.

Charles Ross of Minneapolis spent several days here visiting his Uncle T. J. Ross.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner spent several days visiting relatives at Thompson last week making the trip by auto.

Messrs and Mesdames John Schur, I. S. Roberts, Julius Sommerfeld, Louie Heiden have formed a fishing party, they left Wednesday morning by auto for Detroit Lake, Minn. for a several days outing.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parkhouse expect to motor to Fargo Saturday in the former's new Overland.

Gust Sommerfeld is an expert driver with his new Ford touring car.

Fred Williams returned home Sat. having spent the week in Fargo.

Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse arrived home in due time to be with her father who is seriously ill at his home in El Paso, Ill.

Mrs. Gust Schur expects to leave this week for a visit with her mother in Wisconsin.

The M. E. Ladies will meet with Mrs. Hackett Thursday afternoon for a special business meeting by order of the president Mrs. Vosburg.

Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld, Ella Boettcher and Mrs. Rudolf Otto left Tuesday for a month's visit with their married children in Big Sandy, Montana Rev. Groth and his large class in confirmation had their pictures taken in Casselton.

Erie ballteam and the Fargo Athletics are scheduled to play here on the Fourth of July.

The open air concert given by the Arthur Band boys Sunday evenings are well attended and greatly enjoyed.

Miss Ella Boettcher and Mrs. Sommerfeld are visiting in Montana.

At the regular meeting of the Commercial club twenty members were present and J. A. Burgum was re-elected president, Wallace Hackett vice president and S. L. Crothers sec. and treas.

The teachers elected for next year are Prof. Angus Barker of Jamestown college, Miss Catherine Cruden of the Valley City Normal and Miss Marjorie Burgum of the Mayville Normal.

The Commercial Club will give a dance on the 16th of June with John Bettschen, S. L. Crothers and Wm. Wise in charge.

Mrs. Chas. McKinnen who had her hip fractured in a runaway Memorial Sunday is improving.

J. E. Sommerfeld and I. S. Roberts families are on a fishing trip at Detroit, Minn.

School election passed off quietly. There were about thirty votes cast and Dr. Campbell and Aug. Sommerfeld were elected members.

The Arthur Ball Team has a game with Wheatland this Wednesday. The game played with Blanchard was in Arthur's favor 2 to 0.

Miss Myrtle Farnham left Monday for Fargo where she will attend a business college.

Several auto loads went to Hunter Sunday morning to attend the Rev. Weigle's meeting and several more intended to go in the evening but the rain prevented.

T. J. Ross has a large crew of men and teams putting in his quarter this week.

The commencement exercises for the eighth grade were held at the town hall and were unexcelled was the unanimous opinion of all. The hall was crowded and standing room was at a premium. The teachers had spared no efforts and the result was satisfactory to all. The class colors purple and white were freely used in decorating and the class motto was ÒOnward is our aim.Ó Supt. J. W. Riley made a splendid address on the Four Corners of civilization, the home, the church, the school and the state, and presented the diplomas to the graduates namely Helen Viestenz, Leland Burgum, Walter Boettcher, Henry Grieger. The class of 1916 was remarkable for the first time in the history of the school the boys outnumbered the girls. Many out of town visitors were present and they were unanimous in saying this was one of the best school programs they had ever attended.

July 20, 1916

Revival meetings will be held at the M. E. church every evening this week by Rev. Anthony, assisted by Prof. Arthur Lynn and Donald Black, in this uplift work for community and individual betterment.

The M. E. Ladies Aid was entertained Thursday by Mesdames J. A. Burgum, E. B. Farnham and Mrs. John See at the church and supper was served on the lawn. There were over a hundred present.

The Lutheran Ladies aid will be entertained by Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and Mrs. Albert Viestenz at the home of the former.

Miss Marjorie Burgum and Miss Edith Farnham left Tuesday for Fargo to attend the Fair, and from there will go to Detroit Lake Thursday where they will be the guests of Miss Winnifred Browne at the Browne's cottage at the lakes for a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg are having their farm home west of town remodeled and will have a modern dwelling house when completed.

The Woodmen's Annual Day will be observed here Friday July 28th. The Arthur ball team will play Mayville and Halstead, Minn., teams. A merry-go-round has been secured for the day.

Mrs. Wm. Wagner and Mrs. H. J. Wagner and family are visiting with Aug. Wilke's family at Wimbledon.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur returned Monday from a month's visit with relatives from Wisconsin.

September 14, 1916

School begins next Monday with Mr. Angus Barker, Principal, Miss Catherine Cruden, Intermediate, Miss Marjorie Burgum, Primary.

W. J. Courtney of Page will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday morning.

Rev. H. H. Groth is in Iowa attending the wedding of a college friend.

The Hunter W. C. T. U. will meet at Arthur next Friday at the home of Mrs. Ruben Phillips with Mrs. J. A. Burgum, Mrs. Dr. Campbell and Mrs. R. Phillips as hostesses. Leader Mrs. W. C. Muir, topic, good and bad books for children.

Mrs. S. H. Crothers of New Rockford is visiting her son S. L. Crothers and family.

W. F. Sommerfeld of Mandan has been visiting his relatives here.

Mrs. Lizzie Burgum and Mrs. Frances Burgum returned to Moorhead after a ten days visit with relatives here.

Miss Myrtle Farnham left Thursday for Wing, N. D. where she will teach again.

October 5, 1916

Miss Ollie Burgum is attending the Valley City Normal and reports being well satisfied with her special course in primary work Òmusic and drawing.Ó

Miss Emma Maurer visited over Sunday with her sister and brother in Fargo.

Paul Sommerfeld, Will Iwen Jr., and Elmer Iwen left Monday for Big Sandy, Montana. The former gentlemen expect to purchase land there

Francis Roberts is entertaining his father from El Paso, Ill.

Rev. Anthony and wife were callers in town Tuesday.

A large delegation of Masons attended Lodge in Hunter Tuesday evening.

Conductor and Mrs. W. H. Burgum have concluded their visit in North and South Dakota returning to their home in Sumner, Iowa, yesterday. While in Arthur they made their stopping place with T. O. Burgum.

A business meeting of the M. E. Ladies Aid was held last Thursday with Mrs. Louie Bettschen. It was decided at this meeting that the ladies would entertain members and their friends in groups of ten. The first meeting will be held Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Tom Burgum from 2:30 to 5:30, admission 10 cents.

The M. E. Ladies Aid will give their annual bazaar and supper at the town hall Friday Nov. 17.

Several of our citizens leave for Montana this week to prospect, having heard glowing reports of the big crops in that state.

Mr. and Mrs. Nimock and friends of Gardner attended church here Sunday.

The M. E. Ladies Aid will give a social entertainment at the church about the middle of Oct.

The Corn Bread and Potato Contest for the district schools will be held at the Arthur town hall Saturday October 28th. Speakers from the A. C. will be present and also Supt. J. W. Riley.

A. K. Judisch has the contract to build the new school house west of Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Murch and son of Iowa are visiting with the Wm. Murch family.

The stork has been working overtime lately and left baby girls at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Melting and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zimmerman, baby boys at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Milkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz and Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bass of Minneapolis were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum Friday on a four weeks' wedding trip throughout the state in their new Buick six.

Rally day will be observed at the M. E. church on Conference Sunday October 15th, to which all are invited to attend. There will be special exercises by the Sunday school and special musical numbers. Music committee, Mr. August Barker, Misses Marjorie Burgum, Edith Farnham, Hazel Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Anderson and children who were visiting at the Louis Heiden home are now located at Page where Mr. Anderson will be depot agent.

October 12, 1916

J. K. Fuller left last Tuesday for Ludlow, Ill.

Mrs. William Murch is visiting relatives in Moorhead.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hockridge were business callers in town Saturday.

Miss Annie See was home over Sunday from her school at Waldon, near Page.

Furnaces have been installed in the homes of Herman Iwen and Mrs. Maud Wells.

Opfer brothers of Fargo were in town Wednesday looking after their farming interests.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jarrett were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Johnson.

W. J. Stone who has been here for a month looking after his farm left Monday for his home in California.

Mrs. E. Myers is visiting relatives in Iowa, Mr. Myers expects to join his wife for a visit in Illinois returning to Fargo where they expect to stay this winter.

Mrs. John Corcoran who is visiting her parents in Nebraska, announces the birth of a daughter, mother and daughter doing fine and expects to return soon to Dakota.

Cards were received in Arthur announcing the marriage of Miss Ann Sarah Fellows and Wilbur Hackett Oct. 4th. They will be at home after Nov. 1st at Three Rivers, Mich. All Arthur friends wish Mr. Hackett and his wife much happiness.

Don't forget the M. E. Aid Social Sat. evening Oct. 14th. Miss Ruth Gale of Hunter has consented to give a reading, Dr. Campbell a piccolo solo and Arthur Band will furnish several numbers. Refreshments will be served admission, 15 cents for children, 25 cents for adults.

Fire destroyed the big barn, granary and hog sheds Tuesday morning on the Fitzsimmons farm, sec. 21, Gunkel twp., the barn contained 4 horses, oats, hay and harness also 1000 bu. of wheat and barley were burned. Nels Johnson the renter and the threshing crew were a mile from the house when they discovered the fire, arriving too late to save anything but the house. The buildings fully insured.

October 19, 1916

Charlie Lambert has purchased James Williams' Ford.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tucker of Fargo were Arthur visitors on Sunday.

Mrs. Hackett was called to Schoolcraft, Mich., on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Clark.

U. S. Senator P. J. McCumber will speak in the M. W. A. hall in Arthur on Friday morn. Oct. 20 at 10:30 sharp.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family and Mrs. Herman Wagner were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Krause near Argusville.

George Wagner, who is at Mercedies, Texas, favored his Arthur friends with birds' eye view postal cards of the camp. George also reports lots of malaria fever among his company.

The ladies of the Lutheran church will hold the first annual bazaar Nov. 4th. A fine line of fancy work, aprons, are for sale. Supper will be served from 5:30 till 8 o'clock, 15 cents and 25 cents will be charged.

Mr. and Mrs. Hackett entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. Hynes, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith of Casselton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gowland of Amenia.

Rev. and Mrs. T. Old arrived Monday from Chicago and conference at Jamestown and are visiting their many friends before going to their charge at Hansboro. Rev. Old will occupy the pulpit Sunday morning in the M. E. church.

Miss Martha Judisch, daughter of A. K. Judisch and Otto Meier will be married this afternoon at the Lutheran church, Rev. Groth read the service, following the ceremony and reception a dinner will be served the fifty guests at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Judisch.

$20 was realized from the Halloween social last Saturday eve. A musical treat was greatly enjoyed, Miss Olson of Hunter with her pleasing personality favored us with two vocal solos, Miss Ruth Gale also delighted her hearers with two readings and our home talent helping out with the evening's entertainment.

October 26, 1916

Mrs. C. F. Bayard and daughter Mrs. Wilfred Grant of Bertha, Minn., were Arthur visitors Mon.

Mr. Stevenson of Marion arrived last week having bought an interest in the Arthur Drug store. His wife who is Post Mistress at Alice is expected in a few weeks.

Paul Sommerfeld while in Big Sandy purchased land and expects to move out with his family in the spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen and two children Gladys and Chester were Sunday visitors. They made the trip from Wallum in their 1917 Overland.

Rev. Old occupied the pulpit Sunday and a large congregation greeted him. Rev. Old and wife sang two duets during the services. The collection from the services was over ten dollars, and which was presented to Rev. Old and his wife.

Rev. Malcolm of near Washington, Iowa, is visiting his sons George and Lee.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips is entertaining her father from Fargo.

Don't forget to attend the industrial contest Saturday Oct. 28.

Miss Carrie Feldly was an Arthur visitor last week.

Rev. Groth and B. H. Zimmerman were Casselton visitors Sat.

Miss Bertha Viestenz and children were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz.

Rev. Old and wife spent several days in town visiting their many Arthur friends.

Word was received from Mrs. Hackett in Schoolcraft, Michigan, that her sister Mrs. Clark had passed away before their arrival and she was buried last Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hackett will visit some time with relatives while east.

Rally Day was observed Sunday at the M. E. church by special exercises by the Beginners and Primary dept., and music by the school. Misses Gladys and Beatrice Miller sang a duet and solos with Marjorie Burgum as accompanist. Prof. and Mrs. Ulverstad of Amenia both gave fine addresses along the line of Sunday school work which were well received.

November 2, 1916

The Public Schools of Amenia and Arthur and six district schools held a very successful institute Saturday, Oct. 28, in the town hall which was filled with interested visitors. Dr. Campbell gave the opening address followed by a Òsong of welcomeÓ by the Arthur school and the little children's program. At noon a sumptuous picnic dinner was served by the town and country ladies.
The afternoon program opened with music selections by the Amenia school orchestra which consisted of five girls and two boys together with their teachers, Professor and Miss Ulvestrad and little band received many compliments on their ability as musicians and were heartily applauded. An address by Professor Barker of the Arthur school ÒNeed of Medical Inspection in SchoolsÓ was well received and many patrons of the school would like to see it put into practice. Supt. A. E. Robinson of the Casselton Schools gave a very instructive talk on ÒWhat to Do for the Short Term PupilÓ followed with a short speech by Supt. J. W. Riley and the awarding of prizes.
First prize in corn, Eddie Boettcher, 2nd, Walter Boettcher. Potatoes 1st, Alfred Sommerfeld, 2nd Leland Burgum. Alfalfa 1st, Albert Viestenz, 2nd Walter Boettcher. Sewing 1st, Isabell Gardner, 2nd Althia Reed. Butter 1st, Minnie Schur, 2nd Edris Elliott. Bread 1st Dottie Krafhefher, 2nd Clara Sommerfeld. Canning 1st, Henrietta Tonn, 2nd Helen Viestenz. Best essay, Eleanor Roberts. Achievement pin and a trip to Fargo, Eddie Boettcher. These pupils also received additional prizes from the Arthur Merchants. T. J. Ross, Creamer Sugar bowl. Arthur Merc. Co., pair of shoes. Arthur Drug Store, Brownie Camera. H. J. Wagner, box of apples. Arthur State Bank, cash. R. H. Zimmerman, 5 lb. box chocolates. Dr. T. R. Campbell, cash. Altogether the day was a most profitable one for both pupils and visitors.
Miss Florence Stavely came up from Fargo Saturday to attend the institute.

Miss Margaret Zimmerman celebrated her tenth birthday anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz entertained a company of friends and their married children Sunday, the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grieger, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bettschen and family.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb and baby son came Saturday from Fargo and are visiting with friends.

Mrs. John Iwen and Dollie came home Monday from a 2 months' visit in Montana.

E. H. Groth of Casselton exchanged pulpits Sunday evening with his brother.

Thomas Enright is confined in his home being threatened with pneumonia.

Mrs. S. L. Crothers was a Fargo visitor the first of the week.

Mrs. Bievbaur was a Sunday visitor.

Mrs. B. H. Zimmerman spent Wednesday in Casselton.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Crothers and Leslie Junior, and Mrs. J. L. Iwen, and Dolly were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Jarrett, Sunday.

November 9, 1916

Mr. Knudtson of Alexandria, Minn., is visiting his daughter Mrs. Louie Notvedt.

Misses Ollie Burgum and Bertha Johnson were home over Sunday from Valley City Normal.

The Lutheran Ladies bazaar and supper was a social and financial success. The proceeds amounting to $170.

Attorney Turner of Fargo addressed the people of Arthur Saturday night, it was the largest gathering that ever assembled any one time.

Temperance Sunday will be observed in Arthur M. E. church.

The Ladies of the M. E. church will hold a bazaar and serve supper in the hall Nov. 17. Supper from 5:30 to 7:30, everybody welcome.

John Siewerts was a Fargo visitor over Sunday.

Mrs. S. H. Crothers of New Rockford visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crothers.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Zimmerman took their little daughter to Fargo for an operation for appendicitis.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Tuesday visiting at the home of Mr. and Ms. Fridley.

Mrs. John See and daughters were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

November 16, 1916

The basketball boys report their dance and supper a success over 85 tickets being sold.

The school children are planning on giving an entertainment Nov. 24th. The proceeds will be used for school purposes.

Mrs. R. H. Vosburg entertained last Thursday several ladies and their babies which numbered 16. A nice dainty luncheon being served by the hostess.

No school here this week the teachers are attending the institute at Fargo.

Mrs. E. Farnham and son Albert were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Don't forget the M. E. Ladies Aid Bazaar and Supper Friday, at 5:30 and 7:30 at the town hall Nov. 17th.

John Jarrett left Tuesday for Danvers, Ill., Mrs. Jarrett being quite ill.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld were Fargo visitors the first of the week.

Miss Annie See was home over Sunday.

Mrs. Webb and little son returned Tuesday to their home in Fargo.

Ed. Kentfield and little son Donald of New Rockford are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Mr. and Mrs. Hackett arrived home Friday morning after spending a month visiting relatives in Schoolcraft, Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. Heiden were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld.

Temperance Sunday was observed here in the M. E. church the beginning of pledges, recitations and speaking being given by the children.

A chapter of the Epworth League was organized Tuesday evening at the church by Rev. O. L. Anthony and the following were elected officers, president, Arthur Burgum; 1st V. P. A. W. Barker; 2nd V. P. Missions, Helen Viestenz; 3rd V. P. Temperance, Stella See; 4th V. P. Social, Hazel Johnson; Secretary, Leland Burgum; Treasurer, Harry Farnham; Organist, Miss Burgum; Choirater, Edythe Farnham. The devotional meetings will be held each Sunday evening at the church at 7:30. Topic for next Sunday ÒWhy Join the Church,Ó special music by the E. L. choir.

November 23, 1916

The Krueger brothers of Wheatland were here Sunday spending the day with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parkhouse entertained Sunday for Mrs. Maxwell of El Paso; who is visiting her daughter Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse.

Reuben Phillips has been confined to his home for several days but is now somewhat better.

Gust Schur spent several days in Fargo the past week.

Mrs. Backlund of Verndale, Minn., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Viestenz.

Mrs. Will Elder of Fargo was up on a visit Wednesday.

J. E. Sommerfeld has purchased the land of _ section on section 24.

Election of officers of the M. E. aid will be held Thursday at the home of Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained Herman Iwen and his family at dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wagner entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. August Sommerfeld and family.

A baby girl was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Enright.

Supt. Anderson of Fargo was here Monday for quarterly conference.

The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church reports that their supper and sale of fancy work netted them $160.00.

T. O. Burgum spent Friday in Casselton.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Standfield and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon.

The Epworth League young people's meeting was held at the M. E. church Sunday evening with an attendance of forty-six. Arthur Burgum had charge of the meeting and a duet was sung by the Misses Bolmeier and Farnham.

The M. E. Ladies Aid is collecting paper which will be stored in the Jim William's garage until a carload has been secured. Phone J. A. Burgum's when your packages of newspapers, etc., are ready and someone will call for them.

November 30, 1916

J. K. Fuller left Tuesday for Ludlow, Ill.

Miss Fredia Viestenz was a Fargo visitor Friday.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Thursday with Mrs. W. C. Muir at Hunter.

Mr. Everson, the G. N. agent, visited over Sunday with his wife at Hannaford.

Mrs. T. R. Campbell spent Saturday in Fargo taking in the play ÒCivilization.Ó

Commercial Club Dance will be given Thanksgiving night. Everybody welcome.

Mrs. John Corcoran and baby son arrived home from Missouri Saturday morning.

Several auto loads of gentlemen and their wives attended the bazaar at Amenia last Friday evening.

The ladies aid society of the M. E. church held a meeting last Thursday. The old officers were re-elected.

Messrs. & Mesdames Wallace Hackett, C. F. Bayard and T. O. Burgum were callers Sunday at the home of Mrs. Edith Farnham.

The high school pupils and the eighth grade girls are giving a party Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz. A fine lunch will be served.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner had a company of friends at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frickey of Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur.

Messres James and Fred Williams received a message from York State conveying the sad news of the serious illness of their brother, John, and James Williams left on early train for York State.

An appreciative audience gathered Friday evening at the hall to hear Walter C. Gean of Jamestown college in his recital which consisted of humorous, serious, and dramatic readings. ÒAdvertising for a wife,Ó Òthe abandoned elopementÓ and Òa letterÓ were his humorous readings. ÒThe man in shadowÓ was his dramatic work and was epitomized by ÒThe midnight sun of the Overland.Ó Mr. Gean has had wide experience on the platform in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin. We are looking forward to a return visit after the New Year, when Mr. Gean may be persuaded to deliver his best work, ÒThe Shepard of the HillsÓ by Harold Beel Wright.

December 7, 1916

Mrs. Harrold Corcoran welcomed a baby son the first of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen and Mrs. J. O. Schur, Jr.

Mrs. Notvedt is entertaining her brother, Mr. Knudtson from Alexandria, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Crothers visited in Fargo Saturday.

A. W. Barker spent Thanksgiving day at the McLachlin home in Hunter.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden were at home Thanksgiving to their Arthur friends, numbering 65 guests.

Mis Ella Boettcher is still in Fargo at St. Lukes hospital, taking treatment from an eye specialist.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Misses Fredia and Linda Viestenz were Fargo visitors Sat.

The Commercial Club dance was a decided success, 85 tickets being sold.

A new ice house is being erected for the Arthur Drug Co.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hockridge of Hunter were Arthur visitors Saturday.

Misses Rosie and Minne Voelker of Alexandria, Minn., who spent a week here visiting their aunt, Mrs. Albert Viestenz, left for home Saturday, Miss Rosie filling a position with the Mayville Normal.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bucholtz of Montana arrived last week for a three weeks' visit at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher.

The M. E. Sunday School is making preparation for a Christmas program.

Will Enright has left for a visit at his home in El Paso, Ill.

Arthur will have the A. C. College Lyceum Course during the winter and the first number will be presented January 8, 1917. This is a musical and dramatic number that will be found especially entertaining and the cost will be but a trifle as this is a part of the extension work of the College which provided rural communities with the best talent obtainable at actual cost for the purpose of improving life in the rural districts.

The village board has installed several posts on the streets the past week, which direct travelers which way to drive. All owners of cars and teams take notice and observe these signs.

The Ladies of the M. E. church will hold their annual bazaar and supper in the basement of the new church on Saturday, December 9th. Bazaar starts at 4 p. m., and supper at 5:30 p. m. Admission, adults 35 cents, children under 10 yrs, 20 cents.

FOUND-1 _ miles south of Arthur a fur robe and horse blanket, owner can have same by proving property and paying charges, Clark Jarrett, Arthur.

December 14, 1916

Mrs. T. O. Burgum went to Fargo Friday returning Monday. While in the city, Mrs. Burgum was the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Burgum and daughters of Moorhead.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen had a company of friends at dinner Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

J. I. Iwen returned home from Chinook, Montana to spend the winter.

Dr. and Mrs. Campbell were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher are enjoying the arrival of a baby son.

The barn which was built by John Brandenburg in 1884 has been sold to Jerome Shea and is being moved to his farm on Section 7 Gunkel Township.

A baby girl was a welcomed guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sommerfeld Saturday morning.

Mrs. Ross entertained the teachers, Misses Cruden, Burgum and A. W. Barker at dinner Wednesday.

The sisters of Fargo were here last week soliciting funds for the children at St. Johns Orphanage.

Christmas entertainment at the M. E. church Sat. Dec. 23.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke

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