Arthur Anglings 1917 Hunter Herald
April 19, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Fargo visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur Jr. were Arthur visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers of Erie were Arthur visitors Sunday.
John Wagner returned home from the Business College at Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Boen are the proud parents of another baby girl born Saturday.
Mrs. Hyland and baby son of Bismarck were visitors last week at the home of her sister Mrs. Reuben Phillips.
Robert Card is improving nicely from his recent operation and expects to return to his home at Alice for a short stay.
Mesdames Wagner, Zimmerman and Anna Wilhelm will entertain the Lutheran Ladies Aid Wednesday of the week at the former.
Mrs. Louis Bettschen entertained 15 ladies last Thursday afternoon at a silver tea. Sewing fancy work was the afternoon's diversion. The hostess served delicious refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Hackett entertained a company of invited guests last Tuesday evening, 500 was played and the guests enjoyed a Òsocial hour renewing by gone days.Ó The guests were Messrs and Mesdames W. J. Hawk of Fargo, Louie Bettschen, I. S. Roberts, S. W. Bettschen, Dr. T. R. Campbell, T. O. Burgum and L. S. Crothers.
ÒMiss Wagner a War BrideÓ from ÒGreat Falls Daily LeaderÓ

Miss Elsie P. Wagner formally of Arthur but now of Valier, Mont. became a ÒWar BrideÓ last Tuesday afternoon when she was wedded to Lieutenant Charles E. Thompson of the Montana National Guard also of Valier. Lieutenant Thompson had already gone to Fort Harrison with his company and came from there to this city on a leave of absence for the wedding yesterday. They were married by Rev. George Edwards, Presbyterian minister, at his home. As soon as the company with which Lieutenant Thompson is serving gets orders he will leave for the front on the Pacific Coast.

May 3, 1917

Mesdames Louie Bettschen, T. O. Burgum and R. H. Vosburg will entertain the W. C. T. U. Friday, May 11th at the home of Mrs. T. O. Burgum. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld entertained at dinner Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Crothers.
Rev. Groth is visiting at his home in Palmer, Iowa.
Miss Lillie Burgum entertained the teachers, eighth grade and high school girls last Tuesday evening. Games and guessing contests formed the evening's amusements. A dainty luncheon was served by the young ladies.
Tom See left Monday evening for Belfield, where he will spend the summer.
Charles Gunkel, an old Arthurite, was in town last week.
Bruce Jarrett arrived from Danvers, Ill., to spend the summer here.
Mrs. Roberts entertained the teachers, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Hyland at dinner Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum and family attended the Sunday School Institute at Amenia Sunday, conducted by Dr. Stearns of Fargo College.
The Woodmen have placed a flag and staff on the town hall.
The Arthur high school team will play Amenia Wednesday afternoon.
The ball tam has been organized and will play a number of games.
The Hunter high school defeated the Arthur team after a very exciting game.
Misses Catherine Cruden and Marjorie Burgum have been re-elected as intermediate and primary teachers with increase of salary. Prof. Solveg of Lucca has been engaged as principal and Miss McLachlin as fourth teacher in the public school here.

May 24, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum motored to Valley City to spend the day with Miss Ollie Burgum. They spent an enjoyable day in the valley and a picnic dinner in the park. The roads were in perfect condition for traveling.
Commencement exercises will be held Tuesday evening, June 5th at the opera house. Elaborate preparations are underway for the five 8th grade graduates which consists of one boy and four girls. Supt. Riley will give an address and presentation of diplomas.
Mesdames L. Bettschen, L. Crothers, T. O. Burgum, Fuller, Bell and G. B. Burgum were hostesses Wednesday at a Ladies Aid supper which was served in the church basement. This is the first division of the monthly suppers and which proved quite a success over $30 were the receipts.
Mrs. John Iwen and little daughter were in Montana for a week's visit on the claim.
A number of ladies met with Mrs. John Schlate last Thursday afternoon to help Mrs. Schlate celebrate her 82nd birthday anniversary. The ladies took refreshments with them and all report a pleasant afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm motored to Georgetown Sunday to attend the funeral of a cousin who resided in Minnesota.
J. E. Fuller and William Green are both confined to their beds with an attack of appendicitis.
F. J. Stumpf of Casselton formerly of Arthur is in Rochester, Minn., receiving medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur Sr. are in Rochester, Minn., consulting a specialist in regards to Mrs. Schur's health.
Atty. Robert W. Muir of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dittmer of Casselton spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Dittmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Myrah.

W. C. T. U. Notes
The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. met last Friday with Mesdames T. O. Burgum, R. H. Vosburg and L. Bettschen as hostesses at the home of the former. A very pleasant and instructive program was given, an excellent paper entitled ÒBeautifying the Community,Ó by Mrs. Anthony was read, followed by a general discussion. Another pleasant feature of the afternoon was a reading by Miss Ruth Gale and a vocal solo by Miss Gladys Miller with Mrs. Vern Miller as accompanist. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess.

May 31, 1917

Mrs. Fred Wolff went to Casselton Monday evening.
Albert Viestenz spent Friday evening in Casselton.
Hugo Viestenz is building a new potato house 20 x 30.
Mrs. Tucker visited her sister Mrs. Jas. Williams a few days this week.
R. T. Card made a flying trip to Fargo Tuesday p. m. on his motorcycle.
Miss Alice Campbell has been engaged to teach the school in Dist. No. 85.
Henry Mendsen left Friday for Chicago to enlist for the coast artillery.
Dr. Campbell was in Fargo the middle of the week with an operative case.
Rev. H. H. Groth spent a few days with his brother E. H. at Casselton.
The Arthur News, with Atty. R. W. Muir of Hunter as its editor, made its appearance last Friday. It is a nice, clean news sheet, chuck full of ads, and news. Arthur is to be congratulated on having a paper and also an editor of Mr. Muir's ability to run it for them.
There is no question as but it will be a great help to Arthur and community. Success to the New Sheet and editor.

Mrs. Eliza L. Chandler mother of Mr. Ira Chandler and Mrs. B. B. Elliott departed this life early Tuesday morning after a week's illness of pleural pneumonia. The deceased was a woman of great Christian character, an ardent worker in the church and Sunday School and was a charter member of the M. E. Ladies Aid.
She will be missed not only in Church Circle but the community has lost one of its most earnest citizens. A short funeral service will be held at the home and M. E. Church Thursday afternoon. The remains will be accompanied to its last resting place by the son and daughter and placed besides those of her husband in the Pecatonica Cemetery, Illinois. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved family in the loss of a kind and gentle mother.

June 14, 1917

Will Green was operated on at Fargo the first of the week.
Mr. J. E. Sommerfeld returned from Towner, N. D. Friday evening.
Miss Fern Bayard returned Friday from Halstad, Minn. where she has been teaching school.
Mr. and Mrs. Crothers of New Rockford, N. D. spent Sunday visiting with their son, S. L. Crothers.
Miss Ollie Burgum, who is attending the Valley City Normal, spent Sunday in Arthur with her folks.
Miss Freda Viestenz returned from Casselton Wednesday. She has been visiting friends there the last few days.
Mrs. John Conrad of Erie has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg. She returned home Tuesday.
School No. 2, District 95 is constructing a new school house. Further particulars will appear in a later issue.
J. K. Fuller is getting along fine now. He was injured three weeks ago by being badly wrenched while driving a disc.
Mrs. Edwards from La Moille, Illinois, is making a visit at the F. D. Wells home, coming Wednesday. She is Mr. Wells' aunt.
Miss Winnifred Brown of Fargo arrived Wednesday morning to attend the Chautauqua and visit with Miss Marjorie Burgum.
Harry Farnham who has enlisted in the aviation corps and is now in training at Fort Omaha, Nebraska, writes interestingly of the trial trips of the war balloons there.
Will Green apparently recovered entirely from his appendicitis attack, but when he started plowing again a few days ago he was again taken sick, and is now confined to his bed and is seriously ill.
Master Robert Bettschen has been Òa little under the weatherÓ the last few days.

Another Arthur Boy Joins
Bruce Jarrett left Arthur Wednesday, May 30th, to help the United States in the great world war. He was accepted was a volunteer, and has been sent to be trained on board a hospital ship at Mare Island, California. Our best wishes go with him for a safe return to Arthur.

June 21, 1917

Nels Johnson's baby is on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Walter Phillips was a Casselton visitor Wednesday.
J. A. Burgum transacted business at the county seat Thursday.
W. R. Reed of Amenia was a Fargo visitor Wednesday.
Harry Dohman and Carl Madson were Hunter visitors Wednesday.
Arthur and Marjorie Burgum will attend Summer School at Valley City.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meyers of Erie were visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Williams Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. O. E. Tourtellotte spent several days last week as the guest of Arthur friends.
Mrs. Wells and her aunt, Mrs. Edwards of Illinois, visited with Mrs. L. L. Muir of Hunter last Thursday.
Gust Anderson spent Wednesday in Fargo looking after business interests.
The 1917 poll tax seems to be exciting, considerable comment in Arthur now-a-days.
Mrs. F. J. Stumpf and daughter Vera of Casselton are making a visit with friends here.
August E. Sommerfeld is putting in a new Radiant Home hot air furnace this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drummer of Mapleton spent Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wells home.
Mrs. Tom Collins of Cherry Ridge, Mont. is visiting at the home of I. N. Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Webb visited at the Clark Jarrett home last Thursday.
The Misses Lillian and Eileen Collins of Amenia attended Chautauqua here last week.
Mr. L. Bettschen and family were entertained at dinner Sunday at the W. C. Muir home in Hunter.
Little Robert Ross in trying out a new tricycle took a fall and cut a severe gash in his forehead.
Professor Barker is going to spend the summer here and has donned overhalls and jacket and is working for Walter Phillips.
The J. E. Sommerfeld family, I. S. Roberts family and L. W. Heiden family will start to the lakes on Saturday for a week's fishing.
Pitcher Fiedler left Saturday for Dilworth, Minn. where he visited with his family for a few days. He returned Tuesday morning.
The Misses Myrtle and Elizabeth Morrison of Westhope, N. D. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, this week.
Mr. T. O. Burgum and Dr. Campbell were in Fargo Wednesday attending the Cass County Republican convention. They were the delegates from Arthur.
Arthur and Marjorie Burgum autoed to Fargo Thursday, taking Miss Winnifred Brown from Fargo home with them. She has been visiting in Arthur this week.
Invitations were received here by the friends of Miss Hazel Fink to her senior piano recital at the conservatory of Wesleyan College, Grand Forks, this week.
Mrs. J. W. Bettschen entertained Mrs. J. A. Burgum and the Misses Winnifred Brown of Fargo, Marjorie Burgum and Margaret Burgum at a ÒKaffee KlatschÓ Wednesday afternoon.
Three pupils of the Arthur school received certificates from County Supt. Riley for being neither absent nor tardy during the entire nine months. Lulu Viestenz from Miss Burgum's room and Eleanor Roberts and Linda Heiden from Miss Cruden's room.

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