1917 Arthur

Arthur Anglings

Hunter Herald

January 2, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News
Frank Meyers of Argusville was in town Tuesday.
Chas. Hannafin, of El Paso, Ill. is here on business.
Ed. Viestenz has purchased a new Lyon & Healy piano.
Francis Roberts is now in California with the 44th Inf.
Miss Gladys Miller is a guest at the home of J. A. Burgum. Miss Hansen is spending her vacation at Cogswell, this state.
T. J. Ross made a business trip to Fargo the first of this week.
John See and family ate Xmas dinner at the home of Thos. See.
Henry Viestenz was a visitor in Hunter on Thursday of this week.
Rev. Graf of Casselton was a visitor in town on Wednesday of this week.
The local merchants report an unusual heavy holiday trade this year.
Miss Lena Schur is spending Xmas with the Max Sell family of Amenia.
Miss Lizzie Ball returned last Friday from an extended visit in Iowa.
Miss Francis Ross attended church services in Casselton Christmas morning.
Miss Cruden is spending her holiday vacation at her home in Casselton.
Dr. Baillie was a professional visitor in this vicinity one day last week.
Mrs. L. W. Heiden was a visitor at the county seat the fore part of this week. .
Rev. Hoeger and family spent Christmas at the Albert Viestenz home. .
The Farnham family spent Christmas day with the Bayard family at Hunter. .
Julius Koshnick made a trip to Casselton the first of this week, on business. .
308 members were enrolled in the Red Cross Xmas roll call, of the Arthur Branch. .
Sidney Murch and Walter Sommerfeld of Fargo spent Xmas at their homes here. .
August Mundt and family spent their Christmas at the Ben Burmeister home. .
T. E. Myers returned home Monday from a visit in Fargo, where he has been on business. .
Miss Oleson, who is teaching in Detroit, Minn., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. B. A. Helland. .
L. N. Notvedt was a Fargo visitor on Monday evening, returning Tuesday morning. .
Miss Anna Sommerfeld of Fargo is here this week visiting with her relatives and friends. .
Elmer Schur is expected home any day now. We heard that Elmer is now at Camp Dodge. .
Ray Faltz is now home from Jefferson Barracks, having been given an honorable discharge. .
S. A. Anderson, who used to be the depot agent here, is now employed with the G. N. at Casselton. .
January 9, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News J. K. Fuller arrived here Monday from Paxton, Ill. .
Fred Williams was a passenger to Fargo Tuesday evening. .
Julius Koshnick left for Fargo on business Monday evening. .
Charles Parkhouse and family have the grippe this week. .
Herman Wilhelm who has been on the sick list is improving. .
The business places of Arthur are all busy invoicing these days. .
Miss Minnie See has been spending the week at the Wells home. .
J. L. Brown's family left for their old home Saturday evening. .
Eddie Schur spent the holidays in Arthur with relatives and friends. .
Miss Marguerite Stack returned to Valley City Wednesday evening. .
Wallace Gebeke and wife spent Sunday at the William Gebeke farm. .
Russell Wilson went to Fargo Wednesday evening to consult the dentist. .
Louis Bettschen and family ate New Years dinner at John Bettschen's. .
The Louis Bettschen family were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fuller. .
R. E. Parkhouse and family spent Christmas at the Chas. Parkhouse farm. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Murch spent New Year's with the Merrigan family. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Lambert's little boy was quite sick for a few days. .
L. W. Heiden will soon have his garage ready to receive and repair cars. .
Mrs. M. F. Favorit is spending a few days at her brother, Chris Gebeke's. .
Emil Boettcher and family spent New Year's day at the home of Ed Wilhelm. .
Paul Kuehn and family were guests at the H. J. Wagner home on New Years day. .
Elmer Schur is expected home from the U. S. Service in the west this week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Enright and family spent their Christmas at the Stack home. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wells were entertained last Sunday at the Ben Helland home. .
Miss Delia Peterson of Moorhead, Minn., is visiting her sister Mrs. Roscoe Belsley. .
Mrs. J. J. Feasel and children came from Casselton Monday to visit friends here. .
Mr. and Mrs. B. Helland entertained at New Years dinner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Notvedt. .
Louie Schur spent New Year's Day in Fargo, attending a meeting of Mail Carriers. .
Miss Pearl Faltz has returned from a pleasant visit with Miss Gennie McKinnon. .
Mrs. Henry Quittschreiber returned Saturday from her visit with relatives in Minnesota. .
Miss Ella Schur is staying at L. Schur's while Mrs. Schur is visiting at Thompson, N: D. .
William Sommerfeld left Monday evening for Waverly, Iowa, to take up a commercial course. .
W. H. Flynn was up from Fargo last Saturday, attending the sale of the Wilkinson property. .
Mrs. H. J. Wagner and daughter Lillie were Hunter visitors Friday, returning Saturday evening. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schur and family ate New Years dinner with Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts. .
Miss Delia Peterson returned to Moorhead, Minn., Wednesday after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Roscoe Belsley. .
T. A. Myers and Clifford Wells have been busy making repairs in the M. E. church this week. .
Rev. and Mrs. Anthony took dinner with the Wells' on New Year's Day and also spent the night there. .
North Dakota in the World War at the Movie Theater January 11th. Everyone should see these pictures. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Willert and Mrs. Louis Schur spent several days visiting relatives at Thompson, N. D. .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz, Mrs. L. W. Heiden, and Julius Koshnick were Casselton visitors on Sunday. .
George Stewart of Stanton, N. D. was here a few days for a visit with his parents, Mr. an Mrs. Robert Stewart. .
Dr. T. R. Campbell remembered some of his friends with Christmas cards from Belgium, where he is now located. .
Miss Rose Winnistofer spent Monday night with the R. E. Parkhouse family, it being too stormy for her to drive home. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner and daughter Lillie were dinner guests at Emil Boettcher's, the Second, on Christmas day. .
Charles Hanarfin left for his Illinois farm Saturday evening, after having completed the business which brought him here. .
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Willert of Galesburg, N. D. were Christmas visitors of the married daughters here for several days. .
T. O. Burgum and son Foster left Saturday evening for a ten days' visit with his son Leslie and Gordon at Washburn, N. D. .
John Bettschen and family were entertained at the I. S. Roberts home for dinner last Sunday, it being the twins' birthday. .
Henry Vogel left Thursday morning for his home at Rock Lake, N. D. after a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner. .
A. A. Pearson and family left for Casselton Thursday evening for a visit with Mrs. Pearson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. .
Carl Carlson has moved on the Brown farm, to take care of the stock till Ole Nelson, who has bought the farm, is ready to move on it. .
Miss Gladys Miller spent several days of her Christmas vacation visiting at the Farnham home. She took the Monday morning train for Hunter. .
The Misses Marjorie Burgum and Edyth Farnham left Monday morning for Grand Forks where they will enter the sophomore year at the State University. .
Arthur Burgum left Saturday evening to resume his work at the Dunwoody Institute in Minneapolis in Navy training. He enjoyed a week's furlough. .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and son Robert expect to leave soon for their home in Larimore, where he will resume work after four months' vacation due to his injury and illness. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz and family were New Year dinner guests of L. W. Heiden's. .
The editor and family passed through Arthur Monday morning on the local passenger train, homeward bound. Mrs. Muir and John Allan from a six weeks' visit with her folks in Minnesota. R. W. from Minneapolis, where he crowded six days planned work into two at the earnest request of superior officers. We are all glad to get home, anyhow. .

January 16, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News Mrs. L. Heiden is on the sick list. .
William Lambert's little baby is considerably better now. .
Elmer Schur went to Fargo Saturday, returning Tuesday. .
The Clark Jarretts entertained the Enright family Sunday. .
The Campbells are coming along fine now, having conquered the ÒFlu.Ó John Bettschen and Ben Burmeister are at the Fargo Tractor School this week. .
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Favorit had dinner at the Horace Fuller farm Thursday. .
Miss Inez Faltz is out visiting at the McKinnon farm for a few days this week. .
A large number of young people attended the dance at Casselton on Friday evening. .
Mrs. A. W. Barker is spending the weekend at the Echternacht home at Casselton. .
The John Morrow family are all sick with the ÒFlu.Ó Mrs. Morrow was in Fargo last week. .
Mrs. Maxwell, mother of Mrs. R. E. Parkhouse, arrived here Thursday for a visit with her daughter. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross had Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Enright and family as dinner guests last Sunday. .
John Brown left last Saturday for Illinois in response to a telegram telling him of the illness of his family. .
Albert Wilhelm is installing a fine electric light plant in his farm home. Both house and barn are to be lighted. .
Mrs. Reuben Phillips and children left Wednesday evening for Bismarck, N. D., where they will visit relatives and friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Froke were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld and daughter Clara visited in Fargo last week, the two latter returning Friday, Mr. Sommerfeld Saturday. .
Amber Wagner, Frank Kuehn and Will Boettcher left Saturday night for the A. C. at Fargo to take a ten weeks course in Tractioneering. .
Dr. Baillie has made several calls here this week. Thursday afternoon he and Clarence Aiken spent the entire afternoon in the country. .
Henry Zieg, who has spent the summer here with his sister, Mrs. Harold Corcoran, left Tuesday for his home in Lincoln, Neb., where he will attend school. .
Miss Margaret Viestenz left for Fargo Thursday evening to resume her work there. She expects to visit her sister Elfrieda in Tacoma, Wash., soon. .
Miss Elsie Bailey is the guardian and companion at the John Bettschen home while John is away to school. She is helping to Òkeep the Home Fires Burning.Ó Mr. A. Stevenson heard recently from Dr. Campbell, who is now in Belgium. He says he expect to be back in Arthur to take up his interrupted work about the middle of the summer. .
J. K. Fuller received a telegram Tuesday conveying the sad news that his sister, who lives in Michigan, was dead. He had not heard of her illness, so the news came as a great shock to him. .
Miss Margaret Viestenz arrived from Fargo Thursday morning for a few weeks' visit with her relatives before leaving for Tacoma, Wash., where she will spend the remainder of the winter. .
Miss Alma Olson, sister of Mrs. B. A. Helland, left Saturday evening for Detroit, Minn., to take up her work of teaching in the high school there, after spending the Christmas vacation at the Helland home here. .
The Local Red Cross met Thursday with Mrs. B. A. Helland. They spent the afternoon making garments for refugees. They will meet again next week on Thursday at the same home. The Red Cross work is about all taken care of now, it appears, but some more wool has been forwarded to the local branch without any explanation of what it is to be made into. .
The collection taken up at the M. E. church Christmas Eve was for the benefit of the orphaned children in Armenia and Palestine. Since the British occupation of the Holy Land, much can be done now for relieving the sufferers, a clinic has been opened in Bethlehem, a hospital in Hebron, and an orphanage in Jerusalem. .
The Red Ace serial came to a glorious end after many hair-breadth escapes. The $100,000 worth of platinum was restored to the U. S. Government for the manufacture of high explosive, the secret agents were baffled, and Sydney of the Northwest Mounted Police turns out to be Sir Sydney Winthrop, and he and Virginia sail for France, Sydney to enter the British Army and the brave little Virginia to become a Red Cross nurse. The scenes were laid in British Columbia, Southern California, and Mexico. .

January 23, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

George Landon was an Arthur visitor last Wednesday.
Miss Marian McLachlin was a Fargo visitor over Sunday.
Chris Gebeke has returned to Fargo to serve on the jury.
Louis Whetzel went to Casselton Tuesday evening on business.
Miss Margaret Viestenz is visiting at the A. J. Schur home.
Fred Maurer was a St. Paul visitor last week, returning Saturday.
B. M. Stack left for Gridley, Ill. Tuesday evening on business.
Ray Faltz is in Fargo taking a course at Hansen's auto school.
Clark Jarrett received two fine Hampshire brood sows by express.
Mrs. Fred Standfield and little daughter were in Fargo last week.
Bruce Brewer is in St. Paul on business, leaving Erie Monday night.
Mrs. Nels Johnson and daughter spent Wednesday in Mayville, N. D.
Chris. Gebeke was home Sunday. He is serving on the Jury in Fargo.
Art Viestenz is back at work after an enforced vacation of many months.
R. H. Morrow took a carload of cattle and hogs to St. Paul last Tuesday.
Ben Helland and family were entertained at Louis Notvedt's home Sunday.
J. E. Sommerfeld and wife will visit relatives in Wisconsin before returning. .
Oscar Otto and wife of Amenia were among the Lutheran Bazaar attendants. .
Mrs. James Jenkins, Jr. and son of Erie were Hunter visitors a few days this week. .
Auctioneer Harry Suman of Hunter was an Erie and Arthur visitor on Wednesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Notvedt entertained the B. A. Helland family for Sunday dinner. .
Henrietta Tonn entertained some of her school friends at a supper Saturday evening. .
Otto Nelson and son Gunnard went to Fargo Mon. evening to attend the convention. .
Henry Hill is recovering from an attack of the ÒFlu,Ó his many friends will be glad to know. .
Miss Inez Faltz left Monday evening for Fargo, where she will take a course in dress making. .
Ben Bahl returned from St. Paul Friday morning, where he went to market a carload of stock. .
Mrs. Wm. Murch and daughter Mrs. Wm. Merrigan left Tuesday evening for a few days visit in Fargo.
Sam Mechtel and wife and Dietrich Albert and wife of Erie were shopping in Arthur Wednesday.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld was a Sunday guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emil Boettcher.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld are enjoying a three weeks' vacation in different parts of Wisconsin.
Mrs. Lester Morris and children have been visiting at the old home in Watseka, Ill. the last few weeks.
T. O. Burgum, Fred Bayard, Wilfred Grant, and their families enjoyed Sunday dinner at the J. See home.
Mrs. Edith Farnham and Albert were entertained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. John Hynes.
Miss Nancy Oleson and her niece Miss Lydia Oleson returned Saturday from a visit at Battle Lake, Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family were entertained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See. .
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and family, and Mrs. C. Roberts were guests at the home of Edmund Viestenz Sunday. .
George Clunis and family of Greenfield spent Sunday with Mrs. Clunis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char. Quittschreiber.
J. K. Fuller left Friday evening for his home in Ludlow, Ill. after a two weeks' visit with his son at this place.
Ed. Aiken and Chris Sorenson of Hunter were putting in the electric fixtures in the house recently erected by Fred Williams.
The Misses Lillie Burgum, Frances Ross and Henrietta Tonn were guests at a weekend house party at the home of Edna Sommerfeld. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner received a letter from their son Frank Monday. Frank is still in France and is well, we are glad to report. .
First Sgt. Gust Anderson returned to his home here Saturday morning from Camp Hancock, Ga. He has been in the service for 16 months. .
Tom See and family have returned to town after a two weeks' stay in the country. He is looking well and getting back his former strength. .
Gustav Willert and family, Gust Schur and family, August Sommerfeld and family, and Julius Koshnick were dinner guests at the Will Schur farm home last Sunday. .
Justin Cederberg and daughter Ida left for Rockford, Ill. a week ago Monday to visit Mr. Cederberg's brother. They expect to be gone for a few weeks. .
Gust Mentzos of Amenia received a telegram from Fairburn, S. D. where his wife is visiting her sister, that another section boss was born there last week. .
Jake Winnistofer, who has been at Will Greene's since his return from army life, left Tuesday evening for Lehigh, N. D., where he will visit relatives, and work in the mine there.
Claus Anderson of Hedges, Montana, is visiting his brother, Andrew. Claus is the same genial fellow as of yore. He reports last season's crops as being very good in that part of Montana. .
Mrs. Fred Standfield and daughter Lucille were Fargo visitors Wednesday, returning to Hunter where they spent a few days with Mrs. Standfield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon.
Mrs. Christ Gebeke and son Russell have gone to Rochester for a second treatment on Russell's eye. We are informed that the sight is entirely lost in one eye, and specialists are trying to save the sight in the other.
Among those leaving here Wednesday evening for the Tri-State Grain Growers Convention and to visit in Fargo are A. J. Schur and wife, Wm. Gebeke, August Sommerfeld, Emil Boettcher, and Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld. Inability to secure hotel accommodation prevented some from going.
The Misses Frances Ross, Henrietta Tonn, and Lilly Burgum were weekend guests of Miss Edna Sommerfeld in the country. Saturday evening the young ladies were entertained at six o'clock dinner at the home of Miss Tonn. They returned to town Sunday afternoon reporting a most delightful time.
The annual Bazaar and Sale of the Lutheran church here was its usual success. A great crowd thronged in Tuesday evening when the doors opened, and every moment was full of action from then till its close. During the sale a cake auctioned for $5. Two quilts were sold for $15 and $12.75. There was only one woman in the entire Lutheran membership who might have been described as Òa dead one,Ó and she made over $7 selling coat hangers and stove pads without moving from her place, or saying a word. The receipts were $300.40 after all the expenses were paid. The Ladies wish to thank the T. J. Ross and Arthur Mercantile Co. stores for their liberal donations, which contributed to the evening's success.

January 30, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News Geo. Sommerfeld is on the sick list. .
A. Stevenson is moving into his new home. .
Louis Whetzel went to Casselton Monday evening. .
War Saving Stamps helped to save you. Save them. .
Rev. Graff of Casselton visited at Rev. Hoeger's Monday. .
Victor and Alice Campbell were at Elliott's on Sunday. .
T. J. Ross left for Fargo Tuesday evening on business. .
Mrs. Stumpf of Casselton is an Arthur visitor this week. .
Mrs. James Williams is in Fargo, visiting with relatives. .
Fred Williams left for Fargo on business Wednesday evening. .
The Woodmen had an important business meeting last Saturday. .
Bruce Brewer of Erie returned from his trip East last Friday. .
George Gunkel of Casselton was a business visitor here Wednesday. .
Elmer Schur was a business caller in Fargo, leaving Monday night. .
Wallace Hackett is busy this week decorating the walls of his home. .
John See and family took Sunday dinner at the T. O. Burgum home. .
Dietrich Albert and his boys of Erie were Arthur callers Saturday. .
George Landon of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Wednesday evening. .
Miss Anna Hansen visited over Sunday at the Chas. Maurer home. .
Mrs. F. D. Wells entertained the Arthur teachers Wednesday evening. .
Mr. and Mrs. B. Burmeister spent Sunday at the August Mundt home. .
John Iwen, of Bainville, Montana, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Oscar Olson. .
William Merrigan left for a business trip to the county seat, Wednesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Collins visited at the Wm. Schwark home Saturday. .
Ed. Mundt has not been in school so far this week as he is not feeling well. .
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg have moved into their new home in Arthur. .
A bunch of Arthur's young people took in the Casselton dance last week Friday. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Hunter spent Saturday at the Farnham home. .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mechtel of Erie were business callers in Arthur on Tuesday. .
Mrs. Ed. Erickson of Casselton, N. D. spent Saturday visiting at the Froke home. .
Gust Sommerfeld and daughter Clara were Fargo visitors the first of the week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Helland were dinner guests at the home of L. Bettschen last Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Mrs. John See, Mrs. Edith Farnham were in Hunter Thursday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Campbell and family spent Wednesday at the home of Joe Schaffer. .
Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse and little daughter have been spending a few days in Fargo. .
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quittschreiber left Tuesday for a few days visit in Valley City, N. D. .
Miss Gertie Grieger and brother Elmer attended the Casselton dance last Friday evening. .
Little Dorothy Viestenz is staying with her grandparents and attending school in Arthur. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum Friday evening. .
Oscar Olson of Arthur and John Iwen of Bainville, Mont. left for Fargo Wednesday evening on business. .
The Tomas Enright family expects soon to start back to Illinois. They expect to load their car Monday. .
B. M. Stack returned home from his eastern trip Wednesday. He drove from Casselton with George Gunkel. .
Henry, Frank, and Ella Quittschreiber attended a dance at the Townsley farm near Hunter Wednesday evening. .
Sergeant Anderson was a Fargo caller last week, gong down Friday evening and returning Saturday morning. .
H. W. Buchanan and family, and Mrs. Duncan and daughter May were guests at the A. H. Froke home for supper Monday night. .
Mrs. J. A. Burgum spent Wednesday visiting with Mrs. L. L. Muir at Hunter. She returned with the editor in his Flivver. .
Lutheran Ladies Aid was held at Emil Boettcher's Wednesday evening. A large attendance was present and four new members taken in. .
The Misses Anna and Georgiana Gulsvig of Havana, N. D. arrived last Thursday for a visit with their aunt, Mrs. A. H. Froke and her family. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Will Burgum, Mrs. John See and Mrs. Edith Farnham were guests of their sister, Mrs. C. F. Bayard in Hunter Thursday. .
The John Morrow family have all sufficiently recovered from their trouble with the ÒFlu,Ó and Mrs. Henderson, who has been taking care of them, returned to her home. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burley and daughter of Argusville were shopping in Arthur Monday. They took the evening local for Amenia to visit a while there with their daughter, Mrs. Essie Krafthever. .
William Burgum of Sumner, Iowa, arrived Saturday for a short visit with his relatives here and at Hunter. He had just returned from Philadelphia, where he visited his son, who is in the shipyards at Hog Island near there. He left Wednesday evening. .
February 2, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News J. A. Burgum was a Fargo visitor last Monday. .
Miss Ella Boettcher left for Fargo Wednesday evening. .
George Landon of Hunter was a Wednesday caller in Arthur. .
Paul Pearson and William Green were Hunter visitors Monday. .
Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson left Tuesday evening for Fargo. .
Ole Nelson took the train at Arthur for Fargo Saturday night. .
Ole Nelson took two carloads of stock to St. Paul from here Tuesday. .
Charles Mundt left for Fargo Monday to enjoy a few days dental work. .
Reuben Phillips was in Fargo from Monday evening to Wednesday morning. .
Walter Iwen and Thomas Stewart were Fargo visitors Monday evening. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krafthever of Amenia were shopping in Arthur Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See spent the weekend with the Gust Willert family. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Hill were Hunter and Arthur visitors last Wednesday. .
Harry Johnson of Hunter has been a frequent caller in the neighborhood lately. .
Charles Mundt and his sister Annie were Fargo visitors Thursday, returning Saturday. .
Mrs. Peter Schneider and daughter were visiting friends in Arthur Wednesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher spent Saturday in Blanchard visiting relatives. .
Miss Myrtle Mergner has been visiting at the Ben Bahl home the latter part of the week. .
James and Fred Williams started Wednesday evening on a three or four weeks' trip South. .
Mrs. J. J. Feasel of Casselton arrived Saturday morning and is nursing at the Fuller farm. .
A letter from H. H. Feldick has been received in which he tells of being located near Paris now. .
The men of the Community Club will hold a social ÒsmokerÓ in the near future at the town hall. .
Doris Jean is the name of the 7_ pound daughter who arrived Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuller's. .
J. Cederberg and daughter Ida returned Saturday from their visit with friends and relatives in Illinois. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur left Monday for Larimore and Grand Forks to visit relatives and friends. .
Mrs. Peter Schneider spent Monday and Tuesday in Fargo, returning by way of Arthur Wednesday morning. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld returned Monday from a month's visit with Wisconsin relatives and friends. .
Elmer Schur is back in town again. He left for Fargo but returned from the north. We'll actually tell next time, Elmer. .
A nephew of Mrs. A. H. Froke not heard from since Oct. 19th wrote recently that he is across the Rhine now. Ole Nelson has the date set for his Big Sale-March 8th-Watch for large Bills and the columns of this paper for particulars. .
Dora and John Willert of Galesburg attended the dance here Friday night and remained a few days visiting with relatives here. .
Miss Yelma Hildebrand, Ella Quittschreiber, and George Landon were Sunday evening guests at the Henry Quittschreiber home. .
Dr. Oakes, the popular veterinarian, is back and shook hands with Arthur friends Wednesday. Glad to see you back and to have you back, Doc. .
Miss Irna Boettcher of Hunter arrived Friday evening as the guest of Miss Vanda Grieger. She attended the M. W. A. dance Friday evening. .
The Misses Anna and Georgiana Gulavig, who have been visiting at the A. H. Froke home, left Tuesday evening for their home in Havana, N. D. .
Mrs. Millard Favorit left Monday evening for Lake Park, Minn. where she will visit her brother George, who is in the Sandy Beach Sanitarium there. .
William Gilligan is back in Arthur again after a few months' visit with his parents at Roger, Minn. He has accepted employment at the Kaskota farm. .
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg and Mrs. John Conrad and little son in Erie were guests Tuesday at 6 o'clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum. .
Be sure to attend the M. W. A. Mask Ball to be given here Friday, February 7th. All arrangements have been made to assure you the best time ever. .
The M. W. A. dance given here last Friday was a great success in every way. The large crowd present enjoyed every minute. Watch for their next dance. .
William Krones of Gridley, Ill., Mrs. Tomas Enright's father, arrived Monday and accompanied his daughter and the children back home to Illinois on Tuesday. .
The M. E. ladies Aid will be entertained Thursday by Mrs. James Williams and Miss Bertha Viestenz at the home of Mrs. Williams. Plans will be discussed for the Bazaar. .
Word recently received from Harry Farnham states that he has been enjoying a fourteen day leave, visiting Southern France. In a card written at Marseilles he speaks of having been in Lyons and being on his way to Nice. .
Chester Dohman, better known to his many friends as ÒChet,Ó returned Saturday evening from Camp Wise. He has been fourteen months in his country's service, in Southern camps. He was serving in a Balloon Squadron. .
Mrs. Laugherman and child of Fargo left Wednesday evening after a short visit at the Lester Morris home. She has been nursing the past year, and expects to return to Fargo and complete her course at St. John's Hospital. .
The Luther League gave a farewell party for Miss Margaret Viestenz Wednesday night. A splendid time was enjoyed by all, the only thought that marred the evening's fun was that of the approaching departure of Miss Viestenz. .
Wednesday evening there was a surprise party at the Ben Bahl farm in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Will Lambert. The young people of the Mergner, Will Schur, Maurer, Henderson and Iwen families were present, as was also Russell Wilson, Miss Zelma Hildebrand, and George Landon. Matt Bahl and family, and of course Mr. and Mrs. Will Lambert. All had a fine time with games. A bountiful lunch was served at midnight. .

February 13, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News Mrs. J. J. Feasel returned to Casselton Tuesday. .
Miss Annie Mundt visited in Fargo one day last week. .
Bud Bumgarner and Russell Wilson sundayed in Fargo. .
Charles Mundt returned from Fargo Thursday morning. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. Heiden were Casselton visitors last Saturday. .
William Green left for Fargo Monday to have dental work done. .
George Sommerfeld left Tuesday evening for Fargo on business. .
Mrs. H. J. Wagner entertained the teachers Monday evening. .
Mrs. Robert Needham was an Erie Fargo dental visitor last week. .
Tom Stewart is spending a few days in Fargo, going down Tuesday. .
Louis Whetzel and George Carlson left for Fargo Wednesday evening. .
Ralph Collins of Amenia was a Hunter business visitor last Thursday. .
Louis Bettschen is a Fargo business visitor, going down Tuesday evening. .
W. C. Landon of Hunter was shaking hands with old friends in Arthur Tuesday. .
Messrs. Ed Anderson and D. Kline spent Monday visiting at the Wells farm. .
Mr. and Mrs. Belsley were entertained at the L. Morris home a week ago Sunday. .
Don't allow your dogs, your children or your trouble to trouble your neighbors. .
Mrs. Leiferman and daughter Ethel visited at the Lester Morris home last Tuesday. .
Mrs. Josephine Wrightson of Erie was in Fargo last week having dental work done. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur entertained the Gust Willert family at dinner Sunday. .
Farmers desiring aid in figuring up their income tax statement should see the county agent. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Murch left for Fargo Tuesday evening on the local passenger train. .
The man who has no enemies may be considered good, but it's a question what he's good for. .
When a married woman throws a hint it is reasonably sure to strike her husband's pocketbook. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Froke had as supper guests Tuesday evening, Mr. Thomas See and family. .
Mr. and Mrs. Burgess of Erie were Fargo callers one day last work to have dental work done. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Hollis of Fargo were the guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum. .
There was a big party at the Charles Maurer farm last Friday night. All enjoyed themselves. .
Mr. Thomas See and family are visiting at the C. F. Bayard home near Hunter, going Wednesday. .
A letter has been received from Ole Myrah in British Columbia. He expects to leave soon for Alaska. .
Mrs. Ben Burmeister entertained the Lutheran Ladies Aid last Thursday. There was a good attendance. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur returned Wednesday evening from their trip to Larimore and Grand Forks. .
Clark Jarrett, proprietor of the Kaskota Farm, was a Tuesday evening arrival at the Cass County Metropolis. .
Miss Nannie Fuller of Ludlow, Ill. arrived Friday morning for a visit with her brother Horace Fuller and his family. .
Mrs. James Williams entertained for dinner Sunday the Campbell and Viestenz families, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips. .
Fred Finch of Wheatland passed thru Arthur on his way to Hunter Wednesday. He stopped to say hello to some of his friends. .
All the Adolph Hartvig family are sick presumably with the ÒFlu.Ó A trained nurse arrived Wednesday and is now helping out there. .
The Methodist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. James Williams last Thursday and was well attended and the collection was $23.50. .
Adolph Lehrke was called to Jamestown on account of the illness of his brother-in-law, Gust Wilhelm, who at this writing is much improved. .
Mrs. Neibergal and her son John, and all the Ziegler family have the Spanish influenza, we hope not seriously. .
Mrs. Roscoe Belsley entertained the L. Morris family and Mrs. Leiferman and daughter Ethel at dinner last Wednesday, and left the same evening for Lisbon, N. D. .
In order to know just how good a paper this is all its pages should be read carefully. When you appreciate its merits talk with your neighbor about it who may not be a subscriber. .
Mrs. Millard Favorit returned Friday from the Sandy Beach Sanitarium near Lake Park, Minn., where she has been visiting her brother George who is undergoing treatment there. .
Rev. H. H. Groth and Rev. Hoeger left Wednesday evening for Casselton. Rev. Groth has been renewing old acquaintances here, and left for the western part of the state to take up his work again. .
Mrs. Walter Phillips spent Wednesday in Hunter visiting her friend Mrs. Thomas Hockridge. She attended the meeting of the Presbyterian Guild in the afternoon and reported a day most pleasantly spent. .

February 20, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News Miss Irna Boettcher visited at Gust Grieger's over Sunday. .
T. J. Ross left Thursday for Minneapolis on a business trip. .
Miss Elizabeth Bahl spent the weekend at the B. Mergner home. .
Amber Wagner spent Saturday here between trains, visiting with his family. .
Louis Bettschen returned from his Fargo business trip Thursday morning. .
Miss Inez Faltz and a young lady friend attended the dance here last Friday. .
Will Boettcher spent one day last week between trains with his relatives here. .
Ed Schur was a Fargo visitor last week, leaving here on the Tuesday evening train. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur left Wednesday evening for Fargo for a short visit. .
Mrs. M. F. McGrath is visiting here her sister, Mrs. T. J. Ross, this week. .
Paul Pearson and his brother-in-law, Carl Swanson, were Hunter visitors Monday. .
Ben Bahl has a carload of his hogs that he expects to take to market next Tuesday. .
Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and son Robert arrived on the local passenger with her folks. .
William Kramp returned from Minnesota Monday after a short visit at his home there. .
Miss Lillian Mergner went to Fargo Tuesday evening to have some dental work done. .
Dr. W. F. Baillie and Dr. Oakes were callers in Arthur for a short time on Wednesday. .
Merland Carr, Lynn Brayton, and Percy Stewart were Arthur visitors for a few minutes Wednesday. .
Miss Vanda Grieger expects to leave Thursday evening for Great Falls, Mont. for an extended visit. .
Otto Zellmer of Hunter has been visiting his sister, Mrs. H. J. Wagner, during the past week, arriving Friday. .
Miss Edna Viestenz spent Tuesday and Wednesday night at the B. A. Helland home in the absence of Mr. Helland. .
Walter Murch is on his way home from Camp Custer, Mich. from which he recently was honorably discharged. .
Harry Reynolds of Gardner came over Wednesday with Ole Nelson and spent a short time renewing old acquaintances in this village. .
Two of our socially prominent young men discovered recently that the way to prosper, and the way to Prosper, did not necessarily mean the same thing. .
B. M. Stack has purchased the quarter section just out of Casselton on one corner of which the city schoolhouse stands, and is now moving there already. .
An Honor Party A dinner party was given at the R. A. Miller farm on Saturday evening in honor of Lieut. R. E. Hockridge, our beloved friend and Hun Exterminator. Prompted by a desire to renew old school acquaintances and live over old times together again, which needless to say are pleasant memories, we highly prize a number of friends who met together and had a most wonderful time. Dinner was served at eight and the evening spent in music and games. It must be said that the smiling face of our friend Earl across the table was the center of attraction. An inspiration to us which reminded one of a teaching ÒIf God be for us, who can be against us.Ó That nothing is impossible with God we do not understand we do not wish to understand we only wonder. What one of us would have that when we studied general history together that some of our number would make history which is a fitting climax of all that has gone before. We believe you Earl when you say, Òhistory is hard to make.Ó Earl, here's to a friend we want to know. .
--A School Mate

February 27, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News Mrs. Thomas See is on the sick list. .
Mrs. Paul Franke has been ill the past few days. .
Mrs. John Hynes is reported to be on the sick list. .
Grace Williams was on the sick list one day last week. .
Elmer Schur was a Fargo business visitor Tuesday. .
A. J. Schur left for Fargo for a few days visit on Tuesday. .
Dr. Baillie was an Arthur visitor Monday and Wednesday of this week. .
The Woodmen are planning on giving another dance on Feb. 28th. .
A. A. Helland returned last Thursday morning from his Fargo trip. .
Dr. Oakes made a professional call south of Arthur Tuesday afternoon. .
Mrs. John See and daughter Millie were Mayville callers Wednesday. .
George Parkhouse left for Illinois on Monday to be gone some time visiting. .
Louis Notvedt came back from the Minneapolis Auto Show on Friday. .
Otto Zellmer returned to Hunter Saturday after his visit here with relatives. .
The new blacksmith Mr. H. Dee, arrived last week and has taken up his work. .
Mrs. William Gebeke has been on the sick list lately, and is under Dr. Baillie's care. .
Bruce Brewer of Erie was a South Dakota visitor last week, going down on business. .
F. S. Caldwell, one of the new owners of the Hunter Garage, was here Wednesday. .
Hector Gaboury of Fargo has been visiting the last few days at the Chris Gebeke home. .
The Misses Emma Maurer and Myrtle Mergner visited in Fargo a few days last week. .
W. G. Louks and family have moved on the Flynn farm. They come from near Grandin, N. D. .
The smiling countenance of the genial Mr. Dahl appeared in Arthur Wednesday on schedule time. .
Mrs. H. J. Wagner and Mrs. John Wahoske visited Monday at the Otto Zellmer home in Hunter. .
Oscar Olson left Monday for the northern part of the state on business. He returned Wednesday. .
Henry Viestenz spent Wednesday between trains in Larimore, helping his brother Arthur get packed up. .
Dr. Gowenlock, Harry Reynolds, F. D. Mitchell, all of Gardner were Hunter visitors on Tuesday night last. .
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burmeister on Monday, a fine eight pound boy. Mother and child are doing fine. .
William Gebeke Jr., Earl King and his two sisters, and Miss Dorothy Ocker spent Sunday evening at William Gebeke's. .
Mrs. C. J. Maurer visited with friends in Fargo last week, leaving here Friday evening and returning Tuesday morning. .
Mrs. J. A. Burgum was a Hunter visitor Friday. She was an attendant and participant in the W. C. T. U. program held there. .
Look out for Willie Favorite. He will be snapping everybody's picture now-a-days with the new Kodak he purchased recently. .
The School children expect to give a party this Thursday evening in honor of Clara Sommerfeld, who is moving to Fargo soon now. .
James Parkhouse returned from his school at Austin, Minn. last Thursday, the school having closed because of sickness there. .
Had a little trouble with gas in the schoolhouse one day last week. One room had a greatly appreciated vacation for 10 to 1:15. .
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bower and children of Miles City, Mont., are visiting with Mrs. G. B. Farnham. .
The Lutheran Aid was entertained by Mrs. John Bettschen Wednesday and the M. E. Aid by Mrs. John See on Thursday. .
A farewell dance was given at the Gust Sommerfeld farm Wednesday night. We will try to have more details next week. .
Leslie Green and family, Wallace Gebeke and wife, and Mrs. and Mrs. M. J. Favorite and son Will spend Sunday at the William Gebeke home. .
Amber Wagner and Fred Murch were here Saturday between trains, visiting their folks. They returned to the A. C. at Fargo to resume their work. .
A. Stevenson returned last Saturday from his vacation and business trip. He says he had a good time, but home and Arthur are good enough for him. .
Mr. Hedstrom of Minneapolis was in Arthur a short time ago and met with the directors in consultation in regard to the reconstruction of the Farmers Elevator. .
Carl Howells accompanied the editor to Arthur last week and assisted him in bringing home a -----. Ask any Arthur business man. They saw it, and wanted to steal it. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher, Mrs. Wm. Iwen, Miss Lizzie Iwen left for Wisconsin to be present at the wedding of Edwin Iwen on the 19th. .
The Forrest family of Erie have been released from quarantine after having five cases of smallpox. There surely is a great deal of sickness going around this winter, of all varieties. .
Arthur Viestenz arrived Wednesday from Larimore on his way to Casselton. He will headquarter there now as he has become a passenger brakeman on the Casselton to New Rockford division. .
Margaret Bettschen had a little celebration for her 14th birthday last Sunday evening. She had fourteen of her girl friends, and the evening passed pleasantly with visiting, singing, and an enjoyable lunch. .
Louis Bettschen, Clark Jarrett, Albert Farnham, and T. O. Burgum made a trip to Hunter Tuesday evening in the latter's car and we understand one of the party had such a good time he mislaid some of his clothing. .
Mrs. Robert Stewart and her son Robert, Jr. left for Dogden, N. D. last week to visit Will Stewart there. Mrs. Stewart expects to return to Arthur at the close of her visit, but Robert will go on to his home in Buell, Idaho. .
T. J. Ross is back from his business trip to the Twin Cities. While there wee presume he took in the automobile show. It beats all how much business our businessmen have to do in these towns where atuo shows are being pulled off. We have noticed it many times. .
A black muff was left at the Arthur State Bank some time ago. Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying charges. .

March 6, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News Mr. Flynn was up from Fargo on business Monday. .
George Landon was a Casselton visitor last week. .
Christ Gebeke spent a few hours Saturday in Hunter. .
W. B. Ward was a Fargo business visitor on Monday. .
Miss Dora Willert is visiting with her sister Mrs. L. Schur. .
Mrs. R. R. Robertson visited over Sunday at the Froke home. .
Canada has voted Òdry,Ó the law going into effect May 1st. .
We have been having some real winter weather this week. .
The M. E. Sunday School has ordered seventy-five song books. .
T. E. Meyers came back Wednesday morning from a trip to Fargo. .
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert are visiting with friends and relatives here. .
Mrs. O. L. Anthony went to Fargo Monday evening to visit friends. .
Chris Gebeke went to Fargo Monday night to resume his jury duty. .
Mrs. Green and daughter Ida are visiting with friends and relatives here. .
Miss Zelma Hildebrand is visiting at her parents' home in Minnesota. .
Newt Collins has purchased the Wahowske farm and will move there next week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz returned to their Casselton home Sunday night. .
Mrs. Ralph Halver of Wing, N. D. is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Farnham. .
T. J. Ross has a new up-to-date display rack for his pants. Be sure to see it. .
Messrs John Ross and George Gunkel attended the Gust Sommerfeld sale Monday. .
Mrs. Chris Gebeke and son returned from Rochester, Minn., on Tuesday morning. .
The A. K. Judisch family were Sunday dinner guests at the H. J. Wagner home. .
Mrs. John See and Mrs. Angus Barker were Fargo visitors the fore part of the week. .
The Hunter Woodmen will give a benefit dance Friday evening march 7th. Don't miss it. .
The A. J. Schur and Gust Schur families took Sunday dinner at the I. S. Roberts home. .
Walter Murch is greeting his many friends; he returned from Camp Custer on Friday morning. .
You will have a good time at the Hunter M. W. A. dance March 7th and Don't you Forget It. .
Elmer Schur went to Fargo on Friday evening and was expected back on Wednesday morning. .
Old Man Winter is still with us but we should worry. Plenty of Hard Coal Now. Farmers Elevator Co. .
Ole Nelson shipped a car of stock to Minneapolis Tuesday. Aug. Faltz will look after the stock in route. .
Vivian Ocker, much improved, is now at home after spending a couple of months at St. John's Hospital. .
The dance at the Gust Sommerfeld home on Monday evening was well attended. All report a good time. .
Mrs. Reuben Phillips returned from Bismarck Friday morning, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Hyland. .
Fred Maurer, Ethel Dahl, Emma Maurer, George and Minnie Schur attended the Argusville dance Friday evening. .
There will be a meeting at the Lutheran church Thursday afternoon to discuss plans for the new church. .
The Misses Anna Sommerfeld and Florence Stavely were Arthur visitors Saturday. They returned Saturday evening. .
Mrs. Reuben Phillips visited in Washburn one day with the Gordon Burgum family, and reports them all well and happy. .
President Wilson has returned to the U. S. and his speech at Boston on the aims of America should be read by everyone. .
The Gust Sommerfeld auction sale was well attended in spite of the stormy weather. It was reported to have amounted to $4600. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gaare and son were guests at the Ben Helland home over Saturday and Sunday. They returned to Perley, Minn., Sunday evening. .
Russell Wilson went to Casselton Saturday afternoon to get the wieners for the Ladies Aid Bazaar. It hurt Russell pretty hard, but it hurt the wienerwurst. .
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Gebhard left for their old home at Stettin, Wisconsin. They sold their farm recently and will locate in the western part of the state. .
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schur went to Fargo Friday evening, where Mr. Schur attended the mail carriers convention. They returned on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. See kept house during their absence. .
Mr. Henschel, who has rented the Wahowske farm for the last three years, died last Saturday after a short illness of the influenza, leaving a wife, and family of five children under eight years old. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church at Casselton. .
Arthur Burgum is among the officers on the U. S. S. Leviathan, which sails for France this week, he was in New York for a week and went on a sightseeing trip. The Ghetto, Italian and Hebrew quarters, Coney Island, Chinatown and Fifth Avenue were among the interesting places. .

March 27, 1919

Sidney Murch is on the sick list this week. .
William Wahowske was an Amenia visitor this week. .
Mrs. Hugo Viestenz was an Arthur visitor last week. .
Whate'er's begun in anger ends in shame.-Benjamin Franklin. .
Miss Vida Viestenz was a Casselton visitor Sunday afternoon. .
Mr. E. W. Schur was a Sharon visitor the fore part of the week. .
Mrs. Albert Viestenz returned from Casselton Tuesday morning. .
Mrs. A. J. Schur went to Fargo to visit a relative in the hospital. .
Miss Schneider of Amenia purchased a Pathe phonograph last week. .
The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise.-Benjamin Franklin. .
Albert Stewart and Walter Murch returned from Fargo last Saturday morning. .
Pearl Faltz was out at the See farm Tuesday night returning to school the next morning. .
Jewel Kushnick returned from Detroit Monday evening with his car-er was it a Ford? Mrs. John Bettschen and daughter Bernice went to Casselton Wednesday for dental work. .
When angry, count ten before you speak. If very angry, count to a hundred.-Thomas Jefferson. .
Ed Schur, George Schur, Minnie and Ella Schur also attended the Hunter dance Monday evening. .
Miss Hanson; Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughters went to Fargo Friday evening to see, ÒThe Hearts of Humanity.Ó James Parkhouse returned to the Hanson Tractor School Sunday afternoon after a short visit with friends and relatives. .
Mr. Ben Bahl and Mr. Charles Lambert accompanied two car loads of stock to South St. Paul leaving Thursday night. .
Mis Kjos of Fargo, who is training the children for the National Festival, is being entertained at the different homes here this week. .
BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Iwen, on Monday morning, a baby girl weighing twelve pounds. All concerned are reported to be doing fine. .
There is an article entitled ÒOur National Faith cureÓ in the April Cosmopolitan by Judge Ben Lindsay that is well worth reading by everyone. .
Mr. Froke and family left for a short visit on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Froke will stop at Wahpeton, and Mr. Froke will go to Minneapolis. .
Mr. Louis Bettschen returned from Minneapolis, Monday morning. Mrs. Bettschen will remain in Minnesota for several days visiting with her mother at Northfield. .
Mrs. Albert Viestenz spent a few days in Casselton with her son's family, the baby being threatened with pneumonia; but at last reports the baby was very much improved. .
A crowd attended the Malcolm sale Wednesday; but everything sold at a good figure. Walter Phillips was the auctioneer and Elmer Schur clerk, Gust Anderson got the Ford runabout. .
Walter Schur, Walter Iwen, Henry Viestenz, Albert Farnham and the Misses Irma and Marian McLachlin were among those from Arthur who attended the St. Patricks dance at Hunter Monday evening. Amber Wagner, Wm. Boettcher, Frank Kuehn and Sidney Murch returned from Fargo Saturday morning, where they have been attending the A. C.; Emil Kuehn went down Friday and accompanied them home. .
The occasion being Amber's birthday, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner had for dinner guests, Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zimmerman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Judisch, the Gust Schur and John Bettschen families, and Mrs. Ed Sommerfeld. .
The misses Marjorie Burgum and Edythe Farnham are expected home Friday from the state University for the ten days Easter vacation. Last Monday they with five other young ladies were dinner guests at the home of President E. P. Robertson of Wesley College, the social affair given in honor of Rev. Dr. Anderson of Fargo. .
W. J. Lockhart and family arrived here last week from their visit in Iowa. Mr. Lockhart had shipped here several purebred Duroc Jersey sows, these are from the stock of the Great pathfinder strain and are considered the best in the world to be had. He is going into the purebred hog business and will in a short time have several gilts and boars for sale. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. See, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Willert, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schur went to Hunter Wednesday to attend the funeral of their father, who died in the Fargo hospital of appendicitis, leaving a widow and thirteen children. He was a prominent farmer near Galesburg. The community extends their sympathy to all who are left to mourn his loss. .
Word from Arthur Burgum says that he sails March 15 on his second trip to Brest, France on the U. S. S. ÒLeviathanÓ after a week's stay in New York city. He has been many interesting places, such as the old church where Washington attended, and where Robert Fulton and Alexander Hamilton were buried and in spite of its great age, the church is in fair repair. .
Obituary Another of our pioneer settlers has gone to his reward. Another home is desolated, a happy family circle is broken. Hans Willert who has been suffering for some time with a number of diseases which finally culminated in a severe attack of appendicitis that required an operation and he has taken to a hospital in Fargo where he went through the operation successfully but had not the strength to recuperate owing to his weakened condition. He went to the hospital Saturday night, was operated on Sunday and died Monday afternoon at two o'clock. .
Mr. Willert was born in Germany in 1853; was married there to Miss Dorothia Herdaniech November 15th 1881 and in 1894 they came with their seven children to make their home on their homestead four miles from Galesburg and eight miles west of Hunter where six children were added to their family. A wonderful family of stalwart sons and fair daughtes grown to healthy man and woman hoods on the fair and fertile plans of North Dakota, a blessing to their parents and the state and nation. .
The children surviving their father are: Annie, now Mrs. Ed Eichorst of Thompson, N. D., Martha, wife of Thomas Lee of Arthur, Frieda, Mrs. Louis Schur, of the same place and Mary, Mrs. Halley Curtis of Thompson, N. D. and Wesley, Dora, Hilda still at home to be their mother's present help and comforter. The pallbearers were all their sons. Paul of Thompson, N. D., Henry of Minot, Gustave of Arthur, Karl of Thompson, John of Hunter, Herman of Page, N. D. .
They have the loving sympathy in their sore bereavement, of a very large circle of friends as was attested by the attendance at the funeral which was held at Hunter Wednesday at two o'clock p. m., Rev. O. L. Anthony officiated in the absence of the Minister of their church the Evangelical Lutheran. .

Contributed by Steven Pueppke.
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