1917 Arthur

Arthur Anglings

Hunter Herald

July 3, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Frank Powers of Page is plastering Elmer Schur's house.
Miss Rose Foelker visited at the Albert Viestenz home last week.
William H. Muir of Hunter took in the last evening of the Chautauqua.
Mrs. E. Y. Newbre is making a two weeks stay at the Wm. Gebeke home.
The Frank Wells family is expected back from their Illinois trip on Friday.
Miss Frona Gebeke is assisting her sister Mrs. Leslie Green during her recent illness.
Mr. Will Gebeke and King's young folks visited at the Wm. Gebeke home Sunday.
Mrs. Faltz' sister, Miss McFall, a teacher from Salt Lake City, Utah, is visiting here.
Thomas See and family had Sunday dinner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John See.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gebeke are visiting relatives and friends up here a few days.
Mrs. C. E. Gebeke and son Russell visited friends and relatives at Oriska, N. D. last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Standfield and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franke autoed to Fargo one day last week.
Bud Fiddler, who has been employed in the garage here, returned to his home in Winona Tuesday.
Arthur Viestenz and family returned to Casselton Monday after visiting friends and relatives here.
Miss Henrietta Tonn spent a few days last week visiting with Miss Margaret Bettschen in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corcoran and family of Casselton visited at the Clark Jarrett home on Sunday.
Miss Edith Farnham is home from the state university for the summer vacation, arriving Friday evening.
E. E. Webb, traveling salesman for Marshall Oil. Co., stopped off at Arthur for a few hours Wednesday.
The Great Northern relief agent is in our depot during Mr. Froke's absence. We understand he is from Page.
County Agent Willson is cooperating with the farmers in this vicinity in getting rid of the grasshoppers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Corcoran and Harold Corcoran of Casselton attended the Arthur Chautauqua Wednesday evening.
Mr. A. Hertwig's parents and two brothers autoed from Parkers Prairie, Minn. for a few days visit, returning Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Froke and family are spending some time out of town on a vacation to the Twin Cities and other points.
Miss Marjorie Burgum returned home from the University of North Dakota last Friday evening after competing her two years' course.
Mrs. E. W. Schur was in Fargo shopping with her mother, Mrs. Jeff Long, returning home Tuesday night. Mrs. Long visited at the Gust Schur home till Wednesday.
Louis Burns, an old acquaintance of the Bettschen boys, arrived here about a week ago, and is making Arthur his headquarters while selling Owatonna Nursery trees and shrubs.

July 10, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Will Kramp is off for his vacation now.
We are having lots of weather this week.
Chas. Lambert was a Hunter visitor Wednesday.
Louis Notvedt and family are spending their vacation fishing.
Alton Burgum spent a few days at the Emil Boettcher farm.
Miss Edna Sommerfeld is visiting friends in Perham, Minn.
The hotel has substituted a new porch floor for the old one.
BIG BABY BOY BORN to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zimmerman July 1st.
Albert Viestenz and family enjoyed the circus in Fargo Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family autoed to Fargo Monday.
Mrs. Ole Nelson and daughter visited in Moorhead, Minn. last week.
A. W. Barker is employed in the T. J. Ross store, starting July 1st.
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland, a baby girl on July First.
Miss Sophia Loots of Arena, N. D. is visiting at the home of Rev. Hoeger.
L. Burns spent Tuesday in the vicinity of Hunter, selling nursery stock.
Miss Zelma Hildebrand expects to visit over July 4th at her home in Detroit.
Charles Abertrough of Hillsboro visited friends here from Friday to Monday.
The Boettcher and Iwen young people returned Monday from a trip to the Lakes.
John Bettschen and family and Louis Burns were Hunter visitors last Thursday.
J. E. Sommerfeld and family spent Tuesday in Fargo, taking in the Barnes Circus.
Nels Rosvall was a business caller for a few minutes in Arthur Wednesday morning.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner and daughter Lillian visited at the Ted Zimmerman home last Sunday.
Leland Burgum completed his course in bookkeeping at Fargo and returned Saturday.
Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and family returned Friday evening from their visit at Alice, N. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Krueger of Wheatland were here shopping and visiting on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schur spent Sunday in Sharon, N. D. visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tucker of Fargo spent Sunday visiting at the James Williams home.
John Bettschen and family leave Thursday evening for Waterville, Minn. to visit relatives.
Herman Timmerman and family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Ted Zimmerman farm.
The Misses Esther Heiden and Margaret Bettschen spent Sunday and Monday in Moorhead, Minn.
Ralph Collins, Rudolph Grieger, and Roy and Newt Collins were Fargo circus visitors on Tuesday.
Mrs. Herman Schroeder and son Lyle of Erie were business callers in Arthur and Hunter on Monday.
It is reported that two boys lost their lives by drowning in a swimming hole near Absaraka last week.

July 17, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Rev. Hoeger visited in So. Dak. last week.
Alb. Viestenz was a Casselton visitor Sunday.
Victor Swanson purchased a new Maxwell runabout.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom See were visitors at Page Sunday.
Albert Farnham was in Hunter Wednesday evening.
Miss Elsie Bailley spent Sunday at the Gust Grieger home.
Margaret Zimmerman is visiting at the Wells home.
J. A. Burgum and Farnhams spent Sunday at the River.
A large number from here went to Casselton on the 4th.
Aug. Faltz and family returned Sunday from the Lakes.
Fred Williams was a business caller in Hunter on Monday.
Miss Emma Wilhelm is visiting friends at Brownton, Minn.
Walter Iwen was in Hunter on Wednesday of this week.
Ella Schur and Eleanor Roberts are visiting in Grand Forks.
Lacy Roach and family spent Sunday at Fletcher Roach's home.
Zelma Hildebrand spent the 4th at her home in Detroit, Minn.
Albert Viestenz is undergoing an operation on his eye at Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Briggs spent Sunday at the J. A. Williams home.
Robert Faltz has been honorably discharged from Camp Lewis, Wash.
J. Cederburg will leave about the 17th for Sweden to visit relatives.
Walter Schur took in the ball game in Hunter on Wednesday evening.
W. C. Muir and wife and son visited at L. Bettschen's home Sunday.
Lillian and Ollie Burgum and Francis Ross were Hunter visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan returned from Milton, No. Dak. their old home.
Dr. Baillie and Dr. Oakes were business callers in Arthur Monday evening.
Mrs. J. Williams, Dorothy and Lloyd left for Milwaukee Monday evening.
Dr. Oakes of Hunter made a business trip to Arthur the first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Wahoski from Montana are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Wahoski.
T. O. Burgum and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fridley.
Hon. Boyce of Absaraka will hold services at the M. E. Church next Sunday morning.
Hoe Fuller and family and L. Bettschen and family had a picnic at Sargents Grove the 4th.
Mrs. and Mr. E. W. Schur and Erna Schur spent the 4th at Detroit, Minn. and returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Judisch made an auto trip to Iowa visiting a daughter there returning July 1st.
George and James Parkhouse returned from Lisbon, N. Dak. Tuesday where they spent the Fourth.
Miss Ruth Martinson of Mercer, N. D. is here this week visiting with her friend Miss Edith Farnham.

July 31, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Mr. Reuben Phillips is on the sick list.
Miss Lena Schur is visiting at A. J. Schur's.
Mrs. Walter Phillips was a Fargo visitor Monday.
W. B. Ward and family were at the Fair Monday.
Thomas See was a Casselton business visitor Tuesday.
Mr. Julius Grieger is having electric lights put in.
Herbert Wilke of Valier, Mont. is visiting in Arthur.
Miss Elsie Bailley is entertaining her mother this week.
Miss Ella Hildebrand is a guest of her sister, Miss Zelma.
Eleanor Roberts is visiting at the J. E. Sommerfeld farm.
Dr. Baillie has left for his vacation Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J. L. Iwen's bungalow is shining in a new coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz were Arthur visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen were Casselton visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and Miss Helen visited the Fair Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell and family spent Monday at the Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kamp are visiting friends and relatives in Arthur.
Miss Edna Sommerfeld returned Thursday evening from Pequot, Minn.
Saina Dropic, Mary Drager and August Friar spent Thursday at the Fair.
Miss Elizabeth and Lydia Sommerfeld visited Monday and Tuesday in Fargo.
The Farnham family and the J. A. Burgum family were Fargo visitors Monday.
Quite a number from Arthur attended Home Coming Day at Fargo Monday.
Misses Pearl Faltz and Lillian Burgum were guests at the Wells farm Sunday.
Herbert Wilke of Valier, Montana, formerly of this place is siviting friends here.
Mrs. J. L. Iwen was called to Erie Sunday on account of illness of her sister Mrs. Myers.
Samuel Drake of Arthur and Agnes Sheppherd of Eylar, Ill. were out auto riding Sunday.
Taken from Courier News-Marriage licenses issued to Carl Madson and Ethel Dohman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Viestenz, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Viestenz were Fargo Fair visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Emil Boettcher and Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld returned Tuesday evening from Montana.
Miss Zelma Hildebrand and sister, Inez Faltz and Isabelle McKinnon were Hunter visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Viestenz and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barker were guests at Herman Iwen's Sunday.
Mr. Kenneth Snyder, Amber Wagner, Leland Burgum, and Henry Grieger were Fargo visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Viestenz and family were Sunday dinner guests at the J. E. Sommerfeld home Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell were dinner guests at the Briggs farm on Sunday.
Mrs. W. P. Bailey and Mrs. A. L. DeShon of Steele, N. Dak. came Tuesday morning for a few days visit with Miss Elsie Bailey.
Mrs. August Faltz entertained a number of ladies at a tea last Thursday. Her sister, Miss Celia McFall was the guest of honor.
Fred Williams of Arthur was out pulling sow thistles on the northeast quarter of section 17, Aug. Faltz started where Fred left off.
Mrs. Emil Boettcher and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld returned Tuesday from Big Sandy, Mont., where they had been visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum and family spent Home Coming Day at the Fair and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Broune at Colonial Flats.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gebeke, Leslie Green and family, Wallace Gebeke and wife, spent Sunday visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kings at Absaraka, No. Dak.
Mrs. Aug. Faltz and Miss Celia McFall left Saturday for Bainsville and Cherry Ridge, Montana. From there Miss McFall will return to her school work in Salt Lake City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Viestenz and family and J. E. Sommerfeld made an auto trip to the Western part of the state and reported some crops good and some not worth cutting.

August 7, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. Ben Bahl is expected home from Iowa soon.
Fletcher Roach of Amenia spent Sunday at Fargo.
Ben Bahl is putting up a large barn on his farm.
Lester Morris was a Hunter business visitor on Monday.
Miss Emma Maurer spent a few days in Fargo last week.
Gust Viestenz and family were at Albert Viestenz's Sunday.
The finishing touches are being placed on the Buchanan residence.
Construction work on the Lutheran church here has been resumed.
Miss Gladys Miller of Hunter visited at the Farnham home last week.
Mrs. A. H. Froke and son Leo spent Friday in Northwood, N. D.
Mrs. F. D. Wells and Mrs. Lacy Roach were Hunter visitors Friday.
Mrs. Paul Zemple and daughter are visiting Arthur relatives this week.
Thomas See leaves Thursday evening for Breckenridge, Minn. on business.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Y. Newbre of Hunter visited at the Wm. Gebeke farm on Sunday.
Miss Augusta Priewe returned home from Casselton Sunday and is visiting her parents.
Reuben Philips is on the sick list. He is in Fargo at present, having his eyes treated.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeo. King and family visited at the Wm. Gebeke, Sr. farm last Sunday.
Robert Faltz drove to Cooperstown and back, leaving Saturday and returning Monday.
John Morrow and family of Erie visited relatives and friends in and near Hunter Monday.
The Farnham and J. A. Burgum families visited the Amenia Bathing Park last Sunday.
The Misses Jean and Ethel Morrow of Erie visited this week at the J. A. Burgum home.
Ned Hynes is out harvesting his brother John's crop. John is quite ill in El Paso, Illinois.
Lacy Roach and family and Ben Burmeister and family spent last Sunday at August Mundt's.
Mrs. I. S. Roberts visited at the Arthur Viestenz home in Casselton from Friday to Sunday.
B. A. Helland and family autoed over to Hendrum, Minn. last Sunday to visit friends and relatives.
Miss Ella Hildebrand returned to her home in Detroit, Minn. Sunday after a visit with her sister here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and Mr. and Mrs. Will Gebeke were home Sunday at the Wm. Gebeke farm.
Mrs. Farnham and daughter Edyth visited at the Miller home and made a business call in Hunter on Monday.
Mrs. Pierson, Mrs. J. K. Fuller, and Miss Robertina Fuller of Ludlow, Ill. are visiting at the H. F. Fuller's.
Mrs. L. Heiden won First Prize on her Angel Cake at the Fargo Fair this year. Wouldn't it be fine to taste a cake that sounds as good as that? It was the Erie bank that was robbed of the $200 in War Savings Stamps as was stated in last week's issue.
Bruce Jarrett has been honorably discharged from the U. S. Service, and is up helping Clark through the harvest work.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Green and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gebeke visited at the Wm. Gebeke farm Sunday.
Merland Carr and his Fordson tractor, both of Hunter, made a flying business trip to Arthur Wednesday afternoon.
Louis Bettschen and family drove to Herman, Minn. to visit relatives over Sunday. They had a fine time and an uneventful trip.
Mrs. Wm. Wagner and daughter Jean of Mapleton are visiting relatives in Arthur. They arrived Sunday by way of Argusville.
Dr. Campbell wrote a friend here that he was on furlough visiting with his family, but had been called in to camp for his discharge.
The H. J. Wagner family and Mrs. W. M. Wagner and daughter Jean of Mapleton were dinner guests at the Ed Judisch home on Tuesday.
C. F. Froke of Hamar, Minn. arrived Wednesday on his way home for his vacation. He stopped over for a short visit with his brother.
Mrs. Emil Boettcher and Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld returned last week from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zimmerman took their little girl to St. Luke's Hospital in Fargo Monday evening where she underwent an operation.
Mrs. William Gebeke, Jr. is staying at the William Gebeke, Sr. home for about a week or ten days assisting Mrs. Gebeke with her sewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and the Misses Florence Gebeke and Maggie King were Fargo visitors and took in the Fair the latter part of the week.
Louis Notvedt drove to Fargo Sunday, taking down the Reuben Phillips family. The family returned with him, but Reuben stayed for medical treatment.
The Misses Edith and Myrtle Mott came from the State University this week to visit their friend Miss Marjorie Burgum. They returned to Grand Forks Sunday by way of Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett, Mrs. Calley Roberts, and the I. S. Roberts children drove to Casselton Sunday in the Hackett's auto, and brought back Mrs. I. S. Roberts with them.
Two of the community's young people staged a Ring-A-Round-The-Rosy auto race Wednesday evening that the spectators claimed was full of interest and amusement. You'll laugh, too, when you get the details.
The two little girls, cousins of Mrs. Charles Maurer, who have been visiting at the Maurer home since the Fergus Falls disaster, left for their home Sunday. Charley took them as far as Fargo, where they took their train.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fuller had their baby baptized last Sunday at the M. E. Church. Four generations were present at the baptismal font. Mrs. Pierson of Illinois, mother of Mrs. J. K. Fuller, H. F. Fuller, and Doris Jean Fuller.
Dr. Campbell surprised his many Arthur friends by stepping from the train Thursday morning. He was expected in Arthur some time soon, but not so soon. We hope the doctor can be persuaded to resume his practice here, but we understand he is undecided as yet.
Walter Buchanan and family visited at Hope one day last week. On the way over they picked up a wild duck, somewhat crippled. Walt put it securely in a box, but when he went to get it the duck had disappeared, leaving the box still secured. Walt offers a reward of $5 to anyone who can explain the matter in a way that will be worth that much to him.
Pvt. Louis K. Gebeke sent his sister, Mrs. Earl King, a beautiful wedding present from France. Not many are so fortunate as to receive a wedding present from France. He also sent his mother a beautiful pillow top, and his sister Florence an afternoon silk tea apron.
The Amenia Swimming Club has fitted up a bath house and diving board at the ÒOle Swimming Hole,Ó near Max Sell's, which is free to the public. As there are many visitors each Sunday bathing suits of some sort are insisted upon. This is becoming a very popular resort this warm weather.
Last Sunday the following went gathering chokecherries on the banks of the ÒNot-In-AÓ Rush River: Elmer Schur and wife, John Bettschen and family, Mrs. L. Notvedt, Gust Schur and family, A. J. Schur and family, Ben Viestenz and family, Mrs. Ed Viestnez, Nels Hanson and family of Hunter, Dr. Oakes and George Landon of Hunter, and the Misses Inez Faltz and Zelma Hildebrand. The chokecherries were wild, but they succeeded in catching quit a few.
Sixty people took advantage of the special train to the Interstate Fair at Fargo last Thursday, and all enjoyed themselves very much. We were unable to get a complete list, but among those who attended were: A. Stevenson, Fred Williams, Robert Stewart, Edmund and Albert Viestenz, Walter Buchanan, Mrs. John Iwen and daughter Dolly, and R. E. Parkhouse and family. A simple arithmetical computation will unerring divulge the magnitude of the list of unidentified attendants.

August 14, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

James Parkhouse is assisting at the garage these days.
R. W. and W. C. Muir were Amenia visitors Wednesday.
Clark Jarrett and family are going to Fargo this Thursday.
A. Stevenson returned Thursday morning from his business trip to Fargo.
John Sievert of Casselton took in the Jazz Orchestra dance given here on Wednesday.
Miss Anna Sommerfeld arrived Tuesday from Fargo and is visiting here a few days.
Thomas See and family were visitors at the Willert farm near Galesburg last Sunday.
Horace Fuller and family were in Casselton Sunday to meet J. K. Fuller, Horace's father.
Geo. Cook of Danvers, Ill. came Thursday and is looking after his land interests here.
Reuben Phillips returned from Fargo Saturday after having had eye treatments there for a few days.
Chokecherry picking seems to be the favorite occupation the past week. Several families going to the river to gather them.
Frank Wagner arrived in Arthur Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with his folks. He was discharged from Camp Lewis on June 8th.
B. A. Helland and family drove to Perley, Minn. Saturday to meet relatives. The relatives failed to come, but the rainstorm did.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner entertained for supper Wednesday Dr. T. R. Campbell and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld and daughter Anna.
Mrs. Chac. E. Thompson (Elsie Wagner) of Valier, Mont. received word that her husband had arrived in New York from overseas.
A party of young people consisting of the Maurer and Schur young folks and Mack Tubbs of Hunter picnicked at the river Sunday.
Will the parties who ÒsnoopedÓ into the picknickers' baskets at the River Sunday please return the fruit, and no questions asked.
Edmund Viestenz has his rig all overhauled, and is waiting for suitable weather now to begin threshing. Rigs have started in Wheatland and Casselton.
The editor was accompanied on his search for truth on Wednesday by Miss Grace Muir of Winona, Minn., W. C. Muir, and Mrs. R. W. Muir and John Allan.
The word so far received from John Hynes in Illinois does not indicate that he has improved much. He is unable to get around except with a wheeled chair.
Fred Williams, Reuben Phillips, A. Stevenson, and R. H. Vosburg were Fargo visitors Tuesday. Mr. Stevenson did not return with the others, but is expected back soon.
J. K. Fuller of Ludlow, Ill. arrived Sunday to visit relatives and help out during the busy season now approaching. He fell in the well on the farm on Wednesday. We had hoped that after July 1st drink would no longer be the cause of downfall. You understand it was the well that had the drink.
After visiting with friends here for a week, Dr. T. R. Campbell has returned to Iowa to take a friend's practice for a time while the friend goes on a vacation. The doctor plans on returning to Arthur in three weeks. He has not definitely decided just what he is going to do regarding location. His many friends hope he will decide to relocate here.

August 21, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Uno Anderson arrived from Illinois last Saturday.
L. W. Heiden was a Casselton business visitor Saturday.
E. E. Webb made his usual trip to Arthur last week.
Frank Wagner and sister Lillian are visiting in Wahpeton.
F. D. Wells and family were Fargo visitors Tuesday.
Miss Amanda and Alice Iwen were Fargo visitors last week.
Mr. Lutz of Illinois is visiting at the Rev. Hoeger home.
Miss Margaret Roach is visiting her brother Lacy Roach.
W. J. Stone of California is looking after his farm here.
Leslie Green and Paul Pearson autoed to Fargo Thursday.
Mr. Wm. Gebeke Jr. and wife visited his parents over Sunday.
Miss Frances Ross is visiting with friends in Fargo this week.
John Siewert of Casselton was visiting in Arthur Wednesday.
Wm. Heiden of Casselton was visiting in Arthur on Tuesday.
Leland Malchom arrived from overseas the first part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz were visiting in Arthur Sunday.
Miss Maggie King is staying a few weeks with Miss Florence Gebeke.
Miss Florence Stavely was visiting in Arthur Thursday of last week.
The Herman Iwen family were the guests at the Fuller farm Sunday.
August Sommerfeld and J. E. Sommerfeld autoed to Fargo on Thursday.
Miss Marguerite Stack has been visiting friends in Arthur last week.
Miss Delia Peterson of Dilworth is visiting her sister Mrs. Roscoe Belesly.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See were supper guests at the Louis Schur home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs spent Sunday evening at the J. A. Burgum home.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Mrs. See and Gladys were passengers to Mayville Wednesday.
William Belesly returned from Illinois where he was visiting friends and relatives.
Miss Bernice Bettschen celebrated her 8th birthday with the assistance of ten other little girls.
Mr. Wm. Gebeke has taken his daughter Florence down to Fargo to have her tonsils removed.
Gust Sommerfeld and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Arthur, visiting friends and relatives.
Miss Anna Sommerfeld spent the latter part of the week visiting her mother Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld.
Miss Roach from Danvers, Ill., a sister of Fletcher and Lacy Roach, is here visiting her brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner and Frank Wagner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen Sunday.
Mrs. J. K. Fuller left for Ludlow, Ill., Tuesday evening after spending a month with her son H. Fuller.
W. J. Stone of California, who was visiting his sister in Michigan, arrived Tuesday morning, looking after farm work.
Mrs. Hynes and children went to Illinois Friday and found Mr. Hynes slightly improved and will bring him back with them.

August 28, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. John See was a Mayville visitor Tuesday.
W. B. Ward is making a trip through northern Minnesota.
Mrs. John Hynes returned Saturday from El Paso, Ill.
L. Heiden and family were chokecherrying last Sunday.
Miss Ollie Burgum visited friends in Amenia on Wednesday.
Let Schneider fix your auto before what's wrong gets worse.
A. W. Barker is moving into the house vacated by Tom See.
Fred Williams was a business visitor to Fargo this Thursday.
T. J. Ross and boys were county seat visitors this Thursday.
Mrs. Tom See and daughter are visiting the Louie Schur family.
Carl Wolff of Hunter was an Arthur business visitor on Wednesday.
The H. J. Wagner family had Sunday dinner at the Ed Judisch farm.
A. A. Helland and family visited their folks in Hendrum, Minn. last Sunday.
John Sievert of Casselton spent Wednesday in Arthur, taking in the dance.
Paul Zempel of New England, N. D. visited friends here one day last week.
The Misses Zelma Hildebrand and Inez Faltz visited Erie friends on Wednesday.
Thomas Enright of El Paso, Ill. arrived here Wednesday to look after his farming interests.
Mrs. Ida Cournaya and little sister of Detroit, Minn. are visiting at the Albert Drake home.
Frank Wagner left Tuesday for Oregon after a visit with his relatives and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McNelly left on Wednesday evening for Illinois after spending the summer here.
Miss. Edna Wiebe arrived Wednesday from Fargo to visit a few days at the Reuben Phillips home.
Young ladies generally like wedding bells in June, but Arthur young ladies seem to prefer September.
Louie Schur and family and Tom See and family visited at the Willert farm near Galesburg last Sunday.
Last reports from John Hynes indicated that no particular improvement in his condition has occurred.
T. J. Ross and family, Miss Dropki, and Uno Anderson were Sunday dinner guests at the F. S. Wells home.
Tom See started work at Bedford, N. D. on Monday. He is working in the tower there for the Great Northern.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Westervelt and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stephenson, all of Illinois, arrived Monday, having made the trip from Illinois in an auto. The Westervelts left Wednesday for their home in Peoria, Mrs. Westervelt is Clark Jarrett's sister.

September 4, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Hector Geiber visited Roy Gebeke Sunday.
Miss Ima King is working for Mrs. Wm. Gebeke Sr.
Mrs. Lester Morris was a Hunter visitor Monday.
Louis Bettschen took Lieut. Chas. Fargo visitors Friday.
John Hynes is reported to be slightly improved in health.
Harry Green called at the Ben Bahl home Sunday evening.
Mrs. John See was a Mayville dental visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gebeke were visiting his parents Sunday.
Miss Hilda Vingil is visiting at the Cederberg home this week.
Russell Wilson was a Sunday evening visitor at the Hyen home.
W. E. Lindsey the Optometrist will be in Arthur Thursday Sept. 4th.
Miss Bessie Burgum is visiting Mrs. Rheinholdt Dittmer at Everest.
Clark Jarrett has a large sale ad in another column. Don't miss it.
Clarence Zimmerman of Casselton is here visiting with Harold Viestenz.
Miss Esther Heiden was assisting at the Clark Jarrett home last week.
A. Ed. Anderson and family visited at the Swan Classon home on Sunday.
Emil Boettcher took his son Paul to Fargo Tuesday to have his eyes treated.
Wallace Hackett and wife took Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bates to Casselton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morris were in Fargo on business one day this week.
Horace Fuller and J. K. Fuller were Hunter business visitors last Friday.
Mrs. Herbert Lee and baby were visiting relatives and friends here Wednesday.
Peter Papineau of Paxton, Ill. arrived Monday to look after his interests here.
John Feasel was renewing old friendships in Arthur for a short time on Wednesday.
James Williams and family autoed to the Minnesota side of the Red River on Sunday.
Mrs. Leslie Green and children spent Thursday afternoon at the Will Green home.
Mrs. Will Green assisted Mrs. Paul Pearson with the dinner for the threshers Monday.
Mr. Wm. Gebeke finished threshing Tuesday of this week and his grain ran pretty fair.
Quarterly Conference of the M. E. church will be held in Hunter, Saturday at 8 o'clock.
Miss Zora Cozilke of Bowden, N. D. was here for a short time last week visiting friends.
Miss Winnifred Brown of Fargo is spending a week here the guest of Miss Marjorie Burgum.
T. J. Ross and Charles were Northwood visitors Wednesday. Charles had his tonsils removed.
Mrs. Melvin Rudd of Fargo arrived here Tuesday evening for a visit at the Reuben Phillips home.
Mrs. Jacob Winnestofer from Hunter is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. J. Green.

September 18, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Dr. Reedy visited Hunter Wednesday.
Wallace Hackett is preparing the office for Dr. Reedy.
R. H. Vosburg and wife autoed to Fargo on Tuesday.
Walter Buchanan and family made a trip to Fargo on Wednesday.
George W. Roberts of Argusville was here Tuesday, on business.
John Laudert was a Hunter visitor for a few minutes Monday.
E. Charleston purchased a new Oakland Six in Arthur Saturday.
Albert Wilhelm and sister made a trip to Fargo on Wednesday.
William C. Paterson was a county seat visitor on Friday of last week.
Ms. H. J. Wagner spent Wednesday in Mayville having dental work done.
Miss Bollinger left Thursday evening for a few weeks visit at Eldora, Iowa.
Mrs. Powers left Monday for a visit with friends and relatives in Illinois.
Word has been received here that B. M. Stack of Casselton has sold his farm.
Rev. A. Hoeger left Monday to attend the Preachers' Convention at Minneapolis.
Lester Morris and family made a trip to Fargo Thursday of last week on business.
The Clark Jarrett sale had a fine day and a big crowds. Everything went well, too.
Robert Lewis and Miles Ray of Hunter were Arthur visitors on Wednesday of this week.
The August and Julius Sommerfeld families visited at the Emil Boettcher farm last Sunday.
Last reports are to the effect that John Hynes is gaining steadily and can no walk around again.
Tonsorialist Elmer Schur is busily engaged moving into his fine new home on Sunrise Heights.
Clark Jarrett's car of goods, chaperoned by George Henderson, left on Tuesday for Bloomington, Ill.
BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krafthever of Amenia on Sunday, August 31st, a 10 pound boy.
Mrs. L. M. Drake has completed her moving operations, and is now a full fledged resident of Arthur.
Fred Williams went to Fargo on Monday evening returning Tuesday morning with a big Buick car.
James Williams and family and Mrs. Reuben Phillips and children autoed to Fargo on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Froke and the children autoed to Mayville on Sunday.
Miss Alma Olson, Mrs. Helland's sister, made a trip to Mayville on Monday to have some dental work done.
August Faltz began building on his new house this week. He expects to have it completed in about 30 days.
Nine girls were present at the birthday party of Agnes Schur, Louie Schur's daughter, on Tuesday evening.
T. J. Ross accompanied the editor to Fargo Friday, driving back with an Oakland Six for one of his customers.
Miss Ella Schur visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur Viestenz, in Casselton, going down Tuesday and returning Wednesday.
Mark Tubbs, the Lalley Light Man from Hunter, stopped off a few minutes in Arthur on his way through, on Wednesday evening.
The Misses Helen and Alice Halverson of Milton, N. D. arrived here Monday for a visit with the Buchanan family.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner and children Lily and Amber returned Monday from their visit with relatives at Rock Lake, N. D.
J. M. Burley of Argusville sold his farm to Fred Jacobson of Gavel, Iowa who expects to take possession in the spring.
Peter Donner and son of El Paso, Ill. arrived here on Monday for a visit with friends, and to tend business interests here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gaare and Mr. and Mrs. Myhre, all of Perley, Minn. visited at the B. A. Helland home here on Sunday.
Mrs. James Williams and children and Mrs. Reuben Phillips and children called on Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott of Hunter on Monday.
Frank Williams of Minneapolis, son of a former resident and large land owner here, visited friends in this village and at Hunter Wednesday.
H. O. Schneider has taken on the Hawkeye Tire Agency and is prepared to furnish these tires at the reasonable prices quoted for them.
Hunter is to have a Cattle and Corn Show this October. Save your products and prepare your stock for this show. There will be a meeting in Hunter this Friday night to plan details. Come if you are interested or have a suggestion to make.

September 25, 1919

Local Man Honored

Our genial druggist, Archie Stevenson, has been secretary and treasurer of the North Dakota League of Postmasters for many years, and has labored untiringly in the organization's interests. Due mainly to his efforts the membership in this state has grown from about 20, when he took hold of it, to about 500 now. At the state meeting held recently he tendered his resignation, as he is no longer a postmaster. In recognition of his valuable services, he was elected a delegate to the convention of the National League of Postmasters now being held at Detroit, Mich. with all expenses paid. He left Saturday, and expects to return about Tuesday.
The Clark Jarrett Family Leaves The many friends of Clark Jarrett and his family regret to see them leave this community. We hope that their absence from our community will not be longer than a temporary one. Good Luck go with them, anyway.
They expect to leave Arthur Thursday by auto, and will visit relatives in Madison and Milwaukee, Wis. and in Chicago before going to their new home.

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