1917 Arthur

Arthur Anglings

Hunter Herald

October 23, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Fred Williams was a Hunter visitor Wednesday.
W. H. Bell left Saturday for his home in Portage, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Pearson were shoppers last Saturday.
Fred Grieger left Monday for a short visit to Boxelder, Mont.
Mrs. John Iwen and daughter Dolly were Fargo visitors Monday.
R. H. Vosburg was a Hunter business visitor on this Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delamater of Erie were Arthur callers on Wednesday.
Jesse Burley of Argusville purchased a new Buick Six in Arthur last week.
Ralph Hoffman and wife of Blanchard visited at the F. D. Wells home on Sunday.
A. Stevenson and daughter Dorothy were Mayville dental visitors last Friday.
Tom See carried the mail for Louie Schur on Wednesday. Louie has boils on both hands.
B. A. Helland and family spent Sunday with relatives in Hendrum and Perley, Minn.
The M. E. Sunday School here put 21 names on its Cradle Roll department last Sunday.
Rev. O. L. Anthony preaches his farewell sermon in Arthur this coming Sunday morning.
Rev. O. L. Anthony and wife of Hunter spent a few hours in Arthur Wednesday afternoon.
We understand that Mrs. J. A. Briggs expects to leave for a Fargo hospital this Thursday.
John Hynes and Tom Stewart were business visitors at Hunter and Gardner this Thursday.
The McKinnon young people and Earl Bolinger attended the dance at Argusville Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum were at the C. F. Bayard home near Hunter for Wednesday dinner.
Ole Nelson returned Friday morning from St. Paul where he had escorted a carload of cattle.
Charles Baker and Vean Barron of Maynard, Minn. visited the Bolinger family a few days this week.
Floyd Ahlgren of Bucyrus, N. D. is a new auto expert H. O. Schneider has employed in this garage.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schur and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur made an auto trip to Fargo last Friday.
Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schur, a baby girl on Monday. Both mother and daughter are doing nicely.
Mr. and daughter Hazel, and Messrs. Chas. Baker and Vern Barron were Fargo callers last Thursday.
Dr. Reedy was a Casselton visitor Tuesday. Yes A1 doctors sometimes have the tooth ache, just like other folks.
Some potatoes were frozen in Arthur last week. Someone left the car door open, and the weather did the rest.
Miss Florence Bolinger returned from Iowa Saturday after a four weeks visit with relatives and friends there.
Arthur Burgum and Chester and Harry Dohman attended the meeting of the American Legion at Hunter Tuesday evening.
Paul Pearson bought a new titan three bottom plowing outfit this week, and is busy turning the soil over and under.
Gust Schur made a trip to Casselton Wednesday to meet Mrs. Schur's brother, Herman Tonn. He did not arrived at that time, but is expected any day now.
Mrs. Al Schneider and her two children are here visiting with Mrs. L. M. Drake. The children have been under the doctor's care, and are improving in health.
John Bettschen and Clarence Clauson left on a hunting trip Wednesday. We hope the game will not be so wild as it was on John's last trip, or that he has a brand new alibi.
Rev. H. H. Groth spent Wednesday visiting at Elmer Schur's home. He had dinner at August Sommerfeld's and returned to his home at Steele, N. D. Wednesday evening.
Walter Buchanan and L. Notvedt returned from their hunting trip out west with fifty one ducks counting a jack rabbit and a chicken they shot. They got back Monday night.
Mrs. Heiden and daughter Linda were Northwood visitors last Friday. Mrs. Heiden returned that evening, but Linda came back short two tonsils and an adenoid Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Louks and daughters Grace and Alice left this Thursday morning for Fargo. They planned an early start, but you know how these Henry Fords get when the weather gets cold.
Mrs. Walter Phillips, James Henderson and family, the Louis Bettschen family, and Mrs. H. J. Wagner were among the Arthur folks attending the Hunter Stock and Grain Show last Friday.
Herman Iwen has two girls in the teaching profession. Alice is at Fairfield, N. D. for her second year teaching the 4th and 5th grades. Amanda is teaching the 1st and 2nd trades at Kloten, N. D.
Wesley Morrow and Roy Bolmeier of Erie were Hunter callers on Sunday. Yes, and they caused the organization of several searching parties, too. We can tell you about it, and so can they, but we won't.
Ellen Zimmerman had a most unusual and painful accident last Saturday. She was working on some wood work, and a sliver over an inch long buried itself in her thumb. Dr. Reedy extracted it, and she is feeling better now.
Miss Esther Lewis, who is employed in the Arthur Merc. Co. store left for Dawson, N. D. Tuesday evening, having received word that her brother was ill there. Russell Wilson took her to Casselton to catch the N. P. Flier.
The clocks of this country will be set back one hour on Sunday morning October 26th and remain that way, according to a ruling of Congress. Don't get confused by thinking it was the first Sunday of the month they were changed.
On Tuesday last the early rising residents of the village of Arthur heard a loud, steadily rising murmur coming from the north. They thought at first that it was the long expected southern flight of the wild geese, but soon discovered that it was only the Hunter High School Camp Fire Girls, chaperoned by three teachers, who were walking to Arthur with the intention of riding back on the morning train. They enjoyed coffee and toast and went on their way home still rejoicing.

October 31, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Henry Grieger left Tuesday evening for Fargo.
James Parkhouse was a Mayville visitor Tuesday.
Walter Phillips and wife were Hunter visitors Monday.
Mrs. James Henderson of Amenia was on the sick list last week.
Julius Kochnick returned Tuesday from his visit to St. Cloud, Minn.
Mrs. J. A. Briggs left Thursday for Rochester, Minn. for medical diagnosis and treatment.
Mrs. Peter Stumpf and son Gordon of Casselton visited at the Walter Phillips Sunday afternoon.
The Maid of Belgium is the Movie feature in the local theater this Saturday. Do not fail to see it.
Lawrence Mendsen, Louis Gebeke and Harry Green left for the Iowa husking season Tuesday evening.
B. A. Helland and family had relatives from Hendrum and Perley, Minn. visiting them this Sunday.
The Misses Alice Campbell and Helen Viestenz were home over Sunday from the Valley City Normal.
C. F. Bayard and family of Hunter and J. A. Burgum and family were Sunday guests at the John See farm.
Louis Hanson and family of Hunter and Miss Laura Dickson spent a few hours Wednesday afternoon in Arthur.
The Rev. W. R. Morrison of Detroit, Minn. will occupy the Methodist pulpit in Arthur this coming Sunday.
Dr. Oakes of Hunter and that good natured smile of his were Arthur visitors Wednesday evening that we know of.
Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and son Rudolph were Northwood visitors Wednesday. They were getting Rudolph's eyes treated.
J. E. Fitzsimmons left Monday evening for Fargo where he took in the Meeting, and then left for his home in Paxton, Ill.
The A. W. Barker family and Lawrence Mendsen were visitors at the Ben Burmeister home Sunday afternoon and evening.
Edmund Viestenz with his steam engine is rounding up the streets of Arthur getting them ready for winter, and the spring rains.
Mrs. J. Eichelberger and son Richard and Mrs. L. M. Drake spent this Thursday in Northwood, where Richard had his tonsils and adenoids removed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilhelm and children autoed to Brownton, Minn. and have been visiting friends and relatives there. They are expected back home soon.
James Parkhouse, Floyd Ahlgren, and K. O. Schneider autoed to Fargo Sunday where K. O. remained to take up his work as instructor in the Hansen Auto School.
Rev. O. L. Anthony preached his farewell sermon in Arthur last Sunday morning. He goes from Hunter to Oakes, where he will be located for the coming year.
Mrs. A. M. Smith of Casselton and daughter Mrs. Frank Neyhart and granddaughter Dorothy of Tacoma, Washington visited the Hacketts last week Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum were Fargo visitors Tuesday. He claims that it was the result of an engagement with a dentist that caused him the loss of four teeth.
Gust Sommerfeld and family drove into Arthur Tuesday evening from Fargo. They visited here until Thursday morning and then left for their new home in Ripley, Wis.
It would be a good joke on one to have a little fever all the time, not serious, and no other had symptoms be laid up for several weeks, and then to discover that it was the thermometer that had the fever instead of oneself. Yes, and such things actually happen sometimes.
Ted Zimmerman left for Brownton, Minn. Wednesday in his car. All his friends were sorry to see him go, but we all wish him and his family all good fortune in their new home.
Messrs. Walter Buchanan, Louis Bettschen, Fred Williams, Louis Notvedt, Albert Farnham, T. O. Burgum, Ben Helland and Walter Phillips attended the Masonic meeting in Hunter Tuesday evening.
Among the members of our community who were in Fargo during Tuesday were R. H. Vosburg, Christ Gebeke, Emil Boettcher, Charles Dohman and sons Harry and Chester, William Lambert, William and Leslie Green, Walter Schur, Ben Bahl, and J. E. Fitzsimmons.
K. O. Schneider, who has been conducting our local garage so efficiently the past months, has accepted a position as instructor in Hansen's Auto and Tractor School in Fargo. He has left his business in competent hands here and expects to give it such supervisory attention as he can. We understand he is in the auto department this year. Last year he taught there in the tractor department.
Last Tuesday evening the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zimmerman was christened by Rev. Hoeger at the Paul Kuehn home. Guests present were Mrs. H. J. Wagner and family, Mr. Milton Price and Melvin, the Misses Bertha and Elsie Vogel and Fred Vogel, all of whom are visiting at the Wagner home, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman Sr., and the Rev. Hoeger family.
On last Monday evening a birthday party was given to Clarence Henderson, in celebration of his 19th birthday. Among the young people present were the Misses Dorothey Ocker, Lillian Collins, Edna and Lillian Nelson, Clara Astle, and Irene Burgess and Mrs. Nels Nelson and her two little girls. Also John Niebergall, Myrl Needham, Arthur Collins and Hans and Chris Nelson. The evening was spent in playing games and enjoying music. A fine lunch was served and all reported a good time, Clarence was presented with a fine fountain pen by his mother.
On Wednesday afternoon at 3 p. m. at the home of the bride's parents near Amenia occurred the wedding of Miss Clara Grieger to Theodore Priewe Jr. Miss Bertha Grieger, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Adolph Priewe, the bridegroom's brother, was best man. The bride wore a blue Georgette gown, and the bridesmaid one of blue messaline.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Mergner of Fargo were out of town guests. The young couple were given a fine reception, and several other events in their honor have taken place, both before and after the wedding.
Both young people have lived in the community for the greater part of their lives, and we understand they plan to continue living in this neighborhood. The Arthur News joins with their host of friends in wishing them a long and happy married life.

November 6, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Louis Schur is back on the mail route again.
Rev. Graff of Casselton was in town Tuesday.
Rev. Hoeger left for Fargo Wednesday evening.
W. B. Ward was a Hunter visitor on Thursday.
Only a few more weeks and then it is Christmas.
Mrs. W. R. Tucker left Monday evening for Fargo.
Lacy Roach and family were Hunter callers Saturday.
Mrs. Nels Johnson has been on the sick list the past week.
Dr. Oakes was an Arthur caller on Wednesday of this week.
Miss Tucker of Fargo is a guest of her sister, Mrs. John Iwen.
Richard Grieger made two business trips to Hunter on Wednesday.
Miss Eva Roberts of Casselton is a guest at the I. S. Roberts home.
A. S. Bolinger smashed his foot Thursday by dropping a tank on it.
Miss Inez Faltz spent last Friday in Fargo on a shopping expedition.
Chester Dohman has rented the John Hynes farm for the coming season.
K. O. Schneider of Fargo arrived Saturday evening and spent Sunday here.
Louis Schur was a Hunter business visitor on Wednesday of this week.
John Wagner was a Fargo and Casselton visitor for two days last week.
Miss Elsie Bailey spent a very enjoyable Sunday with the Buchanan family.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid is to meet with Mrs. Ben Viestenz this Thursday.
Paul Pearson has rented the section farm which Julius Sommerfeld recently sold.
Gust Schur is having a new furnace installed in his house and one in his store.
A. H. Froke and family had supper Tuesday evening at the J. A. Burgum home.
The Misses Hanson and Harrington entertained the rest of the teachers Tuesday evening.
The T. O. Burgum family were supper guests Sunday evening at the John See home.
Miss Elsie Bailey took six o'clock dinner Monday evening with Reuben Phillips and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Laudert of Erie were visiting at the Wm. Schwark home on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl King are back from Page, and are visiting at the Wm. Gebeke home.
Emil Boettcher and son, Paul, left for Fargo Tuesday evening to have Paul's eyes treated.
Mrs. Myers and daughter, Mrs. Hoxtell of Spokane, Wash. visited relatives at Erie this week.
Word has been received that Ted Zimmerman arrived at his new home in Brownton, Minn. last week.
William Wahoske leaves here on Friday for a visit with his brother Archie at Pequot, Minn.
Mr. Gust Zimmerman left this Thursday morning for Northwood, where he will undergo an operation.
Mrs. Hoxtell and her mother, Mrs. Myers, of Spokane, Wash. visited in Casselton from Friday to Monday.
I. S. Roberts and Julius Koshnick are busy installing furnaces in the Gust Schur home and store building.
Otto Ricke of Erie moved onto the Fowler farm last Saturday. This farm was recently vacated by John Thompson.
Edwin Campbell of Amenia returned home last Friday after his sad trip to Iowa to attend the funeral of his brother.
H. J. Wagner says that potatoes yielded as high as 500 to 600 bushels to the acre in the Bitter Root Valley this year.
There was a young peoples' party at Ben Bahl's farm Wednesday evening. We will try to have further particulars next week.
Mrs. Olson of Rothsay, Minn, Mrs. B. A. Helland's mother, arrived here Saturday for an extended visit with her daughter's family.
Unseasonal weather drove everybody indoors the past week, which may account for there being less news than usual afloat.
Mrs. A. W. Barker, and the Misses Vida Viestenz and Esther Heiden visited with Mrs. Robert Caruth in Hunter Wednesday.
The Community Club business meeting last Wednesday took up and made plans for the sale of tickets for their community programs.
Tom See took his sister-in-law, Dora Willert, to her home near Galesburg Sunday. She had made a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Louis Schur.
Mrs. Ole Nelson brought back her little daughter from Fargo where she had been undergoing medical treatments. She is not much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained for dinner Sunday four former servicemen, Dr. Phillip Reedy, John and George Wagner, and Arthur Burgum.
Mrs. H. Curtiss, sister of Mrs. Louis Schur and Mrs. Thomas See, arrived Tuesday evening from her home at Thompson, N. D. and is visiting relatives here.
Coal is getting to be a scarce article in Arthur just now, and many a householder is holding up his right hand and swearing he will order his in the summer next year and thereafter.
Mrs. F. D. Wells entertained at a dinner party last Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen.
Will Zimmerman, Arthur Zimmerman, and Ole Buseth who have been visiting friends and relatives in Brownton, Minn. and vicinity the last week, returned to Arthur Tuesday morning.
Floyd Ahlgren, who has been in the garage here for a month or so, left Sunday for Fargo where he has accepted a position as assistant instructor in the Hanson Auto and Tractor School.
Miss Myrtle Mergner returned last week from St. Paul where she was visiting her father and other relatives. She reports Mr. Mergner's eyes to be improving as rapidly as is to be expected.
The Misses Madeline Long and Hazel Lenendoll of Sharon, N. D. arrived Monday evening for a visit with Mrs. Elmer Schur. Madeline left for Fargo Wednesday afternoon, Hazel returned to Sharon by Wednesday morning's train.
Mr. H. J. Wagner returned from Stevensville, Mont. in the Bitter Root Valley on Tuesday. He claims he picked fine apples and big potatoes out there and brought back some samples to prove his assertions. All of the potatoes he brought have averaged about 2_ pounds each.
Mr. A. C. Haworth of Oakland, Iowa is spending a few days in town looking after his business interests. Mr. Haworth is a consistent booster for the Red River Valley of North Dakota. He is the present owner of Section 15, and the North half of 2, Arthur township. He foresees a great future for this country when the farming here is put on a more scientific basis.

November 12, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. Charles Maurer is on the sick list this week.
The Arthur Garage has been closed for the winter.
Wallace Hackett autoed to Hunter Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Schneider was a Prosper visitor one day last week.
Walter Buchanan and family visited in Casselton on Monday.
Dr. Oakes was an Arthur visitor on Thursday of this week.
Mrs. John See and daughter Gladys were Fargo visitors Tuesday.
The Emil Boettcher family spent Sunday at the Ed Wilhelm home.
Bud Bumgarner left for Fargo Wednesday evening on the local.
Fred Williams has spent all of this week except Wednesday in Fargo.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner was a Mayville visitor last Saturday, dental work.
Henry Grieger left for Illinois to take in the corn husking last week.
Anna May Henderson is reported to be seriously ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. A. Stevenson spent Wednesday in Mayville having dental work done.
R. H. Vosburg was a Hunter business visitor on Saturday of this week.
R. H. Vosburg and Hugo Viestenz were Hunter callers on business on Wednesday.
Miss Laura Kizer left for Reading, Minn. Monday to visit a few weeks with her sister.
Agent A. H. Froke had a Mayville tooth doctor working on him Thursday of this week.
Miss Lena Mundt left last Thursday for Wild Rose, N. D. to resume her school teaching.
J. K. Fuller of Ludlow, Ill. arrived here Friday and is looking after his interests here.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brenner of Hunter left Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives in Fargo.
Miss Catherine Cruden and Miss Irma McLachlin spent the boilerburst vacation at their respective homes.
C. G. Kiffe, representative of the T. E. Ibberson Construction Co. of Minneapolis, was here Saturday on business.
Mrs. Henry Quittschreiber and baby left Wednesday evening for Casselton to visit her sister, Mrs. Oscar Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. John Laudert of Erie visited Tuesday at the William Schwark farm home.
The Misses Inez Faltz and Elsie Bailey took in the Thursday evening program of the Community entertainers at Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Willert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franke and family, B. Mergner and family were guests at a six o'clock dinner at the Wm. Schur home.
The Arthur elevators must have some strange attraction for people in and near neighboring towns. One man is hauling wheat to Arthur from Hunter, and another is hauling grain between Amenia and Casselton. They seem to think they are making money by doing it.


Esther Mable Bolinger was born March 2, 1913 at Cresco, Howard county, Iowa, and died October 31, 1919 at the home of her sadly bereaved parents, age 6 years 7 mo. 29 days.
Esther was as a little flower blooming in her home. Her patient, kind and lovable disposition was beautiful to all who knew her, and her cheery little greeting she always had for the loved ones at home and for her friends shall be greatly missed.
Her friends were many won by her loving way.
She was cheerful through all of her illness. Our loss is Esther's gain for ÒLife's race is won, Life's work well done, Life's crown well won, Now comes rest.Ó She leaves to mourn her loss father, mother, two sisters and three brothers and a host of friends.
Burial was made at Mt. Carroll, Carroll county, Illinois.

November 20, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Walter Schur left for Fargo on Tuesday.
Mrs. Albert Drake is visiting at Detroit, Minn.
Fred Williams was a Fargo visitor Tuesday.
Edward Wahoske was a Fargo visitor Wednesday.
August Nelson was a Casselton visitor Sunday.
Archie Stevenson was a Mayville visitor on Wednesday.
Wm. Gebeke celebrated his 63rd birthday last Sunday.
John Wagner was an Argusville visitor Saturday morning.
Rev. Morrison was a guest at the Reuben Phillips home Saturday.
A. J. Schur and daughter Ella went to Fargo Tuesday evening.
Evidently the recent snowstorm has dampened the ardor of some.
Mrs. Al. Schneider and baby boy took the train for Fargo Wednesday night.
Rev. Morrison of Detroit, Minn. occupied the Methodists pulpit last Sunday.
Mr. and Ms. Lacy Roach visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burmeister Saturday.
Mrs. John Conrad is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.
Mr. Richter was scheduled to address a political meeting at the hall Thursday the 13th.
Mrs. Willert and family came over Saturday from Galesburg for a visit at the L. Schur home.
Fed Maurer and E. E. Webb were Casselton visitors Sunday. Mr. Webb took the train for Fargo.
Arthur Burgum and Vernon Tinnes were in Fargo Monday, taking their examinations as census enumerators.
Mrs. Meyers and daughter who have been visiting at Wagner's left for their home in Washington this week.
Helen Viestenz and Alice Campbell who are attending Valley City Normal are home this week on a Òfurlough.Ó Edward Wahoske is leaving for Somewhere, Minn., this week. Arthur Frenz must have got his ÒgoatÓ after all.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum entertained at Sunday dinner Dr. Reedy and Rev. W. R. Morrison of Detroit, Minn.
Mrs. Ed. Buchholz and two daughters arrived from Montana for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher.
Mrs. J. A. Briggs returned from Rochester, Minn. Tuesday morning, and we are glad to report that her health is much improved.
Mrs. Frank Mayhart of Tacoma, Wash. and Mrs. Paul Ross of White Water, Kan. spent last Friday at the Wallace Hackett home.
Walter Schur, Henry Viestenz, Eddie Schur, and Fred Maurer were among those who attended the Argusville dance last Friday.
Miss Annie See who has been visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Ralph Halvor at Wing, was stormbound at Bismarck on her way home.
Two sections for the boiler at the school house arrived Wednesday so it is hoped that school may be resumed in the very near future.
Miss Eleanor Roberts spent the weekend at the home of her friend Miss Edna Sommerfeld. They returned for school Sunday afternoon.

November 27, 1919

From the Arthur News

R. H. Vosburg left Monday evening for Fargo on business.
Fletcher Roach was an Arthur visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Roach of Danvers, Ill. is visiting her son Lacy and family.
A. Stevenson was a Mayville visitor Wednesday on dental work.
Miss Burmeister is visiting at the Ole Nelson home this week.
Mrs. M. F. Favorit visited Monday at the H. Fuller home.
R. W. Priewe, who was on the jury in Fargo, is home again.
Miss Augusta Friar from Erie called on Arthur friends Monday.
Dr. Oakes of Hunter was an Arthur caller Wednesday.
Dr. Baillie of Hunter made a trip to Erie and Arthur last Sunday.
J. K. Fuller was a Hunter visitor last Friday on business.
Walter Phillips bought poultry here Saturday.
Henry Viestenz made a business trip to Amenia on Tuesday.
Herman Iwen was an Arthur visitor for a few minutes on Wednesday.
Mrs. A. H. Froke was a Mayville dental visitor on Wednesday.
Mrs. William Wagner of Wahpeton arrived here Tuesday for a visit with the H. J. Wagner family.
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Christy Morrow of Erie on last Sunday, a fine baby girl.
The R. E. Parkhouse family spent Sunday evening at the W. G. Louks farm home.
H. D. McClannahan of Gardner was an Arthur business visitor last Saturday.
The Rose Valley school lost a few days last week owing to the stormy weather.
Miss Ella Schur returned from Fargo Friday morning after visiting there and at Casselton.
John Laudert and wife spent Wednesday afternoon in Arthur on business.
A dancing party was held at the home of Theo. Priewe Wednesday evening.
The Misses Needham and Gunderson from Vance were shopping in Arthur on Wednesday.
Earl Frickey was a visitor near Erie one day last week, just after the big storm.
Dr. Oakes, and the Misses Inez Faltz and Elsie Bailey had Sunday supper at the F. D. Wells home.
Ed Fowler Jr. of Casselton arrived here Tuesday and is now out on the Fowler farm.
Julius Sommerfeld returned Wednesday from a business trip to Fargo.
Chester Dohman was the first of our local Forders to be out with his car since the big storm.
John Morrow has a boy and James Jenkins Jr. of Erie a girl, both of whom are seriously ill with glandular fever.
James Jenkins and wife had a big birthday celebration last Sunday at which the entire Jenkins relationship was present.
Mrs. August Wilke of Wimbledon, N. D. arrived Saturday and is visiting friends and relatives in Arthur. She is at the H. J. Wagner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schroeder and Homer Delamater of Erie transacted business in Arthur on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clunis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quittschreiber Friday and Saturday of this week.
Mrs. Henry Quittschreiber left for Clarissa, Minn. where she will visit with her mother and friends for two weeks.
Geo. Clunis of Hunter has purchased the Gust Schur confectionary and pool hall and will take possession in a short time.
Will Sommerfeld left Monday evening for Fargo, where he has started to obtain a business education at the Dakota Business College.
Wheatland folks were up renewing old acquaintances and distributing advertising bills in Arthur Wednesday.
Mrs. Otto Zellmer of Hunter visited the H. J. Wagner family Tuesday evening returning to her home Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Ed Buchholz of Big Sandy, Mont. arrived last week at the Emil Boettcher farm for a visit. She is a daughter of the family.
Mrs. F. D. Wells, Mrs. A. Stevenson, and Mrs. John See spent Monday in Mayville, having dental work done.
Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Hoxtell, and her little daughter left Thursday for their home near Spokane, Wash. after a pleasant visit with the H. J. Wagner family.
Will and Ed Boettcher left for Fargo Monday evening, and their father, Emil Boettcher went down Tuesday evening. Ed is to have an operation on his ear.
J. Cederberg and his two daughters, Miss Ida, and Mrs. Alma Nelson, left a week ago last Sunday for Illinois to visit friends and relatives.
Arla Belsly and James Parkhouse left Arthur a week ago last Friday for Lacon, Ill. Arla has been helping his brother for the last three months.
Dan Cooney of Casselton visited old friends in Arthur on Wednesday, and it is rumored is one of the principals in a real estate transaction involving land west of town.
J. A. Burgum, J. E. Sommerfeld, William Iwen, and R. H. Vosburg made a journey over to Pillsbury, N. D. to inspect the elevator at that place.
A Ford runabout with a converted body was in Arthur Monday and the driver claimed to have come from Fargo by auto, and that the roads as far as Amenia were good.
A birthday surprise party was given to Irna Schur by Mrs. Elmer Schur last Sunday. A number of Irna's friends were invited, and a most enjoyable time spent.
Ben Bahl and daughter Celia left for Fargo Saturday evening. Mr. Bahl returned Monday a. m. and Miss Celia remained, and will attend Sacred Heart Academy this year.

December 4, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

Fletcher Roach was in town Monday.
Roy Henderson is visiting at the John Vos farm.
Dr. Oakes had and did his Thanksgiving in Arthur.
J. K. Fuller left for Ludlow, Ill. Friday evening.
Ralph and Arthur Collins were Casselton visitors Friday.
John Willert of Galesburg visited relatives here part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Snyder visited with Mrs. Drake on Monday.
Walter Schur returned Tuesday morning from his visit in Fargo.
The weather is cold. 20 below on Tuesday, 18 below on Wednesday.
Mrs. A. A. Love and son Rob of Fargo spent Saturday in Arthur.
Mrs. Chas. McKinnon was a passenger to Fargo Monday evening.
Arthur C. Burgum has been appointed our local census enumerator.
Walter Iwen was a Hunter business visitor on Friday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burley of Argusville were in Fargo Saturday.
I. N. Collins attended the school officers' meeting in Casselton on Friday.
Attorney R. W. Muir transacted business at the county seat on Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Stockmoe of Hunter is visiting with her sister, Mrs. John Vos.
Nels Johnson and family visited Chas. Anderson of Amenia last Sunday.
The J. A. Burgum family entertained the Farnham family for Thanksgiving.
Mr. Nels Levin is located at the Ed Anderson home. Any warmer up there? J. A. Burgum was a Friday visitor at Mayville, having his teeth attended to.
Miss Augusta Priewe is home again after spending the summer in Casselton.
Walter Schur left Monday evening for Fargo, returning Tuesday morning.
Dan Cooney is repairing the buildings on the farm that he purchased recently.
Paul Pearson and family had Sunday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. John Vos.
Mrs. August Wilke of Wimbledon had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Iwen on Sunday.
Mrs. Ben Burmeister left Wednesday morning for Mayville to have dental work done.
Miss Lillian Collins spent last week visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R. Grieger of Galesburg.
W. G. Leuka was in Fargo Tuesday arranging for his sale which will take place Dec. 10th.
Fred Pearson and family of Montana have moved to the Sewell farm for the winter.
The Edwin Iwen family entertained the Emil Boettcher and Will Iwen families last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schur left Monday evening for a few weeks visit in Wisconsin. They expect to visit relatives in Beaver Dam, Markesan, Manchester, and Burley.
J. J. Feasel, the wide awake drayman of Casselton, has been in Arthur since Monday with his truck and a crew of men, loading a car with sand for Casselton contractors.
The plasterers have finished in the Lutheran church basement, and are now working on the main part. The work is being rushed, so that it will be completed by Christmas, if possible.
We expect to give as complete an account of Thanksgiving activities as we can. Write out the names of your guests, and place them in the News Box at either of the general stores.
Tuesday witnessed another boiler scare at the school house. Speeding couriers brought Louie Heiden, and he diagnosed the trouble as blowing off steam, so the excitement soon blew over.
Mr. and Ms. Robert Sewell and their two children left for Illinois Tuesday evening. After the sale they were the guests of the James Henderson family until they left for the east.
Justin Cederberg and daughters Miss Ida and Mrs. August Nelson and little Irene Nelson returned on Tuesday morning from Rockford, Ill. where they spent the past two weeks visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld spent the weekend with her daughter Anna in Fargo. She also had the pleasure of meeting her son Fred from Mandan, who arranged to spend Sunday with them there.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gebeke and little son Russell left Monday evening for Fargo. From there Mrs. Gebeke and Russell went on to Rochester, Minn. where the latter will receive medical treatment at the Mayo hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Schneider and baby returned to Prosper, N. D. after a visit in this vicinity.
John Bettschen and family had their annual Thanksgiving dinner at the L. Bettschen home.
Mrs. Will Wagner returned to Wahpeton Friday evening after a visit at the Wagner home here.
Frank Robbins left Saturday for Fairmont, Minn. to visit his father who is seriously ill at that place.
Ed. Boettcher returned from Fargo last Friday. His father and his brother Will returned Thursday.
Miss Celia Olson who has been visiting with Esther Heiden left for her home in Casselton on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lu Westland and daughter left this week to visit relatives at Long Prairie and Underwood, Minn.
There seems to be plenty of coal here now, and no suffering should develop unless a railroad strike is called.
Anna May Henderson has recovered from her recent illness, but will probably not attend school again this year.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid will hold their annual bazaar Friday evening, December 5th. The sale will begin at 8 o'clock. Lunch will be served after the sale of the goods.
A meeting of Woodmen was held in the Farmers Elevator office Wednesday evening to transact business.
R. A. Miller and A. A. Pearson are the two men from this neighborhood who are serving on the jury in the Hagen case.
Miss Cleo Barker of Rock Lake, N. D. arrived Wednesday morning and will celebrate Thanksgiving with her brother, A. W. Barker, and his family.
Mrs. L. D. Wagner of Motley, Minn. is visiting at Edwin Judisch's. Ed Judisch and George Wagner autoed to Casselton Thursday, bringing her back with them.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Standfield on Friday November 21st, a baby girl. Mother and daughter were getting along nicely at last reports.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fouch left on Monday evening for Rochester, Minn. where Mr. Fouch will receive medical treatment. From there they will go to Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur entertained for supper Monday evening the Will Schur family, the Gust Willert family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schur, and Miss Fay Long.
The postponed Robert Sewell sale proved to be a success. It was held November 22nd with a large crowd of buyers in attendance, and Mr. Sewell professed himself well pleased with the results. Corn shocks sold for $1.45 each.
Miss Gladys See and Chester Dohman were married last Thursday at Moorhead, Minn. Both the young people are well and favorably known throughout the entire community. We join their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous life together. The young couple expects to make their home on the John Hynes farm.
William Marten and Julia Darcy were married at Detroit, Minn. on Monday, November 24th. They returned to their farm home near Amenia on Wednesday.
Miss Darcy is well known in this vicinity, as her folks lived east of Arthur for a while, and also near Amenia. She taught school in district No. 53 for a time. The best wishes of this community go with this young couple starting life together.
The Arthur celebration in honor of the returned soldiers which had been postponed once because of weather conditions was held last Friday and proved a great success. Rev. Hoeger gave a splendid address which was enthusiastically received.
The Supper was a fine one and was enjoyed by all. The servicemen, of whom sixteen were in attendance in uniform, gave a military salute before seating themselves at the supper table. The evening was passed with dancing, Monson's Orchestra furnishing the music.

December 11, 1919 Taken from the Arthur News

Miss Inez Faltz spent Tuesday in Fargo.
Drs. Baillie and Oakes of Hunter were in Fargo on Tuesday.
Several members of the I. N. Collins farm are ill.
Nels Hanson of Hunter was an Arthur visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Earl King is reported to be ill with the ÒFlu.Ó L. Notvedt left Friday for Minnesota for a short visit.
Miss Ella Schur is a Casselton visitor, going down Tuesday.
Walter Phillips spent Tuesday evening in Fargo on business.
Lynn Brayton of Hunter was a visitor in Arthur last Sunday.
The young folks of the Jondro family are reported on the sick list.
Albert Farnham and Arthur Burgum spent Thursday in Hunter.
There will be a Legion Meeting on Tuesday the 9th of December.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Foutch are spending the winter at Campbellsburg, Ind.
Fletcher Roach has his mother from Illinois visiting with him now.
The Christmas programs for both churches here are in course of preparation.
Mrs. John See and Miss Beulah Dohman were Mayville dental callers Tuesday.
Hugo Viestenz and Gust Viestenz were Hunter business visitors on Wednesday.
F. J. Stumpf of Casselton arrived in Arthur Wednesday for a visit with friends.
The Misses Grace and Alice Louks spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their folks.
Miss Cleo Barker returned Friday morning to her home in Rock Lake, N. D.
Miss Marian McLachlin of Hunter spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home.
Mrs. John Morrow and her brother, Will Henderson, were Hunter callers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan entertained the Stevenson family for dinner Sunday.
Mrs. A. Stevenson went to Mayville this Thursday to have dental work done.
Miss Minnie Voelker returned to her duties at the Mayville Normal on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corcoran and family spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Casselton.
Wesley Morrow of Erie returned to his work at the A. C. in Fargo after the holidays.
Miss Anna Sommerfeld at Fargo spent Thanksgiving day with relatives and friends in Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevenson entertained for Thanksgiving dinner the Notvedt and Buchanan families.
James Williams left Monday evening for Fargo, where he is now serving on the Federal Grand Jury.
J. A. Burgum was a Mayville caller for the only reason any of the Arthurites ever go to Mayville.
Paul Krueger returned from Fargo Wednesday morning. He has been having his eyes treated there.
The August Mundt and Ben Burmeister families were guests of Mr. and Ms. Lacy Roach on Thanksgiving.
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Drake on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, a baby girl. Mother and baby are doing well.
William Flateau, who has been employed on the Horace Fuller farm, left Monday evening for his home in Minnesota.
Christ Gebeke spent Tuesday in Fargo on business. He looked in on the Hagen trial in the district court while there.
W. G. Louks was a Hunter visitor Monday, arranging for the auction sale you will find advertised in another column.
BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. V. C. McClannan of Gardner, on Saturday, Nov. 29th, a baby girl. Mother and child are doing nicely.
W. G. Louks and family and W. B. Ward and family were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse.
We understand that Wilbur Viestenz has just closed a deal in which he sold his rat terrier to Robert Faltz for $.05 cash.
W. G. Louks and Bud Bumgarner drove to Fargo Friday in the former's Ford. They returned to Arthur Saturday morning.
The acetylene plant at Amenia, which is used by nearly the entire village for light and cooking purposes, blew up on Monday of this week, while being recharged. The explosion was heard for a considerable distance. The two men who were engaged in charging the plant were injured, but not fatally, the new 15,000 electric light plant is practically completed, but light will be quite a problem in Amenia until the new system is in operation.
W. E. Davis was over from Gardner Tuesday by auto. He reported the roads to be fair, with the exception of about two miles.
Rev. Morrison of Detroit who is supplying the M. E. church here spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum. Rev. Morrison has preached 46 years, 37 in North Dakota, coming from Ireland to Winnipeg as a missionary forty-six years ago.
On Tuesday evening about six o'clock occurred the death of George H. Vance of Vance, N. D. Mr. Vance had a stroke on the afternoon of Thanksgiving, and never recovered from it. He was an old resident of this community, having lived here 35 years. We hope to be able to give our readers an obituary next week. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved family in this their hour of trial.
On December 1st George Clunis of Hunter took over the Schur confectionary store, and will continue to operate it along practically the same lines as has Mr. Schur. George expects to serve quick lunches and coffee at any time during the day. He is well acquainted in Arthur and has been for years, having played baseball and umpired games here.
Because of the shortage of houses in Arthur the Clunis family was compelled to move into the rooms at the rear of the barbershop. We bespeak for Mr. Clunis the continued patronage of the store and wish him success in his business venture.

December 18, 1919

Taken from the Arthur News

A. J. Schur spent a few days in Casselton this week.
John Schur was a Casselton visitor Tuesday.
Dr. Reedy left for Bismarck Tuesday night.
Ole Nelson shipped a car of stock Tuesday.
J. A. Briggs left for Casselton Monday night.
T. E. Meyers was an Arthur visitor Wednesday.
Walter Schur spent Sunday at the Wm. Schur farm.
Mrs. B. A. Helland was a Mayville visitor Wednesday.
R. W. Muir was a business visitor in Arthur Friday.
Bills are up for a basketball game at Argusville this week.
Emil Boettcher was a Fargo passenger Tuesday evening.
Jas. Williams is in Fargo this week, serving on the jury.
After all, adding machines are the only things that count.
O. P. Norland took the train for Fargo Monday night.
Ed. Anderson took the train for Fargo Tuesday evening.
Dr. Oakes arrived in Arthur on the Thursday evening local.
Millard Favorit accompanied a car of stock to St. Paul Tuesday night.
There will be a social meeting of the Luther League Thursday night.
Mrs. C. N. Wilson spent Friday in Mayville having dental work done.
Christmas displays are being rapidly completed at the local stores.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Classon were shopping in Arthur last Thursday.
Services were held in the basement of the new Lutheran church Sunday.
Miss Ruth Anderson spent Saturday and Sunday at the Nels Johnson home.
Mrs. Thos. Hockridge of Hunter spent Friday with Mrs. Walter Phillips.
Archie Schur returned from a business trip to Fargo Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buck attended the Lutheran Bazaar here last Friday.
W. H. Flynn was up from Fargo Wednesday attending to his business interests.
Geo. Clunis, our new confectioner, is comfortably settled in his new quarters.
Clarence Classon returned to his home by way of Arthur Wednesday morning.
Mrs. L. Notvedt's father and brother have been visiting with her the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward were Hunter visitors Sunday, Rev. Morrison accompanying them.
Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld spent Sunday with her son, August Sommerfeld and family.
John Anderson, Henry Cederberg, and John Levin left for Chicago last Tuesday night.
Mrs. Ed. Buchholz spent Tuesday afternoon and evening at the John Bettschen home.
Miss Harrington and Miss Cruden returned to Arthur on the noon train last Monday.
Rev. Morrison spent Saturday at the homes of Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and Mrs. Jas. Williams.
Thanksgiving collection was taken up at the M. E. Church Sunday for the Children's Home at Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorre visited a few days with the latter's sister, Mrs. M. A. Favorit, last week.
A. Mergner returned last Monday from St. Paul, where he has spent the past few months under a doctor's care. He is somewhat improved.
Frank McCumber left Thursday evening for Roslyn, S. D. where he was called by the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. A. H. Dibble.
The basket social held in the Rose Valley school last Friday evening was well attended. The 18 baskets sold for the neat sum of $50.
The Louks sale was held Wednesday with only a fair attendance owing to the extreme cold weather. Sheriff Ross was the auctioneer.
Albin Nelson of Amenia spent the weekend at the Cederberg home. He also attended the basket social and reports an exceptionally fine time.
Miss Gronningon of Buxton has resigned her position as teacher of the Rose Valley school. Miss Ida Vinje of Gardner has been engaged to take her place.
Lawrence Mendsen has returned from southern Iowa, where he has been helping with the corn husking. He reports a bumper crop; most of it making from 65 to 75 bushels per acre.
The Portland basketball team journeyed to Erie Tuesday night, where they were handed a decisive defeat by the fast Erie team. Final score 17-21. Owing to the irregular train service they came over to Arthur the next morning and took the train for Portland.


G. H. Vance died Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, 1919, from a paralytic stroke which he had about noon on Thanksgiving day.
George Henry Vance, son of Samuel and Martha Vance, was born on June 25th, 1851, died Dec. 2, 1919, at his home at Vance, two miles north of Amenia. Of a family of nine children, five sisters and four brothers, three sisters survive him.
He was married to Miss Margaret Miller of Henderson county, Illinois on Nov. 11th, 1880. They came to North Dakota the spring of 1884 making a residence 5_ miles east of Amenia for 19 years near the present station of Newman in Rush River township.
Sixteen years ago the present home was purchased where he has lived until his death. Five children were born to this union, one daughter and four sons. All were at home with their father until the end.
Mr. Vance, while not strong, had been in his usual health and was out doing chores the morning he was stricken. He came in, dropped in a chair, and never spoke again. His sudden death is a great shock to family and friends.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Baker at the church in Amenia Friday at 2 o'clock, and interment in Amenia Cemetery.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke


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