1917 Arthur

Arthur Anglings
1922 Hunter Herald

January 12, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Prof. Elster was an Arthur visitor last Monday.
A. C. Haworth of Fargo was in Arthur this week.
Wm. Wahowske returned from a visit to Gardner.
Miss Elsie Bailey is visiting at the John Bettschen home.
Thomas See and family visited his folks on New Years Day.
Mrs. See spent Monday at the Brayton home at Hunter.
C. F. Bayard has been visiting in Arthur for the past few days.
The Misses Lillie and Ollie Burgum went to Fargo Wednesday evening.
The Misses Martha and Ella Boettcher are visiting friends in Fargo.
Albert Farnham returned to his school at Fessenden by way of Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran and children visited in Arthur Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Joe Junior spent Thursday visiting in Fargo.
Arthur Burgum spent New Year's day in Moorhead at the Harrington home.
Miss Madeline Long of Sharon is visiting with her sister Mrs. E. W. Schur.
Miss Anna Freiheit spent the holidays with her sister Mrs. Chas. Quittschreiber.
E. E. Webb who is taking treatments in Fargo visited with his family over Monday.
Miss Eleanor Roberts returned from Fargo from visiting with Miss Edna Sommerfeld.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parkhouse visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse over Sunday.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld spent New Year's with her daughter in Fargo, returning Tuesday.
Miss Eleanor Roberts returned from Fargo Wednesday at which place she has been visiting friends.
Mrs. Herman Iwen and daughter Adeline left Monday for Fargo for a few days visit, returning Thursday.
John Wagner played with the Hunter Independents and they won their game against the fast Mapleton team.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barker and children, who have been visiting with Mrs. Barker's parents, returned to Sharon, N. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinner returned from Perham, Minn. Monday morning after spending the Xmas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinner and daughter spent New Year's day in Fargo with Mr. Sinner's mother, returning on Monday.
Walter Iwen, Harry Farnham, Dr. Reedy, Henry Viestenz, Tom Stewart, Harry Greene attended the game in Hunter last Monday.
Tanlac, that celebrated medicine, makes you eat better, feel better, sleep better and work better. Sold by Arthur Drug Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brewer of Erie spent part of their Christmas Holidays visiting friends and relatives in and near Hunter.
Miss Dorothy Stevenson left for Mayville Normal Tuesday morning after spending the holidays with her parents in Arthur.
Mrs. Arthur Nelson and little daughter formerly of Arthur but now of Fargo are visiting at the home of Ole Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sommerfeld entertained at New Years dinner Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross and family and Miss Eileen Collins.
Emma Sommerfeld celebrated her 10th birthday Wednesday. Several of her little friends spent the afternoon and evening with her.
Miss Katie Kuehn entertained at dinner Tuesday evening the Misses Ollie and Lily Burgum, Elsie Bailey, Frances Ross and Edna Viestenz.
Helen and Edna Viestenz spent Saturday in Hunter visiting their friends, the Millers.
Last Tuesday Jan. 2nd Miss Minnie Schur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schur and Robert Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Morrow of Erie were married in Moorhead. They left that day on their wedding trip to Bozeman, Montana to visit with relatives. They will make their future home on the groom's farm at Erie. The best wishes of their friends attend them.

January 19, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Robert Faltz was a Hunter visitor on Monday of this week.
We hear that wedding bells will soon be ringing again.
Miss Ebba Anderson called at Cederberg's Monday evening.
Miss Lillian Collins is helping out at the Ed Kentfield farm.
Ben Burmeister made a trip to Hunter Wednesday evening.
Lawrence Mendsen was called to Chicago on business last week.
Louie Rieke was on the sick list last week, but is feeling fine now.
Fredrick Cedeberg visited with his sister last Tuesday near Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schafer and son had Sunday dinner with his folks.
Ralph Collins of Galesburg is visiting at the Wm. Schwark home this week.
The Ben Burmeister family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Roach.
Mrs. J. B. Thompson, who has been on the sick list, is improving in health.
J. H. Gale of Hunter was a business visitor in Arthur on Wednesday afternoon.
First State Bank officials had their annual meeting in the bank building Wednesday.
August Nelson and Alfred Kempe called at Otto Nelson's early Sunday afternoon.
Dr. J. B. Thompson returned on Wednesday last from a three day trip to Fargo.
School re-opened Monday after the Christmas holidays with a good attendance.
Did you see the picture of the rabbit hunt result? You can see it at Wagner's.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson and children called at Ed Anderson's Monday afternoon.
Donald Quittschreiber, youngest son of Henry Quittschreiber, is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson and family called at the Cederberg home last Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Willert and family spent Sunday visiting at the Gust Schur home.
Mr. and Mrs. Westlund spent New Year eve and New Year's day at the August Nelson home.
On Thursday of this week occurred the annual board meeting of the Farmers State Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn and family were guests of the H. J. Wagners on Sunday.
The young folks of the August Mundt family visited at the Lacy Roach home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corcoran and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb on Sunday.
A. C. Haworth of Fargo spent Friday looking after his business interests in this vicinity.
Miss Ollie Burgum left Saturday for Devils Lake to resume her teaching in the school for the deaf.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kentfield of Erie a bouncing baby boy. Both parties are doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connor of Casselton spent Wednesday visiting here with the F. J. Sinner family.
Leland Burgum left Thursday morning for Mayville where he will commence his second year of school.
Mr. and Mrs. George Niswender and Mrs. Schaal spent Sunday evening at the home of Jas. Schafer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson spent Tuesday evening at the home of Jas. Schafer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Priewe and family spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Grieger.
The Parent Teachers Association meets at the school house next Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. The glee club will sing, and there will be a speaker from Fargo.
Mr. Edw. H. Rieke, Jr. of Erie autoed in the direction of Mason last Sunday and the report is the roads are fine. At least Wm. Said they looked all right to him.
August Nelson received a telephone call from St. Luke's hospital last Sunday afternoon that his brother Axel was back in bed and pretty sick. Reports on Monday said he was some better.

February 2, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

George Iwen is spending the week in Fargo.
Dr. Baillie was a caller in Arthur Thursday.
Miss Eileen Collins is spending the week in Fargo.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson a baby boy on January 24.
Mrs. P. G. Reedy has been on the sick list the past week.
J. E. Sommerfeld of Fargo was a business caller in Arthur Saturday.
Miss Elsie Bailey is visiting at the A. J. Schur farm this week.
Earl Robinson, the Hunter Jeweler, was a caller in Arthur Thursday.
Miss Elsie Bailey has been visiting at the Frank Wells farm the past week.
Mrs. Paul Kuehn spent Wednesday afternoon at the I. S. Roberts home.
Albert Wilhelm returned from his visit in Brownton, Minn. Tuesday morning.
T. J. Ross is in Fargo this week attending the Implement Dealers Convention.
John Wagner went along with the Hunter basketball team to Portland last Monday.
Dr. Hanson, dentist from Hunter, was in Arthur Wednesday occupying the office of Dr. Reedy.
Mrs. Matilda Wolfe is in Fargo this week where she is taking treatments for her eyes.
Miss Emma Maurer has been spending a few days this week with her sister Mrs. E. E. Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Schur of Hunter attended the masquerade in Arthur last Friday night.
T. C. Hockridge, county commissioner, was a business caller in Arthur Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sherman and family attended the reception in Casselton last Tuesday evening.
Fred Williams is attending the Implement Dealers Convention which is being held at Fargo this week.
Mrs. F. D. Wells and Mrs. T. O. Burgum attended Easter Star lodge at Hunter Thursday evening.
Miss Harrington attended the masquerade in Arthur Friday evening, returning Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pearson were Fargo visitors the fore part of this week returning Wednesday morning.
Mrs. W. E. Ruffcorn was in Arthur Thursday for the first time since October first due to sickness.
J. A. Burgum went to Fargo Thursday evening to attend the convention of the Cass County Grain Men Union.
Ole Nelson shipped five cars of stock to St. Paul last week, Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Poppe going down with them.
Ole Nelson will ship stock next Tuesday, as usual Ole will buy anything from a goat up. Bring in anything you have to sell.
Arthur Viestenz and son Robert from Casselton visited relatives in Arthur, coming up Friday morning and returning Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mergner and family, Fred Maurer and daughter Emma attended the reception in Casselton last Tuesday evening.
Arthur McKinnon returned to his home Tuesday from the St. John's hospital in Fargo where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.
C. Johnson of Nome, this state, spent Friday and Saturday in Arthur visiting his friend Miss S. Erickson and taking in the masquerade.
Mrs. F. D. Wells and sons, Fred and Clifford and Miss Elsie Bailey were entertained at the James Williams home, for dinner last Thursday.
The Bible Study Class taught by Rev. Driver met at the M. E. church Tuesday evening. Miss Edna Viestenz read an excellent paper on the prophet Amos.
The State Secretary of the Parent Teachers Association will speak in Arthur next week on ÒPhysical and Mental Development.Ó The date will be made known later.
Dr. J. B. Thompson returned on Monday morning from the buying trip in the cities. Mrs. Thompson and son John went to Breckenridge last Wednesday evening and returned with the Dr. Monday morning.

February 9, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Frank Sinner is reported to be on the sick list.
Archie Schur was a Casselton and Fargo visitor this week.
Mrs. J. Wahowske has been on the sick list the past few days.
Miss Clara Olson is in Erie visiting at the Charles Myers home.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schur on January 31 a baby boy.
Einer Peterson of Hunter visited friends near Amenia last Sunday.
Miss Jennie McKinnon spent the weekend at the Gust Iwen farm.
Rollo Townsley of Arthur was a Hunter business visitor on Monday.
Miss Elsie Bailey and Mrs. August Faltz were Hunter callers Saturday.
Arthur McKinnon is spending a few days in Hunter visiting with friends.
Miss Esther Heiden was a Fargo visitor the fore part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott of Hunter were visitors in Arthur last Thursday.
Mrs. E. E. Farnham left for Fargo Wednesday evening where she will visit friends.
The interior of the T. J. Ross general merchandise store is being newly painted.
Edwin Campbell and son Victor of Amenia were business callers in Hunter on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson were dinner guests at the A. J. Schur farm Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sherman and family were visitors at the Ben Viestenz home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson were Sunday evening callers at the Rob. Wilson home.
Miss Elsie Bailey is spending the week visiting at the L. Schur and W. Buchanan homes.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bettschen and family were dinner guests at the I. S. Roberts home Sunday.
Mrs. Herman Wagner and daughter Lillian were Sunday visitors at the Paul Kuehn farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuller and family were Sunday evening callers at the Louis Bettschen home.
Lawerence Mendsen and Robert Faltz went to Valley City Monday evening on a business trip.
Mrs. Thomas See and children went to Greenfield Wednesday morning to visit the Curtis family.
Aug. Nelson's brother Axel Nelson who is in the St. Luke's hospital in Fargo is improving after his relapse of sickness.
The Misses Marjorie Burgum and Edythe Farnham are expected home for a few days visit after the University examinations.
The Bible Study Class of the M. E. Church which meets weekly at Arthur was postponed this week on account of bad weather.
The Misses Jennie McKinnon and Clara Olson, George Iwen and Elmer Iwen were Saturday evening callers at the C. A. Johnson home.
Mrs. Mathilda Wolfe returned from Fargo Monday morning where she has been taking treatments. She expects to return to Fargo on Monday evening.
The Epworth League is studying the Mission study book, ÒJohn Wesley, Jr.Ó Those who are interested are invited to attend the Sunday evening meetings at the M. E. church.
The basketball game which was scheduled for Wednesday evening between the high schools of Arthur and Argusville was postponed on account of the storm until a future date.
Miss Clara Olson and her sister, Mrs. Fred W. Kester of Fargo, are visiting friends in Arthur and vicinity. Miss Olson spent several days in Fargo with her sister en route from Rothsay, Minn., where she spent a month's vacation with her parents. Mrs. Kester expects to return to Fargo in a few days.
A group of seven girls namely-Irene Nelson, Eunice Iwen, Agnes Hoeger, Bernice Bettschen, Adaline Roberts, Lulu Viestenz and Wilma Viestenz surprised Ethel Schur Sunday afternoon and helped her celebrate her thirteenth birthday. The afternoon was spent is playing games. At five o'clock a delicious dinner was served by Mrs. L. Schur to the party folks.

February 17, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. Fred Wolf left for Fargo on Monday evening.
Miss Gertie Grieger is visiting with Miss Elsie Baillie.
Millie See has been on the sick list the last week.
J. A. Burgum is recovering from a slight touch of the flu.
Mrs. Lawrence Eaton is visiting with the Tom See family.
Fred Williams who is on a business trip to Iowa is expected back this week.
Russell Wilson and family were dinner guests at the B. A. Helland home a week ago Sunday.
District Superintendent James Anderson was a guest at the Reuben Phillips home last Monday.
L. S. Smith of Benson Quin & Co. spent Wednesday in Arthur the guest of the J. A. Burgum family.
Look at the label on your paper. It indicates whether you are paid in advance, as you should be, or not.
Mrs. Farnham returned Saturday morning from Fargo where she visited the S. F. Bayard family.
F. J. Sinner is having a siege of the flu. Miss Bessie Backstrom of Fargo came Wednesday morning to nurse hm.
The Horace Fuller and Russell Wilson families were entertained for dinner at the James Williams home last Sunday.
A special meeting of the official boards of the Methodist church of Arthur and Hunter was held at Arthur last Monday.
The Misses Marjorie Burgum and Edythe Farnham returned to the U at Grand Forks Thursday of this week.
The village council meeting was postponed on account of the illness of one of the council men and the absence of another. A special meeting will be called in the near future.
William Wahowske and Miss Margaret Brevold were united in marriage last Wednesday Feb. 1 in Moorhead. They arrived in Arthur Wednesday and are visiting his mother Mrs. Wahowske.
For the hogs have before them all the time a mixture of five pounds of charcoal, two pounds air slaked lime, one pound salt and one-half pound sulphur.
Alton Burgum received a prize from the North Dakota Poultry association for first prize young pen and second prize best pullet. They were exhibited at the poultry show at the auditorium at Fargo in January.
Prof. Yoder of the state university was unable to come to Arthur to speak at the meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association on account of the blockade of the railroads but will be here some time in the near future.
Dr. Perry O. Hanson, Director of Educational Institutions at Shantung, China, will speak at the Methodist Church next Sunday. Dr. Hanson will be one of the speakers at the district Laymen Conference to be held in Fargo Feb. 15, 16 and 17.
Farmers Club which meet in the country instead of a village or town are the most successful because those who attend give their undivided attention to the meetings says Extension Circular 23, ÒFarmers Clubs,Ó available upon request to the North Dakota A. C. The circular suggests plans for organizing and conducting the work of farmers' clubs.
The Arthur high school basketball team leaves Friday morning for Mayville with the coach Prof. Elster and will play in the eve with the Portland High School team. Saturday they go to Hatton to play with the Hatton High School team in the afternoon. They will return home Saturday evening. Good luck, boys.

February 23, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Miss Grace Williams is on the sick list.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson is on the sick list.
Mrs. E. E. Webb is on the sick list this week.
Don't forget the lyceum course on February 21.
Earl Robinson of Hunter was in town Wednesday.
Mrs. Walter Phillips visited in Hunter last Thursday.
Miss Katie Kuehn is suffering with an attack of tonsillitis.
George Iwen returned from Fargo Saturday morning.
Miss Ella Boettcher spent Sunday and Monday at her home.
Wallace Hackett was a Hunter visitor one day last week.
Miss Eileen Collins returned Saturday morning from Fargo.
Leland Burgum is spending the weekend at his home here.
Louis Bettschen spent last Thursday and Friday in Fargo.
Mrs. F. D. Wells visited in Hunter last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Jessie Farnham spent the weekend at her home here.
H. P. Rosendahl is transacting business in Fargo this week.
Mrs. Walter Phillips returned on Tuesday morning from Fargo.
Frank Sinner who has been ill for the past ten days is convalescing.
Kyd Brewer and Clarence Martin of Hunter were in town Tuesday.
Miss Millie See who has been ill for two weeks is recovering.
Mrs. Louis Bettschen visited with friends in Hunter last Thursday.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Viestenz, a baby boy February 12, 1922.
Emil boettcher went to St. Paul last week with a care of stock.
Dr. Hanson of Hunter was in his dental parlors here last Wednesday.
Theodore Priewe Sr. left Monday for Fargo, where he transacted business.
Lawrence Mendsen returned last Friday from a business trip to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crooks of Ayr visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Franke last week.
Mr. Haworth came up from Fargo last Thursday and spent the day in town.
The Bible Study class met last Sunday afternoon at the M. E. church.
Rev. A. Hoeger left Tuesday eve for Minneapolis to attend a Mission conference.
Ray Faltz spent the first of the week visiting his sister, Mrs. G. H. Oakes of Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Viestenz are visiting at the A. J. Schur home this week.
Mr. J. A. Burgum is able to be back in his place of business after a week's illness.
Miss Bentley who teaches near Fargo is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Griebstein.
Mrs. John Fulton and children of Prosper spent Monday visiting Mrs. L. Drake.
Julius Sommerfeld and Wm. Sommerfeld came up from Fargo Wednesday morning.
Miss Dorothy Ocker is staying at the Favorite home, during Mrs. Favorite's absence.
Miss Irene Olson is ill and will not be able to meet her music class for several weeks.

March 2, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Louis Schur is on the sick list.
August Sommerfeld is on the sick list.
Lloyd and Grace Williams are on the sick list.
Gertie Grieger went to Fargo Tuesday evening.
Dr. Reedy made a trip to Erie this week.
Eleanor and Walter Roberts are on the sick list.
A. J. Schur has been visiting in Fargo this week.
Horses and colts like a rutabaga occasionally during the winter.
It is reported there are several cases of smallpox quarantined at Erie.
The American Legion meeting was postponed on account of the weather.
The Tuesday evening Bible Study class was postponed until further notice.
Ole Nelson shipped a car of hogs last Tuesday. The price is very satisfactory lately.
Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and children of Casselton are visiting at the John Bettschen home.
Mrs. M. Favorite and son Lloyd returned Monday from visiting her brothers in Minnesota.
There has been no train service the last day or two on account of the storm.
Mrs. Kentfield and daughter Ida of New Rockford visited with the See families this week.
Lillie Burgum who is teaching the Campbell school spent Washington birthday at her home in town.
Misses Ella and Martha Boettcher spent Washington's birthday in Fargo visiting Miss Edna Sommerfeld.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld visited with friends in Arthur last Saturday.
Miss Searles and Miss Erickson are practicing daily with their skies and the deepest drifts have no terror for them.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid will be entertained on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 25 at the home of Mrs. H. J. Wagner.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinner and daughter are visiting relatives at Fargo and Casselton Wednesday and Thursday.
Blue tissue paper wrapped around garments will keep white ones from yellowing and delicate colored ones from fading.
Ed Wahowske returned from Minnesota last Saturday where he has recently been married. Mrs. Ed. Wahowske will arrive later when they are going to move to the farm.
The Mayville high school was scheduled to play at Arthur Wednesday evening but as there was no train service on account of the storm it was postponed until Monday evening.
Leland Burgum spent the weekend at his home returning to Mayville Normal Monday. Leland gave an oration ÒLincoln, the Man,Ó at the Lincoln day celebration given at the Normal last Monday.
The Parent-Teachers meeting schedules for Thursday evening was postponed on account of the inclement weather and the amount of sickness in town. A good program had been prepared.
The new modern fountain for the drug store has arrived and the work of installing is speedily progressing. Aug. Sommerfeld is assisting to install it and it soon will be ready for business.
Rev. Driver made the trip to Arthur Sunday starting in a hand care. The axle broke and he made the rest of the trip on foot, five miles, getting to church on time. You can't keep a good man down.

March 23, 1922

A Letter from Florida

March 6, 1922

We selected Port Orange for a lengthy stay for the simple reason that it is nicely located on the Halifax river where one can get fish and plenty of fresh oysters. The Halifax river is a noted oyster bed when the tide is out one can wade the river and gather all the oysters they wish. There are three oyster houses located on the river nearby where one can buy them at 40 cents a quart. The little town of Smyrna, five miles south of us, seeking something out of the ordinary in the way of advertising and boosting their town, the members of the New Smyrna brand of trade at the beginning of the year 1921 hit upon the novel scheme of building a strictly modern bungalow and furnishing it completely even to dishes and silverware and presenting it to the writer of the best essay on the subject Òof why I should own my home in New Smyrna, Florida.Ó Bungalow beautiful was presented to Miss Emalin a--- of Decatur, Ind. being the winner of the contest. The bungalow is valued at $7,000.00. After the ceremonies they had 65 bushels of oysters to roast in the shell and plenty of oranges for the crowd of hungry people, everything free. Last week we attended the county fair at Orlander. They had a fine display of fruit and vegetables. The weather for the past week was 80 to 86 warm and no cold water to drink. I've wished a good many times for a cold drink of N. D. water. Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.
Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. John Schur has been on the sick list.
Mrs. E. E. Webb is reported on the sick list.
Miss Marie Hyen is visiting at the Russell Wilson home.
Mrs. Aug. Nelson returned from Fargo Thursday morning.
Miss Clara Olson is now employed at the Louis Bettschen home.
Miss Pauline Webb is visiting at the F. Maurer home this week.
Ceil Bayard of Bedford, N. D. is visiting at the T. O. Burgum home.
John Riley of Casselton was a business caller in Arthur last Tuesday.
Albert Wilhelm returned from his trip to the cities Tuesday morning.
Ms. L. M. Drake is visiting at the John Fulton home near Prosper, N. D.
A. E. Sommerfeld was a passenger to Casselton N. D. Wednesday evening.
Ceil Bayard was a supper guest at the Tom See home Wednesday evening.
Miss Lillian Burgum spent the weekend at her home in Arthur, taking in the play ÒMr. BobÓ from Hunter.
The Misses Millie and Maggie See are spending the week at the Tom see home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clunis were callers in Blanchard Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur and family were Sunday guests at the E. W. Schur home.
Mrs. A. W. Barker and children of Sharon are visiting at the Albert Viestenz home.
Carl A. Johnson and T. J. Ross attended the Coupon's Sale Wednesday near Amenia.
Mrs. F. D. Wells was a supper guest at the B. A. Helland home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. T. J. Ross and Miss Eileen Collins were Sunday callers at the E. E. Webb home.
Mr. J. Cederberg and his daughter, Mrs. Aug. Nelson went to Northwood Thursday morning.
The Bible Study Class of the M. E. Church held their regular meeting Tuesday evening.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid will be entertained at the home of Mrs. H. J. Wagner Friday afternoon.
The Village Board held their regular monthly meeting at the First State Bank, Tuesday evening.
Miss Hazel Kizer who is attending school in Hunter spent the weekend at her home near Arthur.
Prof. Yodder of Grand Forks was entertained at the J. A. Burgum residence Monday evening.
Mrs. J. B. Thompson and son John Jr. returned from Breckenridge, Minn. Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Ed Sommerfeld returned from Fargo Wednesday morning where she has been undergoing treatments.
Miss Jessie Farnham who is teaching school near Hunter spent the weekend at her home near Arthur.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson spent the fore part of this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur.
Messers Sandy and Perkins of Ia. are moving onto their farm which was recently vacated by Wallace Gebeke.
Ed Wahowske went to Fargo last Thursday evening to meet his wife who returned with him Saturday morning.
Alton Burgum and Lloyd Williams were Mayville visitors Friday taking in the music tournament which is being held there.
Miss Olson of Fargo who is teaching music in Arthur resumed her duties again Tuesday morning after a month's leave of absence.
Word has been received here that Jerome Shea's sister, whose illness caused him to leave for Illinois some time ago, has passed away.
Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Roach and family were supper guests at the Ben Burmeister home Tuesday evening.
Master Walter Roberts entertained a group of his boy friends at a six o'clock dinner Monday evening March 13, the occasion being his 14th birthday.

March 30, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

B. A. Helland went to Fargo Monday evening on business.
George Landon was an Arthur visitor on Wednesday.
Miss Juanita Wilson has been on the sick list this week.
William Schwark took the Thursday evening train for Fargo.
Miss Olson, the music teacher, spent Wednesday in Arthur.
Miss Clara Olson is sewing at the T. O. Burgum home this week.
A. J. Schur left Wednesday evening for Fargo on business.
Ralph Collins of Galesburg spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting.
Mrs. F. D. Wells was a supper guest at the Buchanan home Monday evening.
Mrs. Matilda Wolf entertained a party of twelve friends Saturday evening.
Little Miss Muriel Schur has been on the sick list, but is improving in health.
Herman Timmerman and F. J. Sinner left Thursday evening for Fargo on business.
Mrs. Frank Sinner and daughter Virginia spent a few days visiting in Fargo last week.
A surprise birthday party was given to Gust Iwen by some of his friends last Saturday evening.
Mrs. G. B. Farnham left Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives and friends in Fargo.
Dr. Hanson, the dentist from Hunter, spent Wednesday in the practice of his profession in Arthur.
There was a good attendance at the Wagner house for Lutheran Aid on Friday. $24 was taken in.
F. J. Sinner and family drove to Casselton Friday, spending the day visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. C. F. Meyers of Erie was a visitor for several days last week at the James Williams home here.
Mr. Frank Ming of New England, N. D. who has been away for 14 years, is visiting with old friends in Arthur this week.
Mrs. Perkins from Iowa arrived in Arthur on Wednesday to join her husband who is already located on a farm near here. Welcome to our community, folks.
C. A. Johnson is to be congratulated on the appearance of his meat market. It has been decorated in fine shape, is most clean and attractive looking inside.
Edmund Viestenz has started to move his barn out to his farm, a half mile north of town. Get it out on the road, Ed, and it will slip out before you know it.
Prof. Elster returned from Mayville where he acted as judge in the District High School Music Contest. Alton Burgum and Lloyd Williams also took in the contest.
Supt. Hanna of the Northwestern Telephone Co. of Fargo drove to Arthur from Fargo on Wednesday morning but the roads became so bad that he decided to stay overnight in Arthur.
The roads are about as bad as they can be, but they will be worse before they get better. As soon as the frost has gone out of the ground and the water has settled down we may expect an improvement.
Miss Sarah Beacom, Paul Prichard, and Mrs. R. W. Muir accompanied the editor on his news gathering trip to Arthur on Wednesday. It was the Maxwell's first trip in three months, and it was muddy, very.
The drug store has its fine new fountain installed ready for business its shelving rearranged, its wares most attractively displayed. It is a drug store that a community many times the size of Arthur might well boast of.

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