1917 Arthur

Arthur Anglings

Hunter Herald

April 6, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Harry Green is reported to be ill with the flu.
Miss Irene Nelson spent the weekend at Moorhead, Minn.
Fred Williams spent last Tuesday in Fargo on business.
Miss Clara Olson is employed at the H. J. Wagner home.
Miss Julia Priewe is assisting at the Frank Brewer farm near Arthur.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson spent Wednesday in Fargo.
Miss Eileen Collins spent Thursday in Hunter visiting relatives.
Gust Iwens were Sunday callers at Mrs. Wahowske's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eaton left for Ayr Tuesday evening.
Frank Sinner was a business caller in Fargo one day last week.
Herman Timmerman was a county seat caller last Friday.
Miss Eileen Collins spent Friday night at the F. J. Sinner home.
Fred Williams left for a visit to Minneapolis Monday evening.
Wm. Schwark and Emil Boettcher were Fargo visitors Friday.
Art Viestenz of Casselton was a caller in Arthur Monday.
A. J. Schur and Ed Schur were Fargo visitors one day this week.
E. W. Schur and family are moving onto the farm west of Arthur.
Thomas See and family were Sunday guests at the Chet Dohman farm.
Wm. Schur and family were Sunday visitors at the Aug. Tonn farm.
Mrs. E. E. Farnham returned Saturday morning from a visit to Fargo.
Mrs. W. Buchanan and Miss Mary Duncan were Sunday guests at the L. Notvedt home.
Mrs. Mathilda Wolfe was a visitor at the Wm. Schwark home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Charlston of Gardner were shoppers in Arthur on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schur and children were Sharon visitors the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Herbert Lee and daughter Pearl of Gardner are visiting at the Aug. Faltz home.
Mrs. G. Franke of Casselton spent Thursday in Arthur visiting her son Max Franke.
Geo. Ireland and family were guests at the Max Franke home on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Muir of Hunter spent Tuesday night at the L. Bettschen home.
Leland Burgum is home for the semester vacation from the Mayville Normal.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsley of Blanchard are visiting in the vicinity of Arthur this week.
Messrs Battersby and Haworth were business callers in Arthur on Wednesday.
Mrs. F. J. Stumpf of Casselton was a visitor at the Wallace Hackett home Wednesday between trains.
Deputy Kelsey from Hunter is in Arthur working for the Woodmen Lodge getting new members.
Miss Irene Olson, the music teacher, was in Arthur Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Dorothy Stevenson was a dinner guest at the James Williams home Tuesday.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum attended the lecture at the Moorhead Normal given by Judge Ben Lindsay of Denver, Colorado, Tuesday.
Miss Dorothy Stevenson has been visiting at the Reuben Phillips home the past week, returning to Mayville Wednesday morning.
The Woodman Lodge met at the Village hall Wednesday night and installed new officers for the ensuing year.
Walter Buchanan went to Dent, Minn., the latter part of last week to look after his farm interests. He returned Tuesday a. m.
Miss Vida Viestenz and Miss Esther Heiden were passengers to Fargo Tuesday evening.
The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Gebeke Sr. are glad to learn that she has recovered from the flu and is able to be about her house duties again.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bettschen were dinner guests at the C. A. Johnson home Sunday.
Miss Bernice Erickson, Miss Pearl Faltz, Miss Edna Viestenz and Miss Helen Viestenz were entertained at the home of Miss Margaret Bettschen Saturday evening.
Miss Helen Viestenz who is attending the Valley City Normal spent a few days last week at her home in Arthur. She returned to take up her school work Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grieger, Mr. and Mrs. George Clunis and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iwen were passengers to Greenfield last Friday where they attended the Johnson sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willert stopped at the Louie Schur home Saturday and Sunday enroute to Page where they were going to attend the funeral of Mrs. Willert's father.
Walter Boettcher and Amber Wagner were Fargo visitors last week, attending the basketball tournament. They returned to Arthur on Monday morning and reported a fine time. Leave it to the boys! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ireland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mathews and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson were entertained at the Horace Fuller home Friday evening.
Messers Battersby and Haworth are moving their furniture to their farm home, where the John See family formerly lived. The John See family are moving on the farm recently vacated by Henry Quittschreiber.
Mrs. Waller left Monday evening for Minneapolis going by the way of Wahpeton where she will be joined by her sister and nephew. They will visit in Minneapolis for a few days and attend a concert to be given by a noted violinist.
April 13, 1922 Taken from the Arthur News Mrs. Ed Wilhelm is on the sick list.
Leland Burgum is spending the weekend in Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were Fargo callers on Wednesday.
Emil Boettcher returned Monday evening from Northwood.
John Schur Jr. of Hunter was in Arthur on Wednesday.
Ole Nelson shipped a carload of stock to St. Paul on Tuesday.
Margaret Clunis and Eunice Grieger are on the sick list.
Mrs. F. F. Ross spent the weekend at her home near Prosper.
Mrs. Margaret Vance spent Monday in Arthur between trains.
Mrs. Mathilda Wolff was a passenger to Fargo Monday evening.
Max Franke and family moved out to their farm on Monday April 3.
Julius Koshnick left Wednesday for a sort visit at Detroit, Minn.
Miss Martha Boettcher is visiting at the home of Mrs. Ed Wilhelm.
Miss Jessie Farnham spent the weekend at her home near Arthur.
Mrs. Paul Sherman went to Fargo Monday evening to spend a few days.
Mrs. Hugo Viestenz who has been ill for the past week is improving.
Mrs. William Wahowske is visiting at the Ed Wahowske farm this week.
Magner Hyen is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Russell Wilson.
Julius Flugel of Casselton was in Arthur on Tuesday transacting business.
Mrs. J. E. Sommerfled was a supper guest at the Heiden home on Saturday.
Mrs. Lillian Drake returned home Monday after a visit with her daughters.
Arthur Viestenz of Casselton spent a few days last week visiting in Arthur.
Miss Vida Viestenz is spending the week at the home of Dr. P. G. Reedy.
Mrs. James Jenkins of Erie is spending the week at the home of Hugo Viestenz.
Mrs. H. W. Lee spent last Friday in Hunter visiting her sister, Mrs. G. H. Oakes.
Mrs. James Henderson and daughter Anna were shopping in Arthur on Thursday.
Mrs. L. P. Waller returned Friday morning from a short visit in the Twin Cities.
Harry Green has recovered from an attack of the flu and is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Anderson are the parents of a baby girl born on Sunday, April 3.
Mr. and Mrs. John See visited over Sunday at the home of Chester Dohman.
Victor Swanson was a caller in Fargo this week going down Wednesday evening.
Gust Grieger and daughter Annie were passengers to Fargo Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Buchanan entertained the B. A. Helland family at dinner on Sunday.
The Misses Millie and Maggie See spent the weekend at the home of Miss Alice Farnham.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Keyser left Wednesday evening for Worthington, Minn., for an extended visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson had as their dinner guest on Sunday Prof. J. J. Elster.
Messrs Ives and Ski of Fargo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson on Tuesday.
Wm. Standfield of Superior, Wis. visited a few days this week with his brother Fred Standfield.
Ed Viestenz is building a new chicken house on his farm. August Sommerfeld is doing the work.
Rev. W. H. Driver was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Ms. L. Bettschen on Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Roberts and Mrs. Nellie Jensen visited at the home of Ms. Walter Phillips on Tuesday.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld went to Fargo Monday evening to visit her daughter Mrs. George Hektner.
The Misses Marjorie Burgum and Edith Farnham expect to be home next week during the Easter recess at the U.
Mrs. E. W. Schur and children returned from Sharon Monday evening. Her mother, Mrs. Jeff Long, accompanied them.
Messrs Ed and Frank Quittschreiber of Oriska, N. D. are visiting at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Quittschreiber.
The Misses Ruth Searles and Sophia Erickson left this Friday evening for a short visit in Fargo. They will return Monday morning.
Mrs. H. W. Lee and daughter Pearl who have been visiting at the home of August Faltz are visiting in Fargo this week, going down on Monday evening.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson entertained on Monday afternoon, Mrs. John Schur, Mrs. I. S. Roberts, Mrs. F. J. Sinner and Mrs. Mathilda Wolff.
Last Thursday, March 30th, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon Miss Esther M. Heiden and Edward C. Schur were married. Rev. Hoeger performed the ceremony at the Heiden home. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served. Covers were laid for ten.
The Misses Elizabeth and Lydia Sommerfeld entertained the members and faculty of the Arthur high school last Friday night. The evening was spent in playing games and a delicious lunch was served at midnight. Everyone reported a very fine time.

April 20, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. Ole Nelson has as her guest her mother, Mrs. Munson of Moorhead.
Ben Bahl and family were guests at the W. R. Wilson home last Sunday afternoon.
Prof. Elster was a guest at dinner last Sunday at the Ed. Wilhelm home.
Miss Emma Maurer visited in Fargo last week returning Saturday morning.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum visited in Fargo this week, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Nimock.
Mrs. Geo. Hektner of Fargo spent Tuesday with her mother Mrs. H. Sommerfeld.
Charles Maurer and T. O. Burgum went to Fargo to attend the assessors meeting at the court house.
Leland Burgum returned from Mayville Friday evening where he is attending the Normal.
Jessie Farnham returned from her school at Hunter to spend Easter vacation at home.
Mrs. E. G. Henrickson and daughter Elvina were shopping in Arthur last Saturday.
Mrs. F. J. Sinner and her sister Miss Henn went to Fargo Tuesday evening to visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson of Fargo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams last Wednesday.
Oscar Elson is the new proprietor of the Arthur barber shop. The shop has been repainted and redecorated and Mr. Olson is now ready for business.
Ralph Parkhouse left Arthur Saturday evening to go to a Fargo hospital. Mrs. Parkhouse accompanied him.
Miss Helen Webber has returned to her home at Wheatland, after spending the winter at the home of Rev. A. Hoeger.
Mrs. Oleson, who has spent the winter with her daughter Mrs. B. A. Helland, left Tuesday evening for her home at Rothsay, Minn.
The Dakota Playmakers from the University will give a play at Minot next Monday. Miss Edith Farnham is a member of the company.
The teachers, Prof. Elster, Mrs. Ross, Miss Erickson and Miss Searles went to Fargo last Friday evening, returning Saturday morning.
John See has settled on the farm formerly occupied by Henry Quittschreiber. Mr. Battersby now occupies the farm which Mr. See left.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson visited at Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld's home the fore part of the week. Mrs. Nelson was formerly Miss Florence Stavely.
Mrs. Susan Page, who taught school in Arthur twenty years ago, is now engaged in bee-raising in North Fargo, having forty hives of bees and last year sold two tons of honey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse went to Fargo Saturday evening. Mr. Parkhouse is receiving treatment at St. Luke's hospital. Mrs. Parkhouse returned Monday morning.
John McKinnon and Miss Tina Buseth were married in Moorhead last Wednesday and returned to Arthur last Thursday. The happy couple has the best wishes of all their friends. They will make their future home on the old Fridley farm east of Arthur.
Confirmation services were held at the Lutheran church on Palm Sunday with Rev. Hoeger officiating. The members of the confirmation class were Helen Webb, Eleanor Roberts, Lillian Wagner, Erna Schur, Adeline Iwen, Goodwin Nelson and Paul Boettcher.
A birthday party was given last Thursday evening April 6th at the Henderson home, the occasion being Ray's 20th birthday. All present were Mr. and Mrs. Ocher and family, Herman and Charlie Hills, John Niebergall and Charley Bettermann. The evening was spent in playing games and singing. At midnight a fine lunch was served. All who were present reported a fine time and wishing Ray many more happy birthdays.
Wm. Martanson, club leader for Cass county, visited the school this Thursday and met with the club members and plans were made for the coming season. The members of the club are as follows: Alton Burgum, Paul Boettcher, Fred Wells, Charles Ross, Foster Burgum, Oliver Iwen, Herbert Kuehn, Allen Briggs, Lloyd Williams and Linda Hieden who will engage in the projects potato, poultry and gardening.

April 27, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. Ralph Parkhouse spent Sunday in Fargo, returning --- morning. She reports that the house is improving.
The Dakota Play Makers of State U gave ÒThe Importance of Being EarnestÓ at Minot Monday evening. Miss Edith Farnham is a member of the cast.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sommerfeld and Mrs. H. Sommerfeld were entertained at the Ed. Wilhelm home Monday.
If you are feeling all worn out and you can't eat, sleep or work, to satisfaction, you need ---. Arthur Drug Co.
Robert Faltz, L. Mendsen, and the Misses Pearl Faltz and Ed Quittschreiber drove to Fargo last Wednesday.
Mrs. A. C. Haworth of --- came from Fargo Thursday to spend a few days with her mother Mrs. Battersby.
Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Bell visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. --- Briggs last Sunday.
A company of twelve ladies pleasantly surprised Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld on Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being her 73rd birthday. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed at the close of which a lunch was served.
On Friday April 21st a group of fifteen ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. J. A. Schur, the occasion being the celebration of the birthdays of Mrs. Schur and --- Schur. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by those present and at the close of the afternoon a lunch was served.

May 4, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

School began Monday after the Easter vacation.
Arthur Burgum drove to Page last Sunday afternoon.
Prof. Elster was a visitor at Clifford last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaffer spent Sunday at Joe Schaffer's.
Mrs. Hill of Amenia was shopping in Arthur last Thursday.
Rev. Driver and family were in town Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Eileen Collins spent the weekend at her home at Galesburg.
Fred Williams and Dr. Thompson autoed to Fargo on Wednesday.
Mrs. Calvin Ocker of Amenia was shopping in Arthur last Thursday.
Ben Burmeiester and family spent Sunday at the August Mundt home.
David Nimock of Fargo was transacting business in Arthur on last Thursday.
Mrs. Powers who broke her collar bone in a fall last week is getting along nicely.
Miss Jessie Farnham spent the weekend at the home returning to her school Monday.
Seeding that has been long delayed is now in full swing, and everyone is busy in the field.
R. E. Parkhouse is spending a few days in Hunter this week. He is receiving medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Muir and Miss Sarah Beacom autoed down from Hunter Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Robert Grant and Mrs. Sutton of Erie were visiting friends and shopping in Arthur on Wednesday.
F. J. Sinner and B. H. Helland went to Casselton this Thursday to attend the district bankers meeting.
Mrs. Charles Wilson is very ill at this writing. She has been taken to the hospital at Fargo for treatment.
R. W. Muir left here Wednesday evening on a business trip to Fargo, returning to Hunter by the morning's train.
Mrs. McKinnon went to South Dakota to attend the funeral of Mrs. Thompson, a former neighbor near Argusville.
Mrs. J. Wahowske arrived home Wednesday evening from Grand Forks where she has been visiting her daughter.
Mrs. F. D. Wells attended Eastern Star lodge in Hunter Thursday evening. She autoed up with Fred Wells, her son.
Rev. J. C. Wilson, State Humane Superintendent, spent a few hours in Arthur Wednesday, looking after his society's interests.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Roach was christened last Sunday, Edith Augusta, at the M. E. church by Rev. Driver.
Lewis Ruffcorn has been suffering severely from an attack of ptomaine poisoning, and we are glad to report he is recovering, though slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkhouse attended church in Casselton on Sunday, and returned to spend the rest of the day with the Ben Bahl family.
Mr. R. W. Priewe made a trip to St. Paul last week, and went on from there to visit relatives in Norwood, Minn., also his daughter at Excelsior, Minn.
The streets of Arthur, particularly the main street, are being smoothed and ditched. A culvert north of the depot might help get rid of the surplus water.
Axel Nelson, who has been at St. Luke's hospital the past eight months returned to Arthur Friday morning. He is making his home with his brother August Nelson.
Miss Marjorie Burgum returned on Monday to her studies at the U. She has contracted to teach history and social science at the high school at Dickinson.
The county caterpillar tractor is busily engaged in putting the roads in the vicinity of Arthur in good shape. It looks as though they were going to be worse before they get better.
The funeral of the baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearson was held last Friday at the Swedish Lutheran Church near Argusville. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community.
The Misses Grace and Alice Louks, former residents of this community, but now living near Fowler, Indiana are graduating this year from the Wadena, Indiana high school. The girls deserve great credit, as they have made the four year's course in three years, and have done thorough work throughout.

May 18, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

John Townsley was a Fargo visitor last Tuesday.
Fred Williams is spending the week in the Twin Cities.
Will Collins of Page is visiting his brother Ralph Collins.
E. E. Webb spent the weekend in Arthur at his home.
Mrs. Geo. Drake is entertaining relatives from Minnesota.
Mrs. J. B. Thompson is on the sick list this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz were callers in Hunter on Sunday.
Mrs. F. J. Sinner left Tuesday for a visit at Strasburg, N. D.
Carl Johnson of Nome, N. D. visited friends in Arthur on Sunday.
Dave Nimock of Fargo transacted business in Arthur on Wednesday.
Little Dwight Maurer is recovering from an attack of the measles.
Mrs. F. D. Wells and Fred Wells visited friends in Casselton Sunday.
B. B. Elliott and family of Hunter spent Sunday at the Ed Campbell home.
Miss Adeline Roberts, who has been seriously ill the past week, is convalescing.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld left Monday evening for a visit in Fargo with relatives.
Miss Bernice Erickson was a guest at the home of Mrs. Bertha Viestenz on Sunday.
Ed Johnson of Perley, Minn. is visiting at the home of his brother, C. A. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld spent Sunday and Monday with some friends in Arthur.
J. K. Fuller of Ludlow, Ill. is looking after his farming interests in this vicinity.
The Misses Alice and Jessie Farnham called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jahr of Aberdeen, S. D. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Waller.
Cleve Burley attended the funeral of his uncle, Joseph Burley in Casselton on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Viestenz and children of Casselton spent Sunday at the John Bettschen home.
Mrs. F. J. Sinner and daughter Virginia left Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives in S. D.
Mrs. P. G. Reedy and daughter Patricia and Mrs. P. H. Reedy left Friday for Seattle, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruffcorn drove to Detroit, Minn. last Thursday on business returning the same evening.
The Arthur baseball team autoed to Perley last Sunday for a practice game. Ask the boys how it came out.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and family autoed to Hendrum, Minn., Sunday and spent the day with relatives.
The married men of Arthur will play a game of baseball next Tuesday evening May 16th with the Arthur high.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Smith of Casselton spent Saturday in Arthur as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Buchanan and Miss May Duncan returned Sunday evening from a short visit at Dent, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett, Mrs. Reuben Phillips and Mrs. Walter Phillips were Casselton visitors last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Miss Lillian Burgum and Miss Pearl Faltz visited at the home of C. F. Bayard in Hunter last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lee of Courtney, N. D. visited the first of the week with Mrs. Lee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz.
Crepe Exit, Satin Back Canton Crepe, Crepe De China, the newest goods are the latest shades at the Arthur Mercantile Co.
Mrs. Townsley, who has spent the winter here at the home of her son, John Townsley, left Tuesday evening for her home in Indiana.
Sixteen handsome cakes were judged at the cake contest last Saturday. Mrs. Hackett received the prize of glass baking dishes, the cake was --- with ÒM. E. Sunday SchoolÓ in stick candy letters.
Mr. and Ms. John See entertained the members of their family at dinner last Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dohman, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dohman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eaton of Ayr and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brayton and daughter of Hunter.
May 25, 1922 Taken from the Arthur News Mrs. Adolph Lerke was a Northwood caller on Monday.
F. J. Sinner left Saturday on a business trip to Minneapolis.
Miss Lena Schur is visiting at the Gust Schur home this week.
Miss Eleanor Roberts was a Sunday guest at the C. A. Johnson home.
Mrs. G. Franke of Casselton spent Tuesday at the home of her son Max Franke.
J. E. Sommerfeld was an Arthur caller Monday returning the same day with his car.
Oscar Olson and Mrs. Caroline Schlaete were Sunday guests at the Gust Iwen farm.
Ole Nelson will ship stock on next Tuesday. Any kind of stock will be accepted.
Frank and Ed Johnson of Perley, Minn. were Sunday callers at the C. A. Johnson home.
Miss Elizabeth Iwen spent the fore part of the week in Fargo at the J. E. Sommerfeld home.
Mrs. Ed Sommerfeld and Mrs. J. Wahowske were guests at the Wm. Iwen farm Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Judisch and family of Erie spent Sunday at the H. J. Wagner home.
Fred Williams who was a business caller at the Twin Cities last week returned Thursday morning.
Irene Nelson spent the weekend with her grandmother in Moorhead returning to her home Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jahr autoed up from Aberdeen, S. D. and are spending the week at the L. P. Waller home.
Miss Clara Olson who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. F. Kester of Fargo, returned to Arthur Tuesday morning.
H. J. Wagner and sons opened up their ice cream parlors Saturday evening after much improvement had been made in the building.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Mrs. E. E. Farnham attended the W. C. T. U. convention that was held at Hunter last Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom See and family of Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Grant of Page spent Sunday at the C. F. Bayard family at Hunter.
Thousands of thin, frail men and women have reported an astonishing and rapid increase in weight as a result of tasting Tanlac. Arthur Drug Co.
Rev. Hoeger, Paul Boettcher, Goodwin Nelson, Adeline Iwen, Lillian Wagner, Eleanor Roberts and Erna Schur autoed to Casselton last Saturday forenoon.
Irma Lerke, the seven year old daughter of A. Lerke was operated on for mastoids, at her home last Friday. At this writing she is rapidly recovering.
Mrs. Murl Schur, Erna and Walter Schur, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schur and Archie Schur were entertained at the L. W. Heiden home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz, Mrs. Bertha Sell and daughter Emma, and Walter Sell all of Casselton spent Sunday at the A. J. Sommerfeld home.
The baseball game which was played Tuesday evening between the high school and married men teams was won by the married men with a score of 7 to 1.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs, Mrs. Bertha Wahowske and Mrs. S. A. Burgum autoed to Hunter Sunday evening to attend the Epworth League services. The Arthur Epworth League also attended and assisted on the program.
Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg are on their way home from Florida at last. We will soon find out their opinion of that state. We venture to predict that North Dakota will look pretty good to them, even if the winters are cold, and it rains every day.
June 1, 1922 Taken from the Arthur News Prof. Elster made a trip to Clifford Wednesday evening.
F. J. Sinner returned Sunday from a business trip to Iowa.
J. K. Fuller returned Saturday to his home in Ludlow, Illinois.
J. A. Burgum is slightly under the weather for the last few days.
A. E. Sommerfeld and Bob Faltz are painting the T. J. Ross store.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton of Hunter were Arthur callers on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Neils Larsen and family were Arthur visitors Wednesday.
Jacob Schak attended funeral services for a sister-in-law in Fargo on Monday.
BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Max Sell a baby boy, on Wednesday of this week.
Arthur Burgum visited friends in Fargo on Sunday. He said Fargo, anyway.
Dr. J. B. Thompson went to Wahpeton last Thursday, returning Saturday morning.
Mrs. Tucker of Fargo spent the past week visiting with relatives in Arthur.
Dr. Thompson was a Casselton visitor on Wednesday, going down on business.
George Clunis and family are now located on the old Sherman farm northeast of Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hockridge of Hunter called on friends in town last Friday.
W. C. Muir of Hunter was an Erie visitor on Monday. John Allen Muir accompanied him.
Anton Johnson and family of Hunter were Arthur visitors for a short time on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hackett left on Sunday via Casselton for a visit with relatives in Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were Hunter visitors at the T. C. Hockridge home on Monday.
George Clunis was in Hunter Sunday, inspecting Anton Johnson's iceless refrigerator.
Charles Meyers and wife of Erie spent a few hours in Arthur on Wednesday, shopping and visiting.
Herman Timmerman and F. J. Sinner were Hunter business visitors on Tuesday of this week.
Ed Wilhelm made a trip by auto to Hatton on Sunday, taking the ball club there for the game.
T. J. Ross and family were in Casselton attending church last Sunday. F. J. Sinner accompanied them home.
Wagner Brothers are painting their places of business and getting everything shipshape for their summer trade.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bahl and child took in the ball game at Hatton on Sunday.
Archie Fink of Grand Forks, a former resident, was here a few days last week, renewing old acquaintances and on business.
Oscar Oleson, our barber, goes to Thief River Falls, Minn. Sunday to bring back his family, who will locate here permanently now.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan, Miss Mae Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. L. Notvedt took in the ball game at Hatton Sunday and visited at the A. H. Froke home.
The high school pupils had a wienie roast at Max Sell's grove last Friday. All enjoyed a pleasant time. The cooks got the mixture of ashes and wienies just right so they were delicious.
F. J. Sinner made a trip to Casselton on Wednesday to meet his wife and daughter Virginia who were on their way home from a visit at Strasburg, N. D. with Mrs. Sinner's brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen, Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen and their families were guests at the home of Mrs. L. L. Muir last Sunday at a dinner given in honor of Mrs. Muir's 80th birthday.
Last Sunday the Arthur team journeyed to Hatton and defeated that team by a 7 to 0 score. Feidler, a former Arthur player, was in the box for Hatton, and was batted freely. Arthur's pitcher, Wear, had Hatton at his mercy throughout. The boys played fine ball and deserved their victory. A large number of enthusiastic baseball fans accompanied the team.
June 8, 1922 Taken from the Arthur News We understand the local quartet was practicing songs again the other day.
The National Dairy Show is dated for the twin cities October the 9th to the 14th.
Mrs. I. N. Collins of near Galesburg was a Sunday dinner guest at the Henderson home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Waller visited in Wahpeton over Sunday, returning Monday morning.
Gerald Wear, our baseball pitcher, spent the forepart of the week visiting at the Gust Iwen home.
James Bruton, a former Arthur resident, was in town Thursday, renewing old acquaintances and on business.
Louie Heiden has purchased the Wilhelm Bros. Oilpul outfit, and is now engaged in grading roads north of Arthur.
The Hatton baseball team arrived in Arthur just in time to have all chances for a game spoiled by the downpour. The Hatton boys had to return without a game. Better luck next time.
The Arthur team played a game of twilight ball at Grandin Thursday evening. Rumor has it that the Grandin team won, 7 to 6. We will correct this in our next issue if the rumor is wrong.
The high school and upper grades are just now taking the state examinations, so make a little allowance if you get a pre-occupied answer to your question.
George L. Tessey, a well known Buffalo mechanic, said he had gained 12 pounds; his wife had gained 26 pounds and his daughter was gaining every day, by taking Tanlac. Arthur Drug Co.
Miss Dorothey Ocker and Miss Lillian Henderson were in Fargo Thursday of last week visiting Dorothy's brother who is sick at the St. John's hospital. They returned home Saturday morning.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid met on Thursday of this week at the Emil Boettcher home. The men were served at six o'clock dinner, and practically all of Arthur's business district took advantage of the opportunity.
The grades of the Arthur school had a picnic at Sargent's grove, west of Amenia, on Thursday. Judging by the noise and rejoicing they made coming back, they all had a good time. We understand all got back alive, too, which is as it should be.
Arthur was well represented at Play Day at Casselton. The Arthur school carried off 11 prizes in the athletic contests. The baseball team however was defeated by the Erie school team, owing to the absence of two of Arthur's best players. The score was close 11 to 12.
Arthur is going to celebrate the Fourth of July this year. One of the best celebrations ever staged in the city has been planned. Be sure to make all arrangements to be with us. A royal time is guaranteed to all.
Thursday morning the first work was started on the new potato warehouse being erected by Mendsen Brothers. It is to be placed just north of the depot on the west side of the track. With its completion Arthur will take its place as one of the Valley's best potato markets.
Arthur's eighth grade baseball team is cleaning up everything this year. They beat the Hunter eighth grade team in their first game, at Arthur 42 to 2. Then they played the return game at Hunter and won 13 to 12 last Monday. They went to Amenia on Wednesday and beat the grade team of that village 6 to 3. The return game will be played at Arthur on Saturday. Be sure to get out and see your boys planning real ball.
Louie and John Bettschen, Ben Helland and Louie Notvedt went fishing to Pelican lake. They claim they got up at six o'clock Sunday morning so as to get an early start. They also state they caught many fish, had a good time, saw a double-header baseball game at Fargo, and got home Tuesday evening. You will have to take your own risks as to believing the foregoing, as it is the policy of this paper to publish fishing news as it comes to us, but we declaim all responsibility so far as its accuracy or authenticity is concerned.

June 15, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Miss Gertie Grieger was a Fargo visitor Wednesday.
L. Bettschen and family visited friends in Wheatland last Sunday.
The Misses Isabel and Jennie McKinnon were Fargo visitors Sunday.
Dr. Baillie of Hunter was a professional caller in Arthur on Monday.
Last Monday evening the high school had a picnic at Max Sell's grove.
L. Mendsen, Mrs. Auust Faltz, and Miss Pearl Faltz were Fargo visitors Tuesday.
John Iwen, Ned Hynes, and Bob and Ray Faltz were crow hunting on Thursday.
The Lutheran Sunday School held its annual picnic at Sargent's grove on Thursday.
John Bettschen and family and Walter Buchanan and family autoed to Hunter on Sunday.
A party of Arthur women visited at the T. C. Hockridge home in Hunter on Thursday.
Miss Frances Ross is expected home from her school in St. Paul sometime this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kyser and son of Erie were Hunter visitors on Saturday of last week.
Mrs. James Williams and son Lloyd autoed to Fargo Thursday. Anyhow, Lloyd said they were going to.
Miss Sarah Beacom of Hunter is spending the week visiting friends and relatives in and near Erie.
See Anita on horseback leap over the broken drawbridge Friday and Saturday night.
Julius Sommerfeld and Bob Faltz finished the cement basement under the Max Franke residence this week.
They started pouring cement for the potato house on Wednesday, and the work has proceeded steadily since.
The regular meeting of the village board, scheduled for Tuesday evening did not take place because of a lack of a quorum.
Miss Bernice Erickson left for her home in Sauk Center, Minn. Tuesday evening. The other teachers left last Saturday for their homes.
Rain is threatening, or promising depending on the condition of your crop, but so far this week nothing definite has been done about it.
Mr. Ed. Nortz and Miss Alice Nortz, brother and sister of Mrs. J. B. Thompson, arrived Monday from their home in Breckenridge. They motored back on Tuesday, taking Dr. Thompson and J. B. Jr. with them. Dr. returned to Arthur on Wednesday, but J. B. Jr. stays for a visit.
J. Kosknick spent the weekend with his parents in Detroit, Minn. While there he visited at the new home of a cousin who was married May 17th.
Our grade team continues on its winning way. They beat the Amenia grade team last Saturday, 12 to 11. The game was played at Arthur and was most interesting.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and family autoed to Arthur on Sunday. J. E. remained, but the rest of the family returned to their Fargo home that evening.
The Misses Edyth Farnham and Marjorie Burgum graduate this week from the state University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and first grade professional certificates good for life. Miss Burgum also received the Bachelor's Diploma in Teaching.
Last Sunday afternoon over 300 friends gathered at the home of J. Cederberg in honor of Axel Nelson, who has just been home a few weeks after spending eight months at the hospital in Fargo. The young boys entertained the crowd with a ball game which was well enjoyed by all. The Rose Valley boys won the game. Toward evening a collection was taken which reached $119.75 and was presented to Axel Nelson. Supper and ice cream were served out on the lawn and all enjoyed themselves.

July 6, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. W. C. Muir visited at the L. Bettschen home last Saturday.
James Parkhouse left Thursday morning on his ÒFlyingÓ trip.
Mrs. J. B. Thompson was a visitor at Breckenridge, Minn. last week.
Miss Ella Boettcher spent Tuesday evening at her home near Arthur.
A number of Arthur Young Folks attended the Hunter dance Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinner and Mr. T. J. Ross were Fargo callers Tuesday.
Dr. Baillie of Hunter was a professional caller in Arthur several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn and Mrs. H. J. Wagner were Fargo visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. H. Willert and daughter Hilda are spending the week at the Tom See home.
Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeld left Thursday evening for a week's outing at the Lakes.
Miss Clara Olson returned to Arthur Saturday morning after a short absence.
Mrs. Haesemeyer of Stanwood, Ia., was a business caller in Arthur Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Notvedt are enjoying an outing at the Minnesota Lakes this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett visited last Sunday with relatives in Casselton.
Miss Blanche Rosser of Durbin, N. D. visited with her friend Miss Ollie Burgum last Friday.
A number of Arthur Young Folks attended the baseball game at Kindred last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and Mrs. Louis Bettschen autoed to Fargo last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs and family and Mrs. Bertha Viestenz were Fargo callers last Monday.
Oscar Olson, John Wagner, Amber Wagner, G. W. Wear and John Iwen were Fargo visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. F. J. Stumpf of Casselton attended the session of the Lutheran Synod in Arthur on Wednesday.
Mrs. Baker and two sons of Minneapolis have been looking after farm interests in Arthur the past week.
Bob Ross and his ÒgangÓ journeyed to Dows Sunday where they played ball. Bob's gang won by a score of 6 to 2. Hurrah for Bob.
Miss Jessie Farnham left Tuesday evening for a visit with her sister Mrs. Ralph Haliver of Wing, N. D.
Misses Lillie and Ollie Burgum, Edna Sommerfeld and Helen Viestenz autoed to Casselton Thursday afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. Oakes and son stopped off for a visit at the Aug. Faltz home on return from a trip in Minnesota.
Mr. Haesemeyer, Mr. A. Freund and Mr. C. Reinking all of Iowa spent Tuesday evening at the Emil Boettecher farm.
Miss Loretta Wilke who has been visiting Miss Lillian Wagner left for her home at Wimbledon, N. D. Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Frank Wells attended the Eastern Star Grand Lodge at Fargo last week, as a delegate from the Hunter Chapter.
J. A. Briggs and Allen Briggs attended the Stock Judging Contest Friday at the Boys' Encampment at the A. C.
Little Dale Ireland met with a serious accident last Monday evening when the garage door fell on him injuring his face very badly.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur, Mrs. Ed. Schur, Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Mrs. J. Bettschen were callers at Casselton Thursday afternoon.
Misses Lillian Wagner, Edna Sommerfeld, Eleanor Roberts and Lillian Burgum ÒhikedÓ to Vance Thursday morning and returned on the morning train.
Mrs. A. W. Barker, Miss Vida Viestenz, Mr. Albert Viestenz, Miss Erna Schur and Mrs. Ben Burmeister were Casselton visitors Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Race of Enderlin, N. D. and Mrs. Cresney and two sons of Breckenridge, Minn. were visitors at the L. P. Walter home the fore part of the week.
Miss Marjorie Burgum and Miss Edythe Farnham returned Wednesday from a week's outing at the ÒMu Alpha Sigma'sÓ cottage at Battle Lake, Minn. Miss Agnes Van Arsdale of Conway, N. D. who also visited at Battle Lake accompanied the girls home for a few days' visit.

July 13, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Misses Long and Beach of Page visited friends in Arthur on Tuesday.
Mr. A. E. Sommerfeld took the morning train for Northwood Wed.
Miss Carrie Fridley of Fargo called on old friends in Arthur on Tues.
Miss Ruth Anderson came home to spend the Fourth.
Arthur South of Casselton greeted old friends in Arthur the Fourth.
Rev. A. Hoeger is attending a convention in St. Paul this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld spent the Fourth in Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krueger and family called on relatives in Arthur on the Fourth.
Misses Lillian and Carrie Collins visited with their sister Miss Eileen Collins on July 4th.
Mr. James Henderson of Amenia, who is well known here, is seriously ill at this writing.
Mr. C. F. Bayard and Ceil Bayard of Hunter were callers in Arthur on Wednesday.
Mr. James Jenkins and family of Erie were in Arthur taking in the sights on the Fourth.
The Arthur High school baseball team will play the married men's team on Sunday.
Mr. Herman Willert and family of Page visited at the home of L. Schur over the Fourth.
Miss Ebba Anderson left last Sunday afternoon to spend the fourth with a friend at Little Falls, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson and children took in the ball game last Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lund and family visited at Ed. Anderson's home Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ida Cederberg and brothers took in the ball game last Sunday afternoon.
Miss Irene Nelson spent a few days with her grandfather Mr. J. Cederberg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Froke and family of Hatton were in Arthur the Fourth visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Grieger and children of Erie spent the Fourth in Arthur visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Collins and family of Erie spent Tuesday in Arthur.
Miss Annie Friehgart of Oriska, N. D. visited relatives in Arthur, the fourth of July.
Mr. V. Henn of Perham, Minn. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. J. Sinner.
Mrs. T. J. Ross is improving rapidly to the satisfaction of her many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eaton of Page, N. D. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See on Tues.
Miss Winifred Brown of Fargo is visiting Misses Marjorie Burgum and Edythe Farnham.
Rev. T. D. Robertson and sons of Fargo attended the big celebration in Arthur the Fourth.
Mr. Pete Holler of Argusville was in Arthur shaking hands with old friends on the fourth.
Mr. Ed. Johnson of Perley, Minn. took in the ball games in Arthur on Tuesday.
Mr. and Ms. John Fulton and family of Prosper visited relatives in Arthur this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith of Casselton visited Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buchanan and Miss May Duncan visited relatives at Dent, Minn. on Saturday. They returned Sunday evening.
Miss Alice Nortz and Mrs. W. N. Nortz of Breckenridge spent a few days this week at the home of Mrs. J. B. Thompson.
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Standfield on July 28th a baby daughter. She has been christened Jean Elizabeth.
Miss Thekla Carston of Fargo is visiting at the Adam Schwartz home. Miss Carston was formerly a teacher in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willert and family of Thompson visited at the home of L. Schur over the Fourth. Miss Ethel Schur accompanied them home.
Mr. Reno, the master magician, gave a very fine program at the hall Wednesday evening which was enjoyed by all.
Miss Delina Peterson of Moorhead, Minn. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roscoe Belsley at Lacon, Ill. A surprise party was given Friday evening in her honor.

July 20, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinner spent Monday in Fargo.
The work on the potato house is progressing rapidly.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson visited at the A. J. Schur farm on Wed.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgess of Erie were callers in Arthur on Tuesday.
James Henderson who has been ill for the past week is improving.
Rev. A. Hoeger returned from St. Paul last Friday morning.
James Williams and Lloyd were callers in Fargo on Tuesday.
Russell Wilson was a business caller in Mayville on Tuesday.
Ole Nelson shipped two carloads of stock to St. Paul this week.
Ole Nelson expects to ship two carloads of stock next Tuesday.
Miss Erna Schur is spending the week at the home of E. W. Schur.
G. A. Wear was a dinner guest at the Emil Boettcher home on Sun.
Miss Eleanor Roberts visited Sunday at the Boettcher home near Arthur.
Mrs. Geo. Hektner and Mrs. F. Nelson of Fargo spent Tuesday in Arthur.
Miss Helen Viestenz visited last week at the R. A. Miller home at Hunter.
Mrs. Robt. Morrow of Erie and Mrs. Will Schur visited Gust Willerts this week.
Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Oakes of Hunter visited at the Aug. Faltz home on Sunday.
Miss Juanita Wilson visited a few days this week at the home of H. J. Wagner.
Miss Ethel Schur is spending the week at the Paul Willert home near Thompson.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum attended the Sunday School Convention in Casselton on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum drove to Fargo last Friday where they spent the day.
A large number of young people attended the barn dance on July 12 at the Umland farm.
Prof. A. W. Barker spent the weekend with his family at the home of Albert Viestenz.
Misses Ollie and Lillie Burgum were supper guests at the home of T. J. Ross on Sunday.
Mrs. Lloyd Collins and family and Mrs. Nesbitt of Hunter were callers in Arthur on Tuesday.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner returned on Wednesday morning from Detroit, where she spent the past week.
Mr. R. McCheeney of Breckenridge visited this week with his brother-in-law, Mr. L. P. Waller.
Mr. G. W. Newell returned Monday morning from a fishing trip at Pelican Lake, Minn.
Herman Wilhelm and Mrs. Adolph Lehrke went to Northwood Tuesday morning and returned the same evening.
Mrs. James Williams and daughter Dorothy left Monday evening for Fergus Falls for a short visit with friends.
Miss Ollie Burgum left Thursday morning for Perham where she will visit Mrs. F. W. McConachie for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinner visited Sunday at the Sherman home near Arthur.
Mrs. F. D. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips left last week Thursday evening via Casselton for Rochester, Minn.
Miss Faye Long who is attending the Mayville Normal visited over the weekend at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Buchanan and Miss May Duncan left Monday morning for an extended visit at Dent, and other points in Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Notvedt and --- extended visit with relatives in Crookston, Fosston and Mentor, in Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fuller and family drove to Erie last Sunday where they visited at the Charles Myers home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs and family, Mrs. Bertha Viestenz and son Rudolph and Mr. R. Phillips were guests at the B. B. Elliott home near Hunter last Sunday.

July 27, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Miss Elsie Bailey is again waiting on trade at the Arthur Merc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett were callers in Erie Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and family visited Sunday in Hendrum.
Mrs. Harry Mendsen was a caller in Fargo on Thursday.
Mr. W. E. Ruffcorn attended the State Fair on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Dohman were visitors at the State Fair on Thurs.
Mr. Fred Williams was a Fair visitor on Thursday.
Mr. Merle Powers was a Wednesday visitor at the State Fair.
Miss Beulah Dohman was a Fargo visitor last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. L. Iwen entertained the James Williams family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson drove to Fargo last Wednesday.
Louis Bettschen and family spent Wednesday in Fargo.
Mrs. Nels Hanson of Hunter was a caller in Arthur on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Grieger were callers in Fargo on Wednesday.
Mrs. G. H. Oakes and son visited in Arthur on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gale were callers in Arthur on Tuesday.
Miss Eleanor Roberts is visiting this week with friends in Fargo.
Miss Helen Viestenz and Rudolph Viestenz visited friends in Hunter last Friday.
Mrs. Reuben Phillips and children returned last Friday afternoon from a month's visit in Bismarck.
The M. E. Ladies Aid were entertained Thursday by Mrs. E. E. Farnham.
The Lutheran ladies aid were entertained Tuesday by Mrs. A. E. Sommerfeld.
Mrs. George Hektner visited with her mother Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld.
The Diamond Dusters beat the Swede Giants in a very exciting game last Sunday, the score was 6 to 8.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Notvedt and their guests Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hagen were Fair visitors on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hagen of Devils Lake are guests at the home of L. Notvedt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Bell visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruffcorn on Sunday.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld and Mrs. George Hektner visited with --- Northwood on Saturday.
Mrs. John Conrad and Mrs. J. Schroeder of Erie were in Arthur on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lee of Carrington visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz.
Fred Wells assisted at the Drug Store last week in the absence of Mr. A. Smestad.
Mr. and Mrs. William Murch and family were entertained at the Nels Johnson home near Hunter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family were State Fair visitors on Thursday.
Dr. P. G. Reedy has returned from Seattle, Wash. and has resumed his practice in Casselton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips returned Friday morning from Rochester, Minn.
Tanlac can bring health to you as it has to thousands of others. Arthur Drug Co.
Miss Edna Schur spent a few days last week with her cousin Miss Erna Schur.
Mr. Alfred Smestad spent the weekend in Valley City returning Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wells and family were dinner guests at the home of Kydd Brewer on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wahowske are visiting at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Wahowske this week.
Messers Harry and Lawrence Mendsen drove over to Page Sunday to inspect a potato house.
Alton Burgum is spending the week at the State Fair taking part in the stock judging contest as a member of the Cass Co. Boys and Girls Club.
Mrs. James Williams and daughter Dorothy returned Tuesday morning from Fergus Falls where they visited friends the past week.
The books which are to be given to the M. E. Sunday School Children as prizes for regular attendance will be presented next Sunday morning. It is requested that all members should be present.

August 3, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

John Bettschen was a sightseer at the state fair last Saturday.
Miss Eunice Iwen is spending the week in Fargo.
Mrs. James Williams visited Monday afternoon in Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm attended the Fair on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and family visited Sunday in Perley.
Ole Nelson is going to ship stock on Tuesday next week.
Ollie and Foster Burgum were in Hunter last Tuesday.
A. W. Barker spent the weekend with his family in Arthur.
Harry Mendsen inspected a potato house in Mayville on Sunday.
Leland Burgum was a visitor at the state fair on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum and family were callers in Mayville sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher were callers in Hunter Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Meyers of Erie was a caller in Arthur on Wednesday.
Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Hunter is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Conner of Casselton called in Arthur Monday evening.
Mrs. Jim Williams returned Wednesday from a visit at Erie with relatives.
The barn dance at Albert Umland on Wednesday evening was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson attended the state fair on Friday of last week.
Miss Pearl Lee of Courtenay, N. D. is spending a few days with Miss Pearl Faltz.
Miss Helen Burmeister of Winona, Minn. is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher attended the state fair on Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner returned Tuesday morning from Grand Meadow, Minn.
Mrs. J. O. Backlund is visiting this week with her daughter Mrs. Bertha Viestenz.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hektner visited Sunday with Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld.
Miss Katie Kuehn returned Monday morning from a short visit in Fargo.
Miss Ollie Burgum returned Tuesday evening from a ten days visit at Perham.
Misses Ethel and Agnes Schur returned Tuesday from a two weeks visit at Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgum are now settled in their home on Sunrise Hill.
Miss Eileen Collins and Miss Nellie Bumgartner were visitors in Fargo on Friday last.
T. O. Burgum and family and Frances Ross autoed to Casselton on Monday evening.
Iver Wiebe and daughter Miss Alma of Spokane are visiting this week Mrs. Reuben Phillips.
Miss Henn and Mrs. Reed of Perham are spending a few days with their sister Mrs. F. J. Sinner.
Mrs. T. J. Ross and Mrs. Louie Bettschen were callers in Hunter on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family were dinner guests at the home of Fred Krueger on Sunday.
Mrs. E. E. Farnham left Thursday via Casselton for Terry, Mont., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Bowers.
Misses Henrietta and Mamie Tonn returned Thursday from Mayville, where they attended a six weeks term of summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. Voss and son Ernest autoed from Illinois last week and are visiting at the home of their son John Voss.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Viestenz and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur drove to Cummings last Sunday to visit Charles Abentroth and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schur and Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen and family were picnicking at the river last Sunday.
A party of ladies in the north end of town staged a charivari party one evening last week. They made themselves heard all over town, dented a few dish pans and disturbed the peace of the village generally but no casualties are reported.

September 14, 1922

L. P. Harmon and son Frank of Hunter were Arthur business visitors Wednesday afternoon.
John Allan Muir accompanied his father to Arthur Wednesday on business. He sure does enjoy hisself when he gets to Arthur.
The wet weather that is just too damp for threshing, but hardly wet enough to help out growing things seems to be with us still.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gebeke, Jr. and baby called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gebeke, Sr. for a short time on Sunday.
Two children of the R. E. Parkhouse family are reported as ill, but recovering from an attack of scarlet fever.
The J. A. Burgum family and Mr. and Mrs. McMullen of Wheatland were guests at Sunday dinner at the J. A. Briggs farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jarrett left Wednesday morning for their home in Danvers, Ill. Mrs. J. L. Owen accompanied them as far as Fargo.
Mrs. Kelly and three children arrived in Arthur Monday from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Mr. Kelly is employed in the T. J. Ross store.
The August Mundt family spent Sunday at the Lacy Roach farm, the occasion being little Margaret Roach's fourth birthday.
Messers Belsley and Kline of Lacon, Ill. are spending the week in this vicinity. Mr. Belsley is looking after the crop on his farm east of town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gebeke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hinen and family autoed Sunday from Minn. to visit at the Wm. Gebeke home.
Mrs. L. Notvedt entertained at five o'clock tea Friday afternoon the Misses Helen and Edna Viestenz, Margaret and Dorothy Bettschen, and Mr. A. M. Smestad.
The American Legion Auxiliary were entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. A. Burgum the delegates elected to attend the state convention at Valley City.
Mrs. George Hektner of Fargo arrived here Wednesday and is helping her mother, Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld, pack up, preparatory to moving to Fargo.
Clark Jarrett and family, accompanied by Dollie Iwen, took Mrs. Joe Krafthever to her home in Mahnomen, Minn. leaving here Saturday and returning Tuesday.
James Williams and family spent Labor Day in Fargo visiting relatives and taking in the races. Grace Williams, who has been visiting there for some time, accompanied them home.
Adolph Hertvig met with what might have been a fatal accident one day last week. While plowing one of the levers broke loose and struck him on the temple. He is back at work again.
The second meeting of Òchurch nightÓ was held at the Methodist church Monday evening when Rev. Driver held a workers conference at the study of ÒThe Evangelism of JesusÓ was begun.
Dr. J. B. Thompson came back Friday from a business trip in Sanish, N. D. He was chaperoning a brand new 1923 Ford touring car. They do say Henry has changed them quite considerably this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgum entertained Mrs. Burgum's cousins at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roof of Moorhead. Mr. Roof teaches at Moorhead high school and Mrs. Roof teaches at Oak Grove Seminary.
The Monarch elevator here is being all dressed up in a new coat of paint this week. Bolmeier Brothers of Erie are doing the job. This is one of six different outfits handled by the Bolmeiers, who are specialists in painting elevators.
The Misses Marjorie Burgum and Edythe Farnham were the guests of Miss Beatrice Dalrymple of Casselton Friday and took the ÒFlyerÓ from there where they were joined by the Misses Marion Wilder and Millicent Read of Grand Forks. All four young women are instructors at the Dickinson high school and graduated from the state University this year.

Roy Johnson Killed
One man is dead and two others were injured when a Dodge car overturned. It seems that they were going a good rate of speed, lost control of the machine, and went into the ditch. They were really driving too fast.

Roy Johnson, 24 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Johnson who live near Arthur, is dead. He was driving the machine, and in some way was pinned under the machine and died about two hours after the accident. Andrew Herkerl and Ben Fischer, both of Springfield, Minn. the two men with Mr. Johnson, were quite badly hurt but are both recovering.
The accident took place 1_ miles south of Hunter. They were in town getting some extras for a tractor and having gotten them were on the way home. Help was right at hand as Albert Rasmussen and James Rasmussen who worked on the section happened to be right along the place and they got out the injured. Harry Suman happened along and so did Carl Howells and they took them to Dr. Baillie.
Roy died at about 12:30 in the afternoon. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. at Arthur.
He was a nice young man and was very well liked by all who knew him.
The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved.

September 21, 1922

Four carloads of potatoes have been loaded and shipped out of Arthur already this season.
A number of the Arthur young people attended the dance given in Hunter Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg were Erie visitors Tuesday of this week.
H. R. Peterson and family from Hunter visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Waller Wednesday.
Robert Faltz and Frank Quittschreiber transacted business in Hunter Monday.
L. P. Marn of Moorhead, Minn., was here the first of the week, buying potatoes.
F. M. Johnson with his threshing rig left Wednesday for a further run west of Minot.
J. G. Knudtson and Hans (Jake) Jacobsen were Arthur business callers on Wednesday.
Wayne Kyser of Erie has a potato warehouse of about 12000 bushels capacity just about completed.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum left Tuesday for Tower City to attend a convention of the Women's Auxiliary.
Ole Korshus of Erie has just completed a fine 40,000 bushel potato warehouse for Chas. Meyers of Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan and Miss Mae Duncan attended the Fargo Gun Club shoot last Sunday.
Mrs. T. J. Ross left last Thursday for Minneapolis, where she will visit with relatives and take in the Fair.
Mrs. Hugo Viestenz and son Louis from Mason, N. D. were visiting at the R. H. Vosburg home on Wednesday.
J. P. Jensen of Audubon, Iowa left Tuesday evening for his home after looking after his business interests here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hanna and daughter of Fargo visited at the James and Bud Bumgarner farms on Sunday.
Supt. Anderson and Rev. Schneider of the Broadway M. E. church of Fargo were Arthur visitors on Tuesday.
Mendsen Bros. potato warehouse opened here Wednesday, the first load of potatoes having been taken in on that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Selby of Iowa who have been visiting at the F. D. Wells home left Wednesday for South Dakota.
W. H. Bell of Portage, Wis., arrived here Tuesday to take part in the annual potato buying of his company.
Robt. W. Muir accompanied by John Allen Muir and Miss Sarah Bascom transacted business in Erie on Friday of last week.
Mrs. T. O. Burgum and the Misses Ollie and Lillian Burgum and Blanche Roeser called at the T. C. Hockridge home in Hunter Wednesday evening.
The demand for gasoline and lubricating oil has become so insistent half way between Hunter and Arthur that a filling station may be put in.
John Bettschen is the champion barnyard golf or horseshoe pitcher of Sunrise Hill, having recently beaten his most formidable adversary, Ben Helland, by two up and three to go.
Mrs. J. B. Thompson and son John left Wednesday evening for Breckenridge, Minnesota where she was called by the illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bailey arrived from Steele, N. D. to visit their daughter Elsie. They returned to their home on Monday, taking with them Viola, who has been here visiting for the past few days.
Mrs. Wm. Conrad of Luverne, Minn., Mrs. John Conrad and son Robert and Mrs. James Jenkins and son Clark of Erie were visitors on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.

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