1917 Arthur

Arthur Anglings

Hunter Herald

October 26, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Joe Schafer is ill with blood poisoning.
The J. A. Briggs family spent last Friday in Fargo.
J. A. Burgum was on the sick list this week.
Jim Williams is having his porch glassed in.
George Iwen was a Fargo visitor last Sunday.
George Iwen and Tom See autoed to Fargo Wednesday evening.
Kid Brewer was in Arthur on business Tuesday afternoon.
Prof. Schold is installing his radio set at the school house.
Laurence Eaton of Hunter spent Sunday at the Tom See home.
T. C. Hockridge was in Arthur on business Tuesday afternoon.
J. R. Wilson and family spent Sunday with the Ben Bahl family.
The Ralph Parkhouse family will be out of quarantine this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were in Fargo last Monday.
Grace Williams was a dinner guest at the J. L. Iwen home last Saturday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm, Saturday, October 14, a baby girl.
Miss Ida Rickleberg spent the weekend with relatives at Blanchard.
John Bettschen and family visited with the H. J. Wagner family on Sunday.
The M. E. Ladies Aid were entertained last Thursday by Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Collins drove up from Fargo on Sunday afternoon to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dennison of Fargo spent Sunday with the Louie Schur family.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and family visited friends in Erie last Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gust Willert, twins, a boy and a girl, on Saturday, October 14.
The American Legion met last Tuesday for their regular monthly meeting.
E. E. Webb returned Saturday from a business trip to northern Minnesota.
Ben Bahl and family were Sunday evening dinner guests at the Chas. Parkhouse home.
Mrs. C. F. Bayard of Hunter spent Sunday with the Harry Dohman family.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid were entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Edward Iwen.
The School Board purchased a new ÒMeisterÓ piano for the primary room this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. L. Bettschen autoed to Fargo on Monday.
Mrs. Hans Willert of Greenfield is visiting at the home of her son Gustav Willert.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Viestenz and children of Casselton were guests of relatives here this week.
Louis Bettschen has had a new basement put under his residence to accommodate a new furnace.
H. Lien of Fargo was in Arthur on Tuesday and place a new piano in the primary room.
Rev. Hoeger was called to Fessenden to perform the marriage ceremony of a double wedding.
James Parkhouse and Vida Viestenz were dinner guests at the J. R. Wilson home on Sunday evening.
Miss Amanda Iwen will teach at Kindred as soon as the new school building is completed.
Mrs. R. F. Viestenz and Rudolph and Mrs. L. Notvedt and Ernest went to Northwood last Saturday.
Miss Jessie Farnham and Isabel McKinnon are attending teachers institute at Fargo this week.
Misses Blanch Roeser and Ollie Burgum spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Fargo and Durbin.
Mrs. Chas. Parkhouse and Mrs. Geo. Parkhouse visited at the Farnham home last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. J. R. Harrington of Moorhead spent Thursday and Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Burgum.
J. E. Sommerfeld and August Sommerfeld are doing the mason work on the basement at E. E. Webb's residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roth autoed through Arthur on their way to Minot. Mrs. Roth is visiting at the R. W. Priewe home.
Mrs. Jim Williams and little daughter Dorothy left for Fargo Wednesday evening to visit Mrs. Tucker who is quite sick.
Amber Wagner joined Geo. Wagner at St. Paul, where they expect to go to Montana to be in the employ of the railroad company.
Mrs. T. J. Ross entertained a number of ladies last week on Tuesday at a six o'clock dinner. A fine time was had by all.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Mrs. A. C. Burgum attended the W. C. T. U. meeting at Hunter last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. F. J. Sinner and children returned Tuesday from her trip to Fargo. Miss Maymie Sinner accompanied her home for a visit.
Augustus Priewe and Lena Gebhard left Wednesday for Nebraska, where they will take up nursing in one of the hospitals.
J. H. Reed of Amenia transacted business in Arthur last week on Monday. Mr. Reed left for California this week to spend the winter.
Mrs. Laurence Eaton is keeping house for Tom See during Mrs. See's absence with Pearl at the hospital in Fargo.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum, Alton Burgum and Miss Reckleberg took Leland Burgum to Absaraka last Sunday evening.
Miss Maymie Sinner, who has been visiting her brother's family here, returned to her home in Fargo Tuesday evening.
Carl Lapisbo is improving the residences of T. O. Burgum and the James Williams with new colonial glass porches enclosing the same for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson had their baby daughter christened Jenette Miasie last Sunday by Rev. Hoeger. Miss Maltvelt and Archie Viestenz were the sponsors.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs and family and Miss Edna Viestenz attended Sunday School in Hunter on Sunday last, and were dinner guests at the Verner Miller home.
Miss Ethel Murch entertained at her farm the American Legion Auxiliary Tuesday afternoon. Three auto loads of ladies drove out from town to attend.
Tom See returned from Fargo on Monday and reports Pearl doing nicely after her operation. Mrs. See remained to stay with pearl until she leaves the hospital.
Rev W. H. Driver has been reported to the Hunter and Arthur charges by the presiding Bishop at the Mandan conference. Rev. Tourtellotte has been appointed to Berlin, Fargo District, Rev. O. L. Anthony has been transferred to Beach, Bismarck district.
Leland Burgum was home over the weekend. He reports Òapple picking dayÓ at Absaraka occurred Tuesday and Wednesday when 11 refrigerator cars left the track one mile from Absaraka and dumped their contents of apples along the railroad track.
Thirty ladies attended the M. E. Aid held last week at the home of Mrs. T. O. Burgum. Mrs. Vosburg gave a fine talk on her visit through Florida and exhibited several souvenirs and handiwork of the natives. A most substantial meal was served by the hostess, assisted by the Misses Burgums and Roeser.
Home Coming Day on Saturday, November 11 will be observed here with the usual community supper at the hall. Supper will be served from 6 to 8. This will be followed by local speakers, community singing, music by the local orchestra and the Nut Quartette and a short home talent play entitled ÒMrs. Oakley's Telephone.Ó Come out everybody and spend a pleasant evening with old and young on this National Holiday.

November 2, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and Miss Duncan spent the weekend in Fargo.
Harry Mendsen of Fargo spent Sunday in Arthur.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner and Mrs. Krause spent Tuesday at Hunter.
F. J. Sinner was a Fargo visitor Saturday.
J. K. Fuller left for his home in Ludlow, Illinois.
Several from Arthur attended the sale at Landon's at Hunter.
Dorothy Wilson spent the weekend at the Wm. Schur home.
T. J. Ross and family attended church in Casselton Sunday.
The Farmers Elevator Co. is having new fireproof roofing put on their building.
Mr. and Mrs. Brettke and family of Embden spent Sunday with the Jacob Briggs family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkhouse spent the weekend at the Ben Bahl home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruffcorn and family were Sunday guests at dinner at the Battersby farm.
Herman Krause of Argusville was a Sunday visitor at the H. J. Wagner home.
B. H. Helland and Dr. Thompson were in Fargo Monday to attend the Nestos-O'Connor mass meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Battersby and Mr. A. C. Haworth were visitors at the Harry Dohman farm.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Webb were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bergstrom of Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wahowske and baby son ware visiting with Mrs. Wahowske.
Merle Miller and Earl Robinson of Hunter were visitors in Arthur Friday evening.
Laurence Rygg, principal of the Blanchard school, was an Arthur visitor Friday evening.
Miss Alma Buckley, a former teacher here is now principal of the Gardner High school.
Dr. Thompson and John Wagner attended the football game in Fargo last Saturday where Montana State was defeated by the Aggies 50 to 0.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Burgum, Mrs. J. A. Burgum visited at the Farnham and the See farms last Saturday.
Mrs. Jim Williams spent a few days at the Tucker home in Fargo on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Tucker.
Ray Faltz and Bob Faltz returned from a hunting trip near Pingree, N. D. and report a very successful trip.
The American Legion Auxiliary will be entertained Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Chester Dohman, lunch will be served. Note the change in date.
Mrs. Hugo Viestenz, Mrs. John Conrad and Mrs. James Jenkins of Erie were over Thursday to attend the M. E. Aid meeting at the home of their mother, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brayton and daughter Lois and Laurence Eaton drove down from Hunter Saturday evening and spent Sunday at the Tom See home.
The M. E. Ladies Aid were entertained Thursday by Mrs. R. H. Vosburg and plans made for a Halloween supper. Mrs. Farnham to take carge of the same. Mrs. Vosburg served a fine lunch and each lady was presented with a sea shell from Florida as a souvenir.
The Horace Fuller, Robt. Wilson, George Ireland and Charles Wilson families spent Friday evening with the Leland Mathew families. Dancing was the favorite pastime and at midnight lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Mathew and family will leave soon for Iowa.
Mrs. Robert Wilson was agreeably surprised Thursday evening by the Horace Fuller, George Ireland, Leland Mathew and Charles Wilson families. Horace refused to believe Mrs. Wilson was surprised because she did not fall over at their entrance. The evening was spent in dancing and a fine time was had. At midnight lunch was served.
A Hudson super-six driven by Fargo parties was overturned and badly wrecked at eight P. M. Friday night at the G. N. crossing three miles south of Arthur. Strange to relate the two men part of the Fargo orchestra were not hurt at all, but were able to play at the dance at Arthur. The car was later towed to Fargo on wheels borrowed from the Amenia garage.

November 9, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Eaton spent Monday of this week in Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Briggs and family were Fargo visitors last Saturday.
Mr. Helland and Mr. Sinner were Fargo visitors Saturday.
The J. E. Sommerfeld family of Fargo were visiting in Arthur Sunday.
Prof. Schold spent Saturday and Sunday in Fargo.
Mr. Williams spent Sunday afternoon visiting friends in Hunter.
Mrs. J. L. Iwen spent Saturday in Fargo with her daughter Dolly.
W. Russell's of Grand Forks are visiting at the A. J. Schur farm.
The W. Schur family were Sunday visitors at the Gust Schur home.
T. J. Ross and family attended church at Page Tuesday evening.
Mrs. T. O. Burgum was at Hunter Tuesday afternoon.
Elsie Bailey spent Sunday at the F. J. Wells farm.
W. Buchanan and L. Notvedt spent Sunday hunting north of Valley City near Luverne.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruffcorn and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bell.
Prof. Burgum spent the weekend at his home in Arthur, returning Sunday.
Amber Wagner and Elmer Iwen spent Sunday hunting ducks near Wimbledon, N. D.
Nice Jonathan Apples, every apple wrapped at $1.75 per box at the Arthur Merc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Burgum spent Sunday afternoon at the Farnham home.
Mrs. William Murch and Miss Ethel Murch spent the forepart of last week in Fargo.
Geo. Ireland and family were Sunday visitors at the J. R. Wilson farm.
The Ireland family were visitors at the L. Bettschen home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Waller have returned from an extended visit on their farm in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Scott of Iowa is here on a visit to her daughter Mrs. Ruffcorn arriving Tuesday.
The chicken pie supper served by the Methodist Ladies netted about seventy dollars.
Miss Blanch Roeser visited over Sunday at her home returning Monday by automobile.
Miss Rickelberg spent the weekend at Blanchard returning Sunday evening.
E. Miller of Kloten, No. Dak. spent the weekend at the Herman Iwen home.
R. H. Vosburg was a Hunter business visitor on Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Thomas See and Pearl spent Sunday at her home returning to Fargo Monday, for further treatment of Pearl.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hayworth of Fargo and Mr. and Mrs. Battersby attended M. E. church in Arthur Sunday.
The young ladies of Arthur who attend Valley City Normal are expected home for the legion celebration November eleventh.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sommerfeld of Montana are visiting friends in Arthur. Mr. Sommerfeld has not been here for six years, so remarks quit a change in Arthur. They will now reside in Buffalo, N. D.
In the endeavor to get rid of their potatoes profitably, the following was done. Perkins and Sandy of Arthur hauled a carload of potatoes to Casselton where cars were available and Emil Boettcher hauled a car load to Amenia.
Miss Maymie Sinner of Fargo and Dr. W. R. Link of McVille, N. D. were united in the bonds of Holy Matrimony at S. Mary's Cathedral in Fargo Tuesday Oct. 31. They left that day for Chicago to visit Dr. Link's parents and will return to make their home to McVille, N. D. Miss Sinner is a sister of F. J. Sinner and has often visited in Arthur.
A number of friends and relatives surprised Matt Bahl last Wednesday evening. The Ben Bahl family, J. R. Nelson family, W. Lambert family, and John Tater, L. Gebeke, Ted Powers, Mr. and Mrs. George Parkhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parkhouse and James Parkhouse and Vida Viestenz were those present. The evening was spent in playing games and cards, after which a delightful lunch was served.

November 16, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Walter Phillips left for Fargo on the train Tuesday evening.
R. A. Perkins shipped a car of potatoes Thursday.
Ed Schur shipped a car of potatoes last Tuesday.
T. O. Burgum and Bob Nelson were judges of election.
The teachers and pupils enjoyed a holiday Tuesday.
Miss Juanita Wilson spent Tuesday visiting at the Wagner home.
T. J. Ross is having a new well put in at his residence.
Miss Lillian Collins is visiting in Grand Forks.
Harry Mendsen of Fargo was an Arthur visitor last Saturday.
Tom See and little Pearl See were Hunter visitors Sunday.
Miss Blanch Rosser returned Monday from Durbin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wahowske are moving out to their farm this week.
Born-to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iwen Thursday Nov. 2 a baby boy.
Miss Lena Schur is visiting at the C. A. Johnson home.
Miss Emma Maltwig is visiting at the Wm. Iwen farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Eaton moved Saturday to the Harrington farm near Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen attended the funeral of Miss Harriet Hoxie at Hunter Tuesday.
Miss Grace Klippen, who has been visiting Miss Lillie Burgum, returning to Valley City Tuesday evening.
Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Miss Lillie Burgum went to Fargo Tuesday evening.
Some of the girls are going to give a play to raise funds for the basketball girls.
Wagner's two confectionery stores and the barber shop have been combined for the winter.
Mr. Rodgers of the Schultz-Bowman Auditing Co. of Fargo is doing the auditing at the Farmers Elevator Co.
Eleven cars arrived in Arthur on the train Monday and were loaded with potatoes.
Mrs. George Oakes and little son are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. August Faltz.
The C. F. Bayard family has moved from Hunter to the Leland Mathew farm for the winter.
Miss Beulah Dohman has been visiting the Carl Madsen family at Hunter.
Miss Verna Schur is staying at the Gust Schur home while attending school.
Mrs. H. F. Fuller and children left Thursday night for a visit with her relatives in Keltin, Wisconsin.
The I. S. Roberts family were guests at dinner Sunday of the John Bettschen family.
Prof. Schold spent Saturday and Sunday in Fargo returning Monday evening.
Mrs. E. E. Webb and children, Miss Emma Maurer and Miss Eileen Collins were Fargo visitors last Wednesday.
Misses Eleanor Roberts and Margaret Bettschen returned to Valley City Tuesday evening, after a short vacation.
Miss Eleanor Roberts entertained at a duck dinner on Tuesday the Misses Lillian Burgum, Grace Kippen, and Margaret Bettschen.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld and Mrs. Geo. Hektner of Fargo attended the Lutheran Bazaar and supper at this place last Thursday evening.
Vernon Miller of Hunter was here this week in the Courier News auto contents. He secured a number of subscriptions.
Announcements have been received of the marriage of Merrill M. Miller and Miss Olga Elizabeth Grimarud at Fargo Tuesday Oct. 31.
The Young People who are attending Mayville Normal are expected home from the American Legion celebration, Nov. 11th.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Ms. A. C. Burgum drove to Hunter to attend the funeral of Miss Harriet Hoxie at Hunter.
Mrs. Horace Fuller and daughter left last Friday afternoon for a visit with relatives in Kilborne, Wisconsin.

November 23, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

The basketball season has opened.
The Gust Schur family spent Sunday visiting at the Will Schur home.
Prof. Schoild spent Friday night in Fargo returning Saturday morning.
Viola Hyen started to school last week.
Mrs. Emil Boettcher spent Monday with the Ed. Wilhelm family.
Mrs. Krause is visiting with the Paul Kuehn family on Monday.
Harl Collins is spending part of this week in Arthur.
Lawrence Mendsen and Ray Faltz spent Monday in Fargo.
Miss Juanita Wilson spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkhouse.
Miss Reckleberg and Elsie Baillie were weekend guests at the Wells farm.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wells and family attended the Armistice Day exercises.
H. J. Wagner, Mr. Baumgartner, and Andrew Anderson went to Fargo to serve on the jury.
O. P. Norland returned Monday morning from Pelican Rapids where he was visiting friends.
J. A. Burgum is having a cistern put in at the residence occupied by Tom See.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corcoran and family drove up from Casselton to attend the Armistice Day celebration.
Mrs. Nortz and Miss Nortz of Wahpeton are visiting with Mrs. Dr. Thompson.
Dr. P. G Reedy of Casselton was a supper guest Monday evening at the home of Jos. Schafer.
Miss Bernadette Manners, teacher in the Schafer Distirct, spent the weekend at her home in Casselton.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Umland and children spent Sunday evening at the home of Jos. Schafer.
James Parkhouse left for the state of Washington last week, where he has secured a position.
Miss Ollie Burgum has been appointed organist for the church services at the M. E. Church.
Lillie Burgum returned to the State Teachers College at Valley City, N. D., Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained the Methodist Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon. A delicious lunch was served.
Mrs. Jos. Schafer and daughter spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Minnie Roberts of Argusville.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schafer spent last Friday in Casselton where they attended the annual meeting of the School Officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson drove down from Hunter to attend the Armistice day festivities.
Dr. Reedy drove up from Casselton to attend the celebration of Armistice Day by Deemer Faltz Post of the American Legion.
Mr. Harley Olson and son of Alta, Iowa, are here looking after business interests. Mr. Olson is the present owner of the former Faltz farm.
Mrs. Wells entertained at dinner Sunday Miss Elsie Bailley, Miss Ida Reckleberg, Dr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Smestad, Mr. Kydd Brewer, Mrs. Nartz and Miss Nartz.
Miss Alice Farnham who is attending Mayville Normal came home Friday evening to spend the week and returning to her school duties Monday.
A girls' basketball team has been organized with Harry Farnham as manager. They expect to give some stiff opposition to the games this coming season.
At a joint meeting of the town board and the Village Council, the bids for the grader's shed, and lots were opened and Fred Williams was the successful bidder for the lot and Louis Heiden for the shed.
At the county election H. F. Horner was elected States Attorney, Ford Dougherty County Treasurer, Caroline Evingson Supt. of Schools, and E. F. Moore, Coroner, and Thos. Hockridge, County Commissioner.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum received word her brother-in-law Allan Hedstrom was elected to the lucrative office of Sheriff at Bismarck, Burleigh. Mr. Hedstrom is a farmer and has served as County commissioner for Burleigh County for several terms.
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Link of McVille, N. D. who are on their wedding trip, are visiting at the F. J. Sinner family and attended the Armistice Day exercises. They arrived from Chicago Saturday morning. Mrs. Link was formerly Miss Maymie Sinner.

November 30, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Wednesday in Fargo.
Rev. Hoeger left for Aberdeen on Wednesday evening.
George Iwen spent Sunday and Monday in Fargo.
Mrs. Tom See and Pearl See went to Fargo Tuesday evening.
Prof. Shold went to Fargo Friday evening returning Monday morning.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum is visiting in Fargo this week.
Lawrence Mendsen spent the weekend in Fargo.
Henry Grieger left for El Paso, Illinois, this week.
Ray Faltz is visiting friends in Macintosh, Minn.
Ben Burmiester was a Hunter visitor Wednesday.
George Landon was an Arthur visitor Wednesday evening.
Oscar Olson spent the weekend in Fargo.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum left Wednesday evening for Fargo where she will attend the W. C. T. U.
Miss Edna Sommerfeld was elected president of the Home Economics Club at the Agricultural College.
Mrs. F. D. Wells and Clifford went to Casselton Saturday evening and spent Sunday.
Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Krause and Lillie Wagner are spending Wednesday and Thursday in Fargo.
The dance for next Friday night was postponed on account of the roads.
The Methodist Church sale has been postponed on account of the roads.
Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained the Methodist Ladies Aid last Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Wallace Hackett entertained a number of ladies at a card party last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. E. E. Webb spent the weekend in Fargo with Mr. Webb and attended the U. C. T. dance.
Miss Blanch Rosser went to Fargo Saturday evening returning Monday morning.
Harry Farnham spent Sunday in Fargo visiting with a former army comrade of his in France.
No school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as the teachers are attending the N. D. T. A. in Fargo.
Mrs. Thomas See and daughter Pearl left Thursday evening for Fargo.
Mrs. Wagner and daughter Lillie and Mrs. Krause left Tuesday evening for Fargo.
James Parkhouse returned from a trip to Washington Saturday morning.
Vida Viestenz went to Casselton Friday evening returning Saturday morning.
George Iwen went to Fargo Saturday evening, returning Monday morning.
The basketball team is practicing frequently so we expect they will play some games soon.
Miss Blanch Rosser left Saturday evening to spend Sunday with friends in Fargo returning Monday morning.
Hiram Farnham, Alice Farnham and Mayme Tonn who are attending Mayville Normal are spending the weekend with their folks.
Alton Burgum, Paul Boettcher and Harold Viestenz received their prize money this week for their exhibits at Casselton.
The American Legion Auxilliary will meet next Tuesday afternoon Nov. 28 at the home of Mrs. C. A. Johnson. Lunch will be served.
Grace Willaims, Lloyd Williams and Eunice Iwen went to Fargo Wednesday evening where they will spend the week with their aunt, Mrs. Tucker.
About twenty ladies were present at the reception given by Mrs. Wallace Hackett, Saturday afternoon. The afternoon was spent very entertainingly and a delightful lunch was served.
The stock situation is getting rather serious as a result of the shortage of stock cars. Both Ole Nelson and Carl Johnson have a large number of stock on their hands.

December 7, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

Mrs. Walter Phillips visited with friends in Fargo last week.
Mrs. August Faltz will entertain the M. E. Aid at her home Dec. 6th.
Mr. L. S. Mendsen returned Monday morning from Fargo.
Mrs. Curtis of Hunter is visiting relatives in Arthur.
Thomas See and George Iwen were Hunter visitors Sunday.
Mrs. F. J. Sinner and children went to Fargo Tuesday evening.
Julius Kushnick returned Tuesday from Detroit, Minnesota.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson was on the sick list the fore part of the week.
Tom See and George Iwen were Hunter visitors Tuesday evening.
Henry Grieger returned Monday morning from his trip.
Mrs. Curtis and two sons of Greenfield are visiting relatives here.
Prof. Echold returned from Fargo on the late train Monday.
Mrs. Horace Hackett entertained a company of gentlemen friends at cards Thursday evening.
Lawrence Mendsen and Pearl Faltz visited in Fargo Tuesday of last week.
Miss Rosser visited her mother in Fargo and who is a patient at St. Johns Hospital.
Mr. Ray Faltz returned home Wednesday morning from McIntosh, Minn. where he made a short visit.
Miss Pearl Faltz returned Monday morning from a short visit with friends in Fargo.
The Misses Jennie and Isabell McKinnon were Fargo visitors last Saturday.
John Schur Jr., who has been farming near Hunter, has moved to the A. J. Schur farm at Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and family spent Thanksgiving at the A. J. Schur farm.
We have been informed that ÒTurkey WeekÓ will be between the dates of Dec. 8 and Dec. 15.
The Arthur Basketball second team plays Argusville, Dec. 2, at Argusville.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See and family autoed to Hunter Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Schur and Mrs. Thomas See autoed to Page Sunday visiting relatives.
The work of dragging the roads has been carried on the past few days.
Mrs. Louis Bettschen went to Northfield, Minn. to visit her mother who is ill.
Misses Elizabeth and Lydia Sommerfeld spent a few days visiting relatives in Fargo.
Mrs. Gust Iwen returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Pequot, Minn.
Miss Ollie Burgum and Miss Blanche Roeser rturned from Durbin on the late train Monday.
Mrs. James Jenkins and Mrs. John Conrad and children of Erie visited for a few days with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg.
Miss Millie See and Miss Elizabeth Fawler taught the primary and eighth grade Monday forenoon until the teachers arrived.
Miss Grace Williams and Floyd Williams, Eunice Iwen returned from Fargo on the delayed train Monday.
Miss Maud Briggs sang a solo at the Epworth League devotional meeting at the Methodist church Sunday evening.
Elizabeth and Lydia Sommerfeld and Martha and Ella Boettcher spent the weekend in Fargo visiting with relatives.
Mrs. Johnson of Minot, N. D. is visiting at the H. J. Wagner home. Mrs. Johnson lived here twenty years ago.
A traveling man found the roads impassable between Arthur and Vance so after making inquiries at the Vance tower in regard to trains got his car on the railroad track and hit the ties with all four wheels and after a rough trip got to Arthur.
The girls who are taking domestic science at school gave a five o'clock dinner to their mothers eight in number under the direction of Miss Reckleberg. The girls finished the materials for a three course dinner, prepared and served it. The tables were nicely decorated.

December 14, 1922

Taken from the Arthur News

The Rose Valley schoolhouse burned down Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson were Fargo visitors Thursday.
Lillian Wagner spent Saturday and Sunday with the Paul Kuehn family.
Julius Kushnick left Tuesday evening for Fargo.
The High School basketball team is practicing twice a week.
Prof. Schood spent the weekend in Fargo returning Monday.
H. J. Wagner returned to his jury duties last Thursday evening.
Hub Camp left for his home in Iowa Tuesday.
The American Legion Auxilliary will meet with Mrs. C. A. Johnson next Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Gustave Willert was taken to a Fargo hospital Tuesday evening, she has been ill for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgum last Saturday.
Leland Burgum spent Saturday at Mayville visiting with his former teachers at the Mayville Normal.
Mrs. August Faltz entertained the Methodist Ladies Aid last Wednesday.
Mrs. Louis Bettschen is at her mother's home at Northfield, Minn., where her mother is quite ill.
Miss Elizabeth Sommerfeld taught Miss Rosser's room until she arrived Friday morning.
Mrs. Arthur Burgum left Monday evening for Moorhead, Minn. for a few days visit at her parents' home.
Miss Blanch Rosser went to Durbin Wednesday evening to spend Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wells entertained Miss Elsie Bailey and Kydd Brewer at Thanksgiving dinner.
Miss Edna Sommerfeld of Fargo spent a few days here with her cousins.
Miss Henn of Perham, Minn. spent a few days visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. J. Sinner.
Mrs. Hans Willert and her daughter Hilda are visiting at the L. Schur home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruffcorn and her mother Miss Scott spent Friday visiting at the Wells farm.
F. D. Wells and family were supper guests at the Greibstein home last Friday.
A. H. Smeastad went down the line to spend Thanksgiving leaving Wednesday evening and returning Friday morning.
The Misses Helen Viestenz and Annie and Bernice Bayard returned Saturday morning to their respective schools at Milton and Park River.
Miss Ida Reckleberg went to Blanchard Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with her relatives returning Thursday evening.
The first game of the season was played when the Arthur Second team journeyed to Argusville. They succeeded in defeating the Argusville quint by a score of 15 to 4. The small score on both sides was the result of poor basket shooting:.. the team was composed of Viestenz, Boettcher, Kuehn, Boettcher, Wagner, and McKinnon.
Gustave Willert is moving to the farm recently rented by Fred Standfield and Frank Standfield is moving to the farm that Gustave Willert farmed.
Miss Helen Viestenz and the Misses Annie and Bernice Bayard who are teaching north of Grand Forks arrived Thanksgiving morning by way of Fargo to spend Thanksgiving with the home folks.
Principal Leland Burgum of the Absaraka School arrived home Friday morning to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum. Leland played at a concert of 12 numbers given by the 30 piece American Legion Band at the High School Auditorium at Casselton Thanksgiving Evening.
Mrs. Krause, sister of H. J. Wagner, left Friday evening for her home at Grand Meadow, Minn. after a two months' visit with her relatives.
The Misses Blanch Rosser, Ottlie Burgum, Ida Reckleberg, Jessie Farnham, Vida Viestenz, Gertie Grieger, and Elsie Bailley are working hard on a play to be given for the basketball girls benefit. Mrs. Reuben Phillips is training them to act their parts.

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