1924 Arthur

Arthur Anglings 1925 Hunter Herald

April 2, 1925

Farnham, New Principal of Arthur Schools
Albert Farnham was elected principal of the Arthur schools, at a meeting of the board of education held last week. Mr. Farnham was principal of the Arthur schools preceding T. P. Redmond, at present at the head of the schools, but who has decided not to return next year. All teachers have been engaged for next year with the exception of the intermediate grade teacher. Miss Julia Carlson will return next year as assistant principal, Miss Tracy as 7th-8th grade teacher, Miss Mable Grebe as primary instructor. The remaining post will be filled when the board meets on April 14.
Williams Sale Drew Large Crowd to Town The Fred Williams sale held at Arthur Tuesday proved to be one of the largest held in this territory this spring. Everything sold well, horses especially bringing good prices. The day was disagreeable which probably accounted for the large number at the sale, it being too windy to accomplish anything in the fields.
The George Landon sale on Friday, the Jerome Shea sale on Saturday and the Williams sale Tuesday practically wind up the spring sales as far as this territory is concerned.

April 9, 1925

(From Arthur News)
Miss Eleanor Roberts of Durbin spent the weekend at her home.
Mr. Meeg of Erie, salesman for Dodge Bros., was in Arthur on business Tuesday.
Misses Alice Farnham and Margaret Bower visited Saturday with Miss Jessie Farnham at Mayville.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olsen and Mrs. Tom See autoed to Fargo on Tuesday.
Mesdames Louis and Willis Schroeder and Christy Morrow of Erie were Arthur shoppers on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughter Ollie autoed to Fargo on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and children of Casselton were Arthur visitors on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm, Mrs. August Sommerfeld, and Martha Boettcher autoed to Fargo on Thursday and spent the day on business.
Miss Julia Carlson accompanied her mother and brother to Fargo on Saturday and spent Sunday at her home in Mayville.
John Wagner has moved his confectionery stock back into his own building, from the billiard hall where he had held forth during the winter months.
Mrs. Edith Farnham received the announcement of the arrival of a baby girl at the home of her daughter.
Harry, Henry and Orian Stenjhem returned on Thursday morning from Minneapolis where they spent the winter.
Louie Heiden has moved his cream station from the basement of the First State Bank to new quarters adjoining his shop. Mr. Heiden has made considerable improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connor and family expect to move some time this week to make their home in Casselton.
Rev. T. A. Olsen of Fargo, district superintendent, occupied the pulpit in the M. E. church Sunday morning in the absence of Rev. L. R. Burgum who was called to Wilton, N. D., to officiate at the funeral of W. P. Macomber, president and manager of the Washburn Lignite Coal Col.
Frank Anderson and son Woodrow autoed to Fargo on Tuesday, returning Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and children autoed to Fargo on Monday.
August Sommerfeld and Robt. Bettschen are working at the cemetery this week, building brick posts.
I. S. Roberts is operating the North American Cream Station which was formerly in charge of Walter Schur.
Messrs. Fred Williams and Will Boettcher and Misses Ella and Martha Boettcher autoed to Fargo on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilhelm and children autoed to Jamestown on Sunday returning to Tuesday.
The Royal Neighbors held their regular meeting Tuesday evening and plans were made for a dance to be given in Friday April 24.
John Hansen of Hunter was in Arthur on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur and daughter Frances and Muriel and Mrs. Tom See autoed to Page on Sunday afternoon and visited at the home of their mother, Mrs. Hans Willert.
Mrs. James Williams and daughter Dorothy and Grace, Mrs. Sullivan and daughter Adeline autoed to Fargo on Saturday with Mr. T. P. Redmond.
Mrs. Lillie Drake and little granddaughter Violet Schneider, left Sunday for Page where she will make her home for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burmeister and son Bernard were supper guests Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden.
A number of young people gathered at the home of Miss Maude Briggs on Wednesday, April 1, and spent the evening informally.
The H. S. Seniors are busy rehearsing their class play ÒMy Irish Rose,Ó to be given in the near future.
Mrs. T. J. Ross who is confined to her home is somewhat improved at this writing.
If you hear a lot of buzzing when you go to Arthur, you musn't come to the conclusion that the gossips are busy, for what you hear is only some of the Arthur honey producers which were very much in evidence there this week. The bees have been sleeping all winter but with the balmy days of spring at hand they are hard at work. With clover not very plentiful as yet, they seem to take a distinct liking to some of the boys' alfalfa.
Rev. and Mrs. Hoeger were visiting in Fargo on Wednesday.
I. S. Roberts has taken over the cream station until recently managed by Walter Schur of Arthur and after thoroughly cleaning and renovating the place will continue to buy cream and eggs for the North American Produce Co. Walter Roberts will be the buyer. See their ads in this issue.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Notvedt spent Wednesday in Fargo.

April 16, 1925

Miss Bertha Kuehn and Lydia Sommerfeld of Mayville State Teachers College visited from Friday until Tuesday at their respective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and family of Casselton spent Easter Sunday with relatives in Arthur.
The Methodist Ladies Aid supper on Thursday evening at the R. H. Vosburg home was well attended and a delicious supper was served. Mesdames Louis Bettschen, Reuben Phillips and Wallace Hackett were the committee in charge of the supper.
Harold Viestenz, who is attending school at Sykeston, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Barker to Arthur for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schur and children were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schur.
Misses Gertrude and Genevieve Bahl arrived Wednesday evening from sacred Heart Academy to spend their Easter vacation at their home, returning to Fargo on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Viestenz and family were dinner guests Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eaton and children of near Erie, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dohman and family, spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack See.
T. P. Redmond autoed to Starkweather and spent his Easter vacation with his parents. Miss Mabel Grebe accompanied Mr. Redmond as far as Devils Lake from where she took the train to Rugby to visit at the home of her folks. Mr. Redmond and Miss Grebe returned on Sunday afternoon accompanied by Mr. Bottelson of Davenport.
J. G. Fuller arrived Thursday morning from Ludlow, Ill., and will spend some time in this vicinity.
Miss Lillie Burgum who is teaching at Fessenden visited from Friday until Sunday at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson accompanied by Mrs. H. J. Wagner and Mrs. Ed. Schur autoed to Fargo on Thursday.
W. E. Ruffcorn returned Tuesday from Britton, S. D., where he purchased a purebred Shorthorn Sire.
Miss Tracy spent her Easter vacation in Fargo.
Amber Wagner arrived Saturday from LaMoure and spent Sunday at his home.
Miss Carlsen visited with her folks at Mayville over the Easter holidays.
Chas. Wilson purchased a new Fordson from Elefeson Auto Co. at Casselton.
Mr. Redmond motored to Starkweather on Thursday to spend his Easter vacation with his father who has been ill.
The Farmers Elevator Co. purchased a new Ford truck the first of this week from the Hockridge Garage at Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur and family were guests Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom See.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg autoed to Erie to Tuesday and visited with their daughters Mrs. James Jenkins and Mrs. John Conrad.
Miss Ruth Tracy left Thursday evening for Fargo where she spent Easter with friends, returning to her school duties on Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. August Hoeger and family auoted to Leonard and spent Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Barker and family of Sykeston autoed to Arthur and spent Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton have moved on to the J. K. Fuller farm one half mile south of Arthur.
Miss Margaret Bettschen arrived home Friday morning and visited until Sunday afternoon at her home.
L. R. Burgum, Lillie and Ollie Burgum autoed to Fargo on Thursday and spent the day.
Miss Grebe accompanied Mr. Redmond to Devils Lake and from there she took the train to her home at Rugby to visit there. Mr. Redmond and Miss Grebe autoed back on Sunday.
School commenced again on Monday after the Easter Holidays. Some of them have not recovered evidently.
Mr. Ed Bottolfson also accompanied Mr. Redmond from Starkweather and returned to his school duties at Davenport.
Raymond and Ann Shafer visited from Wednesday until Thursday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shafer.
Miss Julia Carson spent her Easter vacation with her folks, returning on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tucker of Fargo visited Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Williams.
Mr. Alfred Smestad autoed to Hendrum for Easter and visited at the Ostby home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm entertained as their guests on Easter Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Judisch.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen and son Donald accompanied Margaret to Kindred on Sunday afternoon.
Miss Amundson, who is teaching in District 95, enjoyed her short Easter vacation at her home at Hatton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maurer and family were Fargo visitors on Monday.
Misses Eleanor Roberts and Elizabeth Sommerfeld, who are teaching at Durbin and Ayr, respectively, visited at their homes over Easter.
Miss Caroline J. Evingson, County Superintendent of schools and Prof. A. G. Arvold of the A. C. were in Arthur on Monday making arrangements for Cass County Play Day, to be held at Casselton, May 15.
Dahl's five piece orchestra of Fargo has been secured for the R. N. A. public dance of Friday, April 24.
Ray O'Connor is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson and completing his school term here.
Lloyd Williams of the A. C. spent his short Easter vacation with his parents, returning to Fargo on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sommerfeld and Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Sommerfeld.

April 23, 1925

Jake Shack, who has been visiting a few days at the Sherman home, left Tuesday evening for a visit at Mapleton and Fargo.
Mrs. Wahowski returned last week from an extended visit with relatives in Wisconsin, and is now visiting at the home of her son Ed near Amenia.
Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan of Page were in Arthur on Tuesday on business.
Little Ardyce McKinnon developed a case of diphtheria and the John McKinnon family is now under quarantine.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olsen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Summerfeld autoed to Fargo on Sunday and visited with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Reuben Phillips, Lyle and Florence and Dorothy Williams visited relatives in Fargo over Sunday returning on Tuesday morning.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid was entertained on Thursday at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn. A delicious luncheon was served.
Miss Adaline Kanter of Milwaukee, who has been visiting at the James Williams home, is spending a few days in Fargo as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Tucker.
H. J. Wagner and family are enjoying a new ÒOverland Sedan,Ó which they purchased last week.
The Freshmen and Sophomores of Arthur high are practicing on their play ÒThe Little Clodhopper,Ó which will be given bout the middle of May.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Ruth Andersen went to Fargo Monday evening, where the former visited with her mother, Mrs. John Schur, who is a patient at St. John's hospital.
Little Jean Roberts had the misfortune to fall down stairs on Saturday and break her collar bone. Dr. Richter of Hunter was called and Jean is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family, Rev. L. R. Burgum and T. J. Stewart were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom See.
A birthday surprise party was given Mrs. Gust Schur at her home on Tuesday by her daughter, Erna and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz. About twenty guests were present and the ladies spent the evening in playing cards. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostesses and the evening was enjoyed by all.
The County Contests that were to be held at Casselton last Saturday will be held this Saturday April 25. The same program will be followed.
Miss Hermina Hove of Story Citry, Iowa, arrived Monday morning for a visit at the Good Samaritan Home. Miss Hove was formerly employed at the home.
Mrs. Lillie Drake, who has been very poorly for the past week, underwent an operation at St. John's hospital Friday of last week for gallstones. Mrs. Drake is getting along as well as can be expected at this time.
Work has begun on excavating the basement for the new home of Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld. August and Julius Sommerfeld will have charge of the building and the home will be erected on the lot just north of August Sommerfeld's.
About thirty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. August Sommerfeld to help Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld celebrate her seventy-sixth birthday anniversary on Saturday evening. The evening was spent informally. A delicious birthday luncheon was served, Mrs. Sommerfeld received many gifts and the guests enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
J. J. O'Connor and daughter, Loretta, of Casselton were in Arthur on Friday and were accompanied home by Grace O'Connor, who is staying at the John Bettschen home and completing the school term here.
Mrs. I. S. Roberts entertained on Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 7, in honor of Doris, who celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary. The invited guests were Miss Mabel Grabe, Florence Phillips, Dorothy Williams, Elona Iwen, Doris Helland, Wanda Schur, Catherine Ross, Pearl See, Pauline Webb, Marian Timmerman, Elfrieda Sommerfeld, Edith Slingsby and Laura Hoeger. The hours were spent in playing games. At six o'clock a delicious birthday supper was served, with a large birthday cake with seven birthday candles centered the table. Doris received many pretty gifts and a delightful time was enjoyed by all the guests.

April 30, 1925

Mrs. James Williams and children Grace, Dorothy, and Fred autoed to Erie on Monday evening and visited at Charles Myers' home and were delayed on account of bad roads until Tuesday.
Mrs. L. W. Heiden is the recipient of some beautiful souvaniers from her sister, Mrs. Fred Knautz, who is a missionary in Madang, New Guinea, mammoth size mounted butterflies of gorgeous colorings, and a hand carved wooden bowl work done by the natives in that far off land.
G. A. Johnson autoed to Fargo on Wednesday and returned with a new Dodge Sedan.
Chester Dohman autoed to Nashua, Minn., to attend the funeral of his cousin.
Mrs. John See was been poorly the past few days but is better at this writing.
James Baumgardner purchased a new Fordson on Monday from Elefson Auto Co. at Casselton.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner and daughter Lillian autoed to Hunter on Sunday and visited with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and the I. S. Roberts family were calling on friends in Casselton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Webb and family were Casselton visitors Sunday.
T. P. Redmond and Elmer Grieger are owners of new Ford Coupes, purchased this week, through George Landon.
T. J. Ross was a Fargo business caller on Monday.
Miss Ruth Anderson and Mrs. John Levin visited Tuesday at the home of the former near Arthur.
Mrs. Reuben Phillips and daughter Lorence went to Casselton Saturday to attend the county contests.
B. A. Helland, Louis Bettschen and Fred Williams were business callers at the county seat Monday.
Mr. T. J. Steward and Mr. W. E. Ruffcorn motored to Britton, S. Dak. the first part of the week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum, Rev. L. R. Burgum and Ollie were Sunday callers at the John See home.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur and family visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Schur.
Sheriff J. C. Ross was an Arthur caller on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Willert and family were Sunday guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Schur.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grieger and family moved on Friday from the Arthur Hotel to their new home north of town.
J. A. Burgum spent the weekend with his family at Grand Forks.
Charles Kuntson and Mr. Simmons of Crookston, Minn., visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Notvedt. Mr. Knutson is a brother of Mrs. Notvedt's.
Mrs. Sullivan and daughter Adeline are spending a week at the home of Mrs. Sullivan's sister, Mrs. Chas. Myers at Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn and family were Sunday guests at the August Wolf home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brayton and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.
Lloyd Williams and Mr. T. P. Redmond autoed to Fargo on Sunday where Lloyd returned to his studies at the A. C. after spending Saturday and Sunday at his home here.
The dance given by the Arthur Royal Neighbors on Friday evening was largely attended and the receipts were very good.
J. K. Fuller left for his home at Ludlow, Ill. Monday evening after having spent several weeks here looking after his farm interests.
Frank Andersen and soon Woodrow autoed to Casselton on Saturday where Woodrow took part in the County Contest.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon and little daughter Ardyce were released from quarantine on Sunday of this week.
Messrs Al Schneider and Geo. Drake autoed to Fargo Thursday to visit Mrs. Drake, who is in S. John's hospital at that place.
The Royal Neighbors of Arthur postponed their meeting Monday evening. Thursday evening May 7, will be their next regular meeting.
The American Legion Auxiliary of Deemer Faltz Post was entertained on Thursday evening by Miss Ruth Andersen at the T. J. Ross home.
George Landon gives the grass no time to grow under his feet these days, last week he delivered Fordson tractors to Carley Wilson, Jim Baumgardner, and trucks to T. J. Ross and Farmers Elevator Co.
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Notvedt and son Ernest autoed to Fargo on Monday. Mrs. Notvedt having her tonsils removed at St. Luke's hospital on Tuesday. She is doing nicely and expects to return to Arthur on Friday.
Messrs John Bettschen and Louis Notvedt and son Ernest autoed to Fargo on Tuesday returning Wednesday afternoon.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Clunis on Monday. Mother and babe are doing nicely.

May 7, 1925

Rev. August Hoeger and daughter Agnes autoed to Fargo on Tuesday.
John Wagner and Tom Stewart autoed to Fargo Monday on business.
Miss Julia Carlson visited Saturday and Sunday at her home in Mayville.
Albert Wilhelm was confined to his home for a few days last week.
Mrs. Hans Willert of Page is visiting at the Louis Schur home.
Mrs. Wahowski was visiting friends in Arthur Sunday.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson entertained several friends on Sunday.
Emil Buck of Hunter was in Arthur on business Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur and family autoed to Page on Sunday and visited with relatives.
Miss Caroline J. Evingson, county superintendent of schools, was an Arthur caller on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Jennie Farnham of Mayville State Teachers College visited over the weekend at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and family autoed to Fargo and spent Saturday returning on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Timmerman and family visited Sunday at the Paul Kuehn home.
George Wagner arrived Monday from Fergus Falls for a short visit with his folks.
Mrs. Mary Willert of Page is visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Louie Schur and Mrs. Tom See.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brewer on Friday. Mother and babe are doing nicely.
Misses Ethel and Agnes Schur, Adeline Roberts attended the contest at Casselton Saturday.
The annual Junior-Senior banquet will be held on Friday evening at the Louis Bettschen home.
Miss Mayme Tonn returned last Monday from Montana where she has completed her term of school.
Misses Adeline Kauter and Grace Williams and Mr. T. P. Redmond autoed to Grand Forks on Saturday and visited over Sunday.
Little Ruth Brewer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brewer is spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.
Misses Mabel Grebe and Ollie Burgum and Foster Burgum autoed to Fergus Falls on Sunday and the latter returned with a Buick couple.
Misses Mabel Grebe and Ollie Burgum, Mrs. Reuben Phillips and Mr. T. P. Redmond attended the contest in Casselton last Saturday.
J. K. Fuller returned last Wednesday evening to his home at Ludlow, Ill., after spending several weeks looking after his farming interests.
Misses Ruth Tracey and Mabel Grebe autoed to Casselton on Friday afternoon and attended to matters concerning Play Day to be held at Casselton Saturday, May 16.
Mr. Helberg and Mr. Redmond autoed to Fargo on Friday and were accompanied home by Floyd Williams who spent the week with his folks.
Mrs. John Schur returned on Friday evening from Casselton where she had spent a week since her return from St. John's hospital, where she has been receiving treatments for several weeks.
The Young People's Society held a social meeting Saturday evening, May 2, in the church basement.
The Parent Teachers Association met Thursday evening in the school house.

May 14, 1925

T. P. Redmond autoed to Hendrum on Sunday.
Ruth Anderson spent the weekend at her home near Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olsen and family auoted to Fargo on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher.
Rev. August Hoeger left Tuesday for different points in South Dakota and Iowa on several business matters.
Frank Anderson and son Woodrow autoed to Fargo on Tuesday afternoon.
Misses Julia Carlson, Grace Williams, Lillian Wagner, Agnes and Ethel Schur autoed to Casselton on Saturday.
Charles Hayford and Ellen Anderson were calling on Arthur friends Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and family will spend Sunday with friends and relatives at McHenry.
The Arthur Mercantile Co. received four cars of lumber this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wheeler of Colgate were Sunday guests at the Louis Schur home.
Dahl's five piece orchestra will give a dance on Friday, May 15. Supper will be furnished by the Royal Neighbors.
Mesdames John and Herman Iwen, Miss Adeline Kanter and Fred Williams autoed to Fargo on Tuesday.
The American Legion Auxiliary of the Demmer Faltz Post presented Mrs. William Murch with a plant for Mother's Day.
Mrs. Lillian Drake has returned from St. John's hospital where she underwent an operation some time ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schur, Mrs. Mary Willert and Mrs. Tom See attended the funeral of Mrs. Mathews at Erie on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Millie See returned on Saturday from Turtle Lake where she has been teaching the past term.
The song service for Mothers Day which was given at the Methodist church on Sunday evening was enjoyed by a goodly number.
A Mother's Day program was given by the primary children on Friday in honor of their mothers. A number of visitors were present and the program was greatly enjoyed.
Rev. Isaac Corn of Wesley College will preach in the M. E. church on Sunday a.. m. while Rev. L. R. Burgum will preach at Pembina, Rev Corn's charge.
Mrs. Mary Willert, who has been visiting with relatives, left on Tuesday morning for Colgate where she was called by the illness of her grandson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rudd and son Millard and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rudd were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Viestenz and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins and family of Erie were gests Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, the occasion not only being Mother's Day but also father's as Mr. Vosburg celebrated his seventy-first birthday anniversary.
Dr. George Oakes and family were Sunday callers at the August Faltz home.
Mrs. Henry Sommerfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson motored to Fargo Monday, where they spent the day.
Mrs. Gust Willert returned to Page on Tuesday after having visited with her daughters, Mrs. Tom see and Mrs. Louie Schur for several days.
Alfred Smestad autoed to Hendrum Sunday and visited at the Ostby home.
Miss Kathleen Head, Cass county school nurse, visited the Arthur school for a short time on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Blanche Roeser of Durbin and Sam Ottow of Davenport were Sunday visitors at the T. O. Burgum home.
Miss Edna Ostby of Hendrum, a former Arthur teacher, called on friends for a short time on Monday.
Mrs. Wagner and daughter Lillian visited at the Frank Brewer and William Murch homes on Sunday.
Miss Eleanor Roberts of Durbin was home for the senior play, returning to her school on Sunday.
Mrs. L. W. Drake has returned from the hospital at Fargo where she had been a patient. She is greatly improved in health.
The Methodist Ladies Aid was entertained on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Tom See. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess.
Lloyd and Fred Williams and Foster Burgum autoed to Casselton on Sunday evening where Lloyd took the train for Fargo after spending the weekend at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross and family spent Sunday at Moorhead, where they went to meet Mrs. Ross' brother, M. L. Dugan of Minneapolis, whom they had not seen for several months. Mr. Dugan spent the day with the Ross'.

May 25, 1925

90th Birthday Anniversary Observed
About 75 friends and relatives of Mrs. Caroline Schlate gathered at St. John's Lutheran Church on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Schlate's 90th birthday anniversary. A delicious luncheon was served by the members of the Lutheran congregation. In the evening immediate relatives of Mrs. Schlate gathered at her home to celebrate the occasion.
Mrs. Schlate is one of the oldest residents of Cass county. She came to America from Germany nearly sixty years ago with her husband, Mr. Iwen. They settled at Winona, Minnesota, and five children, Will, Gust, Fred, John, Herman were born to Mr. and Mrs. Iwen. All the sons are living at Arthur with the exception of Fred who is residing at Bainsville, Montana.
Mrs. Schlate lived at Winona for fourteen years, during which time Mr. Iwen died. Later she was married to Mr. John Schlate and moved to section 1 in Amenia township in 1880. Two daughters, Mrs. Ryan Siewert of Ayr, and Mrs. Schulz of California were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Schlate.
Mrs. Schlate, generally known as ÒgrandmaÓ by the entire town, is in good health at the age of 90 and is active, caring for her own home and garden.
Frank Anderson purchased a new Ford sedan one day last week.
T. J. Stewart and Robert Ross autoed to Fargo on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Fredericks and sister, Miss Laura Hill of Erie were callers in Arthur on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and family autoed to McHenry and visited over the weekend.
Word has been received announcing the arrival of a baby son to Dr. and Mrs. Hugo Rostel of Fargo.
The officers of the M. E. Ladies Aid held a meeting on Tuesday evening to make plans for painting of the church in the near future.
There will be no morning services in the Methodist church on Sunday, May 24, as Rev. Burgum will attend the S. S. convention at Bismarck.
Miss Lydia Sommerfeld of Mayville arrived Friday evening and visited over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Sommerfeld.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and family visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Helland near Finley.
Miss Genevieve Redmond arrived Wednesday from Starkweather and will visit until after commencement with her brother, Prof. T. P. Redmond.
James Williams autoed to Fargo Thursday to have dental work done, returning on Friday accompanied by his son Lloyd.
Mrs. Emil Helberg and small son arrived Saturday for a two weeks visit with Mr. Helberg.
The American Legion Auxiliary of the Deemer Faltz post held a combined business and social meeting at the home of Mrs. Gust Anderson Tuesday evening. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Ms. James Williams, Dorothy and Fred and Mrs. Sullivan autoed to Fargo Tuesday. The latter will remain in Fargo for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Parker.
Misses Verna and Erna Schur, Mabel Grebe and Mrs. T. P. Redmond autoed to Fargo on Saturday.
Mrs. H. A. Berntsen of St. Paul, formerly Marian Fowler, arrived Saturday for a two weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Riggs and little daughter Lois of Bismarck called on Arthur friends Tuesday and were dinner guests at the T. O. Burgum home.
A large number of Arthurites autoed to Casselton on Monday and took in the pageant ÒThe Kingdom of FlowersÓ given by the schools of Cass county.
Rev. Hoeger left Monday evening for Aberdeen, S. D., where he was a guest at a farewell reception for a minister who is leaving for foreign missionary work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson entertained the members of the faculty and the class of 1925 of the Arthur high school in Tuesday evening at 6:30 luncheon. Each graduate found a miniature diploma at their places, certifying the completion of a course outside of the school curriculum, and characteristic of the particular graduate. The tables were beautifully decorated with pink and green carnations. Covers were laid for 14 and very delicious luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Viestenz received the announcement of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilcox of Buffalo. Mrs. Wilcox was formerly Miss Martha Viestenz of Arthur.
Miss Grace Williams was pleasantly surprised last Thursday evening by the members of the play case of ÒMy Irish RoseÓ and the faculty of the Arthur school. The occasion being Grace's eighteenth birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in contests and music. Part of the evening was spent in making Òmemory booksÓ with pictures illustrating the past, present and future life of each guest.
At 11:00 o'clock a very delicious luncheon was served by Mrs. Williams to twenty-five guests. The honored guest was presented with several pieces of ivory as a token of remembrance from her friends.

May 28, 1925

Well Known Arthur Man Dies Suddenly
Edward Fowler, 67, of Arthur, one of the first settlers in the Arthur vicinity, died at his home at 1 p.m. Monday of a paralytic stroke. He had been ailing for several months.
Mr. Fowler was born in England in 1858. He came to the United States 41 years ago, coming directly to Arthur, where he had lived since.
When Mr. Fowler came to North Dakota there was no railroad at Arthur and it was necessary to make the trip from Casselton to Arthur by wagon.
Surviving are the sons, Fred, Eugene and Edward, and four sisters. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the farm home. The body was taken to Casselton for burial.
Miss Julia Carlson spent Saturday at her home in Mayville.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Willert, Will Schur and daughter Edna autoed to Fargo on Friday.
Louie Heiden spent Tuesday in Fargo on business.
Jake Schack is erecting a new up to date barn on his farm west of Arthur.
C. A. Johnson went to South St. Paul on business on Tuesday evening.
J. A. Burgum autoed to Grand Forks on Friday and spent several days visiting with his family.
Little Ruth Brewer returned to her home Friday after spending some time at the H. J. Wagner home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schur went to Fargo on Friday evening and Mrs. Schur remained at St. John's Hospital for medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Halberg and little son were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.
W. H. Flynn was in Arthur on Tuesday looking after his farming interests.
Miss Mabel Dohman of Nashua, Minn. returned Saturday to her home after visiting with relatives at Arthur and Hunter.
Mrs. Sullivan and daughter Adeline returned on Saturday to Milwaukee after a two months visit with relatives.
Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Amber and Lillian, Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Miss Erna Schur autoed to Fargo on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ole Nelson left Monday evening for Moorhead where she will visit for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Monson.
James Williams spent the weekend at the lakes at the guest of Mr. W. R. Tucker of Fargo.
Mrs. A. E. Sommerfeld and children Emma, Elfrieda and Edward spent Tuesday in Mayville with Lydia and attended the May Festival at Mayville State Teachers College.
Miss Eleanor Roberts returned on Friday from Durbin where she completed her term of school. Miss Roberts will teach the intermediate grades at Arthur the coming year.
Miss Genevieve Redmond returned on Monday morning to her home at Starkweather after visiting several days with her brother, Mr. T. P. Redmond.
The Methodists Ladies Aid will be entertained on Thursday, June 4 at the home of Mrs. Charles Maurer. All the members are urged to be present and bring their donations for the church fund.
A large concourse of friends gathered at the farm home of Mrs. Fowler to pay their last respects to the departed one Mr. Edward Fowler, who died suddenly Sunday. The services were conducted by Rev. McCormack, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Casselton. The choir sang the favorite hymns ÒNearer My God to TheeÓ and ÒJesus Lover of My Soul.Ó Interment was made in the Casselton cemetery.
The Arthur baseball team will make their first home stand on Sunday, when Galesburg comes for a return game. The Galesburg boys, while defeated two weeks ago by Arthur, made it interesting for Thompson's men and the game Sunday is bound to be a hummer.
Commencement will be held on Monday, June 1 at 8:30 p.m. in the opera house. Program: Opening prayer-Rev. Hoeger; Song-High School; Salutatory-Maggie See; Vocal Solo-Adeline Iwen; Class Will-Paul Boettcher; Address-Miss Beatrice M. Johnston; Presentation of Class-T. P. Redmond; Presentation of Diplomas-T. O. Burgum; Farewell Song-High School.
The new flag pole which was purchased by the Arthur American Legion post and the Commercial Club has been erected and will be officially presented to the city when dedicatory services are held Memorial Day.
The Royal Neighbors held their bimonthly meeting on Thursday evening at the hall. A number of the members were present. Several juveniles and gentlemen were invited to a delicious lunch served by Mesdames Tom See, Louie and Walter Schur.
The Arthur post of the American Legion will make a drive next week to secure funds for their quota of the endowment fund that is being raised throughout the United States by the American Legion for the homeless and crippled children of World War veterans. Arthur's quota of $100 has already been sent in. Because of the rush of other things the money was taken from the general fund temporarily, but will be replaced when the drive is made next week.

June 4, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman of Fergus Falls autoed up the first of the week for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dohman and family autoed up over Sunday from Nansha, Minn., to be present at the graduation exercises of Mrs. Dohman's sister, Miss Maggie See.
Messrs. Fred and Clifford Wells, Mrs. Wells, Miss Olson and her nephew of Fargo visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hecktner and two children of Fargo visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher. Mrs. Fred Hacktner and Mrs. Boettcher being sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eaton and children autoed over from Erie on Monday evening to attend the graduation exercises.
Mrs. Josephine Long and nephew spent a short time in Arthur Sunday; they were enroute to Fargo from Page.
Miss Dorothy Bettschen and her father were Casselton visitors Friday.
Miss Ruth Tracy left Saturday morning for her home at Excelsior, Minn. Miss Tracy stopped for a short time at Grand Forks with her sister, who is attending the University. Miss Tracy will return to Arthur next year.
Miss Julia C. Carlson left Monday evening for her home at Mayville. Miss Carlson will return to Arthur again as assistant principal.
The Misses Ella and Martha Boettcher spent Friday in Fargo.
Misses Jessie and Alice Farnham , Donald and Margaret Bower and Harry Farnham autoed last Friday to Wing for a short visit with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz, S. A. Anderson spent a few days in Minneapolis on legal business. They made the trip by automobile.
J. A. Burgum and Henry Sommerfeld autoed to Buffalo Sunday and spent the day at the Wilcox home.
The school election was a quiet one, T. O. Burgum and Rev. August Hoeger being reelected with no opposition.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz and family of Amenia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur.
T. J. Stewart autoed to Page Monday and was accompanied home by Mrs. Mary Willert who will visit some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas See.
Miss Bernice Erickson, a former Arthur teacher but now at Enderlin, stopped off at Arthur to attend the commencement exercises. She was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mendsen.
Mrs. Reuben Phillips entertained Miss Mable Grebe at supper on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Miss Ella Boettcher autoed to Fargo Sunday evening with the Gronnigen brothers who were guests at the Thompson home Sunday.
Rev. L. R. Burgum came down from the Forks Monday evening to attend the graduation exercises of the Arthur high school. Mr. Burgum left the same evening by auto for Fargo enroute to Washburn where he was called to deliver the funeral sermon for a departed friend. Rev. Burgum will also deliver the commencement address Friday, June 5th, at Washburn.
Miss Margaret Bettschen has completed her term of school at Kindred, returning home Saturday morning.
Miss Ollie Burgum left Thursday for Hendrum, for a visit with Miss Jetta Mjolsness.
Miss Margaret Bower returned to her home at Terry, Mont., on Monday after attending the Arthur high school the past term and staying at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Edith Farnham.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jenkins called at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosberg on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were enroute to Fargo on business.
Miss Marjorie Burgum and her friend Miss Bernice Kirkham arrived Monday from Dickinson, where they have been teaching in the high school. They will drive back to Grand Forks with Mrs. Burgum to stay until after commencement at the University where Leland Burgum will receive his degree of bachelor of Science at the school of education, when they will all return to Arthur. Miss Kirkham will go on to her home at Ames, Iowa.
Otto Zellmer, brother of Mrs. H. J. Wagner, visited at the Wagner home on Sunday.
Miss Alice Iwen returned on Sunday from Moffett, N. D., where she has been teaching the past tem.
Mrs. W. R. Tucker visited Saturday and Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Williams.
H. J. Wagner who has been confined to his home for a few days with an attack of ÒfluÓ is up and around again.
Little Maurice See, who has been quite poorly the past week is much improved and able to be up again.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sommerfeld moved on Wednesday and will occupy Mrs. Lillian Drake's residence.
Julius Koshnick of Fargo was an Arthur caller on business Wednesday.
The grades of the Arthur schools enjoyed a joint picnic on Friday at the Nelson grove north of town.
Rev. and Mrs. August Hoeger autoed to Casselton on Monday on business.
Miss Elizabeth Sommerfeld returned on Saturday from Ayr where she has completed her term of school.
Misses Mabel Grebe and Eleanor Roberts, and T. P. Redmond autoed to Casselton on Thursday evening and called at the O'Connor home. The O'Connors, formerly Arthur residents, expect to move to Westhope for the summer.
Miss Mabel Grebe left on Tuesday morning of Rugby, N. D., where she will spend her vacation at her home. Miss Grebe will return to Arthur in September to fill her same position in the Arthur school.
Mrs. J. A. Burgum and Leland Burgum autoed from Grand Forks Monday to attend the commencement exercises here.
The Senior class of high school autoed to Fargo Friday to visit the photographer. T. P. Redmond and Miss Carlson accompanied them. They report a pleasant time, stopping in the evening to attend a movie and enjoying a picnic supper in the park which was furnished by the young ladies.

June 11, 1925

Arthur Folks Attend Wedding at Davenport
Miss Blanche W. Roeser and Samuel P. Ottow of Davenport were united in marriage at 4:30 Wednesday, June 10, the ceremony taking place at the Canaan Moravian church at Addison. Rev. Albrecht, pastor of the church, read the service. Family members and a group of intimate friends witnessed the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of white flat crepe and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Violet Roeser, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore orchid canton crepe and carried white peonies. Miss Ollie Burgum, maid of honor, was dressed in a gown of nile green, and carried pink peonies. Little Evelyn Rohde, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl and was dressed in cream colored silk. She carried a basket of various colored sweetpeas. Mr. Alvin Hans attended the bridegroom.
Miss Edna Hans played Mendelssohn's wedding march as the bridal party entered the church and just before the vows were spoken she sang O Promise Me.
Lavender and cream were the colors of the appointments for the wedding luncheon which was served in the church parlors following the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Ottow will make their home on the groom's farm at Davenport after their return from a motor trip through Yellowstone National park.
Out of town guests who attended the wedding were Mrs. Nannie Piper, grandmother of the bridegroom; Mrs. T. O. Burgum and daughter Ollie, Mr. T. J. Stewart, all of Arthur, Miss Jetta Mjolsness of Hendrum, Minn., and Mr. Harry Washburn Jr. of Casselton.

Leland Burgum, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burgum, has been elected to a position for next year with Casselton high school. He will be Instructor in English and music at that institution. Mr. Burgum graduated from the University of North Dakota, June 9.
Mrs. Charles Maurer entertained the Methodist Ladies Aid Friday at her home. The contest which had been running for a month closed, nearly $40 was realized for the painting of the church.
Miss Francis Ross returned home Thursday from Alexander where she was teaching in the high school the past school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Martinson spent last Wednesday in Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Barker and children of Sykeston, who arrived last Saturday by auto for a 10 days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz, left Thursday for their home. Mrs. Barker has been reengaged for another year as superintendent of the Sykeston schools. Harold Viestenz who has been attending school at Sykeston the past year came home last Saturday and will spend the summer in town.
During the electric storm of last Sunday afternoon, lightning struck the large hog barn on the Aug. Sommerfeld farm burning it to the ground. Neighbors gathered in automobiles with fire extinguishers and saved the adjoining machine shed and machinery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ireland wish to thank the neighbors and Arthur people who responded so faithfully in fighting the fire on Sunday.
Messrs. T. P. Redmond and Hutchinson of the Northern School Supply were in Arthur Tuesday meeting with the school board on business.
The teachers of the M. E. Sunday school are preparing a program to be given by the children on Children's Day which will be given in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen were Fargo visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simonson and son, Mrs. Ida Peterson of Grand Meadow, Minn., autoed up from Wahpeton last Friday spending the week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner. The party left by auto for Wimbledon.
Messrs. Lillie Wagner, Grace Williams attended the high school play at Hunter last Friday evening.
The members of the American Legion Auxilliary gathered at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mendsen last Friday evening, surprising Mrs. Mendson. She being the first member of the younger set to have married since the Auxiliary was organized. Mrs. Edith Farnham president, on behalf of the Auxiliary, presented the recent bride with a glass water set and a beautiful dish. A dainty luncheon was served by the members of the Auxiliary.
Miss Alice Farnham left Thursday for Grand Forks to attend the summer session at the university.
Mrs. G. B. Burgum and baby daughter Edith Lucile surprised Arthur relatives and friends when she arrived Friday from Washburn by auto for a short visit with her mother, Mrs. John Schur and other relatives. She accompanied friends from Washburn who were en route to the Norse Centennial at St. Paul.
At the meeting of the American Legion Auxilliary delegates were elected to the convention at Jamestown and are as follows: Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Mrs. Emma Faltz, alternates; Mrs. Edith Farnham and Mrs. Ella Johnson.
Miss Jetta Mjolsness of Hendrum is spending the week with Miss Ollie Burgum.
C. A. Johnson left Tuesday evening for ST. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan of Watertown, Minn., arrived Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ross.
Mrs. John Schur came home last Saturday morning from Fargo.
Lloyd Williams returned to the A. C. at Fargo Sunday evening.

June 18, 1925

Fred Maurer of Arthur Dies Suddenly
Mr. Fred W. Maurer, 73, one of the prominent farmers of Arthur vicinity died Tuesday evening about 7:30 at his farm home west of Arthur. Mr. Maurer was assisting with the evening chores when he was stricken with a stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Maurer was born in Wisconsin, Feb. 18, 1852, later he lived at East St. Louis and in 1891 he moved from there to Spencer, Iowa, where he resided until 1903 when he and his family moved to his present farm and where he was residing at the time of his death. Surviving are his two daughters Emma and Mrs. E. E. Webb and one son, Charles, five brothers living near Spencer, Iowa, and one sister at Park Rapids, Minn. After a short funeral service at the home the body will be taken to Spencer, Iowa, for burial and will be placed beside his wife and children who died several years ago.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke

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