The four day Chautauqua including seven programs will open on Saturday evening, June 29, and continue until July 2. The Arthur business men accompanied by the band made a tour to several towns on Monday evening to advertise the Chautauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt returned to Arthur on Wednesday after a two weeks vacation spent with relatives at Wheeler, Wis. Deland Dayment of Westhope has been the relief agent during Mr. Hunt's absence from the depot.
Henry Viestenz who has been employed by the Coman Bros. Road Contractors at Mohall returned to Arthur on Tuesday of last week.
Mr. an Mrs. W. E. Ruffcorn, Miss Vera and Lewis autoed to Breckenridge, Minn., on Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Burt Nordby of Willmar, Minn. Mmes. Nordby and Ruffcorn are sisters and the two families enjoyed the day together.
Several Arthur people autoed to Erie on Wednesday where they attended the district Sunday School convention.
Mr. and Ms. Barker and children left on Monday for their home at Sykeston after a several days visit with Mrs. Barker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. See and children were guests at a family reunion of the John see family held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brayton at Hunter. Guests were twenty-seven in number and included: Mr. and Mrs. John See, Mrs. Lawrence Eaton of Bemidji, Minn., and Messrs. and Mmes. Lee Dohman of Milnor. Chester Dohman of Blanchard, Harry Dohman of Campbell, Minn. and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rumett of Grand Forks, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Hunter left on Friday of last week to spend a week at the Minnesota Lakes.
Mrs. Bertha Viestenz, who has been in Minneapolis since last August, returned to her home on Monday morning. Her son, Rudolph remained at Wadena and Verndale for several days visit with relatives.
The Children's Day program given by the Methodist Sunday School was well attended. It was given under the direction of Mrs. Melland and Miss Gertrude Campbell. There will be no service in the M. E. Church on Sunday, June 30 because of the Camp meeting at Absaraka.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett autoed to Casselton on Sunday and visited with Mrs. Hackett's sister, Mrs. Susan Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Davnie and children of Hallock, Minn., motored to Arthur on Friday and were guests until Monday at the home of Mrs. Davnie's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Ms. B. A. Helland.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid of Arthur was entertained in the parlors of the church on Thursday by the Mmes. Hulda Schur, August Sommerfeld and William Schwark. The Watson Ladies Aid who visited the Good Samaritan Home at Arthur that day were guests of the Arthur Lutheran Aid.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. See and children autoed to Georgetown on Saturday where they met Mr. See's sister, Mrs. Lawrence Eaton and children from Bemidji, Minn., who will visit with relatives at Arthur and Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Knautz and son accompanied by Mrs. Knautz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viestenz left by automobile on Monday morning for a extended visit with relatives at Winona, Minn. and Chicago.
George Stewart of Hazen visited a few days last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iwen, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Iwen and families and Robert Bucholz autoed to near Luverne Sunday, where they enjoyed a picnic dinner.
Mrs. Ole Nelson returned on Monday morning from Fargo where she spent Sunday with her daughter, Irene, who is a patent in St. Luke's Hospital. Mrs. Nelson accompanied Mrs. Josephine Long, District Deputy of the Royal Neighbors, to Fargo on Saturday. Mrs. Long spent Wednesday and Thursday at Arthur and the remainder of the week at Hunter in interest of the Royal Neighbor Lodge.
Delores Schur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schur of Embden, is spending a few weeks visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Hulda Schur and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. See had as a guest on Sunday and Monday the former's sister, Mrs. Lawrence Eaton and three children of Bemidji, Minn. They left for their home on Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Block of Fargo were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur and the Messrs. and Mmes. Will Russell of Grand Forks and John Russell of Hunter returned on Friday from a week's outing at Cotton Lake, Minn.
Mmes. Harry and Edith Farnham entertained on Thursday afternoon for the Mmes. Harry and Lee Dohman of Campbell, Minn., and Milnor, Mrs. Lawrence Eaton of Bemidji, Mrs. Chester Dohman of Blanchard, and the Mmes. John See and Lynn Brayton of Hunter and Mrs. A. T. See of Arthur.
Mrs. Backlund arrived on Saturday from Fargo and will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Viestenz. Mrs. Viestenz accompanied Hugo Viestenz to Fargo on Saturday to meet her mother.
Miss Elizabeth Fowler of St. Paul, arrived on Saturday and will visit a couple of weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amel and children of Alden, Minn., were guests of Thursday at the H. J. Wagner and Charles Thompson homes.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld returned to Arthur on Saturday from Bismarck and Mandan where she has visited the past month with her daughter, Mrs. George Hecktner, and also her son, Fred at Mandan.
The Misses Alice and Abbie Probasco of Aurora, Ill., and Fayette, Iowa, motored to Arthur last week and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Probasco.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. See entertained at dinner on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Harrry Dohman and children of Campbell, Minn., and Mrs. Lee Dohman of Milnor. The guests left by auto for their respective homes on Saturday morning.
Mrs. Jas. Christianson of New England accompanied her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nelson of Aberdeen, to Arthur, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Martinson. Mrs. Christianson is a sister of Mr. Martinson and formerly lived here.
Miss Mabel Grebe, Rugby, arrived Sunday and is a guest of Miss Erma Schur.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Claussen, of Minneapolis, who are spending a few days at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. W. Grant at Ayr, visited friends and relatives here Tuesday. Mrs. Claussen will be remembered as Miss Addie Bayard.
Mrs. E. M. Enockson and son Clifford, of Moffit, autoed to Arthur last Wednesday, and will spend two weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Iwen. Mrs. Enockson was accompanied here by her father and sisters, Misses Amanda, Elona and Norma, who have been guests for the past two weeks at the Enockson home.
Alice Farnham of Grand Forks spent the Fourth at the home of her brother, Harry Farnham, Miss Farnham has accepted a position in the Langdon High school for the coming year.
Horace Standfield, Superior, Wis. spent the past week at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Standfield.
Mrs. J. Sullivan of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived Saturday and is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Williams.
Mrs. Hulda Schur returned Sunday from a visit at Embden with her son, Elmer Schur.
A. T. See and family left last Wednesday for a week's vacation with relatives at Thompson, Bemidji and Crookston. Before returning they will go through Itasca Park.
Lloyd Williams and Alton Burgum left by automobile for a ten day vacation at Itaska park, Duluth and th Twin Cities.
Miss Doris Roberts accompanied Miss Mabel Grebe to her home at Rugby for a several days' visit. Doris will return to Arthur with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Smedstad of Rugby, who will visit relatives at Hendrum, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. See and family were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brayton. The latter is a sister of Mr. See.
The Louis Bettschen and James Williams families left Sunday for a few days' outing on Lake Cormorant. They expect to return Wednesday.
The M. E. Ladies Aid was entertained in the church parlors on Thursday by Mmes. Wallace Hackett, Harry Farnham, Elizabeth Vosburg and W. E. Ruffcorn.
Miss Bertha Nomeland and a cousin, of Kloten, autoed to Arthur Sunday and were guests Sunday of Miss Elona Iwen.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner and Frank Wagner of Oregon, who arrived last week, left Friday for a visit with relatives at Wahpeton and points in Minnesota.
Mrs. S. P. Ottow and son Kent, of Davenport, were guests Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum. Mr. Ottow autoed down Sunday and his family returned home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. George Morrison of Westhope were guests for a few days at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Vosburg.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott and two children, of Glendive, Mont. autoed to Arthur Sunday and are guests of Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs. Zana MacAdam. Mrs. E. E. Burgum accompanied the Scott family here after spending the past year with them, and will remain for a time with her daughter here.
Mesdames W. J. Stanfield, S. Branch and children of Superior, Wis., are visiting at the home of the former's brother-in-law, Fred Stanfield.
T. Stewart, accompanied by Peter Hoy of Hunter autoed to Fargo on Saturday where they attended a meeting of the Standard Oil agents.
Miss Esther Sell, who was a guest for a few weeks at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sommerfeld, returned to her home at Casselton Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Harry Farnham entertained at her home on Saturday afternoon for Mrs. E. M. Enockson and son Clifford of Moffit, Mrs. S. P. Ottow and son Kent of Davenport, Mrs. T. O. Burgum and the Misses Amanda Iwen and Ollie Burgum.
Miss Edna Viestenz and Ollie Burgum were guests on Friday at the H. J. Iwen home.
Mrs. A. E. Sommerfeld and daughters, Lydia and Elizabeth, who were injured when the bleachers collapsed at the State Fair on Tuesday, are still confined to their home but are improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and children of Page were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson. The I. S. Roberts, Viestenz and Johnson families enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Rush River.
50-Year Residents Held Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur, residents of Cass county for fifty years, held a family reunion at their home on Sunday, with the five daughters, the Mmes. Gordon Burgum, Washburn, Arthur Viestenz, Page, I. S. Roberts, John Bettschen, C. A. Johnson, and four sons, Louis, Archie, John and Edward and their families all present a the gathering. Other family members at the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Russell, formerly of Grand Forks, who are guests at the Schur home, and will leave soon to make their home in California, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abentroth and three sons of Cummings, and Miss Lena Schur. Mrs. Russell and Mr. Abentroth are sister and brother of Mrs. Schur.
The dinner was served at one o'clock and places were laid for sixty guests. Included in this number were twenty-six grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Schur were married in 1880 and settled on a farm near Amenia. They moved to their farm near Arthur later. In April of this year they retired and came to Arthur to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helland and --- autoed to Hallock, Minn., where they visited at the home of - Helland, a brother-in-law and with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davnie.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knautz and --, and Mrs. August Hoeger autoed to Valley City Tuesday to attend a conference of Lutheran pastors held Tuesday and Wednesday.
Edmund Viestenz, who was taken to St. Lukes Hospital Thursday of last week, suffering with heart trouble, is gradually improving. Mrs. Viestenz returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgum and --- left for their home at Washburn on Wednesday after spending a few days with relatives. Mr. Burgum and family are en route to their home from Detroit Lake where he attended the Joint Convention of Postmasters and Rural Carriers July 19 and 20. In Valley City they visited a sister, Miss Lillie Burgum, who is attending summer school.
The Royal Neighbor and Modern Woodmen lodges will hold a picnic on Sunday, July 28, at the Max Sell grove and dinner will be served at one o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sommerfeld arrived last Thursday from Dresden, where they visited relatives, leaving Friday for a few days' outing at Minnesota lakes and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld, Arthur.
Mr. E. M. Enockson, Moffit, arrived Saturday evening and spent Sunday at the H. J. Iwen home, leaving on Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Enockson and son Clifford, who have spent the past two weeks at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iwen.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum, Washburn, and Mrs. T. O. Burgum autoed to Hunter Tuesday where they visited at the Lynn Brayton and John See homes.
The Oscar Olson, Elmer, August, Willian and Ed Iwen families, Albert Stewart and Robert Bucholz autoed to Sheyenne River south of Argusville, Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner.
Miss Edna Viestenz left Wednesday for Buffalo to visit a few days at the home of her aunts, Mmes. Leslie and Byron Wilcox.
The Homemakers Club was organized on Friday by Miss Kathryn Lambert, assistant county agent of Fargo. The membership was eleven. Mesdames Paul Sherman, Ben Viestenz, Ed Schur, Will Gribstein, Paul, Earle and Hugo Franke, Fred Peach, Solomon Schulz, Leo Grieger and Carl Wolff. The next meeting will be held Aug. 26 at the home of Mrs. Paul Sherman.
Mr. and Ms. Chas. Maurer and children and Mrs. Ollie Viestenz returned Wednesday from the Minnesota Lakes where they spent several days as the guests of relatives.
A group of young ladies organized a sewing and reading club which will meet every Thursday evening. On Tuesday of this week the first meeting was held. The meeting next week will be at the home of Miss Frances Ross, with Miss Edna Viestenz as assisting hostess.
Miss Francis Schur is spending a week as the guest of Mrs. Pearl Mendsen at Detroit Lakes, Minn.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid was entertained Thursday at the church parlors with Mmes. Edward, Louis and J. O. Schur as hostesses.
Mrs. E. E. Farnham and daughter, Miss Alice, Grand Forks, will leave this week for an extended visit at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Jas. Winningham, Akron, O.
Mrs. Walter Stibbe of near Page was a visitor Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Russell Wilson.
Mr. and Ms. Cal Kizer and daughter, Lois, of Worthington, Minn., were visiting last week at the home of Mr. Kizer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kizer.
Hubert Kuehn is able to be up and around after a week's illness with a severe attack of quinsy.
George Wagner of Fergus Falls spent a few days last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.
Miss Mae Fowler and sister, Mrs. -. B. Cain, both of Detroit, Mich., are guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. Anna Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and children of Page and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz autoed to Fargo Sunday to visit the latter's husband who is a patient at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robinson and children, Josephine and Donald, and niece, Miss Jean Serrill, of Sioux City, Ia., autoed up Wednesday of last week and were guests of their cousin, Mrs. Harry Farnham. From here, accompanied by Mrs. Farnham, they autoed to Wing to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. Tees. Mrs. Farnham returned Monday.
Mrs. Ralph Burgess of Fargo spent a few days at the home of her father, Ben B---, and sister, Mrs. George Parkhouse.
Mrs. Edith Farnham and daughter, Alice, of Grand Forks, left from Fargo Saturday for an extended visit at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Jas. Winningham at Akron, Ohio.
The M. W. A. Lodge of Arthur will give a benefit dance at the Arthur Hall Friday, Aug. 9, for Miss Irene Nelson, who was injured in an automobile accident of May 17, and is confined to St. Luke's Hospital. Music will be furnished by the Leonard Dahl orchestra from Fargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Overholt, who have been engaged in missionary work in China for 5 years, stopped en route to Arlington, Ia., for a week's visit at the home of the latter's brother, H. A. Probasco. Miss Alice Probasco, who spent several weeks at the Probasco and E. A. Campbell homes returned to Iowa with the Overholts.
Mrs. Arthur Viestenz and children of Page visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. See, son John, and Mrs. T. O. Burgum autoed to Fargo Saturday evening to visit Mr. See's father and a sister, Mrs. Lynn Brayton, who are patients at St. Luke's Hospital. Mrs. Brayton returned home Wednesday, but Mr. See will remain for a longer time.
Miss Isabel Willert was a guest Monday of her cousin, Pearl See, and attended the 4H club meeting held at the See home.
Rev. L. R. Burgum, LaMoure, Rev. Johnston, Lisbon, and Rev. Lane, Edgeley, were Arthur callers Friday. They were on their way to Hunter, Page and Hope on business.
Ethel Schur, who is employed at Black's store at Fargo, is spending two weeks' vacation at her home here.
The junior members of the 4H clothing club met at the home of Mrs. A. T. See Monday afternoon, under the supervision of the local leader, Mrs. B. Helland. Lunch was served at 5 o'clock by the hostess.
Mrs. Ole Nelson returned Monday from Fargo after spending Sunday with her daughter, Irene, who is a patient at St. Luke's hospital.
Mrs. J. Sullivan of Milwaukee returned Tuesday from a visit at Lake Cormorant with her sister, Mrs. W. Tucker, and will visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Williams.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Miss Ethel Schur were guests a few days this week at the former's sister, Mrs. Arthur Viestenz of Page.
Mrs. Henrietta Sommerfeld returned Monday from Dresden, after a two week's visit at the home of her son, Henry Sommerfeld. The Misses Edna and Elizabeth Viestenz accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sommerfeld to Dresden for a week's visit.
The M. E. Ladies Aid was entertained in the church parlors Thursday afternoon by Mmes. Geo. Hunt, Chas. Maurer, Leslie Schafer and A. T. See.
The Russell Wilson, John Bettschen, B. A. Helland, W. E. Ruffcorn, Fred Knatz and Mrs. Heiden famliies were among those who attended the Ringling Bros. circus at Fargo last Saturday.
The 4H Club held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Tonn with Miss Martha Tonn, president of the Club, as hostess. The afternoon was given over to sewing under the supervision of the leader, Mrs. B. A. Helland. The next meeting will be held on Aug. 26 at the home of Pearl Fowler.
H. H. Farnham of Chicago arrived Saturday to visit a week at the home of his brother, Harry Farnham.
Miss Frances Ross entertained the sewing club at her home Wednesday evening of last week and this week they will meet at the home of the Misses Margaret and Dorothy Bettschen.
Miss Etherl Schur, who is home on her vacation from Fargo, went to Detroit Lakes Saturday with Mrs. Pearl Mendsen and her mother, Mrs. Aug. Faltz, for a few days' visit.
Mrs. John Bettschen entertained eighteen young ladies at her home on Friday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Miss Beatrice, who was celebrating her 18th birthday anniversary. The afternoon was spent informally and at five o'clock a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Miss Bettschen was graduated from the Arthur High school in June and will enter Jamestown College this fall.
Miss Frances Ross left Monday evening for a two weeks' trip through Yellowstone National Park. At Fargo she was met by Miss Josephine Graham of Brainerd, Minn., who will accompany Miss Ross on her trip.
Walter Kuehn, 13 year old son of Mrs. Paul Kuehn, received painful injuries when he fell down the stairs at his home about eleven o'clock on Friday evening. Saturday afternoon he was taken to Fargo clinic for an examination. X-ray pictures have been taken to determine the extent of the injuries but at this writing no exact information has been received here although it is believed that he is suffering from internal injuries. Mrs. Kuehn who accompanied her son to Fargo remained with him.
Amber Wagner and family and Edward Boettcher returned Sunday evening from Minot where they have been engaged in hauling gravel with the Coman Bros.
Miss Dorothy Bettschen was a guest of Miss Anna Kuehn Monday.
Albert Wilhelm autoed to Fargo Monday and returned with a new Advance Rumley combine. This is the first combine to be purchased in this immediate vicinity this year.
Mrs. Walter Phillips of Elmira, N. Y., passed away at her home on Sunday, according to word received here on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips left Arthur in 1922 to make their home in New York. Mrs. Phillips had been poorly for several years, having suffered two paralytic strokes and a third one two weeks ago which caused her death. She was a member of the Eastern Star Lodge at Casselton and of the Brotherhood of the American Yeoman Lodge of Arthur.
Friday afternoon a group of ladies pleasantly surprised Mrs. Louie Schur at her home, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. The afternoon was spent informally and at five o'clock luncheon was served.
Mrs. Louis Bettschen and daughters, Margaret and Dorothy, Mrs. Hans Martinsen and Miss Bernice Bettschen were guests on Tuesday afternoon of Mrs. Nels Rosval and her daughter, Miss Ella Rasmussen.
Charles Viestenz, who submitted to an operation at St. Luke's Hospital on Tuesday of last week, is recovering satisfactorily and will return to his home in about ten days.
Mrs. Earl Haine and two sons of Fargo visited a few days last week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Heiden.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Russow and son Melvin, Mrs. Inez Shafer and daughter Viola of Monticello, Ind., arrived here on Friday and are guests of Mrs. Russow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gebeke, Sr. On Sunday a family gathering was held at the Gebeke home.
Word was received at Arthur on Monday of the birth of a daughter, Nancy Edith, to Mr. and Mrs. James Winningham of Friday, August 16, at Akron, Onio. Mrs. Winningham will be remembered as Miss Edith Farnham.
Miss Bertha Kuehn, who is attending the Mayville State Teachers College, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Paul Kuehn.
Mrs. J. L. Iwen and daughter, Eunice, returned Friday from Beaver Dam, Wis., where they spent six weeks with the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jarrett.
Mrs. Frank Pierce and daughter, LaVonne, of Grand Rapids, Mich., arrived Monday morning for a two weeks' visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Viestenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dohman and son Lyle of Milnor were guests Sunday of the latter's brother and family, A. T. See, and also Mr.s Dohman's parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John See and Mrs. Lynn Brayton at Hunter.
Walter Kuehn who has been a patient at St. Luke's Hospital for a week returned home Sunday and will be confined at his home for ten days. Mrs. Kuehn and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen autoed to Fargo for Walter.
Margaret Bower of Owen, Wis., en route to her home after a visit at Terry and Miles City, Mont., and Wing, N. D., spent Sunday here with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ms. Harry Farnham. She left that evening from Casselton for her home.
Miss John Bettschen returned home Sunday after a few days' visit at the home of Mrs. Della Crothers at Fargo. Mr. Bettschen and family autoed to Fargo on Sunday for Mrs. Bettschen.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams entertained at dinner Sunday for Mrs. Clara Carson and daughter, Miss Ethelyn, and Mr. Fred Johnson of Fargo.
A large number of Luther League members enjoyed a picnic supper at the Sargent Grove Sunday evening. Following the supper games were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russow and son Melvin of Monticello, Ind., and Mr. Russow's sister, Mrs. Inez Shafer, and daughter, Viola, left Tuesday for their home after a visit with Mrs. Russow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gebeke, Sr. En route to Monticello the party visited with the Geo. Gebeke and Leslie Green families at Detroit Lakes and Eagle Bend, Minn., and points in Neb.
A. J. Schur went to Fargo Monday and was admitted to St. Luke's Hospital for medical treatment.
Jens Hyen of Giese, Minn., and brother, Otto Hyen, of Audubon, Iowa, were guests on Monday and Tuesday of the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson. Other guests at the Wilson home are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holznagel of Minneapolis. The latter is a sister of Mrs. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Savre of Fargo autoed to Arthur Saturday evening and spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Savre's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe See of Cummings visited with the latter's cousin, A. T. See and family over Sunday and on Tuesday evening they left for Grim to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zimmerman and family of Brownton, Minn., autoed here Saturday and were guests several days of Mrs. Zimmerman's mother, Mrs. Paul Kuehn. They also visited Mr. Zimmerman's brother, William, near Amenia.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gebeke of Detroit Lakes motored here Saturday and spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gebeke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and daughter, Grace, Mrs. Zana MacAdam and daughter, Margaret, motored to Litchville last Thursday. Miss Williams will be an instructor in the Litchville High School which opens Sept. 9.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Schwarz and daughter, Beryl, of Davenport were guests Sunday of Mrs. Schwarz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.
Dr. J. Thompson and son, John, of Oakes, formerly of Arthur, autoed to Arthur Tuesday to attend business matters.
Mrs. Agnes Carmody of Chicago, Ill., and Miss Geraldine Swickard of St. Cloud, Minn., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Catlin, son Bruce, and Rudolph Viestenz autoed to Fargo Monday.
Mrs. J. J. Sullivan of Milwaukee, Wis., who has visited the past month at the home of her sisters, the Mesdames James Williams and J. L. Iwen, left Thursday for her home.
Jerome Shea of Champaign, Ill., was in Arthur last Friday looking after his farming interests.
The 4-H Clothing club was entertained Monday at the home of Pearl Fowler. During the summer months the club has held meeting twice a month but with the beginning of school they will meet monthly. The September meeting will be at the home of Miss Emma Sommerfeld.
William Timmerman is redecorating the interior of the Arthur school this week for the opening of school Sept. 10. The faculty of last year will return this year. Principal Albert Farnham, Assistant, Julia Carlson, Mayville, 7th and 8th grades, Ruth Tracey, Excelsior, Minn., Intermediate grades, Charlotte Myers, Inkster, Primary, Lydia Sommerfeld, Arthur.
Miss Henrietta Tonn returned on Thursday evening from Mayville, where she has attended the summer school session and on Saturday she left for Minnewaukan where she will be engaged as an instructor in the high school.
Miss Edna Sommerfeld, field agent in the Home Economics dept. of the extension division for the N. Dak. A. C., spent a few days this week at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Burgum and daughter of Minot autoed up Saturday and were guests on Sunday at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. J. S. Burgum.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Savre of Fargo were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Savre's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.
Miss Margaret Bettschen left on Sunday evening for Fargo where she will return to Lincoln school as kindergarten instructor.
Miss Ethel Schur, who is employed at Black's store, spent Labor Day at her home here.
The Misses Elizabeth, Lydia and Emma Sommerfeld, Grace Williams, Amanda, Adeline and Eunice Iwen, Edna Viestenz, Mrs. Frank Pierce and daughter, LaVonne, Lillie and Ollie Burgum, Margaret, Dorothy and Bernice Bettschen autoed to the W. Brown grove Friday evening and enjoyed a picnic supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tonn of Markesan, Wis., are visiting at the home of the former's brother, Aug. Tonn, and sisters, Mesdames Wm. and Hulda Schur.
Miss Edna Viestenz left Monday for Hickson where she will teach the coming year.
Mrs. Walter Iwen, who was taken to the Fargo Sanitarium last Monday for treatments for inflammatory rheumatism, is reported somewhat improved.
Lillie Burgum returned Friday from Valley City where she attended twelve week summer school session. She will leave the last of the week for her school near Alice where she will teach the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bogue of Farmington, Minn., arrived Sunday for a week's visit at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Louis Bettschen. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bogue, who enjoyed a trip through Itasca park arrived Wednesday for a visit at the Bettschen home and the last of this week Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bogue will accompany their son and daughter-in-law to Farmington.
Selden Catlin, who has been engaged with the United Chautauquas for the past two months in Wisconsin and Michigan, returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Catlin autoed to Fargo to meet their son.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen autoed to Chaffee Sunday with their daughter, Dorothy, who is returning to Chaffee for her second year to teach the primary grades.
A. J. Schur, who has been confined to a Fargo hospital for a few weeks, underwent an operation Monday and had his right leg removed above the knee. At this writing his condition is as well as can be expected. Mrs. Schur and daughter, Mrs. John Bettschen, were in Fargo Monday, returning home Tuesday with Louis Schur who autoed to Fargo to see his father.
Miss Ethel Schur of Fargo and Mrs. Pearl Mendsen of Detroit Lakes, autoed here Friday evening, returning to Fargo Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Catlin and son Bruce motored to Fergus Falls on Monday to attend a birthday dinner given in honor of Mrs. Catlin's father. The Catlins also visited relatives at Barnesville, returning to their home Tuesday evening.
The 4-H club met Monday at the home of Miss Emma Sommerfeld under the direction of their leader, Mrs. B. A. Helland.
Miss Amanda Iwen left Thursday for Moffet where she will teach the primary grades this year. She was met at Sterling by her sister, Mrs. E. M. Enockson, with whom Miss Iwen will make her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schwarz and daughter, Beryl, of Davenport autoed up Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.
Otto Zellmer accompanied Rev. Medland here Sunday and Mr. Zellmer visited a short time at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. J. Wagner.
The Methodist Ladies Aid was entertained at the M. E. church on Thursday, Sept. 12, with the Mesdames Louis Bettschen, H. A. Probasco, Fred Standfield and Trego as hostesses.
Mrs. F. L. Pierce and daughter, LaVonne, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who have been guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Bertha Viestenz, accompanied E. E. Stangler, her uncle of Alice, to his home on Sunday to visit for a few days.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid was entertained in the church parlors Friday afternoon with the Mesdames Albert Viestenz, Sr., Ben and Edmund Viestenz as hostesses.
August J. Schur Laid to Rest
Resident of Cass County for Over Fifty Years Passed Away
(by Arthur Correspondent)
August J. Schur, 74, pioneer resident of Cass County for over 50 years, passed away in a Fargo hospital on Wednesday evening. He had had diabetes for some time, and a few weeks ago he went to Fargo to receive treatments. On the Monday previous to his death, he underwent an operation for the amputation of his right leg above the knee, in the hope that his life might be prolonged, but he was called Beyond a few days later.
Mr. Schur, son of Martin and Minnie Schur, was born in Germany Nov. 1, 1855. He came to the United States about 1870, living in Dodge county, Wis., until 1878, when he came to North Dakota and homesteaded on a farm in Amenia twp. In 1902 he moved to a farm west of Arthur, where he resided until this spring when he came to Arthur to make his home.
He leaves to mourn his loss, besides his widow, four sons, Louis, Archie, John and Edward of Arthur, Mmes. I. S. Roberts, John Bettschen, and C. A. Johnson of Arthur, Mrs. G. B. Burgum of Washburn, Mrs. Arthur Viestenz of Page a sister, Miss Lena Schur of Arthur, two brothers, William of Erie and Chris of Oregon. Twenty eight grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive.
Funeral services were held from the Schur home and St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church at Arthur on Saturday. Rev. A. Hoeger was in charge of the rites and burial was made in the Lutheran cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Burgum and children of Washburn autoed to Arthur Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Burgum's father, A. J. Schur, leaving Monday for their home. En route to Washburn they stopped a Page a short while at the home of Mrs. Burgum's sister, Mrs. Arthur Viestenz, en route to Washburn.
Mrs. Henry Sommerfeld of Dresden accompanied by her sister, Mrs. W. Bailess of Salt Lake City, Utah, were guests for a few days last week of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Viestenz and other relatives. They returned to Dresden Monday.
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Signa Bergby to Water Boettcher, both of Big Sandy, Mont., the latter formerly of Arthur. The wedding took place at Havre, Mont., on Thursday, Sept. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Boettcher arrived Saturday and are guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher. After visiting relatives here for a few weeks, they will visit relatives at Fergus Falls before returning to Montana to make their home.
Miss Dorothy Bettschen, who is teaching at Chaffee, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home. Miss Margaret Bettschen of Fargo spent Sunday evening at her home.
Foster Burgum accompanied Mr. Joyce of Leal to the state University on Tuesday where they will enroll for the coming year.
Mrs. Frank Pierce and little daughter, LaVonne, who have been guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Bertha Viestenz, left Thursday for their home and en route will stop at Minneapolis to visit relatives.
August and Elmer Iwen, Edward Wilhelm and Albert Stewart spent Monday hunting near McHenry.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abentroth and two sons of Cummings autoed to Arthur Saturday to attend the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, the late A. J. Schur, returning to their home Sunday.
Mr. and Ms. Heine Tonn of Markesan, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tonn of Berlin, Wis., returned to their home Saturday after a two weeks' visit, with relatives.
Joseph MacAdam left for Litchville Monday to attend school there, making his home with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Spooner of Casselton and Miss Sarah Alme of Chaffee were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen. They were accompanied to Chaffee by Miss Dorothy Bettschen who spent the weekend at her home here.
Mrs. Jas. Williams and son, Fred, autoed to Litchville Friday and was accompanied home by Miss Grace Williams and Joe MacAdam.
Paul Boettcher and Fred Williams left by auto Wednesday for Minneapolis and will enroll at the University of Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Roach, Genevieve and Leslie, of Absaraka, were guests Sunday of Mrs. Paul Kuehn.
The Mmes. Louis Bettschen, T. O. Burgum and B. A. Helland attending a farewell reception for Mrs. Z. F. Hamilton of Hunter given at the home of Mrs. E. H. Richter on Saturday afternoon.
Donald Farnham left Monday for Grand Forks to enroll as a sophomore at the state University.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bettschen autoed to Jamestown Monday with their daughter, Bernice, who will enter Jamestown College, having won a four year scholarship to that school upon her graduation from the Arthur high school the past June.
H. F. Hasenmyer of Stanwood, Ia., arrived Monday to look after his farming interests, and is a guest at the Emil Boettcher home.
Walter Roberts and Robert Bettschen returned Monday from Heaton where they spent several days hunting.
Miss Vera Ruffcorn, who teaches at Ayr, spent the weekend at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haine and children and Miss Wilma Viestenz of Fargo accompanied Julius Koshnick to Arthur Tuesday to visit with Mrs. Haine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Heiden.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid will hold a food sale on Saturday, Sept. 22, at the Legion Hall at 3:00 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Campbell returned last week from Fayette, Ia., where they spent a couple of weeks visiting relatives. Their daughter, Miss Gertrude, remained there to attend Upper Iowa University.
Several members of the Arthur R. N. A. lodge autoed to Fargo Tuesday to attend the School of Instruction and banquet given for camps of eastern North Dakota.
Contributed by Steven Pueppke