Mr. Olson was a Page visitor Wednesday.
The masque ball in the hall here Tuesday night drew a large crowd.
George Miller, a former Erie boy, is visiting in the neighborhood again.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder welcomed a ten pound boy at their home last Monday.
King Coal is in great demand here at present as he is working overtime the past week or two.
Mrs. P. W. Rice of Amenia spent most of this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder of this place.
H. L. Parker and Charles Parker of Page were transacting business and shaking hands with old friends here Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Last Wednesday Miss Alden, a nurse of Minneapolis came to care for Mrs. Bullis as Miss Vistonant, her former nurse, could only stay until now.
Wednesday afternoon James Hudson, Ernest Vodden, Miss Tustar, and Miss Vodden drove from Welcome Valley to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. and H. W. Mosher of this place.
The sick folks at Mr. Needham's are improving.
Miss Fern Hill and Edith Whitman were Hunter visitors last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howsauer of Galesburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willert this week.
M. E. aid met with Mrs. G. Harrington at their pleasant farm home west of town Wednesday p. m.
Among those from here who attended the Farmers' convention in Fargo were, T. J. Sampson, Mr. Thompson, Wallace and Willis Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson buried a little child here last Thursday, its death was due to pneumonia.
They have the sympathy of all and especially as their youngest child, a babe of 16 months is quite sick with the same disease.
Mrs. McQuaid, of Wheatland, is again in our midst.
F. W. Delamater, who was seriously injured by a fall, is recovering rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawsaur welcomed the arrival of a brand new boy at their home last Sunday.
Miss Ethel Hill came from Fargo for a short visit with the folks at home Saturday morning.
Quite a lot of seed wheat has been hauled to the Farmers Elevator to be cleaned ready for spring work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beith are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby daughter who came to reside with them last Tuesday.
A good attendance of the Aid at the Goodall farm home west of town last Wednesday was encouraging to all the members.
The entertainment last Friday night was well attended.
There is a good deal of sickness in and about town these days.
Nels Bingham was doing business in Casselton last Thursday.
Dr. Coffin has moved into his new home on the south side of town.
The dance Monday night was quite a failure on account of the stormy weather.
The old time social given by the ladies aid held at W. C. Hill's, last Wednesday night, was well attended and good time was reported by all.
The doctor was called out to the farm of Jack Cameron to administer to Grandma Cameron as she was taken with sinking spells and wasn't expected to live through the night but at the present writing is much better. The family was sent for from Canada, Fargo, and Lamoure and they are at her bedside and all are hoping for a speedy recovery.
Dr. Coffin is quite sick at present.
Miss Allen has been sewing in town this week.
The Club gave another dance Friday night.
Mrs. McQuaid returned to Wheatland last Monday.
The Presbyterian Aid met with Mrs. Bingham yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Nixon took their little girl to the hospital for treatment this week.
Miss Kate Cameron is in the Twin Cities buying her spring millinery.
Special sale of ladies' muslin waists at 33 1-3 off. Arthur Mercantile Co.
John Goodspeed has been spending a few days in Grand Forks visiting friends.
The M. E. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Willis Hill for an all day session again and realized over nine dollars for dinner, work, and dues. All report a fine time.
E. Q. Powlison sold his half section near town to Mr. Rassler this week. Mr. Bingham also bought and sold again the land north of town belonging to Mr. Ikeherst.
Nels Bingham went to Fargo the first of the week.
Richard Harvey and Tom Belford drove to Page last Sunday.
Several people went to Fargo to see the famous play ÒBen HurÓ this week.
Gust Lind has spent a few days in town this week visiting his friend Chas. O'Neil.
The Dancing Club gave one of their dances last Friday evening. All report a splendid time.
Herman and Louis Schroeder left last Friday for Livingston, Mont., on special business.
Mrs. Manning and son Oscar returned to South Dakota after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jenson.
Mrs. Peter Stuart left last week for her home at Weyburn, Can., after visiting her mother and relatives.
Mrs. Wm. R. Gill and children left last week for LaCrosse, Wis. to visit a few weeks with relatives and friends.
Miss Kate Cameron returned last Friday from Minneapolis where she has been buying a nice spring line of millinery.
Miss Lillian Provost left Tuesday evening for her home in Minneapolis after spending a few weeks visiting with her sister Mrs. Coffin.
Don't forget the date of the Erie baseball dance at Erie Feb. 12, 1909. Tickets including supper only $1.00 for sale at Drug store, Hotel, and the Big store.
The Whist Club of Erie entertained the Page Whist Club in the A. O. U. W. hall last Tuesday evening. Out of three hours playing Erie won by eight points out of 2632. This was the deciding game for this year.
Dr. Geo. Coffin of Dogden, N. D. returned last Friday night to his home after staying at the bedside of his brother until he was out of danger. Everybody is glad to see Dr. Coffin around again and on duty after a serious illness.
A baseball meeting was held last Saturday in regard to organizing a baseball club. Following officers were elected: Carl Nelson, manager; E. A. Wilson, treasurer; Duncan Bissett, captain; F. W. Delamater, umpire for the season. We are open for dates at any time for the coming season.
Mr. Fuquay spent Monday in Fargo.
Wm. Hudson visited with his daughters here over Sunday.
John Hoglund has been quite sick with la grippe this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Parsons, of Page, visited relatives here during the week.
Miss Minnie Davis spent Sunday and Monday in town the guest of relatives and friends.
Miss Gertie Stowers and Miss Emma Schroeder visited in the Twin Cities over Sunday.
The German revivalists who have been holding meetings here left the first of the week for other parts of the country.
The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Bingham last Wednesday, a large gathering attended and all report a fine time.
Carl Schroeder is exercising a new team of bays these days.
F. L. Delamater is busy building an automobile shed for Dr. Coffin.
Miss Minnie Davis spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hudson, of Hunter, visited with relatives over Sunday.
Mr. Fowler had a large crowd at his sale owing to the fine weather. The stock sold well.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mosher and family are visiting in Welcome Valley this week.
Mrs. F. L. Delamater and Mrs. Walker Thompson returned from Wisconsin last Tuesday.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church met with Mrs. E. L. Mosher last Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington and little son, of Canada, arrived last Thursday and will make Erie their future home.
Louis Schroeder brought fourteen horses from South Dakota last Thursday. They are a fine bunch of work horses.
Gladstone Harrington returned from Rochester, Minn., last Friday. His wife is there undergoing an operation for appendicitis and at last accounts was doing fine.
Seed for sale - Seed flax, called the Ònever wilt,Ó seed barley and good upland hay. Sam Mechtel, Erie.
Sickness is quite prevalent in town at present.
The Presbyterian Aid was held with Miss Lizzie Cameron.
Mrs. Phelps has been quite sick but is on the mend again.
Geo. Grant Sr. who has been quite sick the past week is able to be up again.
Fred Delamater and wife of Fargo have been visiting relatives here the past week.
James Jenkins and Miss Maude Morrow returned from Fargo Friday where they have been attending college this winter.
Ed. Eichurst who sold his farming utensils a short time ago, will move to near Grand Forks where he intends to continue farming. Erie people wish him prosperity.
The year old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willerts is quite sick this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner are rejoicing over the arrival of another little girl at their home.
Mrs. Henry Schroeder visited with her daughter, Mrs. Reis, of Amenia, the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Thompson and family have moved onto their farm for the spring work.
The M. E. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. H. W. Mosher last Wednesday and all report a very pleasant time.
The Reis children are sick with the chicken pox this week. Robert Grant is also battling with the same disease.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Seim expect to move to Page this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mosher visited relatives near Hunter last Friday.
Mrs. B. Woolivin, a granddaughter of Mrs. Bullis, spent the past week with her.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Powlison of Wheatland were the guests of relatives here Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gill and family are with us again and we are pleased to see Mrs. Gill looking so much better.
Gladstone Harrington went to Rochester, Minn., last Wednesday to bring his wife home, who has been there for treatment. We are glad to say Mrs. Harrington is doing fine now.
The ladies of the Presbyterian aid gave their Easter supper and sale Friday night. It was very well attended and the ladies realized over sixty dollars for their evening's work.
Mr. Cuthbertson of Absaraka is here to put in some land.
Mrs. Phelps is spending the week with her son, Garfield Harrington.
Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mr. Carver of Page.
Saturday's snow storm and freeze out put the farmers out of business for that day.
Miss Rose Grant is quite sick with pneumonia. Her many friends hope to see her out and around soon.
Mrs. Price and little son are visiting her mother Mrs. Bingham in Minneapolis while their home here is being plastered, papered and painted.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid have had their parsonage papered, painted, and grained which makes it quite an attractive little home for anyone.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill are enjoying a visit from their daughter Miss Ethel also Mrs. Hill's sister Mrs. Tree of Casselton and her daughter Miss Tree.
Pa Collins of Page was an Erie visitor Saturday.
Elmer Wilson bought a new Buick auto Saturday.
Seeding is about wound up around this neighborhood.
O. B. Gray was over from Page the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Johnnie Morrow has been spending the week at Mr. Jenkins.
Miss Annie Nelson and Miss Gerty Marshall of Absaraka were Erie visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Rice, of Amenia, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schroeder of this place the past week.
Louis Schroeder was badly kicked in the face by a horse the fore part of last week but is much improved at the present writing.
Mrs. Arndt and daughters who have been visiting here left for Canada Wednesday to join Mr. Arndt who has taken up land in that country.
Quite a number of our Erie citizens have taken up land out in Montana, and among the number are H. L. Hill, Herman Schroeder, Carl Schroeder, Christy Bacom, U. G. Miller and Jas. Conrad. Some of those who purchased are thinking of moving out shortly.
Mr. Bolmeier's baby has been sick for the past week.
Roy Delamater left for Minneapolis Tuesday evening.
U. G. Miller and family expect to leave for the west in a short time.
Mrs. Burgess returned home Thursday morning from a Fargo hospital where she has been receiving treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hill and their mother, Mrs. Phelps, also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mosher left for Fargo Thursday night.
School closes Friday after which Miss Stowers will leave for her home in Washington, D. C., to spend the summer.
There was quite an exciting game of ball here Tuesday afternoon between Page and Erie, the score being 2 to 1 in favor of Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beith went to Fargo Friday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Harrington were Page visitors last Friday.
Harry Mosher was called to Minneapolis Saturday to see his mother who is very sick.
Mrs. Henry Schroeder is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bolmeier, who lives in Montana.
Mrs. McQuoid is here from Wheatland taking care of Mrs. Beith's baby while Mrs. Beith is in the hospital.
The ladies aid of the M. E. church cleaned the church last Wednesday and were assisted by Willis Hill and H. Mosher.
Leonard Delamater attended the G. A. R. encampment at Wahpeton last week. He reports a good time and says they were treated fine and the hospitality was appreciated. Miss Alden left for her home in Minneapolis last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hudson spent Sunday with relatives here.
Mrs. Jas. Beith came home from the hospital Mon. morning.
Miss Georgie Kelly, Miss Woodward and Rev. Karr came over from Page Sunday with Rev. Buckwalter. Rev. Karr spoke here that afternoon.
On Sunday, June 20th, Grandma Bullis departed this life. She was buried Tues. afternoon from the M. E. church.
Ward Mosher was buried here Sat. afternoon. He had been sick for some time and died at his home.
Death by Lightning A fatal accident occurred six miles west of Erie last Friday. While Halmor Bjerke and Mr. Anderson were loading hay a storm arose and a bolt of lightning struck the team knocking them to the ground, after which it passed on to the load, instantly killing Bjerke, who was on the load and setting the load on fire. It did not touch Anderson who was on the ground. Anderson pulled the dead man from the load and succeeded in putting out the fire. Bjerke came to N. D. from Willmar, Minn. He was twenty-one years of age and came from Norway only recently.
H. F. Nutting and Arthur Mosher were Page visitors Sunday.
D. M. Goodall purchased the threshing outfit of the Mosher boys this week.
Miss Stavely, of Mapleton, has been spending the week at the Pannebaker home.
Mrs. Church, of Hunter, visited with her brother, T. J. Sampson and family last week.
Landlord Grant is the happy possessor of a new Buick auto and will no doubt enjoy its pleasures-and discomfitures-at times.
Wheat harvest is almost a thing of the past in this neighborhood and threshermen are putting on the finishing touches on their machines before threshing commences.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill and daughter, Miss Ethel, went to Rochester, Minn., Wednesday of last week where Miss Ethel was operated upon for appendicitis the following day. Mr. Hill returned Saturday and last accounts report Miss Ethel doing nicely.
Mrs. Jenkins was a Page visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Ward Mosher and daughter spent Sunday with relatives here.
Christy Bacom left for Montana to reside on his newly acquired land.
Wm. Young of Page has been in this vicinity shredding corn for some time past.
The Clifton Medicine Co. of Ill. are represented here this week by a traveling company of three people who are all artists of considerable ability, and they gave a clean entertainment, full of fun from start to finish.
Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Grace Schroeder to Christy Morrow, both of this place. The wedding is to take place at the home of the bride's parents near Erie, this afternoon. A host of good wishes are extended to the young couple in their future journey through life.
Mr. Powers returned from Fargo Monday morning.
Arthur Mosher spent Thanksgiving in Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Willson and son Hewitt spent Thanksgiving day at Arthur Willson's near Page.
Dr. Folton of Oakes occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here Sunday and reached a fine Thanksgiving sermon.
The Thanksgiving exercises by the scholars of our school Wednesday afternoon were well attended and enjoyed by all present.
The railroad company has at last done the right thing by moving the section house into town thus making it more convenient for Mr. Peterson's family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill, Mr. and Mrs. James Beith and baby also Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and little daughter spent thanksgiving at Mr. R. K. Cameron's.
Mr. Branch an uncle of Mr. Price's visited with them over Sunday.
Several men from here attended the Shriner's meeting in Fargo last week.
Mrs. Walker Thompson and son Floyd were Fargo visitors Wednesday and Thursday.
Miss Emma Matthews and little Miss Reis were Fargo visitors Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Delamater are visiting the former's sister Mrs. Dawson at Lamoure this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warmington are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine big boy at their home and Grandpa Jenkins wears the smile that don't come off.
The M. E. people are getting up the program for the Christmas exercises to be held in the hall this year while the Presbyterian S. S. trims the tree. The two denominations work in harmony thereby giving more elaborate exercise and having a larger attendance.
Last Tuesday night Mrs. Burgess and sister Miss Josephine Morrow and Mr. Writeson quietly went to Fargo where Miss Morrow and Mr. Writeson were married in the M. E. parsonage Wed. The happy couple passed through Erie to Galesburg Thursday morning and while the train stopped here friends of the young couple liberally showered them with rice and well wishes.
Mrs. E. L. Mosher, Mrs. H. W. Mosher and Mrs. Grant went down to Fargo Tuesday evening and out to Argusville Wednesday morning to attend the wedding of Miss Vodden and James Hudson which took place at the Vodden home near Argusville Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. The ladies returned here Thursday morning and report a very nice time and that all went merrily as a wedding bell.
Geo. I. Davies Arrested Former Elevator Manager is Charged with Embezzlement of Company's Funds George I. Davies, former manager of the St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator at Erie, arrived in Fargo Saturday from St. Louis, Mo., in company with Sheriff Henry Boyle, who went after the prisoner on Tuesday evening.
Davies, according to the information made against him by the St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator Co., of Erie, this county, was employed as manager of the lumber business of the company and while in that capacity he left Erie last October. He was bonded in the United States Fidelity & Bonding company, and after his departure it was discovered that he was short in his accounts to the extent of about $450.
His arrest was affected a few days ago by the police of the city of St. Louis. They wired at once to Sheriff Boyle that they had his man and the sheriff went after him as stated above.
Prior to his disappearance from Erie, Davies was regarded as a model manager, and the officials of the company were greatly astonished when it was found, as they allege, that he was short in his accounts.
Mrs. Ed. Hudson and son Hugh spent Sunday with relatives here.
Miss Emma Schroeder is visiting relatives in Wheatland this week.
Miss Elizabeth Hudson and Wm. Hudson spent Christmas here with relatives.
Mrs. Jennie Mosher and little daughter left for Minneapolis Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delamater are spending the holidays with relatives here.
There was a large turnout to the Christmas exercises in the hall Friday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Grant is one the sick list, being suddenly taken with pleurisy Monday evening.
District Supt. Moore and Rev. Kahl of Hunter spoke in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon and although their coming was a surprise there was a large audience out and all were pleased to have the chance of listening to them.