Erie Etchings
1910 Hunter Herald

January 20, 1910

Arthur Mosher was a Fargo visitor this week.

Mrs. Tan Needham was an Erie visitor Friday and Saturday.

Mr. Fredrick is here looking after the hardware business which he recently purchased.

Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Willert are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home last Sunday.

Mrs. Coffin was called to Minneapolis suddenly by the death of her brother who has not been well for some time.

The M. E. ladies aid gave a social in the A. O. U. W. hall Friday night which was well attended and enjoyed by all present. They realized over $16.00 in spite of the rather stormy night.

January 27, 1910

Mrs. H. McLain returned home Saturday morning.

Mr. Louis Schroeder returned from Fargo Saturday.

Quite a number of our people are on the sick list this week.

The M. E. ladies aid met with Mrs. Harrison Hill last Wed.

The Hunters gave a dance Friday night in the A. O. U. W. hall, here.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauglund were Fargo visitors the last of the week.

Several from here attended the farmers' convention in Fargo this week.

February 3, 1910

Willis Hill was visiting relatives at Absaraka last week.

Charley Parker of Page was here the latter part of last week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peterson Monday of last week, a girl.

Mr. Ries was a Fargo business visitor a few days last week.

Chester Mosher is having a siege of whooping cough at present.

August Bolmeier shipped a car of hogs and sheep to Minneapolis last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Nutting are spending a couple of weeks in the Twin Cities.

Mrs. Grant and daughter Rose were Fargo visitors the latter part of last week.

Ed. Hudson and Mr. Redmond from near Hunter were over here last week with sheep they were delivering to Mr. Bolmeier.

The Presbyterian Sunday School gave a social last week in the A. O. U. W. hall, they realized over $20 and all report a good time.

February 17, 1910

Chas. F. Meyers, is retiring from farming and will sell all of his stock, machinery, etc., on Tuesday, March 8 at his farm north of Erie. Lunch and noon and teams fed.

March 31, 1910

J. E. Hill, of Erie, is out announcing himself as candidate for representative from the eleventh district. We have known Mr. Hill for a long time and although his politics-republican-do not coincide
with that of ours, he is a man of sterling worth, a man that is well admired by his acquaintances at home and elsewhere. He is a man among men, and one that can be trusted with his own convictions.

For Representative I hereby announce myself as candidate for nomination on the Republican Ticket, for Representative of the 11th Legislative District, subject to the primaries. James E. Hill, Erie, N. D.

Seed and Hay for Sale
I have 115 bu. never wilt flax seed for sale, good No. 1 seed wheat, barley raised on summer fallow and some upland hay. Sam Mechtel, Erie, N.D.

June 9, 1910 Photographer McCracken, at the request of several friends, has decided to stop in Erie from June 11 to June 27. Be sure and call and see his work.

July 14, 1910

For sale or rent
House and barn in Erie for sale or rent. Sam Mechtel.

July 28, 1910

Let's push together.

Swat the fly, or he'll swat von.

The "Big Dog" fell into the well.

Arthur Nelson attended the fair at the Forks last week.

Jimmie Jenkins went to Page on Monday after his Rambler. He will ramble some now.

Several of our young people attended the dance at Arthur last Friday. They report a good time.

We are competing with Reno these days. Three or four of our fellows undertook to fight Mr. Booze. Booze got the decision on three. He certainly ought to have the belt.

August 25, 1910

Miss Beulah Killbourn is again with friends in town.

Miss Gertrude Stowers returned to Erie from her summer vacation at Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Willson, her daughter and two sons are visiting Mrs. Willson's mother, Mrs. Mathews at present.

The M. E. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Willlis Hill, Wednesday afternoon. There was a large aid and a lot of work done.

Threshing is general around here though there is not much to thresh and it will be over with quickly this fall on account of the summer's drought.

Albert Markey, a boy who was raised to manhood near here, but who has been residing in Casselton for some time came out to help Mr. Burke's people for a while Wednesday and Thursday morning,
drank some formaldehyde by mistake, thinking it was rhubarb wine. He only lived a short time after as the fumes seemed to have strangled him to death. The body was taken to Casselton for burial.

Mrs. John Nelson passed to the great beyond last Thursday night. She had been a patient sufferer for over a year and everything possible was done for her that loving relatives and friends could do,
she was buried from the farm home, Saturday morning in the Erie cemetery. Rev. Vail officiating. There was a large funeral as she was an old settler here and loved by many friends.
She leaves a husband and a son and daughter, besides relatives and friends to mourn her loss.

October 20, 1910

W. E. Sniders are moving into the Williams residence.

Editor Mitchell of Hunter was an Erie visitor on Friday last.

Miss Gertrude Stowers spent Sunday with Miss Emma Schroeder.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Needham are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby at their home.

Carl Schroeder of Willsell, Mont. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schroeder.

Mr. Marrish and Editor McLaughlin of Page were transacting business here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mosher have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson of Rose Valley.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid will give their annual bazaar and chicken pie supper on October 21st.

Mrs. E. L. Dows has returned from Grand Forks, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. S. Whitman.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Barr and B. J. Fredrick were among those who attended the dancing party at Buffalo last Friday night.

October 27, 1910

Mrs. W. D. Thompson is a Fargo visitor this week.

D. McLeod of Empire has moved into town for the winter.

Carl Schroeder left for his home in Montana Monday night.

W. S. Whitman of Grand Forks transacted business in town last Saturday.

Rev. Schell returned Friday from Minot where he attended the meeting of the synod.

E. L. Dows left last week for Pasadena, Cal., where he will spend a month with his mother.

E. L. Mosher and E. A. Wilson have returned from a trip to the Northern part of the state.

Mrs. James McKee and daughter Katherine of Fargo spent the week end with relatives last week.

Mrs. Maud Morrow will leave this week for Fargo to resume her studies at the Agricultural College.

Mrs. R. B. Morrow and Mrs. A. W. Burgess returned Friday from a month's visit with relatives in South Dakota.

Among the students who visited relatives at home this week were Maud Delamater, Ethel Hill and Edith Whitman.

The bazaar and chicken pie supper given by the Presbyterian Aid proved a success. The candy booth was a particular feature of the evening.

November 10, 1910

Fred and Will Bolmeier returned home last week.

Assistant Supt. Hazelquist visited the school here last week.

August Bolmeier left for Chicago Saturday with several cars of sheep.

Miss May Delamater spent Sunday with her sister Maud, at Fargo.

Everybody come to the school entertainment on Tuesday the 22nd.

A. C. Nelson and Dr. S. D. Coffin are Minneapolis visitors this week.

Mrs. Geo. Kelly is very ill and at present is receiving treatment at Fargo.

John Haugland left for South Dakota where he has business interests.

W. D. Thompson and W. C. Hill moved into their town homes for the winter.

A. D. Cameron and Dan McLeod leave for Weyburn, Sask., on Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Delamater have recently returned from a month's visit with their daughter at LaMoure.

Eastbound passengers Monday night were, Lottie Allen, Ethel Hill, Maud Morrow and Mrs. A. W. Burgess.

Geo. Delamater will conduct Christian Endeavor services Sunday evening Nov. 18. Topic, ÒWar against the Saloon; enlist.Ó Mrs. Warmington, Bell Morrow and Frank Herman of Fargo, arrived Saturday to spend the weekend at the home of R. H. Morrow.

The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will hold their annual bazaar and serve supper in the A. O. U. W. hall on Nov. 11. Everybody welcome.

Among those who attended the Ayr dance on Friday night were, Beulah Kilburne, Laura Conners, Lizzie Cameron, Charlton Dows, and Kenneth Cameron.

November 24, 1910

Dr. Coffin is in Fargo on business this week.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Delamater were Fargo visitors last week.

Miss Laura Hill accompanied her sister Ethel to Fargo Monday.

The M. E. bazaar and supper was a big success, over $27 was taken in.

Dr. Campbell of Arthur and Dr. Baldwin of Casselton were called here during the absence of Dr. Coffin.

Mrs. J. Cuthbertson, who has been very ill, is reported recovering at present.

E. L. Mosher spent a part of last week visiting relatives in Rose Valley and Fargo.

A number of Erie young folk attended the bazaar and supper at Ayr on Saturday evening.

Laura and Mable Conners and Bessie McKee joined the D. of H. lodge here Thursday. A big banquet was given in their honor.

December 1, 1910

Charlton Dows is visiting in Erie this week.

Miss Susie Morrow is a Fargo visitor this week.

W. S. Whitman was an Erie visitor on Monday last.

Caister Tree and wife motored here from Wheatland Sunday.

Miss Maude McKee of Fargo spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr of Portal spent Friday with Miss Cameron.

Mrs. Tree and daughter Blanche are the guests of Mrs. J. E. Hill this week.

D. McLeod and A. D. Cameron have returned from a trip to northwestern Canada.

A large crowd attended the C. E. social on Saturday night and a good time was enjoyed by all.

The Misses Ethel and Ivy Goodall entertained a number of their young friends on Friday evening of last week.

B. J. Frederick spent Thanksgiving at Tower City, Miss E. Schroeder at Wheatland and Bessie McKee at Fargo.

Mrs. Grace Morrow and Miss Bessie Delamater left Monday for a week's visit with their aunt, Mrs. Dawson, at LaMoure.

Miss Kate Cameron, Past Grand Chief of the Degree of Honor of N. D., left this week to attend the Superior Lodge, which will convene in Louisville, Ky., on Dec. 6th.

The students who spent Thanksgiving at home were: Delia Allen, Fern Hill, Edith Whitman, Lillian Myers, Belle Morrow, Ethel Hill, Florence Sampson and Maud Delamater.

Transcribed by Steven Pueppke

Copyright 2008 Steven Pueppke
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