Mrs. Harry Reynolds entertained the Ladies Aid Wednesday p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Davidson returned Saturday from an extended visit at Staples, Minn.
O. P. Berg is preparing to build, and as soon as the weather permits, will erect a building of cement blocks.
Mrs. Sam Colwell entertained a number of ladies at a "quilting bee" last Thursday. A very pleasant time is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonald and family left Friday night for Fargo on their way to their new home in Stanfield, Oregon.
Geo. Cook has just finished putting in a plate glass front in the building that is now used for a drug store and post office.
Ira Gardner is erecting a store building. The work is being pushed along in spite of the extreme cold, and will soon be complete.
A large crowd greeted the Dixie Jubilee Singers last week. The church being taxed to the limit, quite a number came up from Argusville and returned without hearing them,
as they were obliged to go to Hillsboro and return on No. 10.
January 27, 1910
Frank McDonald attended the convention last week.
James Davidson has been quite sick, but is now improving.
The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Claud Cook Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Currie were in Fargo attending the farmers' convention.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and son, Laverne, who have been visiting relatives for several months, departed Tuesday for their home in Wyoming.
J. M. McDonald, Harry Peck, John McDonald and Claud Cook returned last Sunday from an extended trip to Canada. While there they acquired a large piece of land.
Mrs. P. Gottiett was taken to Fargo and underwent an operation at one of the local hospitals. She was accompanied by Dr. Gowenlock.
Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery.
A very pleasant party was enjoyed by a number of young people at the home of Clark Moore last Thursday. Mrs. Moore's fame as a hostess is well known, and that lady was at her best.
March 10, 1910
Miss Annabella Tufts spent Sunday in Fargo.
Geo. Gowenlock went to Barnesville to visit his brother, returning Tuesday.
Geo. Gowenlock, Ford Gardner, Ole Lee and Robert Sterling attended the dance at Harwood Friday. They report having a good time.
The Music Recital to be given on Saturday evening by Miss H. Heath and I. Hagemeister and pupils was postponed on account of bad roads.
Mrs. And Mrs. John Dynes and son Elmer returned Saturday from their visit to eastern Canada. Mr. Dynes reports having spent a good winter.
Mr. Henry and Andrew Schultz left for Chester, Montana, where they expect to make their future home. We all wish the boys good luck at their new place.