Arthur Anglings 1910 Hunter Herald

April 7, 1910

Mr. And Mrs. Frank Elwood are nicely settled on their farm.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum and children will spend the summer on the farm.

Jim Williams has purchased a _ in section 32 from Will Clivetor.

Mr. and Mrs. I. McAdams left last Wednesday evening for St. Paul.

Miss Mable Skogmo left Tuesday evening for Minneapolis and Idaho.

Louie Schur is up and around again after a few days siege of the lagrippe.

Gordon Stumpf left Wednesday evening for Fargo to resume his studies at the A C.

R. C. Elliott and family are getting settled on the farm just vacated by Jim Christenson.

Miss Indea of Page, a former teacher here, is spending her Easter vacation with friends.

Mrs. R. H. Vosburg returned Monday from her long visit in Michigan and Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum on the farm.

Mrs. Safford and children and Mrs. Muir and children were down from Hunter Sunday in the auto.

R. E. Wilke left Tuesday morning for Great Falls, Montana.

Theo. Williams died suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg, near Arthur at 6:00 o'clock Tuesday morning.
He was taken suddenly ill Monday evening and medical assistance was summoned but nothing could be done and he passed away the next morning.
Deceased had lived in Hunter for a number of years and moved to Arthur after the death of his wife about three years ago. He was 80 years old.

Funeral services will be held at the house Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be made in the Hunter cemetery.

April 14, 1910

Arthur Burgum is assisting on the farm.

Mrs. Wagner is spending the week in Erie.

Ray Feltz is in Fargo consulting an eye specialist.

Mrs. R. C. Elliott has a fine new piano the gift of her husband.

Mr. and Mrs. John See entertained a large company of friends Sunday.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips spent a few days in Fargo the guest of her parents.

Mrs. Chas. Gunkel went to Hope last Friday to attend the funeral of a nephew.

Ida Green visited over Sunday with her sister Mrs. Bernice Henry at Casselton.

Mr. and Mrs.W.A. Fridley were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

John Fulton and wife are nicely settled on the Ed Hudson farm west of Hunter.

Mrs. P. A. Hicks the Casselton milliner was in town Tuesday with a nice line of hats.

Elmer Apfer and A. White of Fargo were here Tuesday looking after their farming interests.

Albert Farnham came home from Grand Forks Sunday morning where he spent a few days visiting college friends.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble and Miss Elsie Wagner and Dr. Campbell attended the dance in Hunter Friday night.

Fred Williams, Miss Indra, Miss Chapman, Mrs. John Iwen and her daughter Matie went to Page Sunday in the auto.

T. O. Burgum has been appointed census enumerator for Dist. 28 in the township of Arthur, Amenia, Gunkel and Rush River.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams of Geneva, Ohio, and Mrs. Geo. Morrison arrived last Thursday to attend the funeral of their father the late Theodore Williams.

Fred Standfield has purchased four fine horses and harness and will crop 200 acres in wheat and oats, he also displays a brand new buggy for his best girl to ride in.

Mrs. L. O. Bower and little daughter left Monday for Fargo where they will leave Tuesday for her home at Stugus, Montana.
Her father G. B. Farnham going as far as Fargo with her, and he will be accompanied home by his daughter Myrtle who has been in the hospital some time.

April 21, 1910

Miss Exine Bayard went home to Ayr for a week's visit.

T. J. Ross is agent for a new Williamson under feed furnace.

Mr. and Mrs. Gamble were visiting at the August Feltz home last week.

Chas. Gunkel is shipping a care of horses and cattle to his Belfield ranch.

Miss Agnes McGrath of Melrose, Minn., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Ross.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Brenner of Hunter were callers in town the first of the week.

The storm of last week has put farming operations out of commission for some time.

The stork visited at the home of Herman Iwen last Friday morning and left a bouncing baby boy.

Mrs. Chas. Gunkel is at Oakes nursing her little grand-daughter, who has been quite ill with tonsillitis.

Messrs. Ed. Mitchell and L. D.

Cook who are enjoying a three weeks sojourn at Miami, Florida, remember Arthur friends with souvenir post cards.

Ed. says the city is a little beauty and weather delightful. ÒWhat's the matter with North Dakota weather?Ó On the street corner the other day a group of farmers were discussing the old time blizzard, one pioneer remarked that the storm of last week was the worst since April 1882.

Spring work was progressing nicely when a raging blizzard swept over N. D., leaving many farmers who were in the sheep and cattle business greatly handicapped and heavy losers.

April 28, 1910
T. J. Ross is reshingling the roof of his store.

Dr. Campbell has purchased an automobile.

August Sommerfeld has erected a new windmill on his farm south of town.

R. E. Wilke is enjoying the sights at Flathead Valley, northern Montana.

With the return of nice weather the farmers are busy getting in their grain.

Albert Farnham returned home Monday morning from a visit at Grand Forks.

Mrs. George Morrison and little son left Saturday morning for their home at Westhope.

Mrs. G. B. Farnham and four children have recovered nicely from a severe attack of the lagrippe.

Johnnie Schur and Miss Mamie Schur were Sunday visitors at the home of

Mr. and Mrs. Will Landon.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and children were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Mrs. O. E. Tourtellotte our former pastor's wife is visiting Arthur friends for a few days and her friends are glad to see her.

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rassler gave a party Saturday evening in honor of their daughter Carrie. The occasion was a birthday party.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sieverts entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Schlate, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuehn and family.

Mr. and Mrs. A T. Burgum and Reuben Phillips entertained in honor of their visiting guest Mrs. O. E. Tourtellotte of Hansboro, N.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips entertained a company of eleven young ladies Friday evening. Music and dancing was the evening's entertainment followed by a dainty lunch at midnight.
The ladies report a most enjoyable evening.

May 5, 1910

George Lee Clark of Casselton was a caller in town Monday.

Miss Ella Wilke was down from Hunter last Friday evening.

Alma Pearson was in town last week the guest of Mrs. John Bettschen.

Mrs. Wilcox arrived Friday morning and is visiting with her relatives here.

The Arthur Free Press has discontinued owing to the lack of support.

Mrs. and Mrs. William Heiden of Casselton were Arthur visitors a few days last week.

Fred Wolf left last Wednesday for a long trip to his old home in Germany.

Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Clague entertained a company of young ladies Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum had as their guests Sunday Gordon B.

Burgum and Miss Olga Schur.

A. A. Bagameil, the stock buyer, was in town the first of the week and will ship a car of fat cattle.

Mrs. Peterson and little son from Casselton were guests Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

Dave Harris and little niece, Emma, came Saturday morning and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett.

Sunday May 8 is ÒMother's DayÓ and it will be observed throughout the state, white carnations will be used in great profusion which signifies Òpurity.Ó

Mrs. T. J. Ross, Miss McGrath, Mrs. Charles Gunkel and daughter Iza drove to Hunter Saturday morning to attend services in the Catholic church.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heiden entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Schur, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz.

E. B. McCracken is now in Arthur where he will remain until the 9th. This gives the people of Arthur and community an opportunity to have good photographs taken.
Anyone desiring duplicate orders of negatives let him know.

May 19, 1910
Chas. Gunkel is out at Belfield.

Mrs. Kate Eyres of Casselton spent Friday in town.

Elsie Wagner entertained a company of ladies Friday evening.

County Superintendent Mattie Davis visited the school last Thursday.

No school last Thursday on account of the illness of Miss Chapman.

The rain of Sunday and Monday was very beneficial to the growing crops.

G. B. Farnham has been confined to his room for a week past with a lame back.

Dr. Robertson of Grand Forks will occupy the pulpit in the M. E. church Sunday morning.

Mrs. Nels Hansen is spending a few days at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambert.

Miss Mary Frank of Hunter and Miss Myrtle Farnham were Sunday guests of the Misses Elizabeth and Francis Burgum.

The M. E. Ladies Aid met at the church last Friday afternoon for the election of officers, and Mrs. Chandler is the new president.

W. H. Fisk and Ern Corey of Hunter, spent Friday at the M. E. Schafer farm. The latter being a brother of Mrs. Schafer.

T. O. Burgum, Charles Viestenz and Fred Williams have been appointed appraisers for the estate of the late Ed. C. Sommerfeldt.

The Hunter and Arthur juvenile ball teams played a game of ball on the grounds of the latter Saturday afternoon in which the home team defeated the visitors in a score of 2 to 5.

Rev. and Mrs. Freytag are enjoying a visit from their eldest son who resides in Iowa.

Mr. Freytag is a portrait artist and is soliciting orders for his work and has been very successful in that respect while here.

The special exercises of the Epworth League were postponed last Sunday evening on account of the weather. They will be held next Sunday evening and a fine program has been arranged.

At the meeting of the M.E. Ladies Aid last Thursday the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Chandler; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Wilbur Hackett; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Burgum; 3rd vice-president,
Mrs. F. J. Stumpf; Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Burgum; Treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Vosburg.

May 26, 1910
Walter Fink was a Sunday vistor in town.

Hugo Viestenz is erecting a new barn on his farm.

Miss Ollie Burgum spent Saturday with Hunter friends.

Mrs. R. Philips spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Schur entertained a large company of relatives on Sunday.

Miss Elizabeth Burgum spent Friday evening in Hunter the guest of friends.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner returned home from a three week's visit with friends at Erie.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeldt and Mrs. Ed. Sommerfeldt were Fargo visitors Friday.

Irvin Arnold arrived home from the hospital in Fargo on Thursday and is much improved in health.

Gust Schur will build an addition to his confectionary story which will be used as an ice cream parlor.

Adeline is the name of the little daughter who was a recent arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Roberts.

Julius Sommerfeldt has been appointed administrator of the Sommerfeldt estate which is valued at $40,000. 00.

Nels Rosval has the contract for the new machine hall for the Arthur Mercantile Co. The display room is nearly completed.

Mrs. L. W. Roberts and Miss Marie Howe went to Casselton last Wednesday evening to take in the play ÒAs you like itÓ.

Mrs. Clarissa Sprake and little daughters and Mr. Smith of Stanley, are visiting at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. R. C. Elliott.

Photographer McCracken will be back to Arthur on the 28th to remain until June 6th. Now is your chance for good photographs.

Mr. Sargent of Amenia and John Martin of Chaffee were Arthur visitors last Monday. Mr. Martin is in field for county commissioner.

Mrs. Thornton and little daughter, Emma, came up Saturday morning from Fargo to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett.

T. O. Burgum has completed the enumeration for the fourth district and will now assess the Arthur district, this makes his fourth term as assessor.

School closes on Friday and the teachers, Misses Howe and Chapman, and pupils will give an entertainment at the hall on Friday evening.

John and Louie Bettschen went to Casselton Friday to meet their brother, Free, who visited here over Sunday.

June 9, 1910

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Wagner Thursday.

Erma Boettcher of Blanchard is visiting friends in town.

Rev. Freytag is conducting German school with a large attendance.

The St. Anthony & Dakota elevator is undergoing some extensive improvements.

Mrs. John Brenner and Miss Edna Zavits visited over Thursday with Mrs. W. C. Gamble.

Fred Stanfield and Miss Carrie Faltz drove to Page Thursday to visit with friends during the races.

Henry Sommerfeld has the contract to erect a new house and barn for Hugh Viestenz. Both structures are well underway.

Christ Gropper is building a large barn on his farm on section 7 which will be a great benefit to him in his stock raising operations.

The Gardner ball team played the Arthur nine last Saturday on the local diamond, resulting in a score of 9 to 4 in favor of Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld left Friday evening for a visit with relatives at Rogers and Mrs. Sommerfeld's parents at Granville, N. Dak.

I. S. Roberts and Louis Bettschen returned last Thursday morning from a few days fishing at the lakes. They brought back lots of fish but did not tell the price paid.

Miss Elizabeth Burgum, Miss Elsie Wagner and Miss Ella Wilke attended to commencement exercises at Hunter last Saturday and were guests of Miss Mary Frank, Sunday.

The basket social which was held last Saturday evening in the town hall was not very largely attended. Some 24 baskets being sold which netted the gentlemen $31.25. The lecture given by Rev. Kahl, ÒThe Heritage of Youth,Ó was enjoyed by those who attended.

The people of Arthur and vicinity are rejoicing over the fact that a rural route will soon be in operation so that everybody will soon have daily mail service.
We are very thankful to our Congressman, Hon. L. B. Hanna for his efforts in securing this service as it is no easy matter to get the department to make a large appropriation in the face of a deficit.
The state is to be congratulated upon having such an able representative as Mr. Hanna, and nothing pleases a public servant so much as to know his constituents appreciate the work he accomplishes for his state.

June 16, 1910

A.Bagmiel will ship a car of fat stock from Arthur Wednesday.

H. J. Wagner is in Fargo taking medical treatment for liver trouble.

Miss Ella Enternauch spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.

Miss Jennie Rudd was a weekend guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. Phillips.

About twenty of the Arthur population attended the races at Page and all report a good time.

Hugo Viestenz is erecting a large house and barn on the south one-half of section 31 in Arthur township.

Julius Kurinch is building the addition to Gus Schur's billiard hall, the new part will be fitted for an ice cream parlor.

The many friends of Miss Alma Buckley will be glad to learn that she has contracted to teach at the new school house in district 88.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettscher and family also Gordon Burgum and Miss Olga Schur were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Mr. and Mrs. Heiden of Winona, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Heiden of Everest were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Heiden from Saturday till Monday evening.

Messer L. C. Cook and Ed. Mitchell entertained a fair sized audience at the town hall Saturday evening with a stereopticon exhibit of views of southern Florida which were greatly enjoyed by all.

Emil Boettscher is building a 24 x 48 machine shed on his fine one half section farm south of town.

Emil is always adding to the improvements on his farm and in a short time he will have one of the neatest equipped farms in northern Cass County.

Mrs. Ike Barnett of Ayr was calling on friends in Arthur and vicinity last Saturday. Her daughter, Mrs. F. Young of Morden, Man., joined her here, and Sunday they departed for Ayr, where
Mrs. Young will spend about six weeks visiting her parents and many friends.

June 23, 1910

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent Thursday with friends in Fargo.

Mrs. Louie Schur is entertaining her aunt Mrs. Schultz of Gardner.

Mrs. Wren of Spokane, Wash. , is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Landon.

Arthur and Erie played ball Friday afternoon, the former winning by a score of 3 to 1.

Mrs. and Mrs. John See were dinner guests Sunday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

Miss Clark of Schoolcraft, Mich. arrived last week to spend the summer with her aunt Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

The most fervent prayers of the farmers is for rain and more rain. The farmers and merchants are becoming alarmed.

About 20 young people from this vicinity attended the dance at the farm home of Miss Irene Hagemeister near Argusville.

Messrs. Ron Stewart and John Murch are having wells put down on their farms, George Haywood of Hunter has the contract.

The directors of the Farmers Elevator Co. , held their annual business meeting in the parlor of the First State Bank Tuesday afternoon.

R. E. Wilke and son Herbert of Fargo were Arthur visitors Saturday making farewell calls before leaving for his future home in Montana.

Mrs. J. C. Kelly of East Liverpool, Ohio, is expected home this week for a two months visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hackett.

Dave Whitmore is busy building an addition to his barn and is assisted by his son Clifford, who arrived a week ago to spend his vacation on the farm.

Some of our energetic town and country people met at the church to clean up the basement and to get it ready for the plasterers. The ladies served sandwiches and cold beverages to the laborers.

Elsie Wagner came home Saturday morning from Wahpeton where she visited relatives and attended the graduation exercises at the high school, her brother George completing a business course.

The baseball benefit dance Friday evening was a success, over 80 tickets were sold and the ball boys are highly elated over their evenings entertainment and proceeds which netted them the neat sum of $77.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Lambert,Mr.and Mrs. J. Schur and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schur drove to Cummings Saturday for a few days visit with relatives.

June 30, 1910

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were Hunter visitors last Thursday.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips is entertaining her cousin from Kindred.

Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Amber and Lillie are visiting friends in Fargo.

Mrs.Will Wagner is expected here to spend the 4th with relatives.

Children's Day exercises will be observed Sunday at 3 o'clock in the M. E. church.

Miss Bertha Myrah went to Fargo Tuesday evening to visit with Miss Ella Wilke.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Niagara are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Myrah.

Miss Ella Myrah returned home from Devils Lake where she closed a successful term of school.

Johnnie Schur and Miss Mamie Schur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson at the G. N. Smith farm.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Comrie and son Ed. autoed up from Fargo last Thursday and were calling on their old friends and neighbors.

Miss Olga Schur, Miss Mamie Schur and G. B. Burgum will visit over Sunday with relatives at Grand Forks and take in the circus.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Landon returned home Monday morning from Campbell, Minn., where they attended the marriage of

Mr. Landon's nephew.

J. W. Freytag, who has been visiting his parents here, expects to leave for his home in Iowa July 1st. He has delivered about 200 portraits while here.

G. N. > Smith, Tom Burgum and Messrs Wood of Amenia autoed to Ayr and Erie last Tuesday. The crop condition is very serious in those localities.

Fred Williams, I. S Roberts and T. O. Burgum attended the ball game between Casselton and Arthur last Saturday at Casselton, Arthur boys winning by the score of 8 to 1.

A big crowd attended the dance at the farm of Jack See last Friday evening. Messrs. Nelson of Amenia furnished the music.
All report a fine time and an elaborate supper was served by the hostess.

The monthly business meeting of the Epworth League was held last Tuesday evening at the A. T. Burgum home after the completion of the business, light refreshments were served by the Misses Elizabeth and Francis Burgum.

Special Thanks to Steve Pueppke