Arthur Anglings 1910 Hunter Herald

October 6, 1910

Walter Fink was in town Friday.

Wide porches and spreading trees make home attractive.

Julius Sommerfeld spent a few days in Fargo on business.

Josie Landon visited friends at Hunter several days last week.

Wilbur Hackett went to Fargo Tuesday to consult the dentist.

Nels Rosval and nephew of Hunter were Arthur callers Saturday.

Mr. Charles Lambert is visiting her daughter Mrs. Nels Hanson at Amenia.

Mrs. John Iwen, Mattie and Mamie Schur autoed to Casselton Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schroder of Blanchard were guests Thursday of relatives.

The Arthur school board held its meeting last week, W. C. Landon was appointed one of the directors.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and little son went to Fargo Monday night to remain some time with her parents.

Mrs. And Mrs. Roy Amel came up from Davenport Saturday morning to spend Sunday at the farm home.

Mrs. Wagner, the aged mother of H. J. Wagner, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon from heart failure.

J. A. Burgum went to Fargo Tuesday night to divide the school funds, the district having been divided.

We are glad to note the West Arthur correspondent to the Forum who undoubtedly intends writing all the news.

Mr. and Mrs. Schumert of Minneapolis arrived Saturday morning and are visiting their parents Rev. and Mrs. Freytag.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gamble, G. B. Burgum and Misses Olga Schur and Fern Gamble autoed to Hunter Friday evening to attend the young people's dance.

Mrs. T. J. Ross was called to Watertown, Minnesota, on account of the illness of her mother. Miss Agnes McGrath, a niece, accompanied her there.

October 13, 1910

T. J. Ross is in Fargo on business.

C. F. Bayard of Ayr visited with relatives here Saturday.

Messrs. Ray and Rob Faltz have purchased an automobile.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John See.

Jim Williams is having some extensive improvements made on his farm east of Arthur.

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. A. T. Burgum Saturday afternoon at two o'clock.

J. A. Hasselquist of Fargo, assistant superintendent of schools, visited the Arthur school Monday.

Nels Rosval is erecting an addition to the Fitzsimmons farm residence and making other improvements.

Mrs. Louie Bettschen and three children left late Wednesday evening for Castle Rock, for a three weeks visit with her parents.

We are pleased to note a lecture course will be given here this winter, the first number will be a musical commencing November 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson of Amenia were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bettschen. They were also guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambert.

The funeral services for the late Mrs. Wagner were held Friday afternoon at the German church. Rev. Freytag delivered the funeral sermon. Interment was made in the Hunter cemetery.

Flax threshing was the popular occupation for the farmer the past week. John See boasts of the largest yield, some 200 bushels being realized from 80 acres of new land. With the high prices paid for flax, the farmer who has any will certainly reap the reward for his labor.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sommerfeld, Mrs. Ed Sommerfeld and daughter Annie are spending a week at Mandan, visiting their son, W. F. Sommerfeld and also taking in the sights at the Capital City. They expect to return home by the way of Rogers for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Clark, formerly of Arthur.

October 20, 1910

Mr. Bagameil was in town Tuesday buying stock.

Mrs. T. O. Burgum was a Casselton caller Thursday.

A petition is in circulation for an every day mail delivery.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schur were Casselton visitors Tuesday.

We are glad to hear Rev. Kahl again, if only for a short time.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott visited over Sunday with relatives in Fargo.

Misses Katie Trichler and Emma Sell were guests Saturday of Miss Olga Schur.

Mrs. Reuben Phillips and little son came home from Fargo Tuesday morning.

G. B. Burgum and Miss Olga Schur were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum.

A large tombstone of unusual quality has been erected at the grave of the late Edward Sommerfeld.

Miss McGrath who is in St. John's hospital is improving rapidly from a light attack of typhoid fever.

Misses Erma McLachlin and Ruth Alice Frank visited with the Misses Burgums and Alice Skogmo Friday evening.

Mrs. T. A. Green and daughter Ida left Wednesday for Buckley, Wash., to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Dan Rassler.

German conference was held Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Several German clergy were present and were entertained at various homes.

Louie W. Heiden is the sole owner of the Arthur blacksmith shop. His former partner Edmund Viestenz will return to the farm and expects to rent one of Fred Williams west of Arthur.

Mrs. R. H. Vosburg and Ms. Wallace Hackett are a committee to look after the purchasing of a complete set of dishes to be used exclusively for the church and Aid's social doings.
They are a very elaborate dish with gold monogram and will be purchased from the potteries of East Liverpool, Ohio.

October 27, 1910

Mrs. T. O. Burgum spent last Friday with Mrs. W. A. Fridley.

John See entertained a large company of friends Friday evening at cards.

The Woodmen have rented the hall from the town board for another year.

Miss Myrtle Farnham is spending a week with relatives at Chaffee and Fargo.

Miss McGrath returned home Wednesday morning from St. John's hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John See.

The Ladies Aid will hold their next meeting in the basement of the church next Thursday.

Albert Thompson, the genial clerk of T. J. Ross, spent a few days at his home in Addison.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boettcher of Blanchard were guests over Sunday of Emil Boettcher and family.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum entertained Rev. Moore and Rev. and Mrs. Kahl at dinner Sunday.

The church directors met Saturday evening with District Supt. Moore for the quarterly conference.

Will Stewart underwent an operation at a local hospital in Fargo and at present writing is doing nicely.

Mrs. A. A. Johnson returned to her home at Casselton after a three weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Pearson.

Mrs. Thoedore Kartes and little daughter of Oakes returned home Saturday after a two week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunkel.

A reception will be tendered Rev. and Mrs. Kahl Saturday evening at the church. All Arthur people regret the departure of Rev. Kahl and his good wife.

The Dundas family received the sad news Tuesday morning of the death of their father, J. B. Dundas, formerly of Hunter but now of Florida. He will be buried in Forida.

November 10, 1910

Will Stewart is spending a few days in town.

A. T. Burgum was a Fargo visitor last Tuesday.

Simon Rassler drove to Page Friday to see his daughter Carrie.

M. A. Baldwin, in his big touring car, was an Arthur visitor Tuesday.

Mrs. J. A. Kahl spent the week with Mrs. H. J. Wagner and other Arthur friends.

Mrs. Tucker of Fargo visited over Sunday with her relatives returning home Monday night.

W. E. Hunt of Fargo and J. C. Ross of Casselton were Arthur visitors last Thursday.

Mrs. And Mrs. W. C. Landon entertained a company of friends at cards Monday evening.

There was lots of excitement in town election day, Arthur going two to one for Johnson.

Mrs. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg entertained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kahl and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family are getting settled in their town residence which they will occupy for the winter.

The first series of lectures, ÒThe Musical,Ó was given here Saturday evening to a crowded house and was greatly enjoyed. Over 150 tickets were sold.

G. B. Burgum and Miss Olga Schur, Tom See and his sister Annie drove to Ayr last Friday night to attend the dance and visit with their aunt Mrs. C. F. Bayard.

J. A. Burgum has been confined to the house the past week with a painful leg, the result of a pitchfork tine entering it. With the aid of crutches Joe is able to get around.

Under the auspices of the Epworth League the play, ÒOld Maids and Bachelors,Ó will be staged in the near future. The members met Monday evening for practice with Mrs. R. C. Elliott.

November 17, 1910

Do you read your neighbor's Herald?

Ed. Kentfield was a business visitor to Fargo Tuesday.

Miss Hazel Rusk is visiting her sister at Hastings, Minn.

John Bettschen, Archie Schur and Gordon Burgum were Fargo visitors Monday.

Isaac Burke returned home after a few weeks visit with his sister Mrs. Campbell at Portal.

Dr. and Mrs. Campbell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Vosburg Tuesday night.

Miss Lena Schur visited relatives in west Arthur last week returning to Amenia Monday night.

Mrs. Wallace Hackett spent last Thursday in Casselton the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. M. Smith.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Schumert Wednesday of last week, a boy. Mother and son doing nicely.

Ernest Schmit and little son Willie returned from Minneapolis Saturday morning, having disposed of his car of old iron.

Miss Clara Buchholz who spent the past summer with Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld will be with Mrs. W. E. Hunt of Fargo this winter.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett and Wilbur Hackett.

Will Stewart was seen on our streets last week. Will has been in the hospital at Fargo for the last six weeks receiving treatment for car trouble.

Our genial doctor now rides behind a fine pair of Cleveland bays he recently secured from McHenry, Ed. Reel and Will Schuntz driving home the fine steeds.

Mr. and Mrs. Gamble, Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, Albert Farnham and Miss Bertha Myrah were a party who attended the dance at Hunter last Friday night.

ÒJohnny's WifeÓ a three act comedy will be given at the hall on Sat. night Nov. 19. The evening's proceeds will go towards purchasing books for the library and the kindergarten.
This play is gotten up by the teachers, Mrs. H. C. Elliott and Miss Ringer assisted by good home talent. Let everybody turn out and assist the ladies in their efforts in securing good books
for our school and children.

Thursday evening of last week about fifty of Mrs. Gust Iwen's friends gathered at their beautiful farm home to spend the evening and celebrate the anniversary of Mrs. Iwen's birthday.
A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Cards and dancing furnished the amusement and a fine supper was served at midnight. It was in the Òwee smaÓ hours of the morning when the guests departed,
all voting Mr. and Mrs. Iwen royal entertainers.

November 24, 1910

The ladies of the M. E. church realized $109 from their supper and bazaar.

Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Moore Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phillips.

Mrs. C. F. Bayard and daughter Ethel of Ayr were Arthur visitors last Thursday.

Dr. Campbell is expecting his father from McHenry for a visit over Thanksgiving.

Albert Farnham and his sister Miss Myrtle were Sunday guests of Miss Bertha Myrah.

Gordon Stumpf who is attending the A. C. at Fargo is expected home for Thanksgiving.

Mr. Parsons, manager for the Farmers Elevator Co., is spending the week in Grand Forks.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Flynn came up from Fargo last Wednesday to take in the ladies aid supper and bazaar.

Mrs. John Brenner, Miss Hattie Church and Miss Mary Frank were Hunterites who visited with Arthur friends the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter last Thursday, both mother and child doing nicely.

Remember the Woodman dance Nov. 25th, Malchow's orchestra will furnish the music. A good time is assured everyone who attends.

Mr. and Mrs. John See will have as their guests at Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and family.

T. O. Burgum, I. S. Roberts, John Schur, John McFall, W. C. Landon, Wilbur Hackett, went to Fargo Wednesday night and were guests of Dave Harris.

Last Wednesday afternoon Nov. 16, occurred the marriage of W. G. Hockridge and Miss Lillie Snelgrove. Rev. Robert Erick of the First M. E. church in Minneapolis performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Hockridge spent the summer of 1909 here with her aunt Mrs. Tom Hockridge, and all Arthur friends extend to the happy couple wishes of happiness and prosperity.

Tommy's Wife, the three act comedy which was presented here Saturday evening to a crowded house was excellently rendered and was received by an appreciative audience.
Each one doing his and her part in an able manner clearly demonstrating the interest they had taken in giving the people of Arthur and vicinity an evening of much amusement and pleasure.
Between the acts Miss Maud Vosburg rendered a violin solo which was very enthusiastically received by a host of musical admirers. Miss Bernice Vosburg accompanied her sister on the piano.
Miss Elsie Wagner rendered a beautiful solo which delighted the hearts of her hearers and the lovers of song. The school library realized $35.00 which is gratifying to the performance to know that
the public appreciated their efforts in contributing so generously towards a good cause. After the play the home talent repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Elliott where they enjoyed a dainty repast.

December 1, 1910

Paul Sommerfeld spent Thursday in Fargo.

Mrs. Roy Amel is spending a few days at home.

H. E. Stone lost a valuable horse last Wednesday.

Miss Ringer spent the latter part of last week with her parents at Kindred.

Carrie Faltz was a guest Thanksgiving day at the home of J. H. Hagemeister.

Carrie Fridley returned to Fargo to resume her studies at the Sacred Heart Academy.

L. A. Plumley and daughter Sadie, of Page, spent several days here the guests of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Roberts entertained a company of friends and relatives at dinner Thursday.

Ella Ecternach returned to her home at Casselton after a week's visit with Miss Elsie Wagner.

Miss Agnes McGrath who spent the summer with her aunt has returned to her home at Montrose.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Farnham and two children visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bayard at Ayr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen had as their dinner guests Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bettschen and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boettcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfeld and Gust Boettcher of Kalispell, Mont., left Monday for a visit with relatives in Minnesota.

Eddie Sommerfeld and Gordon Stumpf have returned to Fargo to take up their studies at the A. C. after a few days visit at their home during Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rex, of Salem, Oregon, are visiting at the home of Rudolf Otto and is also being entertained by several Arthur friends. They expect to leave Thursday for a visit with relatives in Wisconsin.

The Woodman dance last Friday night was a social success. Malchow's orchestra furnished delightful music. The M. W. A. realized a neat sum over and above expenses. The next dance will be a masquerade. Watch for the date.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schur, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sommerfeld and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Siewert were a party who went to Casselton Monday night to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Will Ecternach. Among the many gifts was a handsome rocking chair, a token of esteem from Mr. Ecternach's Arthur friends.

Mrs. Ed Sommerfeld entertained Tuesday evening a large company of friends at six o'clock dinner in honor of Granddaughter Elizabeth W. Iwen. About 40 friends gathered at the home to surprise Miss Iwen upon her return from Hunter where she is attending high school and the young lady was completely surprised to be greeted by such a host of friends who had come to help celebrate the 15th anniversary of her birthday. A bountiful dinner was served to which all did justice. The evening's enjoyment was cards and a social chat followed by a dainty luncheon at midnight. It was early morning when the guests departed wishing Miss Iwen many happy returns.

December 8, 1910

Walter Fink was an Arthur visitor last week.

T. C. Hockridge went to Casselton Friday to consult the dentist.

Miss Buckley and Miss Olive Burgum were Hunter visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John See were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Kentfield.

The children of the Lutheran church are practicing for their Christmas entertainment.

Mrs. A. M. Smith of Casselton spent several days here the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

Mrs. I. S. Roberts has been confined to her bed with a threatened attack of appendicitis. At present she is resting nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elwood left Thursday for a two months visit with relatives at Charles City and buffalo Center, Iowa.

Rev. Franzetta of Daisey has accepted the call to the Methodist church at Hunter and Arthur and will preach his first sermon here Sunday.

Arthur Camp M. W. A. 3870 will meet in regular session Saturday evening Dec. 10. All members will please attend. Visiting neighbors welcome. About eighteen young bachelors drove to section 31 last Wednesday evening and surprised their friend Fred Standfield. The evening was spent with cards and a big supper which was brought by the gentlemen. All report an enjoyable evening- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bettschen entertained a large company of friends at dinner Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Schur and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Heiden and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schur.

Philip Skogmo expects to leave Friday for Minneapolis where he has accepted a position with his brother of that city. Philip has assisted here in the central office and was an obliging and courteous young man and his many friends here wish him success in his undertakings in his new field of work.

Wilbur Hackett had several friends to dinner last Wednesday in honor of his visiting guest, Dave Harris of Fargo. The afternoon was pleasingly spent in playing 500. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landon, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackett.

December 15, 1910

John Wagner spent several days with his uncle in Wahpeton.

Mr. and Mrs. McAdams are spending the winter in St. Paul.

Mrs. W. C. Gamble spent Wednesday and Thursday with friends in Hunter.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heiden and family spent Sunday with relatives in Casselton.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers of Erie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams.

Charles Gunkel returned Saturday morning from a visit with his son Carl, at Belfield.

Miss Bertha Myrah of Hunter was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell last Wednesday.

Mrs. John Bettschen has been seriously ill the past few days but at present is doing nicely.

The Misses Elizabeth and Francis Burgum entertained the Epworth League last Tuesday evening.

Several Arthur friends surprised Mrs. Charles Gunkel one evening last week, the occasion being her birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Iwen entertained a company of friends Sunday. Their infant son was christened in the Lutheran church by Rev. Freytag.

Miss Ringen and Mrs. R. C. Elliott returned Monday morning from the teachers and school directors meeting which was held in Fargo last Friday.

Rev. Frazelle delivered his first sermon here Sunday morning. His subject, ÒThe Power of PrayerÓ was well delivered. The Reverend gentleman is a fluent speaker and made a favorable impression on the Arthur people.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum entertained a company of friends at six o'clock dinner Sunday evening. The guests were Misses Josie and Mabel Landon, Mayme Schur and Messrs John and Archie Schur, Fred Standfield and Elmer Schur.

The teachers and pupils are to present a play or school entertainment Thursday afternoon at the hall. On Friday afternoon they will also have a Christmas tree at the school house for the pupils and school will be closed for a week.

December 22, 1910

Miss Josephine Landon left on Wednesday evening for a visit of some length with relatives and friends at her old home in Ludlow, Ill.

Wednesday evening, December 21, about 80 of August Faltz' friends assembled by invitation to commemorate the 52nd birthday of Mr. Faltz, the latter being kept very much in the dark in regard to the event
until his friends had completely surrounded him but August was fully equal to the occasion and everybody had a jolly good time. Music both local and instrumental and cards went to make the evening's
enjoyment. At 11 o'clock a delicious lunch was served. Mr. Faltz was presented with a beautiful oak rocker, the same being a token of love and esteem from his friends.

Last Friday evening the B. A. Y. Homestead held a business meeting for the election of officers and other business. Louie Bettschen is foreman elect. After the close of lodge about 50 guests
gathered at the hall by invitation of the Homestead, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Miss Elsie Wagner rendered two sweet vocal solos, also two piano solos accompanied by Dr. Campbell on the clarinet.
Miss Freytag rendered a piano solo in her usual artistic manner. A number much enjoyed by all present was the recitation of the grand old piece entitled a ÒRussian XmasÓ by Mrs. Dr. T. R. Campbell.
Cards and dancing helped to round out the evening's enjoyment. At midnight a lunch was served to which everyone did ample justice and many were the words of praise heard for the genial hospitality
of the Arthur B. A. Y.

December 29, 1910

Miss Selma Ringen is spending her vacation at her home in Kindred.

George Wagner is home from Wahpeton for a Christmas visit with his parents.

W. F. Sommerfeld is home from Mandan on a visit to his mother Mrs. Ed Sommerfeld.

Mrs. Louise Bettschen was called to Castle Rock on account of the serious illness of her father.

H. E. Stone left last Wednesday evening for a two weeks visit with relatives at Paxton and Gibson City, Illinois.

Elmer Schur, Ed Buchholz and Miss Clara Buchholz left last week to spend the holidays with relatives in Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hockridge and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hockridge attended a farewell dinner party Christmas day at the home of James Dundas.

Edna and Ella Wilke are spending their vacation with Arthur relatives and old school friends. They spent Christmas day with their aunt Mrs. Leo Boettcher at Blanchard.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gunkel had a family reunion Christmas day. Their children and grandchildren gathered under the same roof at the old farm where they have lived continuously for 28 years.

When you meet Wilbur Hackett don't attribute that genial smile and hearty hand shake to what Santa Claus left in his stocking but to the fact that Mrs. Hackett returned Friday from her
extended visit in Michigan and Ohio.

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgum Christmas day, 22 relatives gathered to spend the day in the good old English style. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Burgum, Mr. and Mrs. John See and family,
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burgum and Fred Stanfield.

Freda Viestenz and Bennie Bueimaster were Godmother and Godfather for little Lulu Viestenz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Viestenz who was christened last Sunday by Rev. Freytag,
after the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served to a large company of relatives.

Mrs. T. R. Campbell gave a four course dinner Wednesday evening in honor of the Dr's. birthday anniversary. Six gentlemen friends helped the Dr. to celebrate. Father Campbell from McHenry,
Louie Bettschen, Fred Williams, R. F. Viestenz, G. B. Burgum and J. W. Bettschen were the fortunate. Mrs. Campbell left Monday evening for a visit to her home in Iowa City, Iowa.

Contributed by Steven Pueppke
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