Hunter News


Hunter Times

January 2, 1936

Former Hunter Woman Passes

In a letter received by J. H. Gale, from Mr. John Dudman, we learn of the passing of Mrs. Dudman on December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Dudman had the pleasure of being together for fifty years on May 5th last.  In his letter he stated that we have had a most enjoyable time together the past fifty years but in looking back over the years it does not seem very long.

The Dudmans will be remembered by the early settlers as they came to Hunter in the year 1884, and operated the blacksmith and handled McCormick farm machinery.  They left Hunter about 1907.

Mr. Dudman at present is engaged in the building of Oil Burners in Seattle, Wash.

January 9, 1936

J. H. Dundas Passes in Canada

Word was received the other day by J. B. Hockridge

Of the death of his nephew, J. H. Dundas

J. H. Dundas, better known as Jimmie, was born in Hunter in 1886, and passed away at his home in Hussar, Alberta, Canada, January 2, 1936. Mr. Dundas was educated in the Hunter public school. He left here about 1910 to take up farming in Canada.  He was married in Canada.  The past years he has been managing an elevator.  Death was caused by complications of the brain.

He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, a daughter Mrs. Harry Maurer, and two sons.

Funeral services were held on Monday, January 6, at Hussar.

January 16, 1936

Frank Prete Wed at Sidney, Mont.; Attended High School at Hunter

On Thursday Jan. 9, in the Catholic church at Sidney, occurred the marriage of Miss Berniece Bottens of Sidney and Frank Prete of Lambert.  Father Curtin performed the ceremony.  

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bottens, prominent residents of the county.  Miss Bottens was graduated from the Sidney high school and attended the Eastern Montana Teachers College at Billings.

The groom was raised at Devils Lake, N. D., and was graduated from the Devils Lake high school.  Since that time he has been continuously connected with the International Elevator Co.  Before going to Lambert as manager of the company’s elevator there three years ago, he was in the company’s employ in the same capacity at Luverne, N. Dak.

Mr. and Mrs. Prete will make their home at Lambert.

Mr. Prete is a brother of Mrs. M. H. Kutten.

Local Teacher Hit by Train

Car a Total Wreck.  Mr. Rindt goes through Top

Joe Rindt, teacher in the local school, was a victim on Sunday of what seemed to be an unavoidable accident on his part.

When returning home from Durbin about 3:30 that afternoon his car was hit by the Empire Builder (fast train) at Vance.  Judging it was about time for a train and with pretty rough weather he came to a stop but could not see or hear anything.  As he approached the track the train hit the right front fender, swinging the car around and striking the right back fender, throwing the car about one hundred feet into the field.  Mr. Rindt was thrown through the top of the car and is more than thankful his car wasn’t the type with a steel top, or he may not have been here to tell the consequences.

He received a few head bruises and a few broken ribs.

Not wishing to give up his school duties he was at his post Monday, but Tuesday the odds were against him and he was forced to stay at home.  His mother is substituting for him in the school room.

Having seen the car (which is a total wreck), one wonders how anyone could escape with his life.

January 23, 1936

Hunter, 48 Years Ago

The following was taken from “The Eye,” which was printed in Hunter Oct. 28, 1887.

Hunter has two general stores, one grocery store, one hardware, two hotels, a bank, lumber yard, three harness shops, a barber shop, two blacksmith shops, a meal market, three machinery depots, one jewelry store, one drug store, four grain elevators, two churches (in course of erection), a good schoolhouse, also a thriving lodge of I. O. O. F., G. A. R., W. C. T. U., a brass band of ten pieces and an orchestra of five pieces.

The town is beautifully situated on the north bank of the Elm River in the north of Cass county, on the St. P. M. & M. Ry., midway between Casselton and Mayville; and boasts one of the finest locations of any town in North Dakota, surrounded by the finest agricultural lands in the world.

February 2, 1936

Page Pioneer Passes Away

Miss Margaret Murphy Passes Away at the Age of 71

Miss Margaret Murphy, Page, N. Dak., passed away Jan. 30, 1936, at a Fargo hospital. Born in the year of 1865, at La Crosse, Wisconsin, the deceased had been an invalid for a number of years but always bore her suffering cheerfully, satisfied that God’s will be done.

The funeral services were conducted from St. James church Page, N. D., February 1. In the absence of Rev. Father P. V. Redding, Requiem High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Leo S. Dworshak of Fargo.

The remains were then taken to LaCrosse, Wis., where internment was made in the family lot. She was accompanied by her brothers, John and James and a nephew, H. F. Doyle.

Miss Murphy leaves the following relatives, three brothers, James, John, and Matthew, and one sister, Mrs. James Murphy, four nieces and five nephews.

Those from out of town who attended her funeral were: her nephew Geo. E. Doyle and son Gerald of Lisbon, Mrs. Maud Cole, Colgate, and Mrs. Till Maloney, Fargo.

Former Hunter Resident Passes 91st Birthday

W. F. Baillie Sr. celebrated his 91st birthday on Tuesday February 4, at the home of his son, Dr. W. F. Baillie in Fargo. Despite his ninety-one years, he is feeling in the best of health and exercises by shoveling snow from the sidewalk at their home in Fargo.

W. F. Baillie came to Hunter about 1905 and resided here until moved to Fargo in 1923.

February 20, 1936

Train Service Interrupted

For the first time since 1922 Hunter was without a train for a day.  The storm on Sunday and Monday was of such intensity that the train was not sent out Monday.  At one time Monday only one train was running and that on the Surrey cutoff.

Warnings Given

The highway department has repeatedly given orders to remain off the roads until they are declared open. Prospects are that most of the main roads may be open this week. It was almost impossible to do any opening of the roads until Wednesday because of drifting.  The snow is also packed so hard the plows have difficulty getting through.

Record Cold

This marks the 36th consecutive day of sub zero weather which in itself is a new record for the weather bureau. There is a probability that we may see a break in the spell Thursday.  Today the thermometer is around the zero mark with a rising temperature promised for tomorrow.  Snow is predicted which may tie up everything.

We Always Thought So

Weather officials have admitted the temperature on the street may be from four to six degrees colder than on the top of the building where they have their thermometers

Former Hunterite Missing in Storm

Raymond Brandon Missing Since Sunday Found Safe on Tuesday at a Farm

Many Hunter folks remember Raymond “Whitie” Brandon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Brandon, former Hunter residents who moved to Tioga, N. D. in 1919.

Raymond is in charge of the Montana-Dakota Utilities office in Kenmare.  He was visiting his wife in Tioga, leaving on Sunday for Stanley.  He was to call when he arrived in Stanley but he did not reach his destination, and search was started for him.  Radio station KFYR at Bismarck broadcasted the information that he had been found Tuesday afternoon in a farm house in good condition.

Tribute to the Late J. H. Dundas

Another well known old-time of the Hussar district passed away in the person of J. H. Dundas, who had been in the district for over twenty-five years.  By reason of his business connections, J. H. Dundas was widely known and esteemed, but more so because of his personality, clear thinking and broad mind.  He made many friends and he kept them.  The writer had been particularly intimate with him for twenty-five years, and his passing will leave a void in my life, for after all most of us have few real friends, and I always counted him one of mine.  How true were the words of Rev. Gordon when he said “I don’t think Jim Dundas has an enemy.”  He has made a worth contribution to the development of the “fourth estate.”

--The Bassano Mail

February 27, 1936

Farm Home Burns

Early Saturday morning the farm home occupied by the Theusen family was destroyed by fire.  From what we were able to gather, it seemed that a gas stove in the basement exploded, thus giving very little time to save any personal or household goods; however, a few household belongings were salvaged.

A Pioneer History of Arthur

This is the first of a series of articles dealing with the history of Arthur. This feature will be continued to date.


There really was a time, less than 60 years ago, when not even the name Arthur existed. The “hill“, now one of the main residential points of town, was nothing more than a hill and perhaps looked much as it did when waters of Lake Agissez lapped quietly against its eastern edges.  If one could have stood on the summit of this barren hill in the year 1879 and looked westward, he would have seen none of the trees that make the town today; as far as the eye could see, there would have been no wheat fields, not a farm home, but only undisturbed prairie.  However, a day was soon coming when this same land that had lain thus in solitude for thousands of years was to be the scene of new activities and developments.

In the year 1879, if one had again been watching from the same hill, he might have seen the humble appearance of one of the early homesteaders, Samuel Bayard, astride a mule, making his way from Casselton to the present site of Hunter.  Then he met Peter Erickson, and we think Jorgen Anderson, who were that day choosing the sites of their homesteads.  After eating a lunch beside the Elm River, the men chose their land in much the following manner:

Jorgen Anderson said, “Well, I think I‘ll take the piece of land where we are!“  And he did.

Peter Erickson at the same time made his choice of the quarter section lying one half mile east of the present site of Hunter.  And then the two men informed Mr. Bayard of a quarter they had observed earlier in the day; Mr. Bayard rode back that way, looked at the land and that same day, filed upon it for his homestead.  That piece of land is now the west section of Paul Grieger‘s half section in Gunkel Township.

In like manner did other early settlers come within the next 3 or 4 years.  Among the earliest homesteaders were Robert Stewart, Charles McKinnon, and August Faltz.  By 1883 we find such familiar names as Wallace and Wilbur Heckett, J. O. Schur, L. D. Roberts and son, I. S. Roberts, Richard Vosburg, Daniel Webster, John Schlaet, and A. T. Burgum.

At this time we know there were enough settlers in the vicinity to encourage the building of a railroad in 1881, but there was no depot or agent until the fall of 1882.  People were obliged to prepay their freight and purchase tickets on the train.

March 12, 1936

Local Firm Installs New Gas Dispenser

A new gas dispensing pump has just been installed by the State Oil and Auto Co.

This is a Wayne pump of the latest type, which records both the number of gallons and total cost to purchaser.

The body is orange and black in color, the registering dial, aluminum with black numerals.

This is a distinct improvement in the equipment of this Co. which will enable them to render more efficient service to the public.

Celebrate Fortieth Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kloth celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary on Sunday March 8, having as their guests the Otto Schmuser family and Agnes Gotfredsen.  Others invited were unable to attend because of the poor condition of the roads.  A turkey dinner with trimmings was served.

March 12 1936

A Pioneer History of Arthur (continued)

Just as the railroad played the major part in the development of all the Middle West, so it certainly aided the growth of Arthur, this tiny spot in the area of many thousands of square miles of productive prairie.

The first depot, opened for business in 1882 by William Winston, it was a crude building located on the west side of the tracks.  In time it came to serve the patrons not six days of the week but seven, for on Sundays the settlers would gather here for Sunday School services.  Since there was no minister, no church services were held.  As time went on, the depot became also a recreational center, where dances were held and sometimes wrestling and boxing matches.

After the railroad came it was natural that the people should find it profitable to build places of business.  The credit for putting up the first of these goes to Mr. S. W. Hall from Illinois, who built a general store in the exact spot where the Arthur Mercantile now stands.  For convenience and economy, he used rooms in the rear for his living quarters.  Perhaps there are a few in Arthur who remember this pioneer merchant, but we do know of his descendants.  Mr. Hall‘s daughter Elizabeth, who became the wife of Anthony T. Burgum, was the mother of Mrs. MacAdam and Mrs. Scott, who are now living in the same house built by Mr. A. T. Burgum in about the year 1904.

Mr. Hall‘s store was not long to be the only one sitting on this embryo business street, for in 1881 John Brandenburg set up and managed the first lumber yard; he also built another general store, all of which is now part of Mr. Ross‘ store.  Later Mr. Brandenburg sold out his lumber yard to Mr. Wallace Grosvenor, a Casselton resident at that time.  Mr. Grosvenor employed Theodore Williams, father of Mrs. Vosburg, as manager of the yard and built for him a new house and office.  This new office is none other than the present I. S. Roberts residence.

Another of the early buildings constructed was the confectionery built by William Wagner and John Russell in 1882.  These two men carried on their business until 1885, when they dissolved the partnership.  Mr. Wagner then built the first hotel, which is at present the H. J. Wagner house.  Not long after this Herman Wagner moved to town from a farm and went into partnership with Mr. Russell for a few years.

A small elevator was built by the Northern Pacific Elevator Company sometime before 1882 on the present site of the St. Anthony Elevator.  This may still be seen, for in truth it is now the low part of the Farmers Elevator on the south.  When in 1882 the upright part of the elevator was built, this low part was moved from the site of the St. Anthony Elevator.

The Northern Pacific Elevator Company gets also the credit for building the first house in Arthur.  This was a small two room house, occupying the present site of the T. O. Burgum home and was built for W. H. Compie, the first agent employee by the company.

March 19, 1936

Former Hunter Resident Succumbs

Mrs. Brickson at the Age of 78 Years Passes Away at the Home of her Daughter, Mrs. R. J. Caruth

Mrs. Henrietta Bery Brickson, 78 years old, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Caruth, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

Mrs. Brickson was born in Norway May 7, 1857 and came to this country in June 1893, with her husband.  The couple lived at Hunter until the death of Mr. Brickson in 1931, when Mrs. Brickson came to live with her daughter.  She suffered a stroke in September 1931 and had been an invalid since.

Survivors, in addition to Mrs. Caruth, are a son, Casper, of Addy, Washington and four sisters and a brother in Norway.

Funeral services were held Wednesday 2:00 p.m. in the Pierce chapel with Rev. Ludvig Peterson officiating.  Burial was in Memorial Park Cemetery, Grand Forks.

Fifty Years in No. Dak.

Local Resident Celebrated 50th Year in N. D. Wednesday March 18

W. C. Stewart, resident of Hunter, came to North Dakota on March 18, 1886 from Canada and settled at Galesburg.  Later he purchased a farm east of that city, where he lived until he moved to Hunter in 1910.

Mr. Stewart still maintains an active interest in his farms, spending considerable time there during the summer months.

March 26, 1936


We have had numerous reports of windows being broken by boys in the community.  It is urged that all parents caution boys with sling shots to be careful.

Bride Honored

Mmes. Albert Wilhelm, Franklin Pueppke, and Miss Verna Schoessor entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening at the Wilhelm home for Mrs. Roy Longlet, nee Laura Zimmerman.  The rooms were decorated in a color scheme of gray and blue.  Various games and contests were the evening’s entertainment, the main feature being a mystery supper.  Late in the evening a two course luncheon was served to thirty guests.  Little Alice Wilhelm and Phyllis Campbell, dressed in blue crepe paper dresses, presented the gifts to the honored guest.  Mr. and Mrs. Longlet will make their home on a farm near Amenia.  

April 2, 1936

A Pioneer History of Arthur (continued)

The year 1882 seems to mark the first real beginning of a business nucleus in the community; by the end of this year there were Mr. Hall‘s small mercantile store, Mr. Brandenburg‘s mercantile store and lumber yard, the Wagner and Russell Confectionery, and the Northern Pacific Elevator.

Still another elevator built in 1882 was that owned by Dalrymple, the well known “bonanza“ farmer of Cass County, who operated the elevator mainly for his own convenience.  In the fall of the year, during the threshing season, the Dalrymple’s own grain would be brought here from the various farms which he had rented in the vicinity.  The elevator was operated for about 15 years and then after standing idle for several years, it was finally torn down, hauled away, an sold for lumber.  Where it used to stand, the potato house is now located.

Since Dalrymple is one of the most famous early land owners of Cass County, he for many years rented the familiar sections 7, 17, and 29 of Gunkel Township, more may be said of him.  Making his own headquarters at Casselton, Dalrymple hired foremen to manage these many farms which he owned or rented; these foremen in turn had the privilege of hiring or discharging all of the rest of the men used on the farms.  Possibly to encourage friendly relationships among his men, and because he liked their industry, Dalrymple insisted that only Norwegians be hired for his farms.

In the spring of the year, when the men would come here to seed the land, in the three sections mentioned, they would have with them 20 teams of mules with four mules in each team.  Perhaps there are a number of people in Arthur who still remember the evening concerts set up by these 80 mules when they were ready to quit work for the day.  Two weeks was the length of time usually required for the spring seeding, and then the men and mules left the fields until it was time to come back for the harvest.

Each visit made by these 20 men was no doubt much the same as the other, yet one year was marked smallpox within the group.  Before the inroads of disease were known, one of the men had quit and made his way to Fargo.  When the authorities, realizing the danger of a possible epidemic, enforced a strict quarantine to such an extent that an armed guard watched over the men night and day for three weeks.

After about 15 years the large Dalrymple land holdings became the property of his heirs and by 1920 al had been divided into small farms and sold.

April 9, 1936

Local Farmer Enjoys New Potatoes

Otto Schmuser Reports he has Formula for Early Potatoes in North Dakota

Various claims have been made for North Dakota winters such as, flowers blooming in January, etc.  Now it is an established fact that we can have new potatoes by April 1st and this is no April joke.  Last fall with no market here for potatoes, Otto Schmuser did as many other farmers having no place to store them, putting them in a pit on his farm.  Taking out his potatoes this spring, Mr. Schmuser found that in the bottom of the pit the potatoes had been growing, some of the new potatoes being as large as an apple, so for some time now he has been enjoying new potatoes.

April 23, 1936

Explosion rocks Emery Johnson Residence

Pressure Tank for Water Works Blows Up

Was a Most Fortunate Explosion

Last Thursday as Mrs. Johnson was preparing the evening meal a terrific explosion occurred which shook the entire house.  Consternation reigned at first as to just what had happened.  Mr. Harsh, an employee of Mr. Johnson, was also in the house.  Mrs. Johnson thought that the gas stove had exploded but with a pipe sticking through the floor soon discovered that it was the water tank in the basement.

Kitchen and Basement a Mess

Practically everything in the kitchen and basement was rather well mixed up, with water flooding the basement also.  A few reasons why it was considered a fortunate explosion are:  two burners were going on the gas stove as the stove was blown over, a teakettle of water splashed back and extinguished the fire.  Mrs. Johnson had just stepped away from the gas stove and on several occasions she was at a point of going to the basement to shut off the pressure pump.  Aside from being shocked, no one was injured.

A Pioneer History of Arthur (continued)

A rather solitary road, unshaded by any trees, led past the few and scattered business places, then from Hall‘s Mercantile Store turned diagonally northeast and preceded in that direction, going over and down the hill about where Richard Grieger now lives.

Before the fall of 1882 had passed, the road was to be traveled for a purpose other than that of getting supplies at Hall‘s and Brandenburg‘s stores or hauling wheat to the Northern Pacific Elevator; for during that summer on the spot where now stands the Lutheran church, a schoolhouse had been built by Dave Comb of Hunter.

Mrs. Hayde Williams, the first teacher, taught two or three months, and then Miss Elizabeth Williams, whom we know as Mrs. Vosburg, took her place.

Some of the names of the first pupils will be familiar to many of Arthur today:  Anthony and Luther Hall, Edith and Clara Burgum, Gretta and Will Morrison, Sabfa and Willet Williams, Sophronia Carter, Carl and Oscar Hansen and two Danish boys who could not speak a word of English.

The subjects taught were reading, writing, spelling, geography, and algebra.  Mrs. Vosburg received $35.00 per month and did not receive her salary until the following year when the taxes were paid.

The first school building served the community for 20 years.  As well as a place of learning, it soon became a social center, where dances were held, church, Sunday School, and the big event of the year, the Community Christmas Tree.

It was a long and low building so crudely constructed that many times, because of the cold, school would be dismissed for several days.  As in most country schoolhouses, there was a stove in the center around which in winter weather the pupils would gather, faces burning and backs freezing.

When a new school was finally built, this old building was sold to Albert Viestenz and moved to a lot near the Good Samaritan Home, where it was made into a dwelling house.

Besides being one of the first teachers, Mrs. Vosburg had the honor of being the first bride in Arthur Township.  She and Richard Vosburg were married on November 21, 1883.

Like other pioneers of the community, Richard Vosburg, accompanied by George Signor, came to Casselton by train.  Then since there was no railroad to take them further, the two left on foot for this community.  Unintentionally providing humor for his companion, while the two were crossing the Rush River on planks, Mr. Signor lost his balance and fell in.  At G. Clark‘s in Amenia they had dinner and then journeyed on to Arthur, where they took claims on Section 8.

April 30, 1936

Former Teacher in Car Accident

Car Accident Fatal to Husband and Son of Former Teacher Here

Mrs. Paul Reardon whose husband and small son were killed in Sunday near Mohall, was formerly Miss Vardy, 3rd and 4th grade teacher here.  Mrs. Reardon is also in critical condition.

May 7, 1936

Services in Fargo for Former Hunter Resident

Mrs. Fred Powlison Passes Away in S. Dak.

Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. in the Ivers funeral home for Mrs. Fred W. Powlison, a Fargo resident for 25 years, who died at the home of her son, Elwin C. Powlison of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Mrs. Nellie Bowers was the reader at the rites and burial was in Riverside cemetery.  Mrs. Joseph Kise sang.

Mrs. Powlison was born Sept. 24th, 1871, at Bervie, Ont., and came to the Absaraka vicinity when eight years old.  On May 20, 1896, she was married, and the couple moved to Fargo in 1911, where they resided until a year ago.

When in Fargo, Mrs. Powlison was a member of the North Star lodge of the Royal Neighbors and the First Church of Christ Scientist.

She leaves her husband; four children, Elwin C. and Mrs. Christ Tailor of Sioux Falls, S. D., Mrs. Joseph Aldrich of St. Paul, and Vernon E. of Valley City, two sisters, Mrs. John Hay of Fargo and three grandchildren.

The Powlisons lived in Hunter about 28 years ago; when here Mr. Powlison operated the local creamery.

Mrs. Powlison was a sister-in-law of Mrs. J. C. Richardson’s.

May 14, 1936

Martha Powlison Passes Away in West

Miss Martha J. Powlison passed away May 2, 1936, at San Diego, California. Funeral services were held on Wednesday May 6 at 10 a.m. at Bradley Woolman St. Cecilia chapel, interment in Mt. Hope Cemetery.

She leaves two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Stella Matters of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. Leona Richardson, Hunter, N. D. and Fred W. Powlison, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.

Miss Powlison was born in 1853, Galesburg, Mich. She came to Hunter in 1894 and resided here until 1900, then moved west to Oregon for a few years then to San Diego, California, where she resided until her death.

Potato Warehouse Under Construction

In last week’s issue we stated that Emery Johnson had leased the site where the old potato warehouse stood and beginning this week he has his men at work cleaning up the basement and grounds in preparation of erecting a house.

The cellar will hold 12,000 bus. and the house plans will be such that he can handle about four cars at one time.  So we find again that Hunter will have a potato warehouse, a service that has been lacking for a good number of years.

May 21, 1936

Arthur News>

Mrs. Sundby of Minneapolis, formerly known as Mrs. Ira Nelson, a pioneer resident of Arthur, visited Friday and Saturday at the H. J. Wagner home.  On Sunday Mrs. Sundby was a guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Vosburg and that evening she accompanied Mrs. Grace Williams to Litchville, where she will spend the week with relatives and will return to Arthur with Miss Williams on Friday to conclude her visit.  Mrs. Sundby came to Arthur from Ellendale where she had been a guest of her son, Ira Nelson, for several weeks.

Funeral Services for Lynn Spiering

Will be Held at Hillsboro Sunday May 24th

Funeral services for Lynn Spiering, who lost his life in action during the World War and whose body was returned to his home last winter, will be conducted on Sunday, May 24th from the grounds of the Court House.

The Hillsboro American Legion Post No. 4 was named for Lynn Spiering.

He is to be given full Military Escort by Co. L, 164thInfantry, and the 164th Infantry Band.

Acting Gov. Welford, as well as the Department Commander, Spencer Boise, and other officers of the Legion will make remarks.

Dust Explosion Causes Excitement

Arthur and Hunter Fire Departments Respond

Considerable excitement reigned at the Farmers Elevator Co. when a stone going through the feed mill while grinding feed caused a dust explosion over the mill and sent smoke up the leg to the cupola.

Arthur and Hunter fire departments arrived promptly on the scene, but the explosion confined itself mostly to smoke.

May 28, 1936

Hunter Adds New Business

Miss Bakken opened her beauty salon in the Hunter barber shop on May 27th.

She comes here well recommended and with the latest in permanent wave equipment.

To Erect New Structure

One Story Building, New Machinery, Dust Proof Paint Room

This week, Koehler and Sons will begin the construction of a new workshop, to replace the present one, which is too small to take care of the ever increasing business.

The new structure will be a one-story 20 by 44 building.  This will house more machinery and a modern dust proof paint room equipped with a compressor spray system.

Koehler and Sons are widely known for the construction of new furniture and the refinishing of old furniture.

International Elev. Co. to Build

International Elevator to add Feed and Mixing Plant

Reports have come to this office that the International Elev. Co. has purchased the old feed mill equipment of the Hunter feed mill and in the next month will start construction of an up to date feed mill and feed mixer.  The house will stand in front of the present elevator.

Nels Johnson Accident Victim

An unfortunate accident occurred as Mr. Johnson was working about the new potato house going up in town.

A plank extended across the studdings to walk on, another plank also extended out but did not go way across.  It was on this plank that Mr. Johnson stepped.  He fell from there, landing on the cement floor in the basement.

The x-rays showed that Mr. Johnson had suffered two fractures, one at the hip and one in his heel.  He will be confined to a cast for three months.  He is in St. Lukes Hospital.

William Howells Resident of This Community 53 Years laid to Rest

William Howells Laid to Rest Sunday May 24th

Funeral services were held in the Methodist Church Sunday May 24th for William Howells, who passed away at his home here Thursday May 21.  Rev. Rockwell officiated and burial was in the Hunter cemetery.

Two songs were sung by the men’s quartet, H. F. Gale, Clarence Martin, Merland Carr, and R. A. Humphrey, accompanied by Mrs. K. L. Thompson.

Mr. Howells was born Sept. 15, 1851, in Redding Wales.  At the age of ten he moved with his parents to Mt. Forest, Ontario, Canada.  He lived there until March 1879, when he came to the U. S., spending one year in Illinois and Missouri.  The following year he came to Fargo where he resided until the spring of 1883 when he came to Hunter.

A resident of Cass County for 56 years, Mr. Howells was manager of the James Holes farms near Hunter for 30 years until the spring of 1913 when he retired and moved into Hunter.  Since his retirement Mr. Howells contented himself with looking after his farming interests.  He was very active until the last three weeks when his health failed and he was forced to go to bed.

In Nov. 1891 Mr. Howells married Carrie Nyquist.  Three children were born to them, Nettie who passed away in 1902, Minnie E. and Carl H., who both reside in Hunter.

Besides the loving wife, daughter and son, he leaves to mourn his loss two sisters, Mrs. John Connor of Mt. Forest, Ont., Miss Nettie Howells of Toronto, Ont., and one grandson, Carl Douglas Howells of Hunter.

Active pallbearers:  Peter McLachlin, R. E. Thompson, J. G. Russell, O. W. Parkhurst, A. M. Peterson, and W. P. Osborne.  Honorary pallbearers:  John Fredrickson, John Richardson, C. S. Collins, M. Ostrander, Nels Rosvall, Jens Rasmussen, J. G. Knudtson, Dan Brayton, C. J. Sorenson Sr., Jacob Jacobsen, J. H. Gale, and John Hansen.

Out of town relatives and friends who attended the funeral were:  Mrs. Christine Thomas, Moorhead, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Anton Wicklund and son Edsel, Moorhead, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Gust Euren daughters Margaret and Mary, Fargo, N. Dak., Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hadow, Gilby, N. Dak. and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Douglas and daughter Virginia, Hoople, N. Dak.

June 4, 1936

John H. Lewis Retired Agent; Located at Bemidji

One Time Hunter Agent Now Farmer, Awarded Diamond Medal for Bravery under Fire

He is just a mild mannered, soft spoken old man today, nearing the three quarter century mark with serene confidence and there is little to indicate that once this man had the power to strike terror to the hearts of would be bad men when the need arose.  But this man, known to his neighbors as John H. Lewis, now living peacefully on his little farm a few miles from Bemidji was once known throughout Dakota Territory as Tough Jack Lewis, the man who singlehanded and unarmed routed two genuine bad men who held him up at Dwight, North Dakota, where Lewis was station agent.  The records of the Great Northern Railroad and the Great Northern Express Co. tell the story and the conclusion of the records show that a diamond medal was suitably engraved and presented to partially compensate the man who staked his life to save company property.

Pieced together from information gleaned from an old resident of North Dakota who recounted the fact that hoboes, bums, and tramps steered a course around the town in which Tough Jack Lewis was station agent, the story goes something like this:  “The duties of station agent back forty or fifty years were many and included a multitude of details to keep the man busy.  Money shipments came in every few days and of course all freight was shipped by railroad.  On the night of October 26, 1892, agent Lewis was in the supply room unpacking a few lamp chimneys from a keg which he had to return to the railroad company.  As he fumbled in the hay at the bottom of the keg he heard the rattle of the door and a well known “Hands Up. “  Lewis, unable to get his hands clear of the keg, turned half around to stare into the muzzles of four guns held in the very capable looking hands of two tough strangers.  The command was repeated and finally one of the men fired a shot into the wall.  As he did so Lewis leaped into action, slammed the keg into the face of the nearest gunman and charged into the next.  He gained the door to his little office, darted in and locked the door, the gunmen in hot pursuit.  Eighteen shots were fired in all by the bandits, one of them striking a man who stood at the ticket window and one narrowly missing a man who was found later crouched on the floor in the darkest corner of the waiting room beneath the enveloping folds of a buffalo greatcoat.  Townsmen who heard the shooting and saw the flash of the guns rushed into the depot but the bandits had fled, one of them nursing a very sore face.  In addition to a shipment of approximately $2500 dollars just received, a large amount of money was on hand in the safe, all of which was saved.

Mr. Lewis served nearly 38 years of his life with the Great Northern railroad, retiring to his farm in 1921 where he lives today with his wife.  Many years of his service was at Hunter, N. D., one of the oldest towns in that state.  Dwight, N. D. is the first station out of Wahpeton on the Great Northern road.

This article was taken from the Northland Times, Bemidji, Minn.

Miss Finley to Wed

Twelve Years as Instructor in the Page High School

Miss Kathryn Finley, first and second grade teacher, filed her resignation with the Board of Education as she announced her approaching marriage to Edward Thilmony of Pillsbury June 11.

Miss Finley will be missed in our group of instructors as she has taught in our school the past twelve years.  She graduated eleven of her first class this year.

She presented the class with their diplomas and as a token of love and appreciation, the class presented her with a beautiful lamp.

June 11, 1936

John Redmond Jr. Laid to Rest

Requiem High Mass was read this Thursday at 10:00 a.m. by Rev. Reddin for John Mathew Redmond who passed away in the hospital at Jamestown Monday June 8th.  Music was furnished by the church choir.

John was born January 9, 1896 at Hunter, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond and lived in Hunter the greater part of his life.

Nine years ago he became ill and was committed to the hospital at Jamestown.

He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, his father and mother, two sisters, Mrs. Lois Dulski, Galesburg, and Mrs. Emil Ramstad, Hunter, and one brother Joseph at home.

Pallbearers were:  W. E. Hudson, Kerney Dickson, John Aronson, Ed. Severson, Richard Rasmussen and Chris Richtsmeier.

The body was laid to rest in the Hunter Cemetery.

Start Construction at Once

The Latest Equipment to be Installed

Word was received from M. H. Rutten who is in Duluth, Minn., the head office of the International Elevator Co., that construction work on the new feed house will proceed at once.

Mr. Rutten states that Hunter is to have one of the most up-to-date feed manufacturing plants in the northwest, with the latest equipment to be installed.  There will be an experienced feed man in charge.

This plant will not only manufacture feed for the local trade but will also be distributing point for some seventy-five of their own elevators in North Dakota and Eastern Montana.  They will manufacture all feeds used on the farm.


In memoriam to James Holes, Fargo, who passed away twenty years ago, June 2, 1916.

He was a well known early day settler and father of Bernard and James Holes of Hunter.

Mr. Holes’ death removed a figure long familiar in Fargo’s history, a man who watched the city grow from a tent colony to its present grandeur, and who valiantly performed any civic duty that was entrusted to him.

Came in 1870

James Holes, the pioneer, entered North Dakota when this state was an unknown quantity. He established his homestead on the Pioneer Farm, as it is now known, after purchasing the relinquishment from a Scandanavian pioneer, who had partially completed the construction of a log cabin close to the river.

This log cabin, which Mr. Holes completed, was his abode for a number of years, his more pretentious residence, his home ever since, being erected thirty-six years ago.

Purchasing the homestead relinquishment for a few hundred dollars, Mr. Holes added to his holdings by the purchase of fifty additional acres, adjoining his place, the same to be paid for in annual installments.  His first crop was so good, and wheat sold at such a high figure, that he was able to pay for the farm in one season, and in addition had sufficient funds to fence his property.

Mr. Holes came to Fargo from St. Cloud, Minn. in July, 1870, his brother, Andrew Holes and Mrs. Andrew Holes having preceded him by several months.  The latter located in Clay County, and when Andrew Holes located a claim in Cass County for James his brother, he also came here.

In 1871, Mr. Holes planted his first crop on the homestead and since then he has constantly directed the farming operations.

In addition to his North Fargo homestead, Mr. Holes also owned two sections of land at Hunter, managed for thirty years by William Howells.

Quaife-Priewe Wed.

On Wednesday afternoon at the parsonage at Arthur occurred the marriage of Miss Myrtle Quaife, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quaife of Detroit Lakes, Minn., formerly of Hunter, and Mr. Hugo Priewe of Amenia.  Rev. Unruh, pastor of the church, read the service in the presence of the immediate family.

The bride was attired in a gown of white crepe with an orange transparent velvet jacket.

Miss Morita Quaife acted as her sister’s bridesmaid, and Ed. Mundt acted as best man.  Mr. and Mrs. Priewe left on a short trip through the Minnesota Lake Region, after which they will be at home on the T. Priewe farm southwest of Arthur.

Nels Johnson Funeral Services Saturday

Funeral services for Nels Johnson, who passed away in a Fargo hospital, Wednesday morning, will be conducted from the Lutheran Church at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Complete obituary in next week’s issue.

June 18, 1936

Nels Johnson Active in Civic Affairs Laid to Rest

Last Rites Saturday June 13th

Funeral services for Nels Johnson were held in the Lutheran Church here Saturday afternoon and were very largely attended.  Services were in charge of Rev. A. N: Brudvig and songs were sung by Miss Marie Thorson and Mr. G. A. Thorson accompanied by Mrs. W. C. Fisk.  Burial was in the Lutheran Cemetery.  Pallbearers were B. R. Holes, Ed. Severson, Harry Rasmussen, Emil Borre, Emil Moen and W. L. Moen.

Nels Johnson was born May 15, 1867 in Sweden and when a boy of six came with his parents to the United States and settled on a farm near Red Wing, Minnesota.

In the year 1889 he came to Hunter and was employed on the McClure farm, four years later he purchased a farm west of Hunter where he lived until 1909, when he became owner of the farm just outside the village of Hunter.  Here the family lived until he retired in 1930, moving into town.

He was married in 1896 to Miss Anna Ellingson of Ellendale, Minnesota, and to this union three children were born, Mrs. George Hogenson and Emery Johnson at Hunter and Alice Johnson, Long Beach, California.  Besides his wife and children, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Rieme of Welch, Minn. and one brother, Fred Johnson of Eggleston, and three grandchildren, Ann Marie and Alice Joyce Hogenson and Beverly Therese Johnson.  He was preceded in death by his father and mother, three sisters and two brothers.

Nels Johnson was prominent in church and community affairs, having been Vice-President of the church for a number of years, served on the town board about nine years, and was a member of the school board for 20 years.

Mr. Johnson was a member of the local order of the I. O. O. F. lodge.

As a tribute to the deceased all business houses were closed between the hours of 2 and 4 Saturday afternoon.

Out of town relatives who attended the services were Fred Johnson, Eggleston, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellingson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellingson of Hope, Minn., Mrs. Martha Ellingson and son Luther, Mrs. Erick Ellingson and daughter Mildred, and Miss Bertha Ellingson, Ellendale, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jacobson, son Myron and daughter Jeanette of Greenbush, Minn.

Satrom—Rutherford Wed June 10

Rev. A. N. Brudvig of Clifford Officiating

Anna Marie Satrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Satrom, Galesburg, N. Dak. and Mr. Walter J. Rutherford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rutherford, Galesburg, N. Dak. were married by Rev. A. N. Brudvig at 3 o’clock June 10th at the Lutheran Parsonage at Clifford, N. Dak.

The bride was attired in a floor length gown of pink cord lace over white silk with white accessories.

Miss Genevieve Satrom, the bride’s sister as bridesmaid, wore a floor length gown of nile green organdy.  Lloyd Rutherford, brother of the groom, attended Mr. Rutherford.

A lunch was served at the bride’s home for members of the two families. The couple left for a short wedding trip after which they will be at home about June 20th on the groom’s farm near Galesburg.

Both the bride and groom have been honored at showers. On Friday, Mrs. O. M. Satrom assisted by the Misses Ragna and Mable Satrom and Ruby Lande, entertained about 100 guests at a miscellaneous shower at the home of the former.  The groom was entertained at a hardware shower given by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Klessig at their home in the form of a picnic.

Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fisk Honored at Picnic Dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes and Family Renew Old Acquaintances

16 Years Since the Holmes were in Hunter

A company of 85 people or more gathered on the lawn at the Ralph Thompson home Sunday to renew acquaintances with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes and family of Montana who were guests in the Clyde Fisk home.  Mrs. Holmes is a sister of Mr. Fisk.

A bounteous picnic dinner was served from table set on the lawn.  Since this was the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fisk, a purse of silver was presented to them in honor of the occasion, Mrs. Fred Hamilton making the presentation with appropriate comments.

Mr. and Mrs. Fisk responded with words of appreciations (Characteristically, Frank Holmes expressed deep disappointment in the fact that the purse was presented to Clyde and Agnes instead of to those for whom the event was planned).

Out of town guests who were present at this enjoyable gathering were:  Mrs. Bernard Curtis of Minot, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Runnestrand and family all of Fargo, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Richardson, Mr. Anderson and daughter Faith of Page.  Three cousins of Mrs. Leslie Powlison were also present.

June 24, 1936

Do you Remember Hunter and the Fire of 1900

This article was taken from the January 4, 1900, issue of the Hunter Tribune published by George Weatherhead.  By courtesy, it was loaned to us by Frank Holmes of Hedgesville, Montana.  Mr. Holmes received this paper in the year 1925 from Mr. W. C. Morrison of Billings, Montana.  In his letter to Frank he asked him to keep the paper 25 years and return it to him.

At four o’clock A. M. Saturday fire was discovered in Gray’s meat market and the alarm given but too late to save that and adjoining buildings.  When first seen the whole interior of the building was on fire and the flames had broken through the roof.  The efforts of those present being useless to stop the fire owing to the fact that this town is not provided with fire protection so their attention was turned to saving the goods and furniture of the adjoining building.  J. H. McMullen’s store on the south of Gray’s first caught and a part of his stock of goods and household furniture were with difficulty removed from it.  The Conway building, occupied by W. C. Muir as a real estate office and by the Tribune, was the next to go, and very little was saved of the contents.  Mrs. Holmes, who had rooms on the second floor, barely escaped with her clothes, her furniture, bedding and clothing, a total loss, next came J. H. Daley’s business house and residence, from which very little was saved, some valuable papers were left in the safe, but by some oversight the safe door was left open and they were destroyed.  Mr. Daley’s loss was heavy and but very little insurance.  The next building was the Great Northern Restaurant owned by C. R. Hamilton and leased by Harry Griffin, who saved but very little of his furniture.  R. W. Mitchell’s harness store was the next victim of the flames, but most stock was removed before the flames reached them, then came the store occupied by Wehlitz and Co. and owned by L. C. Barrett, a total loss and no insurance.  Mr. Barrett used the second story for a residence from which the most of their furniture was removed.  Mr. Wehlitz saved some of his large stock of goods but his insurance nearly covered his loss.  Hamilton’s drug, owned by Mrs. Payne, of Casselton, came next.  The drug stock was partly removed but Mr. Hamilton’s loss will be heavy.  On the corner and next to the drug store was Mrs. Barrett’s millinery store, the building owned by J. G. Knudtson.  Mrs. Barrett’s large stock of millinery goods was partly removed but in a damaged condition.  By heroic work the fire was confined to the block on front street in which the fire originated.  The livery barn across the street from Mrs. Barrett’s was only saved by hard work.  Atty. Goer, who had his office rooms over Gray’s market, lost all his office fixtures.  Following are some of the principal losers.  H. Gray and Co., lost $3,900, insurance $1,800, J. H. McMullen, loss, $2,000, insurance $950, John Conway, loss $1,800, insurance $800, C. R. Hamilton, loss, $1,400, insurance $900, J. W. Daley, loss, $2,000, insurance, $500, R. W. Mitchell, loss, $4,000, insurance, $800, L. C. Barrett, loss, $3,600, no insurance, Mrs. Payne, loss, $2,000, insurance not known, J. G. Knudtson, loss $800, insurance $400, Wehlitz and Co., loss $15,000, insurance, $1,500, H. Griffin, loss, $900, insurance, $400, Attorney Goer, loss $300, no insurance, Tribune loss, $850, insurance, $300, W. C. Muir, loss, $200, no insurance, Mrs. Holmes, loss, $300, no insurance.

New Feed House under Construction

Starting on Tuesday this week the International Elevator Co. started construction on their new feed house, with a crew of men under the supervision of Mr. Christ Engen.  The new house is to be about thirty-five feet in height and will stand directly in front of the present annex.

Arthur News

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Judisch and family of Erie, their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wagner and children of Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Fergus Falls, Minn. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner.  Mr. Forrest Wagner is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wagner and brother of Mrs. Judisch.

Ole Nelson Laid to Rest

Funeral services were held in the Lutheran church at Arthur on Monday afternoon for Ole Nelson with the Rev. Geo. Unruh in charge.  Burial was in the Arthur Cemetery.  Pallbearers were Louie Bettschen, Louie Heiden, Louie Schur, Jim Williams, Peter Krogstad and Nels Hanson.

Ole Nelson was born in Sweden May 20, 1876, the son of Nels Anderson.  He came to North Dakota in 1895.  Previous to residing in Arthur, he lived at Amenia, Mapleton, and Gardner.

In December 1907 he married Miss Hattie Monson of Moorhead, who with three sons, Goodwin, Eben, and James, all at home, survive.  Also a brother in Fargo and a sister Mrs. Otto Monson of Argusville.