Page Headlight
Page 1925 Hunter Herald

July 2, 1925

Mrs. J. B. Catlin returned from Fargo Wednesday where she had been visiting for a short time.
H. G. Burrill of Hunter was a business caller in Page, Wednesday.
George Wooley was a Fargo visitor last week.
John Ross of Fargo was a caller in Page Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morrow and daughter of Erie visited with Mrs. Morrow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Brownlee in Page Thursday.
The Royal Neighbors Lodge will meet in Benson's Hall Tuesday, July 14th.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Courtney and Edward drove to Fargo Thursday.
Mrs. John Peterson was a caller in Fargo last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dennis, Mary Myron, Mae and LaVera Dennis drove to Fargo Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Doyle returned the early part of the week from a short automobile trip through Itasca park in northern Minnesota.
F. L. Melton was a Fargo visitor last week.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. James and son Basil, and Mrs. W. J. Courtney were callers in Erie Tuesday evening.
F. V. Wallace of Valley City drove over to Page Wednesday.
Edward Courtney was a caller in Erie and Arthur Wednesday.
R. E. Berry returned Friday morning from Fargo where he had been attending to business matters.
Miss Ann Rasmussen left Wednesday evening for her home in Minnesota where she visited with her parents.
Ralph Kempf was a Fargo visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dennis, Myron and Mae Dennis were Fargo visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andres Nybo of Hope attended to business matters in Page on Friday.
J. C. Miller and Henry Tenneson were callers in Blabon Sunday.
Word has been received from relatives of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and family who are making an automobile trip to Los Angeles, California, that they expect to reach Los Angeles about Saturday, July 4th. They expect to spend the winter there.
John Murphy drove to Fargo Friday where he attended to business matters.
Mrs. R. R. Brownlee was a hostess at an afternoon party given at her home Thursday, July 2, in honor of her niece, Miss Ruth Christianson, of Herman, N. Dak. About ten guests were present.
Charles Ellgen was a Fargo visitor Tuesday.
W. J. Courtney and son Edward drove to Valley City Friday where Mr. Courtney attended to court matters.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pepper and Miss Carol Pepper in Fargo were called in Page Friday.
Mrs. Paul Jangnitsch was a Fargo visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Warner and children drove to Page Friday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodward.
A bowery dance was held in Page Friday evening, July 3. The --- Orchestra furnished the music.
Mrs. Henderson and three children of Verona, arrived in Page Thursday where they are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Gagnon.
Miss Beulah Woodbury of Fargo arrived in Page Friday where she visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Woodbury.
J. B. Catlin who has been working in Sabin, Minn., arrived in Page on Sunday where he visited with his family.
W. C. Foley of Minneapolis and formerly pastor of the Baptist church in Page and son Robert Foley of Casselton visited with friends in Page Wednesday.
Mrs. James Long of Fargo visited for a few days with relatives in Page last week.
Mr. Fred Taskey left Thursday evening for Fargo where he visited his daughter Ione, who recently underwent an operation in St. John's hospital. He returned on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jenson and children of Christine, N. D., visited with relatives in Page Sunday.
Mrs. Smith and son of Sanborn drove to Page Sat., where they visited with Mrs. Smith's daughter, Mrs. R. E. Berry.
Robert Foley of Casselton visited at the W. H. Dennis home over the weekend.
Mr. John Peterson and daughter Mary and Pauline visited in Fargo on Wednesday.
Miss Lucile Thompson of Fargo visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. C. Lindsey on Saturday, July 4.
The B. Y. P. U. will give a program ÒChrist in AmericaÓ Sunday evening, July 12 in the Baptist church. A special offering will be taken to help raise a fund for delegates to attend the Baptist Assembly at Valley City.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lindsey and family drove to Valley City Sunday where Miss Lillian Lindsey is attending the Epworth League Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fasteson of Fargo visited at the home of Mrs. Fasteson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gage on Saturday.
Gust Erickson's of Colgate attended the celebration in Page Saturday.
Mrs. Opie and daughter, Miss Phyllis Opie of Langdon, visited at the home of J. J. Murphy on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Quick and daughter Dazey and Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Quick and son of Olivet, Mich., visited with relatives in Page on Monday.
J. B. Benson and family autoed to Valley City on Sunday. Miss Marguerite Benson, Amy and Maleada Brudevold will attend the Epworth League Institute.
Mrs. Willis Hill and two sons of Erie autoed to Page Sunday. Mrs. Hill conducted the morning services in the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbertson of Erie and Miss Ruth Book of Milnor attended the celebration in Page on Saturday, July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey of Ayr visited in Page Saturday.
Joe Swenson drove down from Hope Saturday to attend the celebration in Page.
Mr. and Mrs. James McPherson and family and Miss Dorothy Burley, drove to Valley City Monday. Miss Margaret McPherson and Miss Dorothy Burley will attend the Epworth League Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keyes of Pillsbury and Mr. and Mrs. David Keyes of Aneta visited with friends in Page Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Aafelt and children Merle, Mamie and Arthur of Fordville, N. D., visited at the home of Mr. Aafelt's sister, Mrs. Kempf over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wanser, Mr. and Mrs. Orway and two daughters and Mr. Charles Sully of Grand Forks, and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson and daughters Ida and Julia of Sutton visited at the Chas. Wanser home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson expect to remain for some time.
Mr. Walter Brown and daughter Esther Brown and Mr. Clarence Palmer and Mr. Hans Klemmick all of Fargo visited at the Frank Collins home on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gagnon, Eileen, Woodrow, Laura Taskey and Inez Murphy autoed to Valley City Monday. Miss Eileen Gagnon and Inez Murphy remained to attend the Epworth League Institute.
Mrs. Frank Parker and two sons Ralph of Loma, N. D. and Harold of --- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins on Saturday.
Fred Taskey and children visited with Miss Ione Taskey in St. John's hospital in Fargo Sunday.
W. J. Courtney was a visitor in Galesburg Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mosher and children of Erie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Leeby, Mrs. James Leeby and Mrs. Morrison of Fargo visited at M. N. Mallory's on Saturday. Mrs. C. E. Morton and daughter Gladys Bratseth left Tuesday morning for Lemmon, S. D., where word has been received that Mrs. Morton's sister had met with a serious automobile accident.
The eldest daughter of Martin Satrom had her tonsils removed on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson, Robert Nelson and Miss Annie Johnson of Kindred visited with Mrs. Emily B. Swenson on Saturday.
Mr. R. R. Brownlee and her niece Miss Ruth Christianson who has been visiting with her for the past two weeks left Monday for Barron, Wis., where they will visit with relatives for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson of Luverne were callers in Page on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dokken and family and Mrs. Halvor Nelson of Kindred visited with Mrs. Emily Swenson on Sunday.

July 16, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bolmeier and son Wallace, of Erie, were callers in Page Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tosteson returned to their home at Fargo Friday evening after visiting a week with Mrs. Tosteson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gage.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bolmeier and small son Wallace, of Erie, were callers in Page Friday evening.
W. J. Courtney attended to business matters in Fargo on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gagnon, Clovis and Woodrow and Eunice Courtney drove to Valley City Wednesday where they attended the rodeo. Eunice Courtney remained to attend the Epworth League Institute.
Those who attended the rodeo in Valley City were Glenn Lindsey, Cliff Barnes, O. Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Appel and Norris Gagnon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford and family of Lethbridge, Canada, left on Sunday for their home after visiting with relatives in Page for the past week.
Mr. Parkhill of Ayr was a Page visitor on Saturday.
Mrs. Fannie Keyes, Dorothy and Melvin Keyes of Aneta, visited with Mrs. Keyes' mother, Mrs. Mary Smith, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Wallace of Valley City were Page callers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morrow of Erie were Page callers Saturday evening.
George Rutherford of Mortimer was a caller in Page on Saturday.
Mrs. Nelson Chamberlain and daughter Jean left Wednesday evening for Prosper, where they are visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellgen and son, Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kempf drove to Gardner Sunday, where they visited with Mrs. Ellgen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hayworth.
Mrs. George Gagnon and Norris drove to Valley City Sunday where they visited for a short time. They were accompanied home by Eileen Gagnon and Inez Murphy, who have attended the third annual Epworth League Institute.
Eugene Jefferson was a Valley City visitor Sunday.
An open air band concert was given in Page Saturday evening by the Page band.
Earl Parsons of Amenia visited with relatives in Page Monday.
Ralph Woodward of Intake, Mont., arrived in Page Saturday where he visited with relatives until Monday evening.
C. E. Werner of Fargo was a Page visitor Friday.
Miss Josephine Morgan was a Fargo visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Warrey visited for a few days last week with F. V. Wallace's in Valley City.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lemke and daughters Vernice and LaVonne, left Sunday for British Columbia, Canada. The trip will be made by automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Benson and children drove to Valley City Sunday, where they visited with relatives, Marguerite Benson, Amy and Malida Bruderwald, who have been attending the Epworth League Institute, returning home with them.
Mrs. Mary Richardson and nephew Clair LaReice left for Little Falls, Minn., Tuesday, where they will visit for some time. Mrs. Richardson has been employed at the Erhardt Krabbenhoft farm.
W. J. Marrish of Fargo was a business visitor in Page last week.
Church services were not held in the Methodist church Sunday. Among those who attended the Epworth League Institute services at Valley City Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Mallory and son Howard, Mrs. Wm. Ritter, Mr. Frank Devereaux and Mr. Fred Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. George Margan area the parents of a baby girl born Sunday, July 12th.
Dr. J. B. James was an Erie caller Monday.
The Royal Neighbors held a meeting in Benson's Hall Tuesday, July 14th.
Wesley Dennis drove to Valley City Sunday. He was accompanied home by Miss Marjorie Barnes and Freeborn Barnes of Velva, N. D. Miss Barnes attended the Epworth League Institute and will visit at the W. H. Dennis home for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. L. McKinnon and daughter Elizabeth and Misses Ruth and June Barckley, Ella Wallace and Eleanor Parsons left Wednesday for Valley City where they are attending the Baptist Young People's Assembly.
Charles Smith and Ross Smith were Fargo visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James McPherson and son William drove to Valley City Sunday. They were accompanied home by Dorothy Burley and Margaret McPherson who attended the Epworth League Institute.
Norris Gagnon was a Fargo visitor last week.
Mr. J. B. Catlin who is employed at a garage in Sabin, Minn., drove to Page last week where he visited with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lindsey and Maxine and Maynard drove to Valley City Sunday where they visited with Mrs. Lindsey's sister, Mrs. P. L. Foss. They were accompanied home by Lillian Lindsey, who attended the Epworth League Institute.
Glenn Lindsey was a Fargo visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Catlin and children Clarice, Clarence, Peter and Carol visited in Hope Sunday.
Peter Catlin, small son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Catlin, had the misfortune to run a nail almost through his foot Sunday evening.
W. J. Courtney and Aldine Courtney autoed to Valley City Sunday to attend the last session of the Epworth League Institute. A quartet composed of Messrs. Bolmeier of Erie, Fosteson of Fargo, Myers of Valley City and Courtney sang at the afternoon session. Mrs. Courtney, Edward, Phyllis and Eunice returned home with them.
Miss Sara Heddon returned Saturday evening from Crystal Springs, Manitoba, where she has been visiting with her parents.
Miss Anna McLeod of Erie arrived in Page Saturday morning and is nursing at the W. H. Dennis home.
Mr. and Mrs. George McKay of Luverne drove to Page Saturday where their small son underwent a tonsil operation.
The two children of Mrs. John Schur had their tonsils removed this week.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. James and son Basil were callers in Buffalo and Tower City Sunday.
Mr. W. Collins of St. Thomas, Minn., arrived in Page Saturday, where he is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Frank Kraft. While here Mr. Collins had his tonsils removed.
Announcement has been received by friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Cooperstown of the birth of a baby boy on Tuesday, July 7th. Mrs. Adams was formerly Miss Dorothy Taskey of Page.
Mr. and Rms. Fred Taskey drove to Fargo Friday. They were accompanied home by Tom Taskey, who has recovered from a recent operation for appendicitis.

July 23, 1925

L. S. Benson of Pillsbury was a business caller in Page Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Collins left Wednesday for their home in St. Thomas, Minn., after visiting for several days t the home of Mr. Collins'sister, Mrs. Frank Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pyle and son, and Mrs. James Baumgardner and Harry Baumgardner of Arthur were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rintoul Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Melton and daughter Ruth attended the State Fair in Fargo Tuesday.
Miss Gladys Bratholt returned Tuesday from Lidgerwood, where she has been visiting with friends for a number of days.
Mrs. E. C. Marton returned Wednesday morning from Lemmon, S. D., where she had been visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Moe and son, Severt, of Lidgerwood, drove to Page Tuesday, where they are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Marton.
Miss Gladys Bratholt was a guest at the O. M. Stinson home in Gary, Minn., Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barton and Miss Gladys Bratholt visited with relatives in Fosston, Minn., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Van Arnam and Misses Ardith and Elsie Bullington drove to Kindred Sunday, where they visited at the John Van Arnam home. From there they left for Fargo, where they attended the State Fair on Monday. They returned Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hart of Brandon, Manitoba, arrived in Page on Thursday evening, where they will make their future home. Mr. Hart will occupy the position left vacant by Mr. K. McGregor as manager of the Hartley Stock Farm.
Mrs. Emma Bjerken and daughters, Bernice and Arilla, were callers in Valley City on Sunday.
Myron, Wesley and Mary Dennis were Fargo visitors on Tuesday.
Mrs. Thomas Kingston of Pillsbury and Robert Stevenson of Minnie Lake underwent tonsil operations in Page on Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. James were Fargo visitors on Friday.
Mrs. Arthur Jefferson left Thursday for Iowa City, Iowa, where she will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. George Dent.
Floyd Tanger and Walter Jefferson were Hope visitors Sunday.
Ernest Erickson called at the Swanson home on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnk were Sabin visitors last week.
Mrs. Chas. Evans left Thursday for Blooming Prairie, Minn., where she will visit with her brother.
Miss Ida Johnk visited for a couple of days last week at the Arthur Jefferson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Booker and Ella Bryant were Fargo visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James McNutt were dinner guests at the Roy Smith home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brunsvold called on Mrs. Floyd Tanger Sunday.
Misses Lillian and Anna Mae Henderson were Fargo visitors last week.
Mrs. Otto Johnk spent Sunday afternoon at the Bjorke home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Port and family of Erie were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jefferson on Sunday evening.

July 30, 1925

Magnus Swanson was a Galesburg caller on Monday.
Ella Bryant was a Valley City visitor Sunday.
George Carl was an overnight guest of Eugene Jefferson on Saturday.
Emil Wilberg and Helmer Bekke attended the fair at Fargo one day last week.
C. G. Jefferson was a Galesburg caller on Tuesday.
Miss Mary Pewonka called at the Fisher home Sunday afternoon.
A. W. Jefferson was a Galesburg caller on Monday.
Herman and Frank Olson of Erie called at the Brooker farm last Sunday.
Charles Johnk was a Galesburg caller on Saturday.
Miss Violet Swanson who has been teaching at the Mayville Normal during the summer school session returned home Friday.
Joseph Pewonka and John Moe attended the ball game in Galesburg Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jefferson called at the Arthur Jefferson home on Sunday.
Herman Thilman called at the Wickham home on Sunday evening.
Albert Johnk and Beatrice Jefferson visited at the Armstrong home on Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Booker, Mrs. S. D. Armstrong and Ruby Nelson visited at the Evans home Sunday morning.
Jospeh Pewonka and family attended the fair in Fargo last week.
Mrs. Charles Evans returned home the first part of the week from Blooming Prairie, Minn.
Mrs. Henry Fisher and son Herbert were Fargo visitors last week.
Arnold Armstrong was a Fargo visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jefferson and Mr. and Ms. James McNutt were Galesburg callers Sunday evening.
Mr. Ed Holm was a caller in Page on Saturday evening.
Rev. J. Wilson of Jamestown was a caller in Page last week.
I. R. Brownlee was a business visitor in Fargo last week.
J. M. Fasteson of Fargo was a Page visitor Friday.
Miss Gladys Woodbury left Saturday evening for Fargo where she is visiting with relatives.
An open air band concert was given in Page Saturday evening by the Page band.
Wesley Dennis of Hope visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dennis on Sunday.
F. V. Wallace of Valley City was a caller in Page Saturday.
S. F. Pope and Miss Margaret Pope of Colgate were callers in Page Tuesday.
W. J. Hawk and grandma of Fargo were callers in Page Friday.
Mrs. Annie Baird and daughter Bernice of Bradley, S. D., were visitors in Page the latter part of the week.
Garfield Harrington of Erie was a business caller in Page Friday.
Ms. W. Sample attended to business matters in Fargo on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Osteraas were Fargo visitors last week.

August 7, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Foss of Valley City attended the funeral services of W. H. Dennis on Wednesday.
W. J. Courtney was a business visitor in Hope on Wednesday.
F. V. Wallace and daughter Martha of Valley City were Page visitors on Wednesday.
Earl Rintoul was a Fargo visitor the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Blythe A. Nelson of Amenia was a business visitor in Page Friday.
J. C. Miller was a business visitor in Marion on Friday.
Sheriff John Ross was a business caller in Page Thursday.
Mrs. Carl Johnson was hostess at a party given in honor of her guest Miss Delores Johnson of Eldred at her home Friday afternoon. The guests were Ardith Bullington, Maxine Lindsey, Eunice Courtney, Jane Roger and Margaret Binkenburg.
Mrs. E. J. Evert and children have returned to their home in Valley City after visiting at the home of J. C. Binkenburg.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. James and Miss Anna McLeod drove to Erie Tuesday evening. Miss McLeod remained at her home in Erie after nursing in Page for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gebhardt drove to Casselton Sunday where they visited with Mrs. Gebhardt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Echternach.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parsons and Mrs. May of Amenia were callers at the Wilson Parsons home on Sunday.
K. W. Rickle of Tower City was a Page visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martzold and family of Duluth arrived in Page Friday where they visited at the home of Mrs. W. Goddard, returning Monday. The Martzolds were farmer residents of Page.
Peter Benzmiller who has been attending summer school in Fargo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilchrist in Page Saturday. He left Monday for Valley City where he will attend the second term of summer school at the Valley City State Teachers College.
Victor Leeby of Fargo was a caller in Page Saturday.
F. V. Wallace of Valley City called in Page on Friday and Saturday of last week.
A dance was held in Lindseys Hall Wednesday evening. The Derlin Orchestra of Hope-Blabon furnished the music.
John Beattie of Casselton visited with relatives in Page Saturday.
The Band Concert was not given Saturday evening on account of the movie shown by the Traveling Dietz Show Company.

August 20, 1925

Have that family picture taken this month. Make an appointment now. We develop films. Alfred Johnson.
W. J. Courtney was a business caller in Luverne Wednesday.
Mrs. Willis Hill and daughter of Erie and Rev. and Mrs. Burns, Kenneth and Bernice Burns of Sheldon were guests of Mrs. Mollins Tuesday.
Peter Long, Sr. was a business caller in Fargo last week.
Mr. and Ms. H. G. Piper moved Thursday from their apartment in the Hanley residence to the house recently vacated by O. M. Isackson.
Nels Weile of Luverne was a business caller in Page Tuesday.
W. J. Morrish of Fargo was a business caller in Page last week.
Rev. Burns of Sheldon conducted the mid-week services in the Methodist church Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Emily Swenson and son Osborne drove to Aneta Thursday where she attended to business matters.
Rev. and Mrs. Sage were callers in Page Tuesday, en route to their home in Hunter after visiting a short time in Jamestown.
Rev. and Mrs. Burns, Kenneth and Bernice and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney and Phyllis were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Smith Tuesday evening.
George Knowles of Long Beach, Cal. arrived in Page Saturday where he is visiting with relatives and attending to business matters.
Clara Ward who has been visiting a number of weeks at the John Brandt home returned to her home at Valley City Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coen and family and Manetta Coen left Friday by auto for points in Minnesota where they visited with relatives, returned Sunday.
Wm. Nelson of Kindred arrived in Page Saturday morning where he is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Emily Swenson.
W. J. Lorsborough of Fargo was a Page business caller Saturday.
Amos and Horace McLeod of Erie were callers in Page Tuesday.
Maynard Lindsey underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils and adenoids on Tuesday.
F. V. Wallace of Valley City was a caller in Page Saturday.
Mrs. Emily B. Swenson and son Osborne autoed to Fargo Friday where business matters were attended to. They returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and Dolores Johnson drove to Kindred Friday. Dolores has been visiting with her brother and sister-in-law here the past two weeks.
Paul Sims of Finley was a caller here Wednesday.
H. R. Daily of Fargo was a caller in this city Wednesday.
Mrs. Hans Willert visited at the C. D. Wheeler home near Colgate Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux autoed to Fargo Tuesday where they visited for a number of days.

August 27, 1925

Misses Mae, Mary Denis drove to Fargo Aug. 11. Mrs. Mary Dennis who has been visiting at the C. Luther home in Fargo accompanied them home.
Among those who attended the Ringling Bros. & Barnam & Bailey Circus in Fargo Aug. 13 were, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Appel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trskey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lentz and son Kenneth, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. James and son Basil, R. C. Lindsey and children, Mrs. F. L. Melton, F. L. Van Arnam, Inez Murphy, James Murphy, Robert Brownley, Edward Phyelis and Eunice Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wallace and family, Mrs. George Lemke and daughters Verniece and La Vane and Francis McKenna.
A dance was given tin Lindsey's hall Wednesday evening, music was furnished by Devlins orchestra of Hope-Blabon.
J. B. Benson went to Fargo Tuesday August 11, where he attended to business matters for several days.
Mrs. Bertha Pewanka of Kalispell, Montana, was a business visitor at Page, Wednesday, August 12.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Courtney and family autoed to Fargo Aug. 13 where Mr. Courtney attended to business matters.
John Myers of Pillsbury was a Page caller on Friday Aug. 14.
Dr. D. D. Sullivan, optical specialist, Fargo, will visit Page personally, on September first Tuesday office at the hotel. All those needing glasses fitted, lenses changed or frames adjusted, should call and see him. Special attention to school children. Consultation free.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Erickson were visitors in Fargo Aug. 12.
F. V. Wallace of Valley City was a caller in Page Friday Aug. 12.
The Methodists Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Mary Smith.

Transcribed by Steven Pueppke

Copyright 2012 Steven Pueppke
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