Page Headlight
Page 1935 Hunter Herald

September 12, 1935

Mrs. J. Laudert was a caller at the Frank Kraft home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kelly were callers at the Ross home Sunday at Arthur.
Elsie Kraft and Nana Johnson have left for Valley City, N. D. where they will enter the State Teacher's College.
Mrs. John Fisck who has been ill for several weeks with pneumonia has greatly improved. She is now able to be up a little every day.
Mrs. Arne Bjorke left August 28 for an extended visit with her brother John Flatabo of Heinsburg, Alberta, Canada. This is their first visit for 35 years.
Our community mourns the death of Mrs. John Jess, who died Sept. 2, was laid to rest Sept. 5, funeral services were conducted from the German Lutheran Church at Hope, N. D. She leaves her husband and six children. Page Schools Resume Classes Monday, 169 Enroll First Day
One Hundred Sixty-Nine Enter in High School and Grades
The school term 1935-1936 in Page opened Monday with the following faculty:
Kathryn Finley, 1st and 2nd grades; Marjorie Adams, 3rd and 4th grades; Charlotte Carr, 5th and 6th grades; Henry Niemeier, High school Principal and social science; Irene P. Anderson, English; James Golseth, Music and social science; Alta Holritz, Home Economics and Physical Education; Victor Lindgreen, Agriculture; Geo. E. Myers, Superintendent and Mathematics. One hundred six pupils were enrolled the first day in the first eight grades; and in the high school the enrollment was 63.
At their annual organization the high school classes elected the following officers: Freshmen: Edwin Benson - president; Ruth Senn - vice-president; Adeline Ostenson - sec'y-treas.; Reporter, Audrey Wiig. Sophomores: Clayton Dresher - president; Jack Mollins - vice-president; Raymond Omoth - sec'y-treas.; Wendell Klockmann - sergeant-at-arms.
Juniors: Alva Rutherford - president; George Smith - vice-president; Claire Cotter - treas.; Ivan Senn, Reporter.
Seniors: Robert Kelly - pres.; Lloyd Collins - vice-pres.; Jeanne Strain, sec'y-treas.
Following are the courses offered this term in the Page school: English 4 years, Agriculture 2 years, Business training, Social Science 4 years, Home Economics 2 years, Natural Science 2 years, Mathematics 2 years. A great amount of interest centers around commercial courses, though we are not in the position to offer more than just business training. Other school activities are football, band, glee clubs, dramatic club, F. A. A. and basketball. The following comprise the board of education: Mrs. Frank Little, president, I. W. Woodbury, John Peterson, John Morris, clerk, C. E. McConkey, treasurer.

September 26, 1935

M. E. Kelly spent last Wednesday at Wahpeton on business.
Mrs. O. Ludwig was called away Tuesday morning to the death of her sister who lives in Minn.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schamburger, September 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. David Conn and family of Finley visited at the home of Mrs. Conn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Strain.
On Sept. 17 a baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Erickson, all concerned are well.
R. C. Lindseys are having a large sale of all stock and machinery at his farm 3 miles out of Page Friday, lunch will be served by the Lutheran Ladies Aid.
Mrs. J. S. Strain, Page, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. George Skimmin of Forbes, left Sunday for Vallises, Iowa, having been called there by the death of Mrs. Strain's mother.
Good Will Birthday Club met at the Lutheran church parlors Monday afternoon, at 4:30 a supper was served by the Wear-Ever Aluminum demonstrator, Mr. R. Reinhart of Fargo. There was a group of 25 present. Miss Helen Erickson who has been home visiting for the last two weeks left for Danville, Minn. at Dana's resort, where she is employed as stenographer. Lester Erickson spent the weekend at home and accompanied his sister Helen back. Mrs. Arne Bjorke who has visited her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Flatebo of Heinsburg, Alberta, Canada for several weeks returned home last Saturday evening. It has been 35 years since they last met. Annual fall supper and bazaar at St. James church Tuesday Oct. 1st, the Altar Society of St. James church are sponsoring the supper. Chicken and turkey will be served, with all its trimmings. Bingo will be played, giving away valuable prizes. A beautiful silk quilt will be raffled off. A farewell reception was given in the church parlors of the Lutheran church in honor of their pastor Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Lucky, who has accepted a call to Washburn, N. D. The Ayr congregation joined in with Page. He has served as pastor here for six years, this was his first call. He was presented with a purse of money and lunch was served by the aid, they left Wednesday for their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little and son Mickey motored to Kindred, N. D. Sunday where they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Nelson, parents of Mrs. Little and went to join in a house warming surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nelson who lives 12 miles north of Fargo. Relatives and friends gathered at their home, they were presented with gifts and the self invited guests served dinner and lunch. Mr. Ned Patterson was completely surprised Monday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Mr. and Mrs. C. McConkey, I. W. Woodbury and Mr. and Mrs. George Myers called without invitation and took over the Patterson home for the evening. Mr. Patterson has been a member of the board of education in the Page school district and retired voluntarily last July. The group presented their retiring co-worker with a handsome fountain pen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraft and daughter Lucille, accompanied by Mrs. John Morris, visited at Mr. Kraft's brother, Martin Kraft at Wabeck. They returned Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Wonser, Mrs. Rintoul and Miss Leony Rintoul shopped at Valley City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Lindsey and baby and Harold Thompson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Backney of Mayville Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller and daughter Mary Ann of Litchville visited at the Lindsey home Sunday.

October 3, 1935

The T. O. B. Club held a joint birthday party on two of their members, Mrs. F. E. Little and Mrs. Christy Morrow, at the Morrow home Friday evening. Both were presented with a gift; lunch was served.
A farewell party was given at the M. E. Kelly home for Mrs. Art Viestenz, who is moving to Fargo with her family.
The men friends of G. J. Lemke held a stag party in the form of a farewell for him at the depot Monday evening. An enjoyable time was had by all.
Robert and Mrs. Kelly, accompanied by Maxine and Etta Mores and W. S. and Harry Allan of Erie were Page callers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant McInnis returned home Friday following a trip through Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood have moved into the Klessig house.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Anderson were callers in Fargo Tuesday. They attended the opening of the new stockyards.
Miss Holritz and Miss Lottie Mollins spent the weekend with relatives and friends at Minnewaukan. Miss Charlotte Carr accompanied them as far as Lakota, returning with them Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McEntee of New England visited at the H. F. Dayle home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson and children, Harland and Eunice of Fargo and Robert Nelson of Argusville visited at the home of Frank Little Sunday.
Myrtle and Ruth Mollins were callers at Mayville Monday.
Mrs. W. J. Mollins called on friends at Mayville and Galesburg Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Brownlee just returned from an extended visit to Minot where they attended the Baptist convention. They also visited Mrs. Brownlee's sister at Kenmare
. Mr. Clarence Flock, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Flock, died last Friday, following a short illness with pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the Flock home. Burial was made in the Page cemetery.

October 10, 1935

William Stremel and his family have moved back to Page, from Amenia where he has resided the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutan motored to Fargo Tuesday where Mr. Rutan has been taking treatments for his eye.
Mrs. Otto Ludwig who has been in bed with the flu is again able to be around.
Miss Evelyn LaVoie and Raymond Carlson were visitors in Absaraka Sunday.
The home occupied by Viestenz has been occupied by Oliver Lundberg's family.
Mrs. W. J. Cockran has been ill with influenza the past week.
Miss Maxine Morris is employed at the Bernhard Gray's home.
Miss Lois Senn spent Sunday at her home. She is a student at the agricultural college.
Mrs. Clarence Morton of Minneapolis visited with Mrs. Carrie Morton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Berthold and family, Mrs. Carrie Morton, Miss Harriet Moe, visited relatives at Fosston, Minn. Sunday Sept. 29.
Miss Dorothy Koenis left last Friday evening for Fargo where she entered the New York beauty school of learning.
Mickey Swenson has been seriously ill with pneumonia last week, but is now improving nicely. He has been under the care of Miss Etta Morris.
The granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Judd Mong returned to their home in Medina Sunday after an extended visit at Page and Pillsbury.
Mrs. Nellie Finley of New England, N. D. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doyle. She is Miss Katherine Finley and Mrs. Bert Doyle's mother.
The St. James church bazaar and supper was a great success. A large crowd was present including visitors from Fargo and surrounding towns. Valuable prizes were given at the bingo game. Proceeds over $300.00. Mrs. Carrie Morton and Miss Harriet Moe were diner guests at the Arne Bjorke home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Viestenz and family moved to Fargo last Thursday. He is an employee of the G. N. Railway.
Jack Tracy motored to Fargo Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Kraft, Mrs. Carrie Morton and Harriet Moe. Miss Moe styed for a couple of days taking the State Board Examines in the beauty course she just completed. A few friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford at their home Sunday evening, the occasion being their wedding anniversary. Suitable gifts were presented and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Those present were: Mmes. And Messrs. Ned Patterson, Alex Rutherford, J. Mong, M. E. Kelly, Clark Johnson, Christy Morrow and daughter. Refreshments were served by the self-invited guests. The Methodist ladies aid held their annual chicken supper in the church basement Thursday evening Oct. 10th.

October 17, 1935

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kelly and family motored to Fargo Sunday where they visited with friends.
Miss Pearl Morris and Oscar Peterson of Georgetown, Minn., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Saturday, returning Sunday evening.
Miss Elsie Kraft spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Viestenz of Fargo were Page callers Saturday.
Mr. Douglas Wilson was hurt seriously last Saturday when his leg was mangled in a tractor. He is now in a Fargo hospital.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelly, who has been in the care of Mrs. Chas. Wonser, has been taken home and is doing nicely.
Mrs. Allan Carlyn and son Freddie of Breckenridge visited with her mother, Mrs. Taskey, last week.

October 24, 1935

Mrs. Margaret Taskey and daughter Barbara visited relatives in Fargo over the weekend.
Mrs. Douglas Sharp, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fischer of Bedford, were brief callers Monday in Absaraka.
Thirteen Page Royal Neighbors motored to Fargo Friday to attend the district meeting.
Nuptial vows were spoken on Saturday morning by Evelyn LaVoie and Raymond Carlson, prominent Page people, at the Page Parish.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wright motored to Fargo Saturday and were accompanied home by Raymond Ludwig who will spend the weekend at his home.
Out of town guests were Mrs. Lauderholm and daughter Florence of Crookston, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Hein of Oriska. A wedding dinner was served by the groom's parents at the Baumgartner home.
A kitchen shower was given at the home of Mrs. M. E. Kelly for Mrs. Raymond Carlson on Tuesday from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. Lunch was served at the hour of six and all departed leaving many useful gifts for the bride.

November 14, 1935

Nuptial Vows Spoken in Methodist parsonage in Fargo
On Saturday afternoon November 9, at the Methodist parsonage in Fargo, occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Whitkop and Mr. Orlin Slocum. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitkop of Pillsbury, N. D. attended the couple. The bride wore a dark blue crepe dress with accessories to match.
The bride has been employed for several years at the First State Bank at Page.
The couple returned to Page on Monday evening and will make their home at the George Mong residence. The community extends congratulations.

November 21, 1935


Couple Exchange Vows at Page, Father Reddin Officiates
Nuptial vows were spoken by Miss Mary E. Campbell of Valley City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell of Hope, and Milford I. Keyes of Waldon, Sunday in the rectory of St. James Parish.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rutherford of Page were attendants. The bride's frock was a blue knit suit with black accessories. A wedding dinner followed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutherford.
They left for a trip to the Twin Cities and will make their home at Waldon where Mr. Keyes is manager of an elevator.
The community extends congratulations and best wishes.

Transcribed by Steven Pueppke

Copyright 2013 Steven Pueppke
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