Rose Valley Items 1911 Hunter Herald

January 19, 1911

Rovilla Maguder Sundayed at the Brase Farm.

On account of the illness of Miss Bolmeier, school was closed in the primary room of the Rose Valley school, Thursday and Friday of the past week.

January 26, 1911

Rovilla Magruder visited at the school on Monday last.

Mrs. Ruse was reported quite ill with the quinsy recently.

Louis Moen of Galesburg was a business visitor in the Valley last week.

The people who had been suffering with the grippe are all reported better.

Services will be held in Rose Valley at the Lincoln home next Sunday.

Several of the young people from this vicinity attended the lecture at Gardner last Wednesday evening.

Messers. Lincoln, Brase, McKay and Dynes attended the Grain Growers Convention at Fargo the past week.

Anton and Alma Cederburg are visiting friends in Illinois. They are expected home the latter part of this month.

February 4, 1911

Nellie Witt was the guest of Ida Brase Tuesday night.

Esther Brase spent Tuesday night with Caroline Lincoln.

Mr. Talbot spent Saturday evening at the Mills home.

Mr. Richey of Minneapolis was in this vicinity the past week.

Mr. Mills and Mr. Talbot Sundayed at the Lincoln farm.

Miss Emma Bolmeier, Ella and Arnold Witt Sundayed with relatives near Erie.

The Rose Valley school is preparing for a spelling contest with the Gardner school in the near future.

Rovilla Magruder, Esther and Leon Brase were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Billie McDonald near Gardner Saturday evening.

February 23, 1911

Fred Witt has been visiting near Erie the past few days.

Fred Witt expects to accompany his cousin to the cities this week.

Rovella Magruder was a guest at the Lincoln farm a couple of days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Abie Magruder and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills spent Tuesday evening at the Lincoln farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Billie McDonald and Mae McDonald spent Sunday evening at the Magruder farm.

Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Mary Andrews Heath, formerly of Rose Valley, and Dr. Krudeys of Los Angeles.

March 2, 1911

Olie Magruder was in Grandin this week on business.

Mr. Talbot will hold services at the Mills home next Sunday.

The moving picture show conducted by Olson & Morse was well attended.

Rovilla Magruder, George Nolen and Mr. Rebick spent Saturday and Sunday in Fargo.

Mrs. Magruder, Celestine Lincoln Victor and Wallace Mattson are suffering with the grippe.

Leon and Esther Brase, Arnold and Ella Witt spend Thursday evening at the Lincoln farm.

Lewis Moen of Galesburg has started moving his machinery to the Lincoln farm which he has rented.

Mr. and Mrs. Bumgarner gave a farewell party last Friday evening in honor of the Collins family, who leave this vicinity soon for one of their Chaffee farms.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Jarvis of Hanley, Sask., formerly of this vicinity, have been visiting friends here recently, they were returning home from several weeks stay in northern Illinois where Mrs. Jarvis' parents reside.

March 16, 1911

Mr. Cederburg transacted business in Fargo Saturday last.

Mr. Talbot will hold services at the Lincoln home next Sunday.

Mr. Johnson who works for Murry Bros., and Ward is seen in this vicinity quite frequently.

The Ed Anderson family has moved from the Nye farm to section 23, Messrs Wash and Dave Collins lived there formerly.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith have moved their household goods from Hunter to the Nye farm which they have rented for this year.

March 23, 1911

Rovilla Magruder is a guest at the Van Dyne home near Grandin.

Mr. Reese of St. Vincent, Minnesota, is visiting at the home of his cousin Mr. Brase.

Messers. Grieson and Matson have returned home from their winter's work in the lumber camps.

John Rebuck will finish his term of school next Friday, after which Miss Bolmeier will teach the whole school.

March 30, 1911

Born-to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson, March 10, a baby girl.

Celestine Lincoln Sundayed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln.

Lewis Moen of Galesburg moved his family over to the Lincoln farm Thursday.

Mat Haley of Fargo was a guest at the Brase farm for a few days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster and son came Friday to spend the summer at the Magruder home.

Aug. Bolmeier and son Willie arrived Sunday evening for a visit at the Fred Witt farm.

E. C. Smith from Markesan, Wis., transacted business in this vicinity the latter part of the week.

Rev. Hancock of Illinois transacted business in this part of the country a couple of days the past week.

Arnold Witt left Tuesday for the Geo. Pratt farm near Gardner where he will be employed for a few weeks.

Aug. Bolmeier of Erie spent Friday at the Witt home. Miss Emma accompanied her father home for Sunday.

Mr. Johnson who purchased the Hodgson farm recently, arrived Saturday with his family and carload of goods.

M. P. Branden was in this vicinity Saturday fixing telephone lines and putting phones at the Deweff, Moen and Johnson homes.

April 20, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witt Sundayed with friends near Erie.

The rumor is out that the E. C. Smith farm has been sold.

Mr. Talbot will hold services in the Rose Valley church April 23rd.

Esther and Leon Brase spent Sunday evening at the Magruder farm.

Several of the Rose Valleyites attended the services held in Gardner Easter.

Lowell Keesling and Porter Currie were in the vicinity Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Mattson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moen Sunday afternoon.

Elizabeth and Angus McKay visited at Heath home in Gardner Sunday evening.

Will Allshire and George and Caroline Lincoln were visiting at the Mills home Sunday.

Ida and Della Brase and Lillian Mattson spent Sunday afternoon with Clev and Violet Ruse.

O. Lancaster, Mrs. O. Magruder and Rovilla Magruder assisted with the singing in Gardner Easter Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Heath of Gardner and Mrs. Fred Heath and daughter Esther of Fargo are visiting friends in the Valley the past week.

A meeting was held Monday evening at the Lincoln home for the purpose of re-organizing a Sunday School. Officers elected were: Supt. O. Lancaster; assist-supt., Lillie McKay; secy., George Lincoln; treas., Angus McKay.

April 27, 1911 Richard Fattie Sundayed at the Cederburg farm.

Celestine Lincoln is spending a few days at her home.

Nellie Witt spent Saturday with Claire Pritchard in Gardner.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills visited at the Magruder home Sunday evening.

E. C. Smith of Markesan, Wis., transacted business in this vicinity Monday.

Esther Brase and Caroline Lincoln spent Thursday with Ella Witt in Arthur.

Mrs. Baker of Minneapolis is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss for a few weeks.

Cleo, Violette and Dorothy Ruse and Lillian Mattson spent Sunday afternoon with Ida and Della Brase.

Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyne of Grandin, Mr. and Mrs. O. Magruder were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills Sunday.

The Fargo visitors the past week were E. H. Lincoln, Mrs. Brase and daughter Ida, Miss Bolmeier and Lena Witt.

Mrs. Louis Moen received the sad news Saturday of the death of her sister at Clifford. She left the same day to attend funeral services.

The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. McConnehey were sorry to learn of the accident which befell their son Ralph, resulting in his instant death last Friday afternoon.

May 14, 1911

Mrs. Louis Moen returned home from Clifford last Friday.

Ella Witt spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witt.

Mr. Ward of Minneapolis was seen in this vicinity one day last week.

Esther Brase and Caroline Lincoln spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Max Smith.

Mr. C. F. Johnson is erecting a new house on his farm on section 34 Bell Township.

It is reported that Miss Minnie Davis will teach the Rose Valley School next year.

Ray and Esther Bolmeier of Erie came after Miss Bolmeier Friday evening to take her home to spend Sunday.

Celestine Lincoln resumed her work at Rahilly's Millenary Store Thursday after spending a few days at home.

June 1, 1911

Ida Cederberg is reported better from her long illness.

Esther Brase and Rovilla Magruder were Hunter visitors Saturday.

Mr. Witt's sister of Wisconsin is spending a few days with Mr. Witt and family.

I. Moen and family of Hunter spent a week ago Sunday at the Louis Moen home.

Esther and Leon Brase and Angus McKay spent Sunday eve at the Magruder farm.

Lillian and Victor Mattson spent last Sunday with their aunt Mrs. Anderson near Grandin.

Services will be held in the Rose Valley church every Sunday the remaining part of the summer.

Last Sunday the Christian Endeavor of Gardner conducted services at the Rose Valley church.

Harry and Celestine Lincoln of Fargo Sundayed with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lincoln a week ago.

Rovilla Magruder and Esther Brase were guests at the M. Smith and McKay farms one day the past week.

Mrs. Ole Magruder and little son Arthur are visiting with relatives and friends in Illinois for several weeks.

Mrs. Tom Davis had the misfortune of having her barn struck by lightning last Thursday night. It is reported they saved all of the horses but lost some harness, chickens, pigs and buggies.

August 24, 1911

Mr. Talbot is spending a month with his mother in Ontario.

Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Neil McKay Aug. 25.

Richard Fattie spent Sunday evening at the Magruder farm.

Esther Cederberg is improving rapidly after her illness of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heath from Gardner were guests at the McKay home Friday.

Mr. Mills from Ridgefarm, Ill., is spending several days with his son, I. H. Mills.

Esther and Earl Brase visited with Mrs. Billie McDonald near Gardner Sunday.

Mr. Merril from Gardner conducted services in the Rose Valley church Sunday last.

Mr. Stillwill from Glyndon, Minn., held services in the Rose Valley church Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills spent Sunday afternoon at the A. McDonald home near Gardner.

Dr. Carpenter and family and R. S. Lewis motored from Fargo Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bliss.

Alma and Lois Porter of Mayville and Miss Maria Austin from Olean, New York, were guests of Caroline Lincoln a couple of days last week.

Mrs. Wilson and daughter Helen from St. Paul left this morning for their home. They have been spending the greater part of the summer with Mrs. Mattson.

Mrs. E. A. Francis Ferguson and son Tim Francis from Fargo and Miss Fern Lincoln from Bowman motored from Erie to the Lincoln farm en route to Fargo, Wednesday and spent the day.

October 12, 1911

Mrs. Schantz has spent the past week in Courtney attending conference.

Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKay, Elizabeth and Agnes McKay Sundayed with friends near Erie.

Miss Celestine Lincoln from Fargo spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lincoln.

Mr. Stewart and family of Iowa will arrive Tuesday and spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johnson.

Ladies Aid held their last meeting with Mrs. Johnson Friday. They will meet with Mrs. Brase Friday Oct. 20.

Transcribed by Steven Pueppke

Copyright 2008 Steven Pueppke
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