Rose Valley Items 1921 Hunter Herald

May 19, 1921

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stimmel were callers at the V. D. McClanahan home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Poppe and family attended church at Elm River Sunday.
Chas. Turner who is running Frank Johnson's Engine doing road work at Ayr was home Sunday and spent Sunday evening at the C. O. Vinge home near Gardner. I wonder why? The Rose Valley Dramatic Club will go to Galesburg with their ÒOne Hundred LaughsÓ on Thursday evening May 19th.
V. D. McClanahan and Ed. Turner family drove to Galesburg Saturday afternoon.
Seeding is about finished, most every one is planting corn now but with weather like Friday and Saturday it would be just as well to wait a few days.
Early seeding and pastures are doing fine.
Victor Campbell of Amenia was a caller in the neighborhood Saturday evening.
Fred Dewerff and family spent Sunday evening at the McClanahan home.
Elmer Seme made his usual visit at the S. A. Davis home Sunday.

May 26, 1921

Fred Cederberg who has been sick is able to be out again.
Clyde Allen and mother from near Fargo were Sunday visitors at the Ed Turner home.
Dr. Oakes of Hunter made a professional call at W. F. Burmeister's one day last week.
V. D. McClanahan and wife attended the Old Timers entertainment at Grandin Saturday evening.
Mrs. Turner and daughter Bessie attended church at Arthur Sunday morning.
Elmer Syme made has usual call Sunday. Nuff said.
Mr. and Mrs. Stimmel made a business trip to Hunter Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baumgartner spent Sunday afternoon at the W. F. Poppe home.
The Lund Boys called at the Cederberg home Sunday evening.
Lewis Samout of Gardner is doing paper hanging for Mrs. J. R. Stimmel.

June 2, 1921

Mrs. Harry Ester of Fargo is spending a few days at the Ed Turner home.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. McClanahan drove to Fargo Saturday afternoon.
Chas Turner, who is working for Frank Johnson of Ayr, came home Saturday evening.
Oscar Fossum of Fargo spent Sunday at W. F. Poppe's.
The Dramatic club will go to Grandin Tuesday night with their play (One Hundred Laughs).
Graduation exercises will be held at the Rose Valley church Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burmeister and daughters were Fargo shoppers Saturday afternoon.
Hilding Anderson took in the barn dance at Pat Costilo's north of Gardner Saturday nite.
John and Gus Anderson with their wives started one day last week for a trip to Alberta, Can., driving over land by way of Winnipeg.
Arthur Warner's, old residents here but now of Mapleton, have all been down with Scarlet Fever but are improving at this writing.

June 9, 1921

Mr. and Mrs. V. D. McClanahan and family spent Sunday at the Ed Turner home.
Wm. Poppe and wife called at the Chas. Parkhouse home Sunday.
Gladeys Burmeister who has been attending the Hunter school the past minter came home Thursday for the summer.
Graduation exercises were held Thursday evening in the Rose Valley Church and the following were graduated from the eighth grade: Ellen Anderson, Edna McClanahan, Gladys McClanahan, Fred Cederberg and Elmer Lund. A fine program was given by the whole school.
School closed Friday with a big picnic at the S. A. Davis farm.
A large number from here attended the play day exercises at Casselton Saturday.

June 16, 1921

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Davis entertained Mr. and Mrs. V. D. McClanahan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Turner and daughter Bessie Sunday afternoon.
Several of the local Yeomen attended lodge at Gardner last Wednesday night. They report a good time, several were taken into the order.
Wm. Poppe and family spent Sunday evening at Roy Bumgartners.
Clyde Allen and mother from near Fargo spent Sunday at the Geo. Lund home.
School election passed off quietly last week. Justine Cederberg was returned to the office of director for a term of three years.
Justin Cederberg and Geo. Lincoln had their flocks of sheep clipped the past week. They got a nice clip of wool.
Everyone is busy plowing now.
John Hill is on the sick list at the present writing.
Chas. Turner was home from Ayr for a short time Sunday.

June 23, 1921

A number of our young folks enjoyed a beef steak fry on the bank of the Red River Saturday evening. They report the mosquitoes very sociable.
Mrs. S. A. Davis has been on the sick list for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Olson visited their son Ralph Sunday afternoon who is working with the ditching crew near Hendrum, Minn.
Geo. Lund and family took in the ball game at Fargo Sunday afternoon.
J. R. Stimmel was a business caller in Fargo Saturday afternoon.
V. D. McClanahan and wife were shopping in Fargo Saturday.
Alfred Johnson and family were callers at the Wm. Olson home Sunday evening.
Geo. Lincoln and family were callers at the J. R. Stimmel home Sunday evening.
Victor Campbell and sister Miss Alice were callers in the vicinity Saturday evening and took in the beef steak fry at the river.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Poppe entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. E. MItttendorf Sunday afternoon.
Chas. Turner returned to Ayr Sunday evening to finish his job of grading this week.
K. N. Handy has just finished painting his new barn which gives it a fine appearance.

July 14, 1921

Miss Bessie Turner is spending several weeks with friends at McGregor and Alexandria, Minn.
Geo. Lund was a business caller in Fargo Saturday.
Wm. Poppe and wife entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mittendorf Saturday evening.
Oscar Fossom and Leslie McLaren of Fargo were callers in the vicinity over Sunday.
Miss Alice Campbell and brother Victor of Amenia were callers at J. R. Stimmel's Friday evening.
V. D. McClanahan and wife were Fargo visitors Sunday.
C. O. Vinje and family visited at the Ed Turner home Sunday.
Everyone is busy cutting rye at this writing.

August 4, 1921

Dr. Baillie of Hunter made a professional call in these parts Sunday evening.
J. R. Stimmel and family visited at J. Cederberg's Sunday afternoon.
H. E. Mittendorf and family spent Sunday evening at the W. G. Poppe home.
Elmer Senne was a caller in Fargo Monday.
W. J. Hawk of Fargo was out to his farms Monday.
W. F. Poppe and wife were Fargo shoppers Monday.
J. R. Stimmel is having a new well drilled.

August 11, 1921

Mrs. Roy Baumgarner is reported on the sick list.
Ralph Olson spent Sunday at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Olson.
Oscar Fossom of Fargo was calling in this vicinity Sunday afternoon.
Justin Cederberg has just finished threshing his rye which made a yield of 30 bu. Per acre.
Ralph Berg who has been running John Hill's engine was taken sick with an attack of typhoid fever but is better at last reports.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. McClanahan were callers at the J. R. Stimmel home Sunday evening.
Chas. Turner who is working for Frank Johnson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stimmel has been sick for several days.
Mrs. V. D. McClanahan visited at the Ralph Parkhouse home one day last week.
K. N. Handy had a serious breakdown with his threshing rig which delayed him several days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Poppe entertained the Mittendorf family Sunday evening.
September 8, 1921 Mrs. Roy Wood of Mercedes, Texas is spending a few days with her brother S. A. Davis and family, she is on her way to a new home near Saskatoon, Canada.
Axtel Nelson, brother of Aug. Nelson, was taken suddenly ill one day last week while threshing, he was hurried to Fargo where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. At last report he was in quite a serious condition.
School will start on Monday next with Miss Alice Campbell of Amenia and Miss Knudtson of Hunter as teachers.
Threshing keeps hanging on caused by the showers we have been having which caused a lot of lost time.
Ed Turner and family made a business trip to Fargo Saturday.
Oscar Fossom came up from Fargo Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday at the W. F. Poppe home.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. McClanahan were callers at S. A. Davis' Sunday afternoon.
Esther Burmeister of Fargo spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burmeister.
Dr. Oakes of Hunter made a professional call at Alfred Johnson's Sunday afternoon.
W. J. Hawk was a business caller in the vicinity Saturday afternoon.

October 13, 1921

Ed Turner made a business trip to Fargo Friday.
School has started again after a week's vacation. The teachers, Miss Campbell and Miss Knudtson, were attending the Institute at Fargo.
W. F. Poppe and wife visited friends near Casselton Sunday.
Albin Lewis and family spent Sunday with some of their old neighbors near Galesburg.
Ralph Olson is spending a few days at home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Olson.
The Mittendorf family were callers at W. F. Poppe's Sunday.
V. D. McClanahan and family visited at the Turner home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Wilson LaBarre who had his arm broken some time ago while plowing for Ed Turner is getting along fine and will return to his home at Nevis, Minn. this week.
Fred Cederberg spent Sunday at Geo. Lund's home.
Lucinda Poppe is assisting Mrs. J. R. Stimmel.

October 20, 1921

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stimmel visited at the George Lincoln home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Turner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ross Manners, and Mr. and Mrs. Tappen of Fargo Sunday.
Chas. and Ralph Parkhouse and family were callers at the V. D. McClanahan home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Poppe visited with friends at Davenport Sunday.
Miss Marie Davis visited at the McClanahan home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stimmel were Fargo callers Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Taber and Mr. Fisk of Fargo were callers at the Burmeister home Sunday evening.
John Hill shipped a carload of cattle to St. Paul.
November 17, 1921 Ed Turner and family and Roy Steel were entertained at 6 o'clock dinner Sunday evening at the McClanahan home.
A number from this vicinity attended the Lee Bros. Sale last week.
Several of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burmeister have been sick for some time with scarlatina and the after effects. They are improving slowly at the present time.
Fred Cederberg, Gladys and Edna McClanahan are attending high school in Grandin this winter.
The School Board attended the school officers' meeting in Casselton Tuesday.
W. F. Poppe was a business caller in Fargo the last of the week.
Our school will give an entertainment and basket social on Wednesday evening Nov. 22, everyone invited.
Miss Alice Campbell and Miss Knudtson, our teachers, spent Sunday at their homes.
There have been a number of cases of whooping cough in the vicinity this fall but everyone is getting nearly over it at this writing.

November 24, 1921

Chas. Turner was a Sunday visitor at the C. O. Virge home.
S. A. Davis made a business trip to Fargo Saturday.
Justin Cederberg is taking treatment for rheumatism at a Fargo hospital.
Elmer Seme, who has been visiting at his home near Fairmont, Minn. returned here Saturday and is assisting A. Davis for the winter.
Mrs. V. D. McClannahan was a shopping in Arthur Monday afternoon.
Chas. Turner and Roy Steel drove to Georgetown Monday on business.
J. R. Stimmel was a business caller in Fargo the last of the week.

December 1, 1921

Gladys Burmeister spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burmeister.
Mrs. E. M. Swanson formerly Miss Effie Lund has returned to her home in Montana after a month visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lund.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leary entertained Earl Goss and family at dinner Sunday.
Wm. Olson and wife entertained Anton Orvick and family at dinner Thanksgiving day.
The entertainment and basket social given by the school on Wednesday evening the 23rd was well attended. A fine program was given and about $40 was taken in from the sale of baskets.
Fred Cederberg has gone back in Gardner to school after spending a day at the home of his parents.
W. F. Poppe and family and H. Mittendorf and family drove to Mapleton on Thanksgiving day and took dinner with friends.
Miss Hilda Vinje was entertained at dinner on Thursday at the Ed. Turner home.
Miss Ida Vinje, one of our last year teachers, but who is teaching this winter near Page, was a caller in this vicinity the last of the week.
George Burmeister has gone to Minnesota to spend the winter.
J. R. Stimmel and family were callers Sunday at the George Lincoln home.

Transcribed by Steven Pueppke

Copyright 2012 Steven Pueppke
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