Ellendale Photos from a Lost Treasure

June 2002- I was in an antique shop (Merced, California) for the first time in my life. I couldn't help noticing an old PHOTO album on the shelf and the photos were beautiful! I just had to buy the book and see if I could locate a family to cherish it. I have been studying this photo album and have come to several conclusions. First of all; I had thought the family who owned this album was from Ellendale, but it is starting to look like perhaps they just traveled through there. I am still working on it. I scanned all the pages (92) of the photo album and then took it apart page by page listing each photo in the order it appeared in the book. I discovered that some of the photos had writing on the backs of them and the only way to determine what they said was to remove them all from the pages that they were glued down to. I am working on that and I'm about half way through the photos. It is time consuming in order to prevent damage to the old brittle photos which were glued quite well. I am using the census records to trace the names of the various folks who are in the photos if the names are written on the back of the photo. At this point I think that the census records are not indicating that this family lived in Ellendale as I had at first thought although as I said; I am not done with my research of the census records. This is going to take some time. The two photos that positively can be traced to Ellendale are possibly cut from postcards. They both had writing on them indicating they were Ellendale, ND. One is an Artesian Well and the other is a Courthouse which it appears that you already have on the website- but this is a different view and time period. The few photos that have dates on them appear to place the date of the book about 1910-1920. That gives you an approximate date of the two Ellendale photos. Most of the photos are from another location; I suspect that a few more of the photos belong to Ellendale and I will figure it out eventually.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheri LeQuia

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