Birth Announcements from The Oakes Times Newspaper 1912-1913
Contributed by the Dickey County Historical Society
for additional information contact Mary Ann Kunrath
Year 1912:
- A son was born Saturday, Nov. 16th, at Aberdeen, to Mr. And Mrs. P. J. Aasen of this city.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Sanford Baker, Wednesday, Oct. 30th.
- From the Leader: Born to Mr. And Mrs. Tom Barta, Tuesday, October 15th, a daughter.
- A girl was born on Oct. 3rd, to Mr. And Mrs. W. V. Best of Route 4.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. H. N. Bingham on Oct. 19th.
- A twelve pound boy was born Thursday, June 27th, 1912, to Mr. And Mrs. V. H. Birk of this city.
Pauline Boethling. Her home is at Crosby, N. D.
- From the Prairie Press: Born Sunday, Nov. 10, to Mr. And Mrs. Herman Bublitz, a daughter.
- August: A baby girl was born Monday to Mr. And Mrs. Fred Carlson of this city.
- From the Leader: Born to Mr. And Mrs. Harry Carpenter, Wednesday, October 30th, 1912, a daughter.
- January: A baby boy was born last week to Mr. And Mrs. W. J. Coulter of Aberdeen. Owing to an attack of appendicitis the life of the mother has been despaired of. Her mother, Mrs. Fountain, went down last week to be at the bedside, Mrs. Coulter went down Monday and Mr. Coulter was called Tuesday.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Olof Enger on Tuesday, Aug. 6th, a son.
- Erickson- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Bert Erickson on Wednesday April 10th.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. F. A. Espeland, Friday, July 12, 1912, a daughter.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. C. C. Foster, Wednesday, April 3, a son.
- September 26, 1912: We notice by the Austin (Minn.) Herald that a son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Roy Furtney. Mrs. Furtney was formerly Miss Dana Waterman, well known in Oakes.
- Greene- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Evan Greene on Thursday, April 12th.
- A son was born on Monday, Dec. 2, 1912, to Mr. And Mrs. G. A Heckel of this city.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Johnson on Saturday, March 9, a son.
- From the Leader-Born to Mr. And Mrs. Carl Jorgenson, Friday June 28, 1912, a daughter.
- Born on Tuesday, March 5th, a girl to Mr. And Mrs. T. J. Kelsh.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Chas. E. Koch, a daughter, on the 31st of August.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. James Lacey, Sunday, October 13th, a daughter.
- September 12, 1912: A daughter was born Friday to Mr. And Mrs. Leon Lampher of Lovell township.
- A baby girl was born on Wednesday, July 17, 1912, to Mr. And Mrs. George Molander.
Mrs. Molander is now at the home of her mother.
- A baby girl was welcomed to the home of Mr. And Mrs. John Mueller last Saturday, Nov. 23rd.
- Nichols- A son was born July 2, 1912, to Mr. And Mrs. J. F. Nichols of this city.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Theo. Pfeiffer, of Clement, on August 5th.
- A son was born on August 13th to Mr. And Mrs. W. D. Potter of Riverdale.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Nels Rasmussen of James River Valley on Dec. 30th.
- From the Prairie Press: Mr. And Mrs. F. C. Rector of Jud, N. D., are the proud parents of a ten pound son born Dec. 24, 1912.
- Reko-A nine-pound girl was born on Monday, Feb. 5, 1912, to Mr. And Mrs. H. F. Reko of this city.
- October 3, 1912: Two newcomers reported this last week, a girl baby to Mr. And Mrs. Robins and a boy to Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Purro.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. A. J. Schroer, Monday, May 6, a daughter.
- Smith- A daughter was born Friday, June 8th, to Mr. And Mrs. Fred Smith of this city.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Earl Stearns, Monday morning, a baby girl.
- Warn- A son was born Tuesday, March 26, 1912, to Mr. And Mrs. W. F. Warn, at the home of Grandma Moore in this city.
- Born- Sept. 13, to Mr. And Mrs. Scott Way, a ten pound son.
- Wright- A girl baby was born Sunday, June 30th, to Mr. And Mrs. Alex. R. Wright of this city.
- Editor Wright, though a defeated candidate, is one of the happiest dad in the county, Mrs. Wright having presented him on Sunday last with a nine pound girl. The Leader extends its congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Wright and wishes the little one health, wealth and prosperity, and suggest that her fond papa call her June 26th.
Year 1913:
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. O. D. Beggs, Wednesday, November 5, 1913, a son.
- September 14, 1913: A boy baby was born to Mr. And Mrs. D. Beistle Friday.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. H. J. Boethling on Monday April 21st.
- May 8, 1913: Born Thursday night, to Mr. And Mrs. Brennan, a daughter.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. D. J. Brennan on Saturday Dec. 20th.
- A daughter was born on Dec. 4th, to Mr. And Mrs. A. A. Campbell of Jamestown. The baby came on the first anniversary of the marriage of the parents.
- A son was born yesterday morning to Mr. And Mrs. S. C. Ditch of Clement township.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. H. J. Dufelmeier, Oct. 15th, a boy.
- Mr. And Mrs. John Grandadam are rejoicing over the safe arrival of a 12 pound baby girl at their home on Lincoln's birthday, the 12th of February. Mother and baby are doing fine.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Carl Gustafson east of the city on April 4th.
- October 1913: A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. George Hansen, ten miles north of Oakes last Sunday.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Erick Hed Sept. 19th, twin girls.
- October 23, 1913: Born Tuesday of this week to Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Holstrom, a girl baby. Born to Mr. And Mrs. Matt German the first of the week a baby boy.
- A girl baby was born to Mr. And Mrs. Ole Iverson the 9th of December.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. J. B. Jackson Oct. 6, a daughter.
- A fine baby girl was born on Thursday, March 13th, to Mr. And Mrs. Thom Johnson of Clement township.
- Klein- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. A. F. Klein, Friday, Jan. 31, 1913.
- October 2, 1913: An eight pound boy was born Friday to Mr. And Mrs. Martin Knutson.
- From the Republican: The stork last Saturday evening, April 26, 1913 called at the home of Mr. And Mrs. A. J. Koeing and presented them with a pretty little daughter.
- August 21, 1913: A girl baby was born to Mr. And Mrs. Albert Larson last Wednesday.
- December 1913: A baby was born to Mr. And Mrs. Robert Larson on the 21st.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. J. Lawrence Sept. 23rd, twin girls.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Otto Lucke last Saturday Jan. 18th, a son.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Harry Lund, 9 pound baby girl on Friday, Feb.21.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Malchow on Thursday, April 17th.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Geo. McGlennan, Monday, January 6th, a girl.
- Mr. And Mrs. B. A. McKinny are the parents of a fine boy, born Jan. 8th, in Ellendale. Mrs. McKinny, formerly known as Josie McPherson, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Wm. McPherson.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Martin Morgan of Clement, Jan. 10th.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. E. W. Murray Sept 29th, a daughter.
- July 24, 1913: A little girl came into the home of Mr. And Mrs. Eugene Naylor last week, and the home consequently happy.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Otto Nelson of James River Valley on Jan. 11th.
- February 6, 1913: Mr. And Mrs. Fred Noe of Crete are mourning the loss of their infant baby, which passed away last Friday.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Oden Oliason, Monday, Feb 3rd.
- March 1913: Through accident we neglected to state in our previous papers that Mr. And Mrs. Earl Olmstead have a fine baby girl, born the 15th of last month.
- September 14, 1913: A daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. C. E. Olson Saturday.
- A baby was born to Mr. And Mrs. Ed. Pehl, Thursday, December 25th, 1913, a son.
- A girl baby was born to Mr. And Mrs. Henry Perlenfein on Oct 24th.
- Baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Pfeifer, November 7, 1913
- November 27, 1913: The son born to Mr. And Mrs. Theo Pfeifer was baptized last Sunday by Father Baker at their home near Clement.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Grant Sheppard, Saturday, June 21st, a daughter.
- March 1913: Twin babies, a boy and a girl, were born Tuesday evening to Mr. And Mrs. Dell Slaght.
- A 9 ½ pound baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. George Speeter, Saturday night, Jan. 11, 1913.
- March 13, 1913: A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. J. C. Stevens, of Clement, at the Oakes Hospital, on Tuesday night.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Sam Turner on Wednesday, Feb. 5th, a son.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Ubben, Sept. 17th, twin girls.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Van Middleworth, Saturday, Nov. 8th, a daughter. Both mother and child are doing well.
- February 27, 1913: Mr. And Mrs. John Watula have a baby boy nearly two weeks old.
- Mr. And Mrs. R. E. Wessel and new daughter Roberta Lucile, arrived last Friday from Aberdeen, where, Miss Roberta came to her parents a month before. She has had the advantage having the devoted care of an aunt since her arrival until her return to Oakes.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. H. Zimbleman, Sept 18th, a son.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Lee Zimblemann, Oct 7, 1913, a son.
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Dickey County Historical Society
For more information contact Mary Ann Kunrath