Birth Announcements from The Oakes Times Newspaper 1920
Contributed by the Dickey County Historical Society
for additional information contact Mary Ann Kunrath
Year 1920:
- Feb. 26, 1920: A daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Art Abramson of Saro last week.
- A daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Earl Bagley, Friday, March 5th.
- A daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Delbert Bailey, Sunday, Feb 8th.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. John Barnes a baby boy, Monday, April 19.
- Ludden: A thirteen pound girl was born March 8, to Mr. And Mrs. James Brady.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. I. S. Bunker, Saturday, Nov. 13, a baby boy. Ike is as proud as a boy with a pocket in his shirt.
- Mr. And Mrs. Oliver Buttke are the parents of a baby boy, born to them Sunday, August 8.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. C. N. Chapman, a baby girl, Sunday, June 13.
- Mr. And Mrs. J. C. Chistensen of Crete are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born to them at the Oakes hospital Tuesday morning August 17.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Max Dahms, Friday, July 23, a baby boy.
- (Crowded out last week) Born to Mr. And Mrs. Wm Dawson, Monday, April 26, a baby girl.
- Mr. And Mrs. W. K. De La Hunt are the proud parents of a seven pound baby girl, born to them Monday, September 13.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Walter Fait, Monday, a baby boy. Mr. Fait came down from Fingal Monday afternoon and spent a few hours.
- Feb. 12, 1920: Born to Mr. And Mrs. Sam Fox a baby daughter, last Wednesday.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Frank Freeman, Tuesday, Feb. 10, a baby boy.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. H. C. Frojen on Friday, Dec. 10.
- Mr. And Mrs. Matt German announce the arrival of an 8-lb. Baby girl on Friday, June 18, at their home near Port Emma.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. J. C. Gould, Wednesday, Feb. 18, a baby girl.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. E. F. Handy, Thursday, April 29, a baby girl.
- A daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Robert Hafey Friday, June 24th.
- Monango: December 9, 1920: A baby girl was born last week to Mr. And Mrs. Ross Hill.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Will Holms, a baby daughter, Nov. 11.
- A daughter was born Sunday, March 17, to Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Homstrom.
- Feb. 26, 1920: Ludden: A ten-pound boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Jim Johnson Wednesday.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Ed Kast, Thursday, Oct 14, a baby daughter.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Charles Kelley, a baby boy, on Thursday, August 5th.
- July 8, 1920: Born to Mr. And Mrs. Kilgour at Fergus Falls, Minn., a baby boy June 30. Mr. Kilgour, who is employed at the Thomspon Yards here, left last Thursday to make the acquaintance of the young fellow. He returned Monday morning.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. A. F. Klein a baby boy, Thursday, April 8.
- October 28, 1920: A daughter was born Wednesday to Mr. And Mrs. Charles Law at St. Luke's hospital in Aberdeen.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. H. B. Lee on Nov. 28, a baby boy.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. E. A Leigh, a son, Tuesday, February 17. Mother and son are getting alone fine.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. William Lund, Wednesday, July 7, a baby boy.
- Word was received from Minneapolis Friday that Mr. And Mrs. Ross McCartney were the proud parents of a baby boy born May 14.
- Mr. And Mrs. Ward McPhail, who reside near Nicholson, are the proud parents of a nine pound baby boy, born to them Monday, Nov. 22.
- December 2, 1920: Mr. And Mrs. Ward McPhail are the parents of a baby girl, born to them last Monday.
- A 9 ½ lb. baby daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Ed Mellema Tuesday, June 15.
- Mr. And Mrs. Grant Moore are the proud parents of a baby girl, born to them Dec 7. The young lady has been named Della Iva.
- Mr. And Mrs. D. F. Mueller are the proud parents of a baby girl who came to brighten their home Tuesday, Nov. 9.
- A brand new baby boy made its appearance at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Mike Mueller Tuesday morning, October 26. Mother and child are getting along nicely.
- Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Myers are rejoicing over the arrival of a nine pound son born April 10.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. E. E. Nelson June 21, a baby boy.
- A girl was born Aug. 8th to Mr. And Mrs. J. Obenchain.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. W. A. Ogen, a baby boy, Monday, June 14.
- A daughter arrived Sept. 9 to gladden the home of Mr. And Mrs. Odin L. Olson.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Fred Paulson Wednesday, Nov. 17.
- Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Paulson announce the arrival of a son in their home, born Oct. 5.
- April 15, 1920: Rosa Kelly is at the Pfeifer farm helping care for Mrs. Theo. Pfeifer and the new born son.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Edward Riley on Wednesday, June 2.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. W. J. Roberts, a baby girl, Monday, Nov. 15.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. C. E. Roney, a baby boy, Sunday, July 4.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. James Roney, a baby girl Saturday, October 23.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. O. J. Sanders, a baby girl, Wednesday, July 28.
- A 10 lb. boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Clarence Shelton Saturday, June 12.
- September 16, 1920: A girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. F. A Stavely recently at Fargo. The Stavely family expect to make their home at Oakes in the near future.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Stohl, Monday, Feb 16, a baby boy.
- Mr. And Mrs. Dale Streeter are the proud parents of a baby boy born Monday, Dec. 6.
- Mr. And Mrs. Aug. Ulmer are the proud parents of a daughter, born Nov. 29.
- Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Ulmer are the happy parents of a son born June 8.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. V. F. Underwood, Thursday July 8, a baby son.
- A son was born Monday, Nov. 29, to Mr. And Mrs. Witzenburg.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Walter Wolfe, Sunday, June 13, a baby girl.
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Dickey County Historical Society
For more information contact Mary Ann Kunrath