Birth Announcements from The Oakes Times Newspaper 1921
Contributed by the Dickey County Historical Society
for additional information contact Mary Ann Kunrath
Year 1921:
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Tony Alkofer, Saturday, July 23, a son.
- Sunday, Dec. 18, a boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Arvid Anderson.
- Cards are being received here this week announcing the birth of a 7-lb boy to Mr. And Mrs. Delbert Bailey on Nov. 27.
- Mr. And Mrs. J. E. Bachlin are proud parents of a baby girl, born to them Tuesday, May 10.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Sanford Baker, June 9, and eight pound boy.
- The home of Mr. And Mrs. H. C. Bartling was gladdened by the arrival of a baby boy on Sunday, April 24th.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. W. E. Bates, a baby girl, Thursday, Jan 6.
- Mr. And Mrs. Martin Beethe are the proud parents of a son, born to them Sept. 23.
- Mr. And Mrs. H. M. Blazer are the proud parents of a baby boy, born to them Thursday, Feb. 17.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. G. C. Boeppleon Monday, April 25th.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Boye P. Boysen of Glover, Saturday, July 23.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Patrick Brennan, a baby girl, Saturday, February 5.
- Mr. And Mrs. G. H. Broker, living west of Glover, are the proud parents of a son, born to them Monday, August 1.
- Mr. And Mrs. Buerkle of Kilberne are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born Wednesday, May 4.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Ole Buland on Saturday, July 16.
- February 24, 1921: Born to Mr. And Mrs. Jerrold Cooke, a baby daughter.
- A baby boy arrived at the A. C. Dallmannhome on Wednesday, Jan. 19th.
- Mr. And Mrs. W. E. Dickinson are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born Sept. 25.
- A son was born Sept. 27 to Mr. And Mrs. Dorsey Baldwin.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Dudley last week.
- Mr. And Mrs. Archie Ham of Edgeley are the proud parents of a baby son, born July 18. Mrs. Ham will be remembered as Miss Mary Thurston.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Henry England of Ellendale at the Oakes hospital Friday, March 11.
- February 3, 1921: Word has been received here that Mr. And Mrs. Lawrence Ferguson are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Ferguson will be better remembered as Miss Edythe Spalding, who taught school here last year. She and her husband are making their home in Michigan.
- Mr. And Mrs. J. F. Gebhardt are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born last week.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Aug. Germar, a son, March 10.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Gottfried, Saturday, Oct. 1, a baby boy.
- Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Gregory welcomed a daughter into their home on June 5.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Robert Hafey, Saturday, Feb. 26, a baby boy.
- Word has been received from Aberdeen that Mr. And Mrs. Clare Hagerty have a new baby son.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Fred Hall, Friday, May 13th, a baby son.
- A girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Hansen on Sept. 28.
- Mr. And Mrs. Ray Heidenreich are the happy parents of a bouncing baby boy, who came to gladden their home and hearts on St. Patrick's day. We know what the youngster's name would be if the Mr. And Mrs. Heidenreich were Irish.
- A daughter was born at the hospital to Mr. And Mrs. Bert Henjum of Cayuga, Monday March 14.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Andrew Henjun, Tuesday, May 24, a baby boy.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Karl Heuchert of Crete, Sunday, June 19, a baby daughter.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Hoffer, April 1, a son.
- Mr. And Karl Hoffman are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Monday, Oct 17.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Will Holmes, a baby boy, Nov. 29.
- March 3, 1921: Born to Mr. And Mrs. A. L House, a baby daughter. Mr. And Mrs. House are still with her people in the east but are expected home soon.
- A baby daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Homer Isley Friday, August 19.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. E. Izenstein Tuesday, April 12.
- Mr. And Mrs. Axel Johnson are happy over the arrival of a son, born to them Jan. 6, 1921.
- Mr. And Mrs. Ernest Johnson are the proud parents of a baby girl, born to them Sunday, May 22.
- A ten-pound baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. O. A. Juelke, Wednesday morning, June 8.
- A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Ralph KarrSaturday, July 23.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Michael Kieffer, a son, Wednesday, July 20.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Nick Krueger, a baby girl, Sunday, May 29.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Lilyquist of Clement on Saturday, June 4.
- A fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. And Mrs. P. A. Leverty on April 4 to gladden the hearts of his parents. Miss G. Lackey, a nurse from St. John's hospital at Fargo, is here to look after the new arrival and his mother.
- Mr. And Mrs. Fred Lucke are happier over the arrival of a son at their home Nov. 5.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Harry Maddock, Thursday, July 14, a son.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Harry McGrew, a baby girl, Thursday Feb.10.
- Mr. And Mrs. Joe McNeal, now living in Minneapolis, are the parents of a baby boy, born Wednesday, Nov. 2.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Forest McPhail of Crete, a baby boy, Sunday, Feb. 13.
- A 7-pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Geo. W. Nelson June 21st.
- Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Newman welcomed a son to their home Sept. 28.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Herman Ovel, a baby boy, Monday Jan 25.
- Twin girls were born to Mr. And Mrs. Albert Pagenkopf Saturday, July 30.
- Mr. And Mrs. J. E. Palensky of Crete are rejocing over the arrival of a baby boy, born to them Sept. 12. Mr. Palensky is cashier of the Crete State Bank.
- Mr. And Mrs. Wayne Perrieo are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Saturday, October 29.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Ernest Peterson on Sunday, Oct. 16.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Carl Pfeifer, a baby boy Monday Nov. 21.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Joe Pfeifer, a baby girl, Tuesday, May 17.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Philbrick, March 29, a baby son.
- A charming baby daughter made her appearance at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Chris Quellman last Friday, March 18.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. John Rosberg on Tuesday, Feb. 1, a baby boy.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Thor Sand, July 21, a fine baby boy.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Sargant, on Monday Nov. 21, a boy.
- June 17, 1921: A baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Saxlund, Sunday.
- An eight pound baby girl was born to Mr. And Mrs. Tony Schuman on Nov. 21.
- March 3, 1921: Mrs. Shortall presented her husband with a fine baby girl Wednesday at the hospital.
- Mr. And Mrs. Tim Sullivan are the proud parents of an eight-pound baby boy, born to them Wednesday, April 27th.
- March 17, 1921: Mr. And Mrs. F. M. Swanson of Crete are the proud parents of a brand new son.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. Marion Taylor, a baby boy, Monday, May 2.
- Mr. And Mrs. Geo. A. Tuthill are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy on Saturday, April 23.
- Mr. And Mrs. Tice Wagner are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Nov. 9.
- Born to Mr. And Mrs. J. J. Wallace, Thursday, Oct. 20, a fine baby boy.
- Mr. And Mrs. Alfred Welander announce the arrival of a son at their home born March 11.
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Dickey County Historical Society
For more information contact Mary Ann Kunrath