Ellendale Methodist Church Records, 1888
Contributed by the Dickey County Historical Society
for additional information contact Mary Ann Kunrath

This information is from Palmer's Directory of the Methodist Episcopal Church for Dakota Conference - 1888 by Rev. John G. Palmer. Pages 21 - 22.


While Rev. O. A. Phillips was pastor of the Aberdeen and Waubay circuit, he organized the Ellendale class with twenty members in 1883. Rev. J. S. Akers, while pastor, built the church. The church was improved while Rev. A. R. Boggs was pastor, and is now worth $3000. At present there are 38 members and 13 probationers. Rev. G. D. Cleworth is pastor.

Trustees - W. S. Vent; Dr. W. E. Duncan; F. E. Cawley; J. P. Walker; A. W. Owens.
Stewards - T. M. Evans; S. R. Deming; C. A. Lirghton; Dr. W. E. Duncan.
S. S. Superintendent - A. W. Owens.
Ladies' Aid Society -
   Pres.- Mrs. J. P. Walker
    Sec'y- Mrs. A. W. Owens
   Treas.- Miss Kate Deming.

Names of Members
Last Name, First Name - Membership Status

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Dickey County Historical Society

For more information contact Mary Ann Kunrath