By T. A. Godlevsky


Also Known As: St. Pokrova of Holy Virgin Orthodox Cemetery and as Russian Cemetery

The SW Quarter Township 145 Range 97 Section 34
The Russian Orthodox church was constructed in 1919 by the Russian immigrants who moved to this area. All services were spoken in Russian. Regular services stopped being held here in 1959. In 1976, the old Russian written grave markers were replaced with English written grave markers to make it easier for future generations to locate family members. There are approximately 79 individuals buried here. (Reference St. Pokrova of Holy Virgin Orthodox church (Russian) by Charlene Kulish Herber in the book Dauntless Dunn II - 1989 A History of Dunn County North Dakota, page 95 for entire write up.)

Last Name First Name Birth Death Age
5 Boyka Evdokia 1878 1930 52
31 Burian George K. 1882 1967 85
7 Burian John 5/1924 8/1926 2
32 Burian Mary 1895 1969 74
42 Burian Peter 3/29/1932 3/26/1934 2
46 Carrico Doris A. 5/24/1916 1/26/1981 65
65 Charchenko Harpena 1905 1981 76
66 Charchenko Katie 1932 1935 3
64 Charchenko Mark 1889 1974 85
20 Chays Baby 1936 1936  
21 Chays Baby 1940 1940  
22 Chays Dan 1898 1992 94
22 Chays Lena 1908 1993 85
52 Dolyniuk Dorothy 1921 2002 81
33 Grosulak Nick 11/28/1928 6/29/1988 60
54 Hurinenko Artem 1877 1956 79
55 Hurinenko Irene 1879 1/18/1933 54
53 Hurinenko Wistem 1904 1974 70
49 Kolva Jack 2/14/1921 11/6/1937 16
51 Kolva John James 9/28/1914 3/8/2001 87
50 Kolva Kusma 1881 1953 72
63 Koval Joseph 1887 1962 75
62 Koval Kathrine 1889 1952 63
56 Krivoza Efrim 1/20/1888 6/4/1940 52
27 Kukla Alex 10/20/1922 6/19/2000 78
40 Kukla George 1870 1945 75
39 Kukla Mathilda 1880 1954 74
25 Kukla Prokop 1874 1962 89
28 Kukla Willie 1917 1982 65
24 Kukla* Anastacia 1879 1967 88
61 Kulish Egnat 1886 1945 59
57 Kulish Marie 1912 1953 41
59 Kulish Mike S 4/3/1896 12/1/1989 93
58 Kulish Pauline 7/27/1902 10/24/1986 84
60 Lushenko Paraska Kulish 1892 1970 78
3 Marinenko George 1924 1935 11
1 Marinenko Kiril 1888 1948 60
2 Marinenko Mary 1892 1943 51
34 Pavlenko Alex 1870 1954 84
37 Pavlenko Austen 1991 1991 0
35 Pavlenko Frances 1873 1954 81
36 Pavlenko Nick 5/9/1909 2/22/1985 76
38 Pavlenko Pauline 5/10/1913 10/31/1992 79
23 Pohribnak Martin 1904 1962 58
8 Pohribnak Sila 1863 1939 76
6 Pohribnak Yovdaha 1874 1920 46
17 Selivanow Betty 8/31/1937 9/2/1937 0
16 Selivanow Fred Hardaevich 2/1898 10/1972 75
18 Selivanow Hardby Klemovick 1864 1931 67
15 Selivanow Sofon 12/1/1889 12/23/1962 73
  Selivanow* ** Anastacia   2001  
  Selivanow* ** Saxon 1889 2001  
  Selivanow* ** unmarked      
12 Serhienko Christina 1877 1953 76
  Serhienko** John 1913 2000 88
11 Serhienko Nellie 10/2/1913 2/4/1996 83
9 Serhienko Paul 11/14/1906 4/25/1986 80
10 Serhienko Wassley 1872 1923 51
13 Siroshton Annie 1920 1974 54
14 Siroshton Emanuel L 7/17/1922 6/15/1994 72
29 Skachenko Anton 1886 1958 72
41 Skachenko Frank 1908 1977 69
30 Skachenko Olga 1884 1966 82
41 Skachenko Marie 9/13/1912 2/14/2003 91
44 Skachenko Paraske 1873 1952 79
45 Skachenko Zachary      
4 Skackenko Mike 1884 1929 45
43 Stekar Frank 1877 1933 56
19 Stone Steve 1891 1932 41
  Tereschenko** Victor 1909 8/1932 23
  Tooz** Baby (daughter Almira)   8/4/1920  
48 Tooz Fred 9/18/1887 2/11/1947 60
47 Tooz Teckla 9/8/1896 10/17/1960 64
*Assumed surname from family marker.
**From a tombstone transcription done November 2001 by A. Fisher.
Tombstone Transcription Done August 5, 2002
Transcribed by T. A. Godlevsky

Please note:   Every care possible has been taken to obtain accuracy but mistakes do occur.   These transcriptions are only as accurate as the sources they were transcribed from.