By T. A. Godlevsky


NE Quarter of the NW Quarter of Township 141 N Range 94 W Section 2
St. Philip's Church was built in 1909 on land donated by Casper and Marianna Hirsch, to serve primarily the German speaking immigrants from Hungary. A larger church was built in 1916. The rectory had been built in 1928 and later removed in 1972. (Dauntless Dunn II - 1989 A History of Dunn County North Dakota page 94)

PLEASE NOTE: There are 2 lists provided on this page.

The first list was transcribed from a copy of the original church records and crossed referenced with a copy of the Interments Book. The church records has deaths recorded from 4/1909 to 11/23/1982. It was hand written in Latin from 4/1909 to 6/3/1971. The Interments Book was also hand written. It has deaths recorded only from 6/11/1932 to 5/13/1984 with no deaths recorded at all between 1941 and 1971 Both sources photo copied poorly and are difficult to read.

Block A appears to be where the babies were laid to rest.

If there is not an "hours", "days" or "mos" noted by the Age, then the number represents the "years".

The second list was created from tombstone transcriptions done April 28, 2003. At that time the cemetery had not been maintained. There were many sites marked with the same kind of simply constructed metal cross. Most of these crosses had rusted away their original inscriptions, which appeared to have been painted on initially, not welded or engraved. There were many areas either sunken or marked with irises or lilacs that could be the sites of unmarked graves.

Both lists are incomplete.

Last Name First Name Birth Death Block Lot Grave Age Comments
?aphizatus Emmanual Wanne (or Wayne) 2/1921            
?aphizatus Franzisek Leibnan?   1/1921          
Abfalter Anna   1/2/1928       11  
Abfalter Carolus 4/15/1909 10/28/1928       19  
Bechler Katharina   3/27/1920          
Bechler Paulus Michael   3/21/1912       2 mos
26 days
Berger Catharina   10/29/1913       1 yr
7 mos
19 days
Berger Franziseus Martinus   12/29/1928          
Berger Helena   1/27/1919          
Berger Marianna   1/30/1921          
Berger Rosa Maria 4/7/1935 5/6/1935 A     0  
Bernhardt Child of Elenora   8/25/1924          
Betschner Johan   10/15/1924          
Betschner N. N.   1/5/1923          
Boespflug Margaretta (or Margaretha) 4/20/1865 6/11/1932 B 5 1 67  
Boespflug Roehus   12/19/1928       38  
Dauenhauer Emma   1/14/1919          
Dauenhauer Emmanuel 10/1/1874 6/14/1934 B 5 10 60  
Dauenhauer Florentina   4/3/1912       9 hours  
Dauenhauer Parvulus   6/6/1911       1 day  
Degele Appolonia   9/14/1966          
Deibele Jackie (Jacobus) 8/19/1929 7/7/1934 A     5  
Deibele Puer   3/26/1931          
Deibele Rosa 10/6/1906 4/7/1931       25  
Fichter Agnes Mary 9/17/1931 9/12/1936 A     5  
Fichter Christ   5/13/1984          
Fichter Frank   7/1982       60  
Fichter Frank J. 4/7/1922 7/20/1982       60  
Fichter Franziocus   11/1/1929       58  
Fichter Margareta 3/18/1879 11/1/1940       61  
Fichter Marianna Catherina 1/9/1937 1/19/1937 A     0  
Fichter Monica 12/5/1913 6/1971       58  
Fichter Monica 12/5/1913 5/31/1971       58  
Fichter Theresia Marianna   12/22/1913       4 mos
21 days
Frederick Barbara M. 6/18/1936 8/31/1936 A     0  
Freer ?ue? (Puer maybe)   1/15/1931         Parents were Franzisci Freer and Florentinae Sartuer
Freer Lauretta   9/30/1927          
Freer Martin   12/22/1912       63  
Freer Peter   12/31/1917       3 mos  
Freer Theodor 8/13/1936 2/22/1939 A     3  
Froeloch Regina Jakolina   7/20/1916       32 days  
Garecht Rosa   1/11/1917       33  
Garresht Peter Paul   8/25/1925       13  
Geiger Puer   1/24/1931          
Gieser Elizabeth   12/1940 C     80  
Gieser Monica   1/10/1916       10 day  
Gress Petrus   11/2/1917       1 mos  
Gress (or Kress) Josephus 1855 8/20/1935 B 5   80  
Haag Leo 4/14/1927 11/6/1929       2  
Heidecker Mathias 6/16/1918 1/18/1937 B 1 8 19  
Heinert Bonita Marie   5/6/1957          
Heinert Elisabeth 12/26/1930 5/17/1931       1  
Heinert Elisabeth Rosa   12/28/1928          
Heinert Genevieve 1/21/1903 11/23/1982       79  
Heinert Richard Mathias 2/28/1936 7/7/1936 A     0  
Heinert Theresia   6/26/1928       55  
Hem Geneveve 1/21/1903 11/23/1982       79  
Hitchrich Martin   12/27/1920         Per Mary Stradiotto 10/13/2003, Hitchrick Family Historian, the correct spelling is Hitchrick. According to information provided by the DCHS 12/16/2004 from Lou and Mary Stradiotto: b. 04/16/1909
Hranint? Karl   11/1921          
Jahner Rosa   11/25/1936 B 1 2 44  
Kary Anna Maria 4/30/1925 11/25/1930       5  
Keller Barbara   10/31/1918          
Keller Bertha Josephine   10/1941       0  
Keller George   5/4/1928          
Keller Jennovia Theobald   3/4/1918          
Keller Johannes 10/8/1864 11/9/1929       65  
Keller Johannes J.   2/1921          
Keller Puella   7/11/1954          
Keller Puer   10/15/1931          
Keller Sebastianus   9/27/1909       9 mos  
Knopick Sebastianus   1/22/1929         Per Frances (Knopik) Meduna 12/16/2004, the correct first name is Sebastian
Kress Magdalena   6/16/1922          
Leiss Anna   9/24/1911       15 mos
14 days
Leiss Maria Louisa   6/3/1929       49  
Leiss Sebastian 3/31/1877 4/29/1939 B     62  
Magelky Josephus Herbertus   2/9/1911       3 1/2 mos  
Magelky Mathias   10/30/1926       73  
Meale     11/12/1916          
Menzel Antonius   2/8/1961         According to Helen Heiser on 2/14/2002, granddaughter of Antone Menzel, the actual death date is 6/7/1950. Church records written in chronological order clearly indicate 2/8/1961 as his death date. The interment book has no deaths recorded for 1950.
Menzel Rosalia   1/30/1959         Someone hand wrote June 6, 1960 above this record.
Merly Mrs.   11/20/1926       abt 52  
Messmer George P.   6/19/1953          
Messmer Rosalia Keller 10/1900 5/9/1936 B 1 10 36  
Meyer Bernard 6/22/1867 9/1/1935 B 5 8 68  
Meyer Daniel Belhassar 12/13/1934 9/9/1935 A     0  
Meyer Mary   4/1941       0  
Miller Anna   7/12/1924       59  
Miller John A.   10/14/1963          
Miller Martin   9/18/1913       4 mos
16 days
Mueller Jac John (Jacobus Joannes) 7/3/1934 8/22/1934 A     0  
Oster Catharina 1858 10/12/1935 B 1 1 77  
Oster Peter   4/27/1926          
Oster Valentine (Valenhiues) 12/22/1852 8/27/1937 B 1 1 85  
Pelzer Turius or Senisui or Gemini ? 11/3/1932 A         He was an unmarried male. Mother's name was Rosa Keller.
Pfeifer Maria M? 3/22/1921 7/28/1931       10  
Plotzky Franciseus   8/18/1914       2  
Reichert Catharina 3/18/1875 4/19/1938 B 1 6 63  
Reis Virginia Emma Rosa   6/29/1931          
Rienert Anton   5/24/1917       10 mos  
Runk Soames (or Loames)   7/6/1913       29  
Saetzfied ? Clement Anthony 11/22/1934 7/6/1937 A     3  
Sand Wendel D.   12/13/1954          
Sand Wendel Frank   1/10/1964          
Sattler Emilia   4/1909       1 mos  
Schaff Adam   1/18/1913       1 day  
Schaff Florentina   3/3/1912       1 mos
6 days
Schaff Otto   1/6/1911       2 mos  
Schaff Violet Eugenia   12/23/1913          
Schiltz Leonard   9/21/1962          
Schmalz Adam   1/22/1910       1 day  
Schorsch Mathias   5/27/1915          
Schuler Puella   3/31/1929          
Seiser John (Joannes) 10/3/1932 8/18/1934 A     2  
Sickler Franziskus   4/13/1918          
Sickler Joseph   7/25/1959          
Sickler Joseph William   12/6/1962          
Sickler Larry A.   5/31/1963          
Sickler Michael Casper 7/9/1929 5/22/1939 C 2 6 10  
Stolz parvulus   12/1910          
Thellmaun Peter 9/29/1919 12/8/1934 B 5 4 15  
Toth (or Joth) Ludavicus   5/26/1919          
Trost Girl Child   6/10/1925          
Unknown     5/12/1919         Church Records last entry on page 3 illegible
Walter Helena 4/8/1940 4/12/1940 A     0  
Walter Perpetua Marie 10/4/1935 10/6/1935 A     0  
Wanner Emmaunuel 5/21/1876 12/8/1938 B 1 4 62  
Wanner John K. 10/1901 9/2/1935 B 5 6 34  
Wanner Martinus 6/10/1910 6/3/1935 B 5 9 25  
Menzel Antonius   2/8/1961          
Menzel Rosalia   1/30/1959         Someone hand wrote June 6, 1960 above this record.
Zillich Joannes 4/18/1881 1/19/1933 B 5   51 Possible birth date may be 4/18/1887
Zillich Johannes   12/26/1925       1 mos
1 day
Zillich John   11/27/1926       3 mos  
Zillich Senisui ? (or Gemini?) 4/9/1933 4/9/1933 B   2 0  
List obtained March 2002 - Original Interment Copies Done by D. Gaylem
Transcribed by T. A. Godlevsky

Last Name First Name Birth Death Comments
Abfalder Anna 1917 1927 This marker contained a very clear, very well preserved photo of a girl.
Abfalder Karl 1909 1928 This marker contained a very clear, very well preserved photo of a young man.
Berger Hellena 12/29/1881 6/27/1919  
Bernhardt Justina E. 1924 1924  
Boespflug Margaret 1861 1932  
Boespflug Rochus (or Rockus) 9/28/1880 12/19/1928 This marker contained a very clear, very well preserved photo of a man.
Dauenhauer Emanuel 10/18/1874 6/14/1934  
Dauenhauer Florendina 4/3/1912 4/3/1912  
Diebel Rose 1906 1931  
Dillinger Christ J. 1/17/1929 11/17/1943 This marker contained a very clear, very well preserved photo of a man.
Fichter Agnes Margaret 9/17/1931 9/12/1936  
Fichter Anna 7/5/1920 11/19/1921  
Fichter Christ 1901 1984  
Fichter Frank J. 1922 1982  
Fichter Franz "Frank" 6/23/1916 11/20/1921  
Fichter Joseph 7/10/1918 11/21/1921  
Fichter Margaret 1912    
Fichter Mary Catharine 1/8/1937 1/18/1937  
Fichter Monica 1913 1971 Mother
Fichter Nick 1911 1996 Father
Fichter Thresia Marianna 8/2/1913 12/21/1913  
Fichter Willie 11/14/1935 11/14/1935  
Fichter* Frank 1/27/1871 11/1/1929 Father
Fichter* Margaret 12/18/1879 11/1/1940 Mother
Freer Franklin Peter 1/15/1931 1/15/1931  
Freer Loretta M. 9/5/1927 9/30/1927  
Freer Martin 1/7/1854 12/19/1912  
Freer Sebastian     This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away much of the inscription.
Freer Theodore 1936 1936  
Gieser Adam 1919 1919  
Gieser Elisabeth 1860 1940 Mother
Gieser Frank 1910 1924  
Gieser Frank 2/5/1910 8/23/1924  
Gieser Monica 1915 1916  
Goetzfridt Clement A. 11/22/1934 2/2/1937  
Heinert Bonita M. 1955 1957  
Heinert Carl 1898 1986  
Heinert Elsie B. 1930 1931  
Heinert Elsie Rosa 11/27/1928 12/28/1928  
Heinert Frank     Familie
Heinert Genevieve 1903 1982  
Heinert Richard 2/28/1936 7/10/1936 Our Baby
Hellman Peter 1919 1934  
Hronish Charles 3/17/1880 9/30/1922  
Jahner Rosa 1893 1936  
Kary Anna Maria 4/30/1925 11/25/1930  
Keller Catherine     This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which was broken and had rusted away much of the inscription. It is possible the first name may not be Catherine.
Keller Louisa 1863 1950 Mother
Keller Martin 9/29/1877 3/22/1923 Father
Keller Martin 1866 1947 Father
Kress John 1855 1935  
Kress Magdalena 1859 1922  
Kress Peter 10/5/1917 11/2/1917  
Leiss Anna      
Leiss Maria 5/31/1880 6/3/1929  
Menzel Anton Sr. 1870 1950 "Father" on family marker.
Menzel Rosalia 1869 1959 "Mother" on family marker.
Merly G. (or C.)   1926 Mother
Messmer George P. 1900 1953 Father
Messmer Rosalia 1899 1936 Mother
Meyer Barnhart 6/22/1867 9/11/1935 This marker appears to be a handmade metal cross. Both capital letter D’s in the word DIED are reversed.
Meyer Donald B. 12/23/1934 9/9/1935  
Meyer Edward G. 1928 1987  
Pfeiffer Frank 1873 1945  
Sand Wendel 1894 1964  
Sand Wendel Dominick 11/26/1930 12/13/1954 North Dakota PFC US Marine Corps Res Korea PH
Schiltz Leonard 1885 1962 Father
Schiltz Theresa C. 1883 1946 Mother
Sickler Frank 1917 1917  
Sickler Joseph 1959 1959  
Sickler Joseph W. 1962 1962  
Sickler Larry A. 1945 1963 Son
Stoltz Wilhelm 10/7/1910 11/22/1910  
Toth Alois 6/26/1871 5/26/1918  
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription. This area of ground is clearly sunken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a broken wood cross which had no inscription. This area of ground is clearly sunken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription and had broken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription. This area of ground is clearly sunken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a wood cross which had no inscription. This area of ground is clearly sunken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed, broken metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription. This marker is close enough to the Walter’s babies – Perptua, Joseph, & Helena, that it could possibly be another marker for them.
Unknown       This site is marked with a broken wood cross which had no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a wood cross which had no inscription. This area of ground is clearly sunken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a wood cross which had no inscription. This area of ground is clearly sunken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription and had broken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away much of the inscription. What is left appears to be JOH? ?R?NT.
Unknown       This site is marked with a stone marker in which the inscription had weathered away.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription and had broken.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a wood cross with no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a broken wood cross with no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a broken wood cross with no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a wood cross with no inscription.
Unknown       This site is outlined with cement. No marker, no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription and had broken.
Unknown       This site is marked with two broken wood crosses with no inscriptions.
Unknown       This site is marked with a wood cross with no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription and had broken. Just east of this marker is another simply constructed metal cross with no inscription. This one is outlined in wood and appears to be the size for that of a baby. Because of the proximatey of this marker to the other, it is unclear if this marker indicates a separate grave or not.
Unknown       This site is marked with a simply constructed metal cross which had rusted away any markings of a possible inscription and had broken. The last name may be FRER.
Unknown       This site is marked with a broken wood cross and a simply constructed metal cross which had also broken. Neither marker had an inscription.
Unknown       This site is outlined with cement and filled with irises. No marker, no inscription.
Unknown       This site is outlined with cement and filled with lilac bushes. No marker, no inscription.
Unknown       This site is marked with a cement table, however the inscription was missing.
Walter Helena 1940 1940  
Walter Joseph 1939 1939  
Walter Perpetua 1935 1935  
Walter       Possible family marker. This is a tall, skinny, stone marker usually seen used for individuals. There appeared to be no other inscription, not even one that could have possibly been worn off by exposure.

12/16/2004 According to Magdalene (Walter) Knopik, daughter of Stephen Walter, Stephen Walter and two of his daughters were buried on either side of his grave site or on top of it. Their names were Rosemarie and Rosie.

Wanner Anthony      
Wanner Anton      
Wanner Antonia      
Wanner Elizabeth 1880 1948 Mother
Wanner Emanuel 5/21/1877 12/8/1938 Father
Wanner John K. 10/15/1901 9/2/1935 Father
Wanner Martin 1910 1935  
Zillich John 1881 1933 Beloved Father
Tombstone Transcription Done April 28, 2003
Transcribed by T. A. Godlevsky

Please note:   Every care possible has been taken to obtain accuracy but mistakes do occur.   These transcriptions are only as accurate as the sources they were transcribed from.