1880 Federal Census - Reel 115
Howard County, North Dakota

This entire county is enumerated on one page in only 12 lines. It was enumerated on 22 June 1880 by George S. Hazen and is part of ED 102. The Ancestry image is #439D, at the end of the Williams County images. This county was discontinued in 1883 and much of it eventually fell in Dunn County. Whether that included where any of these four households were is unknown. Columns that had no information in them for this county have been omitted. The original of the census can be seen here.

HH Last Name First Name Race Sex Age     Occupation Birthplace Father's bp Mother's bp
1AndersonPeterWM40 SWood YardSwedenSwedenSweden
 SwansonWilliamWM25 SLaborerSwedenSwedenSweden
2BlakeOrson GWM29 SWood YardVirginiaNCVA
 GalvinPeterWM29 SLaborerIllinoisVAVA
 UptonCharlesWM32 SLaborerPennsylvaniaIrelandIreland
3ScottStephenWM37 SWood YardCanadaCanadaCanada
 StagmireJohnWM31 SLaborerNew YorkWurtenburgWurtenburg
 MahonyJohnWM42 MdLaborerIrelandIrelandIreland
4BradenJohnWM39 SWood YardPennsylvaniaPennPenn
 AslerThomasWM24 SLaborerCanadaCanadaCanada
 SampyRichard AWM21 SLaborerIowaIrelandEngland