The National Register of Historic Places in 1979 added the Hutmacher Farm as a place of Historic Significance. The farm was established in Sections 23 and 24, Township 144, Range 97 by the family of Valentin and Francis Thomas Hutmacher. By 1979, the historic location included the remains of both the original homestead of 1911 and the 1928 buildings of the son, Frank Hutmacher. Efforts have been and are currently [2022] underway to preserve the homestead.

This photo is from the Teller Of Tales Website

Valentin was born to Joseph and Seraphia Kupper Hutmacher in Col Suiz, Russia on 23 January 1875. He married Francis Thomas in Russia. Francis was born on 11 November 1877 [8 November 1876 on North Dakota death records]. While living in Russia, Valentin and Francis had Frank and Anna. The family immigrated to America from Bremen, Germany arriving in New York on 24 November 1911 on the ship Friedrich Der Grosse. After settling in Dunn County, Valentin and Francis had Catherine, Betty, Elizabeth, Joseph, Rose, Magdalen, and John.
Francis died on 8 January 1946 while in Stark County, North Dakota. Valentin died in Dickinson, Stark County on 17 December 1954. Both are buried in Saint Edwards Cemetery in Fayette.

The site is now [2022] owned by Preservation North Dakota, a state-wide nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating North Dakota's architecture, historic places, and communities.
The National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form
The National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia Article
Photos From Flickr
Photos From Ghosts of North Dakota
Heritage Renewal Article
Digital Horizons Collection