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1934 Dunn County Atlas

Pioneers and Their Sons Volume I
by Msgr. George P. Aberle

Pioneers and Their Sons Volume II
by Msgr. George P. Aberle

Dauntless Dunn I - 1970,
A History of Dunn County

Dauntless Dunn II - 1989,
A History of Dunn County
eMail T.A. Godlevsky Please put the exact name of the book as the subject line.

Dauntless Dunn - 1970

eMail Mike Peterson This is Volume I only. In 1989 there was a Volume II published. It is a history of the early county that contains biographies and stories of many of the county pioneers but also contains historical notes on other aspects of the pioneer county.
A copy of the searchable index is located here. Please indicate on your request the subject, or person, of interest and the page(s) noted in the index.

  • All the North Dakota federal and state census records
  • Many of the county and town histories
  • Newspapers
  • Family files in Dunn County from research done on Hanson Mittelstedt Morrell Norred Porkorny Regeth Roschild Sperber Simpson Vetleson and Wisted.
  • Many family files in Stark County as well. Agnew Angell Anton Arnett Awender Baird Balch Barth Beedle Berger Beaudoin Blank Blasy Bleth Bowen Bray Bunning Burger Caldwell Chase, Louis Chase, Louisa Christensen, James Cline Commes Conradson Cooke Cummings Cuskelly Deffert Dobie Dorner Doroschuk Doty Doyle Eades Emmil Essert Fettig Fischer, John Fix Flohr Folz Fothergill Frank Friederich Gawryluk Gehrt Gleason Gordon Gress Gullickson Gunders Haich Hanson Hanson, Tillie Harcourt Harle Harrington Hartung Haydu Hayes Heckel Henderson Herr Hoffman Holt Immel Jennings Jincks Johnstone June Kacalek Kasten Keller/Narum Klinefelter Koch, Sebastian Kralicek Kuntz, Valentine Ladner Landeis Lausch Lawrence Lee Lemke Leng Lenneville Luff Machnicki Magelky Mercer Merry Metcalf Metz Metzger Meyer McDonough Michels Miller Murphy, Harold Nash Nasset Niles Olson, Edward Parks Peterson Pixley Plaggemier Powers Pugh Pulver Quinn Ray Reiner Richardson Ristuben Robbins Rohr Rudiselle Sanderhoff Schuessler Schultz, Peter Schwankl Selinger Sevela Shurtliff Sibley Simpson Slater Spencer Standifird Staples Staudinger Steckler Stewart Stickney Stieg Stoxen Stransky Talbott Tear Torgerson Twist Underhill Underland Waters Webster White Whiton Wokal Young Zahradnik and Zastoupil .
  • eMail Patrice Hartman
    Professional Genealogical Research Services
    Patrice Hartman is a professional researcher who conducts research at the North Dakota State archives, and has access to many resources.

    North Dakota Genealogy Lookup Volunteers http://www.genlookups.com/nd.htm A webpage directory of genealogy volunteers.
    If you own resources (surnames/lookup sources) and would be willing to help others via email or US mail, please contact the County Coordinator below and we will list you on this lookup page. It would be wonderful to have many volunteers able to do lookups!