From A History of the Province of Louisiana Under France and Spain, and of the Territories and States of the United States Formed Therefrom, Edited by Weston Arthur Goodspeed, Volume VII, by The Western Historical Association, 1904:
"John Henry Worst, LL. D., was born December 23, 1850, in Ashland county, O., and was reared on a farm.
His parents removed from Ashland to Wayne county, O., when subject was nine years old. His mother died in 1861, and his father, who was a German Baptist clergyman for many years, died August, 1898.
John H. was educated in the rural schools; took courses of study at Smithville, O., Academy; Salem, Ind., College, and Ashland, O., University. He taught school every winter from 1866 until 1878, working on farm or attending school during summers.
He married Susan Wohlgamuth, October, 1872, and has three children: Olive Jeanette, Clayton Leroy and Lloyd Warner.
He lost health and spent summer of 1876 on the eastern shore of Maryland. Returning, he was editor of the Fairfield County, O., Republican for two years. He came to Emmons county, N. D., and took up homestead near Williamsport, in September, 1883. He moved his family to this homestead in the spring of 1884 and lived upon it for twelve years. He farmed at first, but later engaged in mixed farming and ranching. He was appointed county superintendent of schools when Emmons county was organized, in the fall of 1883, and held the office by election until elected to the State senate in 1889. He held the office of State senator until elected lieutenant governor in 1894.
He was appointed president of the North Dakota Agricultural College and director of the Experiment Station in 1895 and nas held the position continuously since. He has brought the college into a very prosperous condition and popularized it throughout the State. He has perhaps delivered more public addresses, on the stump, on 4th of July and Memorial day occasions, at Farmers' and Teachers' institutes, etc., than any man in the State. He is a Republican in politics, and has always taken an active interest in public affairs. He is an active Mason, having taken the York and Scottish Rite degrees, and is wise master of the Rose Croix. He is also past chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias."
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota 1900
"HON. JOHN H. WORST. Faithfulness to duty and strict adherence to a fixed purpose in life will do more to advance a man's interests than wealth or adventitious circumstances. The successful men of the day are those who have planned their own advancement and have accomplished it in spite of many obstacles and with a certainty that could have been attained only through their own efforts. This class has a worthy representative in John H. Worst, ex-lieutenant-governor of North Dakota, and president of the Agricultural College at Fargo. A portrait of President Worst is presented on another page.
He was born in Ashland county, Ohio, December 23. 1850, and is a son of George and Margaret (Martin) Worst, natives of Ohio and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father, who was a farmer by occupation spent his entire life in the Buckeye state, where two of his sons still reside. The paternal grandfather of our subject, Henry Worst, was a native of Berks county, Pennsylvania, and a pioneer of Ohio, where he continued to make his home until called from this life.
The early education of our subject was acquired in the public schools of Wayne county, Ohio, and was supplemented by a course at Smithville Academy, Ohio, at Salem College. Indiana, and Ashland University. In his native state he taught school and engaged in farming for ten years, and during the following four years edited the "Fairfield County Republican," of Fairfield, Lancaster county. Ohio. In September, 1883. he came to Bismarck, North Dakota, and the following year brought his family to this state, locating on land in Emmons county. When the county was organized in 1883 he was appointed county superintendent of schools, and served as such for six years. In 1889 he was elected the first senator from the twenty-sixth district, comprising the counties of Emmons, Kidder, Logan and Mcintosh, and filled that office for five years with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. At the end of that time, in 1894, he was elected lieutenant-governor on the ticket with Roger Allen, as chief executive, and served his fellow citizens in that capacity for two years, during which time he was appointed president of the Agricultural College at Fargo. He has most capably filled that office ever since, and in connection with his son Clayton is engaged in cattle raising.
Mr. Worst was married, in 1872, to Miss Susan Wohlgamuth, also a native of Ohio, and three children bless their union: Olive J., Clayton L. and Lloyd W. During our recent war with Spain the elder son served as sergeant of Troop G, Third United States Volunteer Cavalry. Mr. Worst has been a life-long Republican, and has canvassed the state in the interests of his party during every campaign. He is a Scottish Rite Mason, wise master of Rose Croix; prelate of the commandery, and past chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias. He is one of the best known and most highly esteemed men of the state, and his popularity is well deserved, as he has always done all in his power to advance its interests and promote general prosperity."
John died in Los Angeles, California on 26 September 1945 and Susan before him on 7 January 1943. Burial locations are unknown.
See also:
Life in Old Winona
Emmons County History, Page 161.