Erik was originally Isaac Nelson and took the name Erik N. Falk sometime between 1860 and 1864.
Erik was born in Bergen, Norway 24 February 1847 [burial record indicates 1846] and died 2 March 1925 in Hennepin County, Minnesota. At the time of his death he was a resident at the Minnesota Soldiers Home, Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Caledonia and is listed as Erik N. Palk.
From Norwegians in the Civil War; Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum: "WI 27th Inf Co H. Born in Bergen Parish, Norway, 24 Feb 1847. Came to America in 1854 with his parents. Settled in Dane County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 18. Enlisted for three years on 4 Jan 1864 at Richmond, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Mustered 21 Jan 1864 at Madison, Wisconsin. Bounty $300, $120 still due at muster out. Recruit. Private. Joined the 27th Regiment on 20 Feb 1864; assigned to Company H the next day. On 11 Sep 1864, he was assigned to the ambulance corps. On 10 Mar 1865, he is shown as detailed as Orderly at Regimental Headquarters. Mustered out with company on 29 Aug 1865 at Brownsville, Texas. Post war: He took name “Erik N. Falk”, and he enrolled at Rush Medical College in Chicago, becoming an M.D. in 1870. He eventually established a practice in Caledonia, Traill County, North Dakota. In 1885, he established the “Traill County Times” newspaper. In 1886, he became postmaster of Caledonia. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 boxes 129-13,17; 130-10, 131-5,14; red book vol 32) (Grimsrud) 'Falk, Eric'."
He started receiving his pension on 8 April 1891 in North Dakota.
He secured 160 acres in Township 148, Range 50, Section 21.
Erik is buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Cemetery office confirmed his burial but that it is unmarked and this was also confirmed later by researchers on the cemetery site.
In 1890 Edwin lived in Blanchard.
From the Army-Navy-Air Force Register and Defense Times, Volume 44, September 12, 1906: "Rear Admiral Edwin Fithian, U. S. Navy, retired, former chief engineer of the Navy, died at his home in Bridgeton, N. J., on August 28. He had been ill for some time, but his death was unexpected. Rear Admiral Fithian was one of the oldest officers in the Navy. He was born December 1, 1820, on a farm in New Jersey, situated not far from Philadelphia. He received his early education in the schools of the Quaker City, and then entered the Naval Academv, Annapolis, Md., from which institution he was graduated October 31. 1848. He saw active service in the civil War on several vessels of the North Atlantic and Gulf blockading fleets and at the attacks on New Orleans and Vicksburg. After the civil War he was actively engaged on various stations and vessels, and was repeatedly promoted. He was retired from the Service December 13, 1882. Rear Admiral Fithian, during his long service of thirty-three years, saw sixteen years' active sea service. Since his retirement he had lived at his old home, Bridgeton, N. J. The funeral was held from his home on September 1."
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
John Flittie was born in Norway and is 28 years of age. He is engaged in the
real estate business at Mayville, to which point he came in 1880 from
Minnesota. He resigned the Mayoralty of Mayville last year to come to the
council. He graduated at the Mankato, Minn. Normal school and studied for a
short time at the State University. Present Post Office address, Mayville
From the The Bismarck Weekly Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, January 16, 1885; Brief sketches of the Statesman Assembled at the City of Bismarck.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Fred O. Folden, who owns and conducts a drug store at Clifford, Traill
county, was
born in Norway, September 11, 1864, of the marriage of Ole and Serine
Folden, both also
natives of that country. The father passed away there and subsequently, in
1879, the
mother came to America, locating in Minnesota. Later she removed to Traill
county, North
Dakota, where she passed away.
Fred O. Folden is one of a family of eight children, of whom five are
living. He received
his education in Norway, where he remained until 1879, in which year he came
to America
with his mother. After living for a time in Fillmore county, Minnesota,
where he worked
as a farm hand, he decided to try his fortunes in North Dakota and located
in Griggs
county. He remained there for two years but in 1888 came to Traill county
and two years
later purchased a drug store at Clifford and has gained recognition as one
of the up-to-date
and reliable merchants of the town. He carries a good stock, his prices are
reasonable, he
has gained an enviable reputation for fair dealing and as the years have
passed his
patronage has shown a steady growth. He also owns stock in the Farmers
Elevator and
in the Traill County Telephone Company, both prosperous local enterprises.
In 1904 occurred the marriage of Mr. Folden and Miss Ingeborg Jacobson and
have two sons, Oscar E. and Ernest 0. Mr. Folden is a republican in his
political belief
and for nine years served as clerk of the school board. In 1896, under
McKinlcy's administration, he was appointed postmaster of Clifford and was continued in that
office until
1915, making an unusual record not only as to the length of his service but
also as regards
the ability with which he discharged his duties. He holds membership in the
Woodmen of America and he and his family attend the Lutheran church. He is
entitled to
the credit which is given to a self-made man, for he came to this country a
poor boy and
through his own efforts has gained a competence and has also won a high
place in the
esteem of his fellow citizens.
Burial, Tombstone Picture
James was born in North Dakota in 1922 to James and Evelena Farrent Ford. There was one known sibling; Olive Evelena born 22 April 1917, married Raymond James Conner, one known daughter Jerrie Elizabeth (1945), and died 11 November 1989.
James had entered the Army Air Force during World War II. He served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion and was killed in action on 11 February 1944 probably in the Anzio Beachhead battle in the Anzio-Albano Sector. He was awarded the Purple Heart.
James is buried at Nettuno, Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Lazio, Italy at the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial.
Palmer was born on 30 March 1916 at Shelly, Norman County, Minnesota to Albert and Emma Stigen Foss.
Between 1910 and 1920 the family moved from Norman County to Caledonia Township. Known siblings of Palmer's were: Olin, Alvin, Ruby, Ann, Verna, Amy, Gilma, Bernice (1925-2019) married Gilmer Rude, Leroy, Joanne (1933-) married Glenn Rude, and Rene (1933-2017) married Kenneth Munter.
He enlisted on 10 February 1941 at Hillsboro while residing in Traill County. As a Private First Class he was serving in the 164th Infant regiment of the North Dakota National Guard when it landed on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands on 13 October 1942. Palmer was killed in action on Guadalcanal on 26 October 1942.
Palmer is buried in Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, Henepin County, Minnesota.
Burial, Tombstone Photo