Also Known As Pioneer

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There is no record of this cemetery in either the USGS Geographic Names Information System or the Red River Valley Genealogy Society Cemeteries of North Dakota, Traill County. Ms
Anne Braun did record (undated) a visit to the cemetery, called it a pioneer cemetery, and recorded seven names on six headstones. All the visible burials were dated in the 1880's. An undated map of Stavanger Township shows at the location of Ms Braun's recording a cemetery on the plotted land of Iver Gruah. Gruah takes up the complete north half of Section 28 with indications it is 318.50 acres and 160 acres in North East of Section 29 indicating the cemetery 'may' have taken up 1.5 acres at that time of Section 28. Although Ms Braun's directions indicate there is a road from County Road 21 north to the cemetery site, this writer has not found a map showing any public passage and therefore it should be assumed this cemetery is located on private property. Until documentation can prove differently, this writer is arbitrarily naming this cemetery Gruah Cemetery after the landowner.
Transcriptions At
Ms. Anne Braun recorded the below on the above web site:
Gunderson Ole Gabrielson, b. 1 Oct 1880, d. 16 Mar 1881
Haug, Johanne, Fodt Jul 10 1859, Dodt Dec 13, 1884
Johnson, Inger H, (Hustru of Berger Johnson), Dode 30 Aug 1882
Kvune, Adde, d. Jul 21, 1880
Kvune, Anne Josephine, d. May 21, 1881
Osmundson, Annie, b. Aug 18, 1881 d. Oct 13, 1881
Salmonson, Bertha, d. Sep 18, 1882
Transcriptions At
Listed as Pioneer Cemetery
(Gabrielson, Haug, Johnson, Kvitne, Osmundson, Salmonson) has the surname KVUNE whereas the entries have it as KVITNE. The headstone at the cemetery is too weathered to tell the exact spelling; however, it appears that through the research of others the surname KVITNE is correct. There are several documents on this website which refer to KVITNE whereas for surname KVUNE the above is the only reference. There are no entries in for KVUNE but many are indexed for KVITNE. Further, has their given names as Adde and Anne whereas the site has three burials with given names Adolph, Anne, and Bertha. Adolph and Anne are children. Bertha is believed to be the first wife of Styrk Kvitne. Click on above and then click on KVITNE names for more information written on the enlarged tombstone picture.