On 17 March 1879, a meeting was held to organize a congregation which was given the name of Grue Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation. From then until the church was built in the fall of 1891 meetings were in the various homes and schoolhouses.
In 1891 the cemetery was established, located back of the church.
A Parochial School was held each summer. Later other organizations were formed - The Pigeforening (Girl's Society), the church choir, Young People's Society and the Sunday School.
In 1921, Grue seceded and was served by Free Church Pastors until 1936, at which time the congregation voted to become independent. Tney remained independent until 1952, when Grue Congregation became affiliated with the Lutheran Free Church and, hence, was served by the pastor from the Climax, Minnesota Parish.
In 1963, the Lutheran Free Church merged with the American Lutheran Church, and since then Grue has been working in accordance with the A. L. C. program.
From 1880, to the present time, the following pastors have served the Grue Congregation: 1880-1889, Christian Saugstad; 1889-1902, Gustav Oftedahl; 1902-1905, 0. T. Nelson; 1906-1921, T. J. Gronningen; 1921, H. A. Winther; 1921-1922, Nils Halvorson; 1922-1927, Ludvig Pederson; 1927-1936, C. J. Christenson; 1936-1951, Kart Stromme: 1952, Forrest Monson (Interim); 1953-1959, Carl J. Carlsen; 1959-1960, L. B. Satern (Interim); 1960-1968, N. C. Anderson, and 1969-1975, Ralph L. Okland.
Grue Church Project
Tombstone/Grave Information on Founding Families
Some Obituaries/Biographies/Photos
History, Photos, Biographies of Pastors
Project History/Achievements
Preserving Original Church Building
Church Anniversary Pamphlet (1941)
Church History, Charter Member List,
Confirmants List (1879-1941), Pastor List (1879-1941),
Various Organizations/Individuals
Pioneers, A Look Into The Past (Page 91).
Church History by Loretta M. Odegard
Mrs. Loretta M. Odegard Memorial
Funerals - 1878-1952
Baptisms- 1878-1952
Marriages - 1881-1951
Grue Church Cemetery
Contains Inventories/Transcriptions